East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 04, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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B Ladies Pocket Books
Ladles Pocket Books
S Ladies Pocket Books
Ladios Pockot Books
I the young and healthy veins of a great
I people. Millions have been flpont In
I colleges and millions In libraries, anil
I the ruonoy has been well Hpent.
' Sure as you live, the time Is at
hand when far-seeing men will come
forward prepared to spend millions In
tilarlnir the truth, so far as It can be
! ascertained, before the people of these
l.-.si-, i.Tl 4TV II 11 C2 i i'nii! suites the truth about poll
'(SlilllUS) UDUll UlIU lUWM&U ffi.tlcs. the truth about tlnance. the truth
Ladies Pockot Books
Ladies Pocket Beoks
Ladies Pocket Books
about :irt. thu truth about business
'a true statement of the news of the1
I world, not to bolster up a cause, not
tr mahe a fortune, not to push party, i
but the truth for its own sake, be
I cause the cause of humanity, which is
And he'
ri i S3 GTfe jl r
SI ffl I FfllZK P.f FSflflK K KM. the cause of democracy, can live by
B e Kf Bi . ,
ki tsrocK & mcbomas uompany $
ggj Sec Window Display. gfT
I imMilne pIho thnn the truth.
31 sure of this, the great majority of the)
J people of this great country respect
the truth, want the truth and would
make sacrifices for the truth Dr.
iA Homeric song, the Epic of a
nation, clusters about the names
of I.cwls and Clark; their story
, is the Illiari o( the West. Eva
Emery Dye. -
conquest, if we dig ditches and build
reservoirs. Hut wo can't build them
by dreaming. Organize now. To-,
morrow may be too late.
Do the citizens of Umatilla county
think the fight for irrigation ended
with the Portland convention? Do
they imagine that the oratory and
resolutions of that meeting was all
that pertain to the subject of irriga
ting sage brush land" Is there to be
no further effort, no further work?
Are we done agitating and enthusing,
now that we have read the proceed
ings of that great congress of Ore
gon business men? Such appears to
Te the case. One would Judge from
the death-like silence that now reigns
in many places that were storm cen
ters before the convention, that we
Tiave reached the climax or irrigation
But a sad awakening will come to
the people of this county, ere they are
aware. The active agencies at work
in Baker, Crook, Grant and Malheur
counties, will lay enough practical ir
rigation schemes before the govern
ment engineers to consume the J900.
000 in the Oregon Irrigation fund.
We will be too late with the details
of the magnificent plans that exist in
the rough in this county. We will
come in at the eleventh hour, and
find ourselves barred out from the
feast that has been spread for the
arid counties of this state!
Without longer delay, let this coun-
President Cohen, of the Commercial
Association, is to be commended up
on the sound judgment he displayed
in selecting the personnel of the so-
j licltiug committee for the club build
i ing stock. Had he taken the entire
! business community into his council
and deferred the matter for weeks.
he could not have made a choice that
meets all the high requirements or
this task in hand so fittuigly and
satisfactorily. From every conceiva
ble standpoint, the committee is equal
to the far-reachiug and important
business bearings of this question.
The arrangements so far have been
most satisfactory and perfect in de.
tail. The proposition has now reach
ed a stage where delicate and skill
ful manipulation Is required. It has
business features which cannot be
handled by inexperienced men. and In
placing the entire welfare of the club
building proposition in the hands of
R. Alexander. Jesse Failing and C.
E. Roosevelt, the Commercial Asso
ciation has shown a nice discernment
and an appreciation of thorough bus
iness ability and social standing to
which Pendleton. In one voice, joy-,
fully says, "Amen." .
The success of the undertaking is
now assured. As a continuation of
the high character of former private'
and public achievements of these i
gentlemen, the club building will take
its place among Pendleton Instltu-:
Hons. Coupled with their wide ac
quaintance, the members of this com
mittee enjoy an intimate knowledge
of the business details of their work
A few days ago George Wllklns. an
old man. walked Into the office of A.
& P. White. In Boston, pulled out a
happy-looking money bag and re
marked that he wanted to pay a hill
to J. V. Hansen.
.Mr. Hansen has passed to that vale
where it is presumed collectors are
barred. He's dead and almost for
gotten. Even his estate Is a closed
Then It developed that the debt was
contracted 30 years ago. There was
no record of It on the books, and, any
way, it was outlawed. The stranger
intimated that there is no statute of
limitation connected with conscience,
and insisted on paying the principal,
$250, and $272.10 interest. Then he
Common honesty is a common
thing. The world Is full of men
whose word is as good as their bond.
But the Boston case Is more than
common honesty. It shows that some
men keep their accounts and their
consciences side by side and are
honest, not because of the world or
the law, but because of themselves.
If old man Diogenes could havej
lived, how pleased he would have
been to meet Sir. Wllklns. Spokane
Rubber Goods
i .o ctnrm rubbers ssc; Missus storm rubbers 35c; Ladies
C" nStelhcw 40c; Ladies lightweight, best made, 48cj
A Jl c Mens Bailey patent rubbers 65c; Misses arctics
rubbers 60c. Mens I arcti sizes t0 95c.
Si 10 Mens overshoes for felt boots 2 $1.65 and
$i35. AH the above goods are new stock, and guaranteed
Special reduction of 10 per cent on all Misses coats and
Ladies jackets
Special reduction ol so per cent on all Ladies long coats
The Place to Save Money
1 Purposes,
Sash, Doors and
Planing o, al, desctip
Don't place
consulted us
un 1 place your
Building Material ,
Pendleton Planing
Lumber Tari
Pendleton is fortunate in hnvitig
such business capability at her dispo
sal, and fortunate also in having the
keen, appreciative judgment that rec-1
oguizes its worth.
ty get in shape to act. What excuse 1 skilled in the management of large
could the business men of this city I enterprises, they enter into the duties;
offer for failure to secure government before them with a grace that Insures '
aid in the great undertaking that
promises such vast returns for little
effort? What state of mind can blind
the progressive citizens of this coun
ty to the splendid future that awaits
this section of Oregon, under irri
.gat I on?
