East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 01, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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SjSSSSf; fjooo GOODS t Alexander's. 5
you b"
jpurs at Substantial Savings
. .(.eb's offering should be particularly attractive to
-nnpedinc furs. Marten, Mink, Beaver, Raccoon,
Seal Collarettes, Scarfs, Boas in all the new snap
'mcnt Is such that dmlng the day the
splendid light Is secured from large
I skylights. The new office Is located
1 adjoining the Odd Fellows' temple.
now Hearing completion.
,t these vei) low pn
$2.50 Fur Collar $1.98
3.50 Fur Scarf 2.S0
.48 Fur Boa 3 5S
7 50 Fur Boa 6.00
10.00 Fur Boa S.00
Remember 20 per cent discount sale on Ladies
Jackets still continues.
lexander Dept. Store j
We Appreciate You? i fade
And it gives us pleasure to furnish you with nice clean
ftocenes, wnen we Know we save you money, wmi.u wc in
(jiibly do.
Nice Hubbard Squashes, Sweet Potatoes
that are good. Cranberries that are fresh
In fact there is nothing kept in a first-class grocery that
1- 1. 1 11 .1 ..... 1 , n ttuct rtt ItC L-1 r M
rtpntinn ni thnce nlarrd nnrsonallV.
ir i 1 11 11 1 Bi ii .1 1 in r'SM r" w
nie world's Greatest specialists, wno nas icpi nunarcu
From an Early Grave or the Insane Asylum.
MI M ...1
I Mill T T111T HIT ailV
. your p.tkp nttirdpi! id
iuoks 1011 on you. iou
?We to get married some
10 live hanrv vn must lift
bmmi u stroB physically
u. .' macy dlv ireo cnsis
. -r - ii lUttOLlKULIU 1 W tlB
? -umn nisolnao llo fart (int
V. 1 - A 11 II..
Mt w. v "JH who tu uuuiiy
IB. Womon 1 ,.. .
U, 'U 'C a llltl U 1 J 111(111 r
. wUCn SR mon nr. l.noi.tir.ill..
"'OlCDes and ni.nnlBB nhnw'
"j tio uiu uuuiur, IL
is not necessary to go to see him; In
a (ow diseases where surgery Is re
quired or cancers, old ulcers and such
it Is better to see him. but all weak
ness and private conditions can be
cured at Uome. He has a perfect sys
tem of home treatment; he always an
swore your letters in a plain envelope
and keeps every case a profound se
cret. Pay no attention to the little
books you find on streets, but trust
yourself to an old doctor who has been
curing cases like yours for over a
ijrarter of a century In this city. Al
ways inclose 10 2-cent stamps when
writing for consultation, and Bend
.mail bottle of urine If possible. Ad
UF THE ST I nine M'enicn Mn Gl mr.ir.AI DISPENSARY
uun. B A M ft r a rt.l I y 1. 1 1 1 C - rnrtl&nrl. If
I MU1 Cllm, . .
""gPlatol Cartridges In Rifles '
lUWlorioL)CL0..t),, inmunl.
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arises In the family
every day. Let us answer it to-day, Try
a delicious and healthful dessert. - Pre
pared In two minutes. No boiling 1 no
baking! odd boiliug water and set to
eooL Flavors! Lemon, Orange, Rasp
berry and Strawberry. Get a package
at your grocers to-day. 10 cts.
Boy Shoots His Finger Off Seven
New Houses Under Construction
440 Acres Sell for $11,000.
Milton. Dec. 1. Mrs. Leonard O.
Pell, of Adams, came over to visit her
parents and attend the Thanksgiving
exercises at the DeHaven school
house. Mrs. G, N. IJolton, of Moro, Sher
man county, Oregon, is visiting her
sister. Mrs. W. S. Maybcrry. Like
everyone else, she thinks this is the
garden spot of the Northwest.
C. F. Nichols, who has been vis
iting friends nnd relatives In Michi
gan, Ohio and Iowa, returned home
last week satisfied to remain in Ore
gon. Miss Emily Atherton, of Spokane,
came down to visit her brother, O. C.
