AN OREGONWONDER W. J. CLARKE & COMPANY, Hardware, Stoves and Plombing I in i tnco i him uuorur i iur OF CRATER LAKE. How the Collap of the Former Vo.i cano Mt. Maiama Created the Lake.' Twenty years ago, says Mr. Dlller, of the United States geological sur vey, Crater Lake was unknown to! the general public. It Is deeply set In the summit of the Caskade range, about i5 miles north of the California line, In the central western edge of Klamath county, Oregon, 17 miles a little north of Fort Klamath, 10 miles due west of the upper end of thel Klamath Indian reservation, about 12 1 miles east of north of Fort Scott, and a like distance due south of Mount Thielson. The remnant of the great mountain enclosing the lake was named Mount Mazama In ISOfi- and the Crater Lake National Park, con taining 240 square miles, was estab lished In May, 1902. The Neocene Period. The geological record of this coun-l try from the earliest epochs to the present time' Is replete with volcanic nhonnmillin hilt nllma ,i ,1 rrfi T-f tft ' have been reached in the earlier por tion of the Neocene period, when one of the largest known fields of the world was vigorously active in our northwest states. This area of vol canic activity to the Pacific, embrac ing a large part of Wyoming, Mon-. tana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon and j California. The western limit of thel great volcanic field Is likewise thej western border of the Cascade range. MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1902. How the Body is Nourished. Josh Billings once said, " It is better to know less than to know so much that ain't so." You can't help thinking of this when you inquire how the human body transforms food into blood, and blood into bone, flesh and living tissue. Ask a class in physiology what happens to a simple meal of bread and butter when it arrives in the human stomach. You will get plenty of answers, but how many will be correct ? How many will tell you that the bread, if it is made of bolted flour, contains about as much nourishment as a paper collar and that its nrincipal good is to put the butter on. U... ,..,i- The wrecking of Mount Mazama andl How many can explain why .the development of the great pit of tripv nrn ;r fnnn nt huttpr- . , , . . deur rivals anything of its kind in the With Other things, but neverl world, was the crowning event in the! like it by itself? Who of them will remember that the stomach can do almost noth ing whatever with butter ex cept pass it along to be digested further on ? Ask what the liver does to it. How many will tell you that the liver gives it special treatment and that all fat gets into the blood in a dif ferent way and by a shorter cut than ordinary food? How many in the class or out of it have any fair idea of what fat is really good for in the human bod)-? Many people imagine that fat foods are good only to make heavy and useless flesh. Few realize that fat is one of the chief elements in sustain ing the nerve centers and brain and supplying the fuel for muscular power and vital ity. This is one reason why Scott's Emulsion is so effect ive in restoring not only the fleshy tissues but active strength and mental as well as bodily vigor. It combines the nourishing properties of the whole cod liver oil, emulsified, with hypo phosphites of lime and soda, which makes the oil easy to digest and at the same time greatly increases and re-in-forces its good effect. .Scott's Emulsion is known to be one of the richest prepa rations (food product or medicine) in the materials most needed to make good blood and repair living tissue. It is agreeable to the taste and the stomach, puts almost no work on the digestive powers and enters the blood with great readiness. It builds up the body tissues rapidly and is a true food where nourishment is needed. Its value has been well proven in 25 years' experience by the public and the doctors and it is widely recommended by the medical profession throughout the world. Shall we iund you a small sample ire. ? SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl SL, New York. LET US SAVE YOU Money On Your Stove A second shipment of Celebrated Acorn Stoves and Steel Ranges has arrived and . . 