IS D15GHAR0ED WWWfl IT PAYS TO TRADE AT THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE fit TIM TOWNSEND IS RELEASED AT CANYON CITY. i Lee TeimilseilTfe PBC5IEMIBBI1? Christmas Bargains m Christms goods. You want to buy a Coat, Jacket or some nice winter wrap for a Christmas Gift to some of your DEAR friends. Don't fail to come in and see the Holiday Bargoins we are now offering $8 Jackets to close at 5.50 $10 Jackets to close at $6.75 $11 Coats to close at 7.50 S15 Coats to close at $11.90 $16 50 Coats to close at $14.65 $18.50 Coats to close at $15.85 mitt(frl9: e . 7c a ,7t V 111 U - m j - --y w . - p TUESDAY. DECEMBER 2, 1902. BREVITIES. Whitaker, the dentist. Oyster cocktails at Gratz's. Olympla oysters at Castle's. Men's half soles, 75c. Teutsch. I-adies' half soles, 40c. Teutsch. All kinds of shoe repairing at Teutsch's. Nice furnished rooms for rent; 407 West Alta street. Send the Pendleton Indian robes to J your friends for Christmas. Send the Pendleton Indian robes to Proved That He Did Not Steal Any Horses. Tim Townsend has been discharg ed by a Jury at Canyon City on the charge of horse stealing. Townsend is quite well known here. U-ist spring he was arrested in Pendleton and taken to Canyon City on the charge of selling several head of stolen horses from the ranges of Grant county at La Grande. Quite a sensation was sprung 'when he was arrested as it was rumored that some very Influential men In the h Oh I two counties might be implicated in By . v. i i 1 i avi i it i 111 had been going on in Grant, Harney yy and Umatilla counties, Townsend 'rice Was Price Now was arrested here and turned over to!t"h a Grant county official, who came'Q over to take him back to the scene ' yy of the crime. The feeling was so In-! By tense against suspected horse thieves i Ull ir. the three counties that it was hint ed that the officer would not reach his destination with the prisoner alive as the evidence then pointed very strongly toward Townsend's guilt. Alter the officers had left here, how ever, with Townsend, the report was sent in from Ukiah that a vigilant committee had met the officer and Townsend near the Grant county line taken the prisoner from the officer ana lynched him. This report held I good for several hours before being authentically denied. Townsend was tried jointly with W. J. Itoblson on the charge of steal- By ID p yy yy oh Bs yy 88 88 88 yy 25c Ladies cashmere hose . 3 or 50c 50c Ladles Jersey ribbed vests and pants 25c ea 35c Ladies wool fascinators J 8c ea 35c Childrens natural wool vests and pants J 8c ea 75c 44-lncfa wide wool cheviot suiting 48c yd $J.OO 50-inch wide all wool canvas salting 79c yd 75c All wool walsting 42c yd tOc Heaviest outing flannel J4yds$( $ J. 85 56-inch heavy kersey suiting $ J. 39 yd 7c For best apron checks the other fellow charges . . 5c yd 5c to 7c Per yard for best calico at the others, here 4c yd ing nve geiaings ana two mares, i yy driving them to I-a Grande where they BB were sold. He proved to the satisfac-!yH A Howard, farm loans. Try Gratz's clam chowder. Eastern oysters at Castle's. LUimmn e fnr Mcnra and tolvacco. t T U. U UU - w O " " Hot wienerwursH and saur kraut at ! your friends for Christmas Gratz's The Delta candy factory makes its Townsenoys release only a. few mln nroeenes alwavs fresh at the own candies. N'one more delicious. .,.. rtpither-itlr.n hv tho tnrv Standard. ' Lady wants work; 202 Cottonwood, Have your shoes repaired at j next door to Wheeler's photograph Tenvch c " I gallery. Olympia Eastern and Cove oyste;s stick candy "like your mamma used it Gratz's. ! to buy' when a child" made fresh at Most exquisite bon bon boxes atTne Delta. Tte Delta. The new telescope hat In black aud Preserves that are delicious at theipearl just arrived by express at the Baacard Grocery. j r eopies vt creuuusc. Send the Pendleton Indian robes to, bay: it your eyes irouuie any way. consult neiihei , tlon of the jury that ho was not im plicated with Robison in the stealing and was only a hired man by Robi son and had no Interest in the band of horses sold. This, the state was unable to disprove and It resulted In utes' deliberation by the jury. Roblson's trial will follow Town send's. MATERNAL MATCH MAKING. yy yy 8 SB yy Bfi We advise early shopping on the above goods as some of the lines are limited in quantity jour friends for Christmas, Imported limburger and Swiss cheese sandwiches at Grate's. No Chinese cooking at Phillips' res taurant Everything tastes good. Tour suits will be the heighth of lublOD if made by Slebert & Schulz. Hees" cigar store for smoking arti cl cr all kinds. Patton's old stand. Thirty day clearance sale on all winter millinery at Mrs. Campbell's. Wanted G-entleman roomer. Can get hoard if desired. Inquire at this offict Hays cigar store, Maloy's old stand" neadquarters