Rlnker, and eat Milton turkey.
Quite, a number of Milton boys who
have been hunting in the mountains
for the past few days, returned home
Wednesday. They report plenty of
game and a good .time, but appear
ances are contradictory. Tomorrow
several others will leave, among them
will be Cowl, Ireland. Philips, Milner
and others, who expect (?)
Henry Spencer had his saddle and
bridle stolen last Wednesday night
while In Freewater attending the free
show. This is the second time that a
theft has been perpetrated on him
within the last two months; the other
time stealing his schaps. What
grudge someone has against him he
can't tell, but it is only a question of
time when the thief will be caught,
as he Is spotted.
A son of Mrs. Mastrettl, while fool
ing with a pistol, shot the third finger
of his left hand off one day last week.
Harry Hogue. manager of the Elam
Hardware Company's store, at this
place, has been given a mouth's va
cation for good behavior, and left for
Albany last Wednesday to visit his
parents and friends,
A comedy company put "Peck's Bad
Boy" on the boards here last Saturday
night. It was a slim affair.
There are at Hie present time seven
new houses under construction in
Dr. Dittcbrant's family has moved
into their new residence on Mill
street, west of Main.
Harvey McDonald, of Walla Walla,
bought 440 acres of land near Milton
last -week from Asa Moore. Consid
eration, $11,000.
Monday evening the I. O. O. F. will
celebrate the 28th anniversary of the
order here, by giving a big banquet.
This will be one or Uie pleasant
events, of the season.
Rev. D. S. Sanderson and wife at
tended the Epworth- League conven
tion in Walla Walla from Friday to
Monday noon.
Charles Williamson returned from
Portland last Saturday, where he had
been on a business trip.
John Hughes ,of Seattle; Henry
Hessel, of Weston; L. B. Smith, or La
Grande; F, W. Davis and Mrs. L. J.
Pierce, or Pendleton; S. D. Dunham
and wile and Viola Russel, of Walla
Walla, were among the visitors in
Milton last week.
Miss Mayme Nichols, who is attend
ing school at College Place-, and Dal
las Garrard, of Whitman College,
spent Thanksgiving with relatives
and friends here. y
Among those who were married In
Walla Walla last Wednesday are the
following from Freewater and lu..
ton: Chester Shaffer and Miss Irene
Stanley, Richard Sheets and Miss
Ruth Chick, Harry Moorhouse and
Miss Myrtle Hurst.
The city election will occur in a
few days, when one of the hardebt
foi ght battles that ever occurred in
the city will be fought on the saloon
question, as both sides are hard at
work, quietly.
General C. F. Holt, the temperance
lecturer, is doing some very effective
work, drawing big crowds three times
a day. He is making many converts.
Rev. John Reld, Jr., of Great Falls,
Mont., recommended Ely's Cream
Balni to me, I can emphasize his
statement, 'it is a positive cure for
catarrh if used as directed." Rev.
Francis W. Poole, pastor Central
Pres. church, Helena, Mont.
After using Ely's Cream Balm six
weeks I believe myself cured of ca
tarrh. Joseph Stewart, Grand ave.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
The Balm does not Iritate or cause
sneezing. Sold by drugista at 50 cets.
or mailed by Ely Bros, DC Waren St.,
New York.
Dug Out of the Starbuck Jail Taken
Near Wallula Followed With
Walla Walla. Dec. 1- Earl Jared
and Henry Harrison, prisoners being
conveyed from Chelan county to the
state penitentiary, who escaped by
digging out of the Starbuck Jail.
Thursday night, were raptured Sat
urday night near Wallula, 30 miles
from this city, on the Snake river.
Sheriff Keller, who was In charge of
the men when they escaped, organ
ized a posse, secured bloodhounds
from the penitentiary, and a strong
effort was made to locate the escapes.
After following a slight clue for 30
miles, the men were located arid cap
tured. The trail of the men lead over
the brakes of the Snake river coun
try, a most rough section of Eastern
Washington. The two prisoners were
placed in the penitentiary yesterday.
