East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 04, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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Lee Teiinttdn9
Christmas is Coming
and now for yoor Xmas present
What are you going to give? While you are thinking, think
. .t,intr useful. We will cive vou a few suereestionK-
f 50111. o w 00
A nice suit, overcoat, hat or a nice sweater. We also
fove a line of holiday ties, beauties at 50c and 75c,
fcty make a nice present and are something a man
jjss most. Also a fine line of new dress suspenders,
fliers, silk handkerchiefs, gloves and many other
rtieles that are very appropriate as well as useful
Unornrd farm loan 6.
I- iwrnwt OTlri toVvA PPf
!enerwurst and saur kraut at
- i -i - v. u t thn
T 1 -1 nvj 1 til' tl
.. 1-1.- l.nn VnvaO at
Jnllnnnn a Mm
the Pendleton Indian robes to
for Christmas.
the Pendleton Indian robes to
;nds for Christmas.
dav clearance sale on all
millnery at Mrs. campbeu s
clear store. Maloy's old
Blakeslee's office removed to
building, Main and Court
rnnTTi n
and all kinds of nuts at the
fa hnv fnr Kfllf T.AVn nrriprfl
ave Ingram, at E, O., or De
Co.'s store.
Sale Lodging house. 12 rooms
r mi no Mtnn Brroor ijnn.i
M.COu awe tract !h mihl Inn 1
I),.,.,.. i...
tire tract mid i iinn oi,..,,
..Huh H.1U I I'U V n LI VTl. 11 1
w.aune stock ranch.
wand 76 head of cattle.
sand 1W ton of lim- nn v:U(W,
h it onn
wnwit mill i; mm
u tne river, (! mill from
1 (M)UU.
Dtherii-Mr 1 italic fr-.m
i nave iislea.
Wv a Soccialfv
ng list of desirable
'RQCee. Ami hmilnMa
lar 11. t .
iht. v 1 unien ice
t. WADE.
ittate Dealer.
Whltaker, the dentist.
Oyster cocktails at Qratz's.
Olympia oysters at Castle's.
Ladies' half soles, 40c. Teutsch's.
Nice furnished rooms for rent; 407
West Alta street.
Imported llmburger and Swiss
cheese sandwiches at Gratz's.
No Chinese cooking at Phillips' res
Aurant. Everything tastes good.
Your suits will be the heighth of
fashion if made by Siebert & Schulr.
Rees' cigar store for smoking arti
cles of all kinds. Patton's old stand.
The Delta candy factory makes its
own candies. None more delicious.
Fine line of perfumes, toilet water.
new cuff and collar boxes, and pocket
knives. Nolf's.
Dr Blakeslee's office removed to
Judd building. Main and Court
streets, room 20,
P,or Rent Cheap 140 acies, good
G-room house and good barn. See
Earnhart, the real estate man.
Do you have your shoes repaired
at Teutsch's? If not, try him. His
workman gives you satisfaction.
The Daily East Oregonlan is on Bale
in Portland at the Rich news stand in
Hotel Perkins, and at the Hotel Port
land. Say! if your eyes trouble you in
any way, consult Henker , the eye
specialist. No charges for examina
tion; 120 Court street.
Have you seen the yellow stone
ware we have just received? It's
beautiful and something very useful.
Get our prices and save money.
Lee Teutsch is arranging to make
some extensive improvements in his
double store. A new Air-Line ca9h
carrier system will be put in which
will add to the convenience of handl
ing trade.
Rummage sule at the Congregation
al church, corner of Webb and John
son street, tomorrow. Lunch of Bos
ton baked beans and brown bread and
other home cooked foods will be
served from- 11 o'clock to 2 for 25
The display window at Huuziker's
jewelry store coutaius some rare
beauties in hand-painted china, which
win the admiration of all who see
them. A good idea Tor gift purchas
ers Is to watch the display In this
window every (lay as they will prove
a valuable help in deciding what to
select for different friends.
Passenger train No. 1 on the Rio
Grande Western struck a rock at 3
o'clock Tuesday morning while com
ing west near Westwater Utah. The
train rolled over an embankment into
the ditch. Fireman C. C. Biddle was
killed instantly and Engineer Cum-j
mines had both legs broken. Thej
mail car was smashed into kindling
wood and Mail Clerk Benson was dan-
ee-rouslv hurt The passengers es
caped with but a severe shaking up.
