East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 01, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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    T-i I Ilnl I IIIKH nr r liin.ssj... rr pays to trade at the peopt.es wARv.nnnsR b:
7e Tm
L)vLirii I INTERESTING STORY OF ' lSl , . , . fif
! THEIR GREAT WISDOM, jtjjj fT (fa) TK fC2 Tt FQ) 8
KH II l V I I fl V i HA fV Hi
II II j I I II W I I I I I I I I I I l
jjj z-w VT-y LUga v LA LU LU7 Li A Hr
Christmas Bargains
fhfisimas goods. You want to buy a Coat, Jacket
iS0"1? .... nt? A t? fr.'onHc hnn'r hit In mm. .'.
0 V 0'' LiXilV ii iwiiuui vwti lull V- iUlllb 411
Usee 'e """"-J- -.b - - - ".-....-s
tg Jackets to close at $5.50 '
tin Jackets to close at 6.75
V- n A- -1 -I rw
iljUoaiS to uiuao ui -.in.tu
coats to ciose at ....$14.00
Coats to close at $15.S5
llV, DECEMBER 1, 1902
Boward. farm loans.
lib's clam chowder.
i ojiters at Castle's.
a'! (or cigars and tobacco.
berwurst and saur kraut- at
fa always fresh at the
your shoes repaired at
Eastern and Cove oystes
fres that are delicious at the
j Qrocery.
lie Pendleton Indian robes to
Ends for Christmas.
Molls, games, fancy goods for
The Nolf store.
led llmburgcr and Swiss
landwlches at Gratz's.
Knese cooking at Phillips' res-
Everything taBtes good.
baits will be the holghth 'of
Bf made by Slebert & Schulz.
cigar store for Emoking arti-
111 kinds. Patton's old stand.
day clearance sale on all
Mlhnery at Airs. Campbell's.
-Gentleman roomer. Can
if desired. Inquire at this
removed to
and Court
KJkesIee's ofllce
lulldlng, Main
Iroora 20.
akeslee's office
lulldlng, Main
room 20,
English walnuts, pecans, al
aid all kinds of nuts at the
! Qrocery.
. hay for sale Leave orders
live Ingram, at E. O., or De-
ICo.'s store.
!e-Lodg!ng houBe, 12 rooms
s lots on Main street. Good
A bargain. E. T. Wade.
illy East Oreconian Is on sale
4 at the Rich news stand in
til!, and at the Hotel Port-
Whitaker, the dentist.
Oyster cocktails at Gratz's.
Olympia oysters at Castle's.
Men's half soles, 75c. Teutsch.
Ladles' halt soles, 40c. Teutsch.
Most exquisite bon bon boxes at
The Delta.
All kinds of shoe repairing at
Nice furnished rooms for rent: 407
'West Alta street.
I Send the Pendleton Indian robes to
your friends for Christmas.
Send the Pendleton Indian robes to
your friends for Christmas.
The Delta candy . factory makes its
own candies. None more delicious.
Hays' cigar store, Maloy's "old
stand, headquarters for smokers' sup
plies. Stick candy "like your mamma used
tn buy when n child" made fresh at
The Delta,
.Say! if your eyes trouble you in
any way, consult Henker , the eye
specialist. No charges for examina
tion; 120 Court street.
J. M. Leezer, representing the Port
land Homo Building Company, Is in
the city on business. An explanation
of his business will be found in. his
advertisement in this issue.
The Maloy cigar store at 81B Main
street is now in possession of the new
proprietors and the name changed to
Hay's cigar store. A full line of every
thing desiied by smokers will be
found on hand as well as pleasant
rooms to while away leisure time.
H. II. Reese, widely known In this
city, who has been lesldlng in Spo
kane, has purchased of Jack Caven
dish the clear and tobaco store on
removed to 1 Court street, known as Patton's old
and Court ' stand and took possession today. Mr.
Rees will conduct the store In a first
class manner and invites the public
to call and see him.
West Fad
Mak Chain.
"i wooa ana coral
N'"? very unique. A fad
I" soreail ,:m r.,
Mtont the east. th
Modern Jeweler
Dip Opper, the Cartoonist, Thinks W.
R. Hearst Would Be a Good Can
didate. Mr. Opper, lately in Portland, was
asked regarding the Impression that
has gained prevalency that Mr.
Hearst is a candidate for the demo
cratic nomination for the presidency
In 1904. To this he replied:
"Mr. Hearst Is a man to keep hU ! consultation and then the army mov
Pioneer Talks on the Well Known
Fish That Has Vanished With the
Coming of Clvlllratlon Wallowa
Lake and River.