1 ...if iio ctvIp that nleases vour fancy, nnrl nnt t.. m d sp ay at our store, tome anu j- - uKBsj J - 41 nnrl Ipflrn how mUCH VOU Cfln SflVP in h points of superiority it nas over uluci man --- ------- - ---- - price, y first shipment of Acorn Stoves and Steel Ranges, which we had expected to supply thetmS the season, sold s rapidly that tne stocK wa suuu "uuu, .uCr waspiacd, the stoves are now here. Those who examine the Acorn Stoves and Steel Ranges, whict sold in Pendleton onlv by us, were so nigniy picaa vls... .w. ,uw price at this superior stove is sold by us that they readily became purchasers, and are now adve our stoves by their complimentary words. HunscniDnns to magazines, if you want to aubaerlbe to nuicailnea or news lMp la tbe United State or Karope, re mit by postal note, enk, or (tod to tbe EAST OIIEOONIAS tbe net pnblUber'i price of tbe publication 70a desire, and we will bare It aent jon and assume all tbe risk of tbe money being lost In tbe malla. It will aaTe 70a botb trouble and risk. If 70a are a aubacTiber to the East Oresonlan, in remitting you can deduct 10 per cent from tbe publisher's price Address KAHT OllKOO.NIAN I'UU. CO. rendition, Oregon. Tu.i si.'.es $ii and $1; volcanic history of the Cascade range. 20 Miles of Cliffs. The rim encircling Crater lake an-' pears, seen from a distance, as a broad cluster of gently sloping peaks. To one -arriving by the road at the crest of the rim. the lake in all Its majestic beauty, appears suddenly on the scene and is profoundly ini-1 pressive. The eye beholds 20 miles of unbroken cliffs, the remnant of Mount Mazama, ranging from over 500 to nearly 2000 feet in height, en-; circling a deep, blue sheet of placid water. In which the mirrored walls vie with the original slopes in bril liancy and greatly enhance the depth o fthe prospect. The lake is about four and one-half miles wide and six and one-quarter miles long, with an area of nearly 20 miles. Mount Mazama. There can be no reasonable doubt as to the former existence of Mount Mazama. but Its shape and size are more difficult to determine. Mount Mazama is composed largely of lavas, similar to those of Mount Shasta, and 1 from the slopes of that famous peak we may draw Inference as to those of Mount Mazama. Mount Shasta, un like Mount Mazama, does not stand on an elevated platform. It rises with ! a majestic sweep of 11,000 feet from the mountain before the hardening gentle slopes about Its base, gradual-jf this lava, which thereupon flowed ly growing steeper upward to the bold ' back and down into the present cal- peak. At the height of 8000 feet it aera. mat Mount .Mazama aisap has about the same diameter ThreL $0 $11 $14 Three sizes $10 $12 $l5 1 All sizes $3o to $65 w. h Company I HARDWARE, STOVES and PLUMBING. Court Street isnninn That Mount Mazama as I peared and that the caldera originated Mount Mazama at an equal elevation In the rim of Crator lake. Above this, Mount Shasta rises over 6300 feet. The prominence of Mount Mazama as a drainage center is quite equal to that of Mount Shasta, hut its slopes! been found. through subsidence seems evident. but the corresponding effusion of the enormous mass of material upon the lower surface of the mountain, If such effusion ever occurred, has not yet on the rim 01 Urater lake, ranging from ten degrees to 15 degrees, are scarcely as great as those of Mount Shasta at a corresponding elevation. On the other hand, the canyons of Sun and Sand creeks on Mount Ma zama are more profound and have been much more deeply glaciated than any of those on Mount Shasta. It therefore appears reasonable to sup pose that Mount Mazama had an alti tude at least as great, and possibly Level Changes. Crater lake changes level. During the summer, when there is rapid evap oration and little or no precipitation, the surface of the lake subsides; but during the rniny winter it rises again. The oscillation Is limited to about four feet. The lake appears to be fed chiefly by the vast quantities nf snow which drift across the crest and lodge in the great banks on the inside. The annual precipitation of greater than that of Mount Shasta the region is estimated at between (H.3S0 feet). 170 and 80 inches. Crater lake has no 2000 Feet Deep 'visible outlet, nor any visible one There were eruptive flows of lava ! reaching the surface directly within a from Mount Mazama, and also great m"5inBuht1Ial'BrBofmtI1,? c explosive eruptions of pumice, the ' "era enclosi ng the lake are made up greatest en.p ions, perhaps, of the'of alternating sheets of lava dipping Cascade range, and then came the 'ram T " a revolution which removed the large ?lrec""s- and th,e' aIe so pro,'8,ns I have bargained with a competent Timber Crnieer to locate Valuable Timber Claims On the line o. a railroad now under construction. This means a big chance for first-comers. 