Warehouse at Barnhart Station Bum-
ed Total Loss of $10,000 Covered
by Insurance.
will Mooro returned last evening
from Barnhart Station, where he went
to look after the loss to the Pacific
uoast Kievator Company, of their
warehouse yesterday morning.
Mr. Moore said that from all indi
cations the Are caught from east
oound o, b passenger train as It
came from Portland. The train stop-
pea ai uarnnart to let off a Jap la
borer for the railroad company and a
few moments after the train pulled
out the building was discovered on
fire. The warehouse was socurelv
locked and no one had been inside
for several days. The Are was dis
covered on top of the building, which
would indicate that it caught from a
falling spark and further substanti
ates the theory of Its origin from a
passing engine.
The total loss of the building and
contents will amount to about $10.-
000, which was almost all covered
with insurance. In fact, all of the
grain contained in the house was
covered except 500 sacks.
The only thing saved was a pair of
scales and the trucks with a few
hundred sacks of barley, which was
carried .out by the section crew which
was near wnen the Are broke out.
1 5c I p H5 n ft) v fI 20 do H
P Children, Wool 11 H 1LV dll 1J Hom9titched M
$ Hose RITO - Handkerchiefs
Scarcity at Heppnerv Draws on the
Blue Mountain Supply, Which Had
Been Used in This City.
Good 16-lnch wood Is now retailing
in Pendleton at $G.50 a cold, which is
the highest figure it has reached here
for many years.
Heppner is drawing her fuel sup'
ply this winter from the hills In the
neighborhood of Kamela. which is our
principle base of supply. Formerly
wood has been cut In the mountains
near Heppner for home consumption,
hut the coal excitement last summer
caused all dealers to stop operations
and little was cut.
It was thought the coal deposits
would cut the wood sales down as the
coal would be so very much cheaper
than wood and all were confident that
ihe supply would be large enough
before winter to fill all demands. In
this they were mistaken and now the
consumers have to draw on outside
territory for the supply. Little wood
is reported to have been cut during
the summer in the Cascades and Ka
mela wood is the nearest supply
which Heppner has to depend upon.
Wood is now retailing at $8 a cord In
Heppner and the demand Is much
above the supply at this figure.
Local dealers say there Is little
fear of a w.ood famine here, but a
scarcity Is anticipated as a result of
the heavy shipments into Heppner.
A Rirf Chanff D0Ut 300 ydB. of all silk fancy ribbon 4 inches wide
c nai c Vitality in the most derirable colors. Novor sold Cr xrA
less than 25c a yard. Special Friday and Saturday jU
7 DOZ. Ladies fancy lisle thread hose, up-to-date stylo, 3 ., p M
quality that sells for 50c a pair. Friday and Saturday " P' UT $1
22 chiffon and libert silk neck ruffs, this season's designs, no two alike
$(.50 kind $J.(S
2.00 kind t.55
3.00 kind 2.33 '
5.00 kind 3.95
8.00 kind 6.23
J J. 00 kind 8.X9
3r g
The Last -of the University Extension
Course to Be Conducted by Miss
The entertainment conducted by
Miss Edith B. Merrell. of Whitman
College at the Congregatioual church
on Friday evening, will be of a high
order. Miss Merrell is an accomplish
ed lady and a master in ther profeS'
sion. She will be assisted by the
best local talent. This entertain
ment will complete the university ex
tension course, one of the most prof
itable ever presented in this city. As
the admission fee is only 10 cents, a
crowded house Is expected. Follow
ing is the program:
Organ Voluntary O. G. Edwards
Violin selection '. Mr. Hicks
Rending Miss Merrell
"Escape of 'the Athenian" Bulwer
Vocal selection ...High School Male
(a) 'Seeing Things
(b) The Rock-a-by Baby
Miss Men ell
Vocal Solo K. Hartman
Selection Miss Merrell
Vocal Solo Miss Pickle
(a) The Nine Little Goblins
(b) Dot Leedle Boy Riley
, Miss Merrell
wol'ln Selection Mr. Hicks
Behind a Curtain Miss Merrejl
Mrs. Burton Harrison.