T. L. Branny, who was one of the
first mlnlnir prnprta tn pn Intf.
tJ .
lGWn cminfv ralntaa mtinv lntnp,.flllim I
incidents or that marvelous valley,
nestled in the arms of snow-capped
"The Wallowa Lake,' 'snid Colonel
urophy, "is the most remarkable body
of water I ever saw. It is not large
only one and a half by five miles
in extent and from all appearances,
it Is as deep as it Is long, at places.
The water Is clear as crystal. Dead
trees can be seen at a distance of 60
feet beneath the surface and the
mountain seems to run down, at the
bottom of the lake, at the same in
cline that it towers thousands of feet
above its bosom.
me outlet River.
"At the foot of the lake, bursting
through the rocky wall that forms
the barrier against the gathering
waters of the mountain streams, the
Wallowa River dashes down into the
canyons that prepared a way for it.
Clear as Its mother lake, rapid, and
typical In every way of the rugged
surroundings that give it biith, it is
the most beautiful stream in the
West. The Indians that roamed this
country before the settlers came, held
tne Wallowa Lake and river In idola
trous reverence. Legends of that se
questered mountain gem are many
and beautiful.
The Red Fish.
The most curious feature connect
ed with the early history of Wallowa
River, is the. "run" of red fish that
came up this stream in the month of
August. So far as Is known, no other
stream in the West had a fish so pe
culiar in color. They werex the old
Chinook salmon, painted a bright
scarlet. Actually, they were so nu
merous in the early days, during the
period they "lun," that the river was
discolored nt times with their scarlet
tinge. They were the principal food
of the Indians, who caught them in
great numbers and dried them for
winter use. The Indians enjoyed the
sport of catching them, Immensely.
The bucks would ride into the shal
low water on their choice ponies
spear in hand. The sportive -fish
would hesitate, dart here and there,
wheel and rush down stream to a se
eluded place and then timidly steal
out, and rush for the rapids. The
pony of the savage was almost as
quick as the game, and it was an
exciting sport to spear the Wallowa
ed fish.
Almost Human Instinct.
"1 have stood on the bank of the
Wallowa River, where the dashing
torrent of the Minatn comes in just
above the old wagon bridge, on the
Wallowa road, leading in from Elgin,
and watched for hours, the almost hu
man knowledge of tills wonderful fish,
The great scarlet "sc.ool," thousands
in number, would halt at the conflu
ence of the Mluam, with the precision
of an army. Four or five monstrous
old fellows would then go In advance
of the 'school,' cautiously exploring
the tumbling current of the Minatn.
They would dodge swiftly among the
great boulders, like scouts behind
trees in the forest, and explore every
nook and corner of the stream. After
a tew moments of this exploration,
they would dash back to the waiting
host. Meanwhile the great 'school'
stood still as soldiers at rest. Not a
tlsh moved up the Wallowa River,
nor showed any signs of proceeding
on the journey, until the scouts re
turned. Upon returning to the main
Uady, the great fish held a hurried
Price Now
25c Ladies cashmere hose 3 or 50c
50c Ladies Jersey ribbed vests and pants 25c ea
35c Ladies wool fascinators f 8c ea
35c Chlldrens natural wool vests and pants J 6c ea
75c 44 inch wide wool cheviot suiting 48c yd
$(.00 50-inch wide all wool canvas suiting 79c yd
75c All wool waisting 42c yd
XOc Heaviest outing flannel J4yds$X
$(.85 56-inch heavy kersey suiting ., $(.39 yd
7c For best apron checks the other fellow charges 5c yd
5c to 7c Per yard for best calico at the others, here 4c yd
We advise early shopping on the above goods as some
of the lines are limited in quantity
"1 " Wk W w Mlf m W k lMUIhltMlilUlfVil(M
Tttne Peoples WanrelhidDiDise
0 m00am "1
w w
, ,. M 1. M
W U M M W W to.
general. They fight with fists and
sticks, until the road is littered with
the wounded and sometimes the
The German, not to be outdone by
the French, said before he lnd
thought twice: "That's nothing. Why,
our students in the universities have
fights. They belong to different so
cieties and fight with sabres. Because
of some little insuU, often one will
have his head fairly cut open."
"And yet you complain about the
Americans!" said the lawyer, as he
laughed to see how the German had
stepped into his own trap.
A Sale of Books
New and Popular Hooks
$1.(9 to $(.25
Handy Volumes in Classics
(5c, 20c, 25c
The French
Wedding Bells, But No Ring.