for smokers' suit pwts D- Biakesieo s office removed to Judd building. Main and Court ftreets, room 20. In Blakeslee's office removed to Judd building. Main and Court itreets room 20. Freeh English walnuts, pecans, al monds and all kinds of nuts at the Standard Grocery. Alfalfa hay for sale Leave orders ith Dave Ingram, at E, O., or De tott Co.'s store. Tor Sale Lodging house, 12 rooms ill ihree late nn Mnin street Good Ftperty a bargain E. T. Wade. The Daily East Oregonlan Is on sale Portland at the Rich news stand in "sn Pprfcirts arid at the Hotl Port- you in I tlon; 120 Court street. Ssnei and Children. The mother who is so busily en gaged in other affairs that she must Intrust the care of her children to nurses and hirelings should be per fectly sure of the character and good sense that these uncertain individuals possess. The impressions, good or bad, that are received In childhood are so lirmly fixed that no amount of preach ing aud teaching in after years can en tirely obliterate them. It is a serious crime to frighten a trusting little child by threatening to call in the most The Mother and the Lover Who It Wooing Iter Daughter. It is always an open question as to whether mothers should select bus-1 bands for their daughters. Of course the eye j tnere ;l jot to pay 011 l0tn smes. So fur us the mother is concerned, it is un deniable that really she lb In the better position to judge the qualities of a young man than the daughter. The mother looks at the lover with un biased views. Hers Is no great ro mautic love dream. Her time for that has long gone by, and today she stands us a guardian to her daughter, watch ing her Interests and always wary of undesirable suitors. She herself ha benefited by the experience of her romantic- period, and It Is to the better ment of her daughter that she has made up her mind to step between her Tib Pipue WareOn! OUTFITTERS FOR MEN AND WOMEN fjj . . f -tlttl till tlt-tltl I. , . w ...- t- .-.-.-.--.------.'- -'-- -"-'- ,"' -'---------.- - ..'.-j yy yy yo yy no yy no yy The Arnlilnn Muhln." That most fiisclnnting' book, "The Arabian Nights' Untertalument," is uot the work of any one man or uieu, but bluiply a compilation of Arabian folk lore tales, doubtlets told In the bazaurs by professional raconteurs so often us to make them history. These tales have Buffered many alterations and In their present form show traces of translation to Ugyptian soil. The date of the ac cepted version is not earlier than 1450 A. I). The book was tlrst Introduced into L'urope through a translation from Arabic Into the French by one Autoluu Galland in 1704. The manuscripts used by hiul bore the date of 154S. A Sale of Books The Delicacies of the season arc always found at our restaurant. A I 'present we have Lightning shuns water, according to the experiments of Professor Trow- and any suitor who appears to her uu- i In idee, of Harvard, with a voltage of hldt-ous object that the inma or nn i satisfactory Of course the daughter 1 6,000,000, which gave n sharp spark ignorant being can conjure up in order j has her own views on the subject, but seven feet long, to compel It to obey through fear, undoubtedly If for one moment she Tales of bogles and weird creature were to sit down to analyze her feel should be forbidden topics in the nurs- jng8 jt would not take her long to come ery, and the maid who delights in ter-1 to the conclusion that she had forgot rorlzlng her little charges with stories i ten everything for love. What does of ghosts and other fearsome things 1 BUe care whether he has money or that make the children shudder vrheD nighttime comes should be instantly dismissed, for many a case of spasm and convulsion has been caused by these frightful recitals. JftZER OPERA H0USB HAKEIt .t WKI.CII Grand Operatic Extravaganza Tttne MS ttaiiry SSrD Servants In Germany. Servants have a hard time of It in Germany. If a girl leaves her place before the time specified, she risks u fine. If she refuses a place after ha v. ing accepted it, she is liuble to be tined and perhaps get five days imprison ment Few of the servants have a room to themselves. Many of them j into Imsty and rvgn-ttalili' what faults he may have? She like his appearance, his conduct seems per fect lit fact, she Is desperately In love. And with a girl In this condition all arguments are futile. Then it Is the duty of the mother to step lu with tactful diplomacy. It is not necessary for the mother to rutd) in and say. "I forbid you marrying rbl mini" Of oiirsi- any irirl with spirit would Immi'diaiely make up her mind thai, run If lliny had to live on nothing. shc'Hould murry thf man of her choice. Many girU hsve rushed uariiages New and Popular Hooks $J.I9 to $1.25 Handy Volumes in Classics J5c, 20c, 25c JUVCIIIIC LIUUI3 rit r r i I Nsver was our line so complete S0.5U OllOe ValUeiper and l.nen books, fully il-, ' lustrated, rc to $1,69 Finest Oysters f Frog Legs Clams f Crabs and Lobsters f and other salt and (resli water foods . . . The French Restaurant That Excel all Others deep anywhere in the bathroom, the j yimply ou nccount of this tn-ntiueut. passage or in the kitchen. Others in.