2 2 -inch
Black Peau de Soie
all silk, French make.
$2 oo quality
These Prices Good on
I Friday aid Saturday!
December 5 and 6
White Bed Spreads
large size heavy ijuali
ty new patterns, ji.75
quality. Special
MT ftTI' .! Jl fc f T?n WWT?-T A T1N YVr-VT-T
ti uutru xhko run. ivieun ainjli yv wivihin
The Fecopks Warehouse
Municipal Elections in Washington
Center on "Open Town" Issue Re
sult Divided.
Walla Walla, Dec. A. Following
reports from the principal Interior
towns, show the status of the autl-
gambling issue, throughout the stale'
Pullman, law and order ticket wins;
Colfax, evenly divided: Republic,
open town; Garneiu, closed town;
Spangle, open town; Wilbur, no Huor
issue; Farmington, open town; Oaks-
dale, closed; Tekoa, In favor of heavy
fines for violatiu nof gumming ordi
nance; 1'aiouse, no issue; rciuertoi,,
divided; Rosalia, anti-gambling; Hit.-:
vllle, one ticket, for law and order; i
North Yakima, wide open: Clarston,
wide open; Sprague, no particular Is
sue; Ellejisburg, wide open town for
gambling, by large majority.
A Sale of Books
New and Popular Hooks
$i.t9 to $.25
Handy Volumes in Classics
J5c, 20c, 25c
1 Juvenile Books
The Delicacies
of the season are always
found at our restaurant.
At present we have
Finest Oysters f Frog
Legs f Clams f Crabs
and f Lobsters
and other salt and fiesh
water foods
The French
Two Scientific Llght-Welghts to Meet; vjVfir waRmlr i;..,, Rn rn,nni,., , TT T-? A NSl? HlW
Here Saturday Night. o'"" T r i , f -i ' " ' -
A rattling sparring contest will bePaPer ani1 '"u" 'ks. ErrrrT,T?TTTV"STPr''
pulled off at the amusement parlors in I mstrateu,, ,.,jc to P1.691 K U L f . 1 IN V-X ,
the basement under the W. & It. C.' . ! -
depot, corner Main and Webb streets,1 Books for BOVS and Qirls , O 'p ( LJ T,"
Saturday night, December 6. The con-1 A, OIWV i-V VT .
fpsf win Rtnrt nt 11 o'clock. Tim mill i rieniv, Alger, aicou ana many
will be a 10-round go between James other excellent books 25c to $1.25,
Lavigne, of Michigan, and Charles j
fJreen nf Omaha. Both men have ai, ,
wide reputation and a first-class ex-
hlbltlon of the manly art of self-
defense is mowed rorwara to ny me ganta ciaus' Headquarters
Telephone Main 4,
Good hot chocolate and improved beef tea
a hobby with us, and only
Tins is one third seasoned with hot soda.
Better thaH eyer, but always good.
'fcwps From Main St., Toward the Coo rt House
. 1
Dr. Cole Leaves for a Trip Through
the Eastern States Will Visit Hos
pitals. rr w rs Cnle left Wednesday
night for an extended trip through
the middle West and Kasiern Biaieb.
He will first visit his mother in Cana
da nrl from there will go through all
the principal hospitals and from there
will visit New xorK ana an ine uosi
tals of any note throughout the Kat
states. The doctor's trip
is for the purpose of getting a better
InBlght into tne worKings 01 mu up-to-date
hospitals and places of surgery
He will be away six weeks and per
haps longer. '
Oregon Is as large as the whole of
New England with two-thirds of New
Tork state added. It Is larger than
the combined areas of New York and
$3.50 Shoe Value;
That Excel all Others
IFrazeir Opera louse j Tllch
EXTRA - Friday Night. December 5
Tho iDagle Screams and so will you with
Danimtty-Maiy SaairgieDnit
The most superbly gowned woman on the
American stage
In the Raging Laughing Comedy
PRICES: SCc, 7c, $1.
Seats at Frazler's
We satisfy the greedy value
hunters with Good Shoe?
expect people to know what
you have to sell It you don't
RncrnnStftrp HOW DO YOU
mvtw.- The new store can never be i rNAprDTictcro
Where Whole Families are Shod,1 known nnless It advertises rLJ VCn I IOL i