8ee N.Berkeley THE BEER THAT MADE iugjaway from the lake practically in all MILWAUKEE FAMOUS. Have Borne sale. good farms for cone and the upper 6000 feet of Mount Mazama. and gave rise to the caldera. The evidence seems to be against the view that this destruction of the mountain was by an explosion which blew the upper part off and out. A large number (ICS) of soundings made under the direction of Major Dutton. U. S. A show that the Infer red bottom of Crater lake may be con ceived of as a nearly plane surface for the most part, upon which stand three abruptly rising prominences. one wizard Island, rising high over the water, the other two being sub merged. The depth of the floor upon which these prominences stand varies from 1900 to 2000 feet, probably the deepest fresh water In the United States. The solid contents of the area of the caldera containing this lake Is about 12 cubic miles; the con tents of the area of the mountain top above the caldera was probably Ave cubic miles 17 cubic miles of mater ial In all. There Is nothing on or around the present mountain to ac count for all this material. Column of Lava. The evidence does seem to show that during the final activity of Mount Mazama there must have been within It a column of lava rising to a holght of over 8000 feet above the base of the Cascade range. It Is -possible that this great pressure, aided, perhaps, by some other forces, made nn open ing formed low down upon tho moun tain slope which allowed tho lava to escape Tho subsidence of the lava within tho mountain left It unsupport ed and caused It to collapse. Phe nomena of this sort are well known In connection with tbe Hawaiian vol canoes. The peculiar reversed flow of lava at Rugged crest seems to point to tho collapse and subsidence I 10 anoru easy pasuge lor mui-n wmer. . UNEQUALLED FOR TJlRir lice Springs are on the mountain side. , " " which probabl yaffords an outlet for' All kinds i f mj jmrte'l utnehes. much of the water that percolates, hot wiener uust s.'tierkraut and tnrougn mat portion 01 m3 rim. EDUCATION AT THE FAIR. Oregon Teachers Resolve n fnvor of an Educational Exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Fair. La Grande, Nov. 29. The Teachers' Association just closed adopted tho following resolution: We, as teachers representing tho resources of Eastern Oregon, realiz ing that the better class af visitors will be Interested In learning of our educational facilities and general Hchool work, and believing that the exhibit will be Incomplete without an educational exhibit, do hereby re solve that It Is one sense of this con vention that a committee of three bo appointed from this division of the Oregon State Teaches' Association to confer with a similar committee to be appointed by the Western division of the O. S. T. A., and further bo It resolved, that these committees be di rected to make application to the di rectors having In charge the manage ment' "oT the fair to arrange for an educational exhibit which will prop erly represent the educational inter cats of our great state. pigs feet at KOHLEU & OO'S j Main Streets near Postoffice The Pride of Heroes. Many soldiers In the last war wrote to say that for scratches, bruises, cuts, wounds, corns, sore feet and stiff Joints. Ducklcn's Arnica Salve la the best In tho world, Sarao for burns, scalds, bolls, ulcers, skin eruptions and plies. It cures or no pay, Only sac at Taiimnn co.'s drug store, CONNUBIAL JOYS are greatly err anced by finely laundrietl iii.en. We can add to the sum of domestic hap piness in this respect. Can't be beat at laundry work Do up your shirts and collars in A 1 style. And vou'll then have a "bosom frii-nd-' that'll give y ou comfort and pleasure. Special attention to collars and cutis i-ines,t work. Low est prices. Satisfactory service THE DOMESTIC LAUNDRY 1 . F. ItobLuwm, Prop, Pendleton Come To Us For your lumber and building material of all descriptions and you will save money and get first-class stock. We can sup ply you with Doors, Windows, Screen doors and windows, building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand. We make a specialty of wood gutter- for barns and dwellings. Oregon Lumber Yard Court Houae. olttt St., opp. and I Saves labor clothes The i 900 Wash Machine 30 days free trial produces clean Cash Price $to W.J. CLARKE & CO. Court Btreet A RI R O ASj from m alJi aaa54! higlientapprKlilfeilio&I Judges btcultlft"s'3 market tsmit- laa- 11. .... f watt3 and Yeal-lJ'!',,rl and dellcioutfffl A trial orJrifl""-J to prove UntitW"! in Pendleton Otto flM Real Estate.. Young man, do ff tho foundation W ' men. do you wish to v a competency? jaj If so, do asotbe" t around you no..7'COB1B5SJ to-do men in tt ?S55l estate, arm " - 0Bf However smw real estate S sell on smal IP Jati cash, the f?lB5B$ A house 1 5 an? L,vVtul: A house od,'in4W"l A dwelling, stable Y to jM ,r- tots from l8V . a A blooVof 14 tot. A halt block, 7 10 a nlat of i 10" Will sc JU' j rnnnVD. llH v. 1 U. TOO 1tt J