- j mother should tuli. ijuletlj to bir habit garrets where the roof slopes' so daughter In love, urue points for and that they cannot stand upright Some- against quietly, but decisively times the window only opens on to the j Then pfiiiiipn your daughters ms staircase or Into another room. In w-iu be open to the truth. Tin t- ' ns isome places the sleeping aparrmenta j 0f rushing anywhere with her lo.vr can only be reached by a ladder. Oc-; v-111 give place to the more tober idea caslonally two or tnore sleep in the that there me other iiit-redients in tin ( same room, which la also used for the ) structure' f marriage besides love. I trtorlng of old things, lumber, dirty i iernit the greatest mistake a j linen, etc. 1 Books for Boys and Qirls Henty, Alger, Alcott arui many1 other excellent books 25c to ri 25, TRUC K ING S T O RA a &m Jf.?.LuF., SOreCR0WNER BROS 1 Telephone Main 4. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTr TTTTTTTTTTtTTTTTT Tt Vtt TTTV TtTTT I PIANOS FOR CHRISTMAS aid Tuesday Dec 1 and 2 PRICES: 50c, and 25c T Mend n Meklnlub. I To mead a mackintosh prepare a ce ' mem by dissolving some shreds of pure i India rubber In naphtha to a stiff paste. I Apply a little of it to each edge to be Jolued; lay the mackintosh on some thing flat, bring the edges together and place a weight on them until the ce-; ment has hardened, when it will be. found to be neatly mended. We satiifv the greedy value hunters with Good Shoes mother mahes is trying to impress j thf fHclw llMill H OllllgflttT jui ni in ... i . i vwvn iiic.iiM in. j uis inirusiou is ai wuys resented. Walt until that soul absorbing Idea of love has cooled down. Thcu speak to her calmly. Common sense will very probably pre., Wh FamlIleg are Shod, vail, and the resolt will be happlnes. . - Exchange, Boston Store I f Nothing can be more appropriate or add more to the pleas tires of life in the home than a hih grade piano. Tlu te ig j no reason why a piano should not hi- in every home. Our I easy payment plan makes it possible. Drop in and learn of it S. L. WAKEFIELD & CO. Warcroom on Court Street !' MtHtimn HHWMMnMWUMHWHWI - HOT SODA - Good hot chocolate and improved beef tea are a hobby with us, and only 5(2 This is one third seasoned with hot soda. Better than ever, but always good. KOEPPEN'S DRUG STORE 65 Steps From Main St., Toward tne Court House Sollrd Furniture. Did you ever use vluegar and miter with which to wash your dirty furni ture? It will cut the dirt like magic, but it must not be allowed to remain on a moment I gel ready for tbirj work by having a basin of vinegar and water and a saucer of linseed oil, and In each there is a flannel cloth. I apply the vluegar, wipe It off, rub In the linseed oil, then polish with a dry piece of flannel, and the results are al waya very satisfactory. Old flannel which has been washed too often to leave wool on the furniture Is fine for this, ns well as for washing windows. Did you ever try it? If your furni ture Is very old. apply a little aBphal- turn varnish, and If jour windows j won't look clear and bright nnM them with hot water containing a little washing soda, wipe with dry flannel and polish with soft paper. I eave all the old paper uapk!u with which to polish windows and mirrors, und I never use soap when 1 J u l ,'?' soda, II M Hiwji 'ii 1 H 'e. n UMBER Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. W. & C. R. Depot SHOAL WATER BAY Oysters, fresh everv day, received in the shells dt- rect from our own beds. When getting figuret from others on that lumber bill of yours, don't forget to come and see us. We carry a large stock of all kinds of Building Material including shingles, door, win dows, moulding, screen door6 and windows In fact, every thing that is found in a first class lumber yard, We have closed our retail oyster house in the Golden Rule Hotel building, and will devote our en j tire attention to supplying the public with fresh oysters by the , pint, rpjart or gallon. Depot in i Fechter's confectionery store, 231 . Court street, Pendleton, We I wholesale oysters in the sack or I car load. Oysters served on the ' half shell by the plate. Wachsmtfth Bros. Despam & Clark Wholesale Com mission Merchants Office in li, O. Building We have space in pur fire and frost proof warehouse for rent. Call on us for prices, We are prepared to supply the retail trade with oranges. lemons, onions, potatoes, uay mania nnrl frit ltd O fl t VmCtDtt H. hies of all kinds, t Come, Get Our QuoUtlrWk J