A most unfortunate accident hap
pened at the wedding in a littlo South
Dakota city not long ago. The groom
had placed the wedding ring in his
mouth, for safe keeping, as he was
fearful of letting It fall, and losing it,
being quite nervous at the time; and , luven :ie ftnnki
as he faced the pieaclier. and gdlped uven,,e OOOKS
down a lump in his throat, the ring, Never wasnur line so complete. P T-P A TSJ Js TT T7" I ?
went with It-he hart swalolwed it! papef and ,nen bojkS) (u,y j,. JW-VjL J 1 ,
lusirateci, ic to $1.69 TDUp T TV O
The Delicacies
of the season are always
found nt our restaurant
At present we have
Finest Oysters f Frog
Legs f Clams Crabs
f and "f Lobsters f
and other salt and fresh'
water foods
own counsel. I have heard of the
matter during the past few week?.
Let us presume ho were a candidate.
Do you believe that many would
doubt he would make a campaign
such as never before the country has
witnessed? Let me tell you whero
his strength would He. He woul1
have the young men of the United
States, who see in him the embodi
ment of 20th century enterprise, and
the very incarnation of the spirit of
the times, that permits men to do and
be things regardless of their age.
Time was that young men were com
pelled to wait. Nowadays they need
not wait, if they can prove their
worth. I don't know anything about
Mr. Hearst's plans. But I do know
that with the young men and laboring
classes, who are enthusiastically
with him, would constitute rather n
solid foundation upon which to build
a candidacy."
on. tup leaders went In advance, as
betore, and not a btraggler left the
"It wan the most remarkable pio
needing I ever saw, outside of human
action. TJie Minam had no suitable
spawning' ground and the fish knew
It. They were bound for the great
sand beaches of the Wallowa Lake,
wlieie the spawn was d' posited, that
the-race might be perpetuated.
Red Fish No More.
"But settlement has banished the
red fish. For 10 years there has not '
been one louo survivor of this pioneer
fish, In the Wallowa River. The dams 1
In the river, the irrigation ditches 1
and many other causes have united
in his extermination. He has gone '
with the trapper, the pinto Indian
cayuse and the old stage coach into
the legend and tradition of this
$3.50 Shoe Value I Books for Boys and Girls
IT A 1 .... . I
Thai Excel all Others L J' e .r'. , " an0 ",a,,y
The NOLF Store
Santa Glaus1 Headquarters
Vila fflWH
Telephone Main 4,
Cocktail that takes, or rather, that makes to many people
take them. They are so much better than the usual
cocktail because we have just the right may of preparing
them. There is only ONIi way, you know, and that's
Kline's way. We make lots of them every morning, ut
15c, or you and your friend may enjoy them for a quarter
Colorady onyx, alabasune and ce-
1 ment will be used in the construction
of the Colorado building at the
World's Fair, St. Louis.
Good hqt chocolate and improved beef tea
are a hobby with us, and only
This is one third seasoned with hot soda,
oetter than ever, but always good.
5Sh, :: vx-
r rrom Main St., Toward the Court House
Criticises French Fighters and Then
Tells a Worse Story on the Dutch.
"I think that the Americans are al
together too quick to pick a quarrel,"
said a German hotel keeper in Har
lem, who had just had a pretty tussle
in putting out an unwelcome custom
er. says the New York Tribune,
"They are not to be compared wlfi
the French," said an American law
yer, who happened to drop in. "Why,
you know about those French appren
tlces. how they are always ready to
fight, and often lose their HveB ovar
a few words?"
"I've heard about these appren
tices," said the German. "We have
them in our pountry. They roam
around the country; but what o'
"Yos," was the answer. "A party
of them, with a leader, and represent
ing some craft, will, Xor lnstancs,
meet another party ot apprentices
They are organized Into different r'r
cietics. each Intensely jealous of the
other, and if two such bands are diff
erent societies, there Is a fight In an
Inntant. First the leaders come to
blows and then the melee becomes
We satisfy the greedy value
hunters with Good Shoes
Boston Store
Where Whole Families are Shod. ,
LIQUOR STORE, 6(9 Main Street
11 lirUII A. XV Li I -II f Ik
Grand Operatic Extravaganza!
dairy (SM
Monday aad Tuesday
Dec 1 and 2
PRICES: TSc, 50c, 25c
Reserve seat sale opens Saturday
at yrazers
The Big Clearance Carpet Sale at Failings, If you
want a carpet, rugs, lace curtains, portiers, wall paper, you
will never get such low prices again.
The Standard, White, and Wheeler & Wilson Sewing
Machines, oil, needles and parts for all machines. A first
class repairer for machine and organs.
Phone Main 34