Make the idle land tributary to
Tendleton productive and you lay
-the foundation of another Salt Lake
City! Turn the floods of the Snake
3liver into the sandy stretches of
northern Umatilla county and you
open the door for business revelations
that will place 18,000 people on the
banks of the Umatilla between the
chill wm$
Are the dread of those whose lungs are
"weak." Some fortunate people can
follow the summer as it goes southward, '
and escape the cold blasts of winter and
the chill airs of spring. But for the
majority of people this is impossible.
family cares ana
business obliga
tions hold them
"Weak" lungs
are made strong
by the Use of Dr.
Pierce's Golden
Medical Discov
ery. It cures the
obstinate cough,
heals the in
flamed tissues,
stop the hem
orrhage, and te-stort-s
tlie lost
flesh to the ema- 1
dated bod v. 1
"I am a railroad
ugent," writes I. D
rtaplca. Hjq.. of
Hunt up those pictures and have them framed at once
Christmas is Not Far Away
You will get the best work and newest style frames if
you will come to us. Largest stock to select from
CC CU ADD for SHARP New Ideas
Lu OriAIM- Opera House Block.
For the Holidays
Roger Bros. Silverware. Fine Carving Sets,
Boys to.ol chests.
Splendid Christmas gifts for your friends
The Thompson Hardware Co.
The place that saves purchasers money.
Going out
All sewing madias
in stock to be &
posed of at cost
Come early ijj
select a bargib
warm room aud
stepping out fre
nuentlv Into the
ir gave me bronchiiu. tt'bich became
cold a
chronic and deep seated
keeping me in 1 15
. . 1 in . .kiiiiii
happen to. anyone ibtt neea i
.1.. l.A Tti AftlT NU
take your injured reMele to i
wnerelt will be made "Jut u
m ..... .. nri ftrniffllK
a nWr hand t our Pf
anounr uua Diacjwwi "
1 I L..k. Mf (brJ r
ueuer. Reliance itm "'"iv"'
' . ' t ( .. m... . wiralLMf
v. . ...ri! h.,ntr tnrl&ft Oil
iae nig Drica mop
Doctors failed to
reach my case and advised me to trf a hiaher
, fortuti.iteh for me. a friend alto advited
"The one thinR that threatons our
democracy in this country is thu per
verse effort to spread before the peo- I cough was entirely gone.
pie not the truth Itself, but the truth
garbled, distorted when it suits the
purpose ot me paper, absolutely sup
pressed or perverted. Two parties
to a struggla by this method are each
slandered to the other any wicked.
Sisters' school and the lower railroad ; lying mihteifuge adopted to make ex-
hrlclrp nnd 40.1)00 In Umatilla county. . cltement to urouse curiosity, to heat
air. but.
me to try Dr. Pierce's medicines. I commenced
taking your ' Gulden Medical DUcovery. and bj
the time I had taken the firt Lottie I was bet
ter, aud after takinr; about four bottle my
1 nave ruunu no ne
cessity fur seeking another climate,"
Sometimes u dealer, tempted by the
little more profit paid on the sale of less
meritorious medicines, will offer the j (
customer a suljstitute as being "just as 1 g;
good " as' the ' Discovery." '
fray 1 1. .. TA..tui0 rv..
Medical Adviser, the lx?st medical work I
Is appreciated bv every member of the family in winter.
Our furniture makes it a cozy and handsome room. Our
graceful tables, bufk!. ...id chairs will transform the plainest
room into a handsome one,
Furniture Store near Postolflce
1 passion, and so to
The authors of this
cur.osu. to neat ever published. w bv beudiuir tau.i. ' rZZ WiWiim-lWSifigesglW
SszSkIs; legal blanks wre ? "-
lie enemies in the covers, or 31 stamps for cloth-bouud vol- gOIllail for a free Cat-
The trade that lies locked behind the
. . ... . . . , 1
closed uoors ot tne aesert is our nope are tjie worst nubile
and salvation. It is ours by right of land. They are Injecting poison Into ume, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. , alogtte of them. A fall Supply always kept 111 stoefc.
Saves labor and
clothes -
OUR STORE is now filled t o overflowing with the choicest of articles for the coming Xmas rrTl
Our many years' experience in the business stands us well in hand in selecting for our nu. IT TE E IT M
merous patrons novelties and the finest creations in jewelry and kindred lines Our ex- 7 VCv Z.
jicrtciti-c .iiiu ictmiiiaruy witn our Dusmess insures to vou OUALITV 9n,l vat nt? xt '
offering thi s year an unapproachable collection. Every piece most carefully selected and bought from makers of known reputation. PROFITS ARE CUT DOWN TO LOWEST PERCENT
You, who have favored us in the
past, you will find us more prepared
than ever to cater to your wants
larger stock, better assortment. It
is gratifying to us to see the same
faces year after year, and we faithful
ly promise to serve you so well that in
the future we shall see you again
and again.
We extend to you a cordial invita.
tian to call and see our well-stocked
jewelry store. Our lines are varied,
up-to-date. We treat our customers
with the utmost consideration. Our
aim is to please. We shall consider
it a favor if you'll look at our goods,
price and compare them. We are
"proud of our stock, and hope you
will call on us, if only "just to look"
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