A Million Voices
Could hardly express the thanks of
Homer Hall, of West Point, la. Listen
why: A severe cold hal settled on 1:1s
lungs, causing a most obstinate
cough. Several physicians said he
had consumption, but could not help
him. When all thought ho was doom
ed he began to use Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption and
writes "It completely cured me and
saved my life. I now- weigh 227 lbs."
It's positively guaranteed for coughs,
colds and lung troubles. Price 50c
and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Tall
man &. Co.'s drug store
New Building to be One of the Most
Modern and Elegantly Ftted in the
Walla Walla, Wash., Dec. 1. This
morning th local postofflco opened
in the fine new building erected by
Jayco & Co.. and leased to the govern
ment for ten years at a monthly
rental of $110. All day yesterday a
force of men were engaged in remov
ing the mall and fixtures from the old
quarters, and promptly on time the
doors were thrown open.
The new fixtures consist of every
thing modern in departmental hand
ling of malls, and the arrangement is
such as to give bpth employee and pa
tron every advantage. Five hundred
lock boxes of late pattern have been
installed, while the registry and
n.nnou nnlor HonnHmPntH haV6 been
lit v it yj . . . . ...
given commodious quarters. The ar-
rangements made for carriers and j
rural delivery men are such as to ex-1
pedlte the delivery or letters cojibiu
erable over the old plan. Postmaster
Brunton, who has bad charge of the
fitting up and furnishing of the new
office, claims to now have the most
modern ana eieganuy mu v (
office In the Northwest, The build
ing is heated by steam ar.d has both
gas and electric lights. The arrange-
Seamen in Session,
Milwaukee. Wis. Dec. 1. The In
ternational Seamen's Union began Its
annual convention in Milwaukee to
day with delegates in attendance
from the subordinate bodies through
out the country. The session contiues
one week nnd promises to be of more
than ordinary interest to the craft,
most Important work will be to adopt
measures to more thoroughly orgaufee
the great lakes and to rectify the mis
take made some years ago when the
deck hands were dropped by the or
ganization, organize these workers
nnd attach them (o the seamen again.
Other" topics which will be considered
nnd which will interest all seamen,
both or deep water and theclialn of
lakes, are: The establishment of an
international organ; -an International
button, appropriately designed; an
investigation of the district of the
Gulf of Mexico; a union pennant, a
symbol of union transportation, and
the establishment of an office for the
International Seamen's Union.
They Are Gping to Give
Away at The
Boston Store
Ticket With Every Dollar Purchnso
Dewey Afloat Again.
Washington, D. C, Dec. 1. Admir
al Dewey, who is to have supreme
command of the combined fleets en-,
gaged in the Carribean Sea maneu-j
vers, hoisted his four-starred Hag on 1
the president's yacht Mayflower today j
and sailed from the Washington navy
yard with his special personal staff
direct for the naval base of Culebra
Island. Admiral Dewey will arrive
and take command of the assembled
fleet Friday or Saturday of this week.
The maneuvers are to be the moat
extensive in the history of the Ameri
can navy and the admiral is not ex
pected to return to Washington until
next spring.
Certificates for Passengers.
Denver, Col., Dec. 1. The new reg
ulation requiring all Invalids boarding
trains in Colorado to be provided
with a physician's certificate stating
that they have no contagious disease
became operative today. Tho rail
roads have had much trouble with
sick people afflicted with contagious
diseases and the physician's certifi
cate plan has been adopted by tln
leading roads as a measure of protec
tion to passengers who desire relief
from the presence of consumptives.
Poultry Show at Manhattan.
Mauhattan. Kas., Dec. 1. A notable
exhibition of poultry opened at the
Agricultural College today and will
be continued until Thursday. The
show Is under the Joint auspices of
the college and the poultry fanciers
or .Manhattan Several thousand eu
tries of high-class chickens, ducks,
turkeys, geese and pigeons are on
view ,the display of the last-named
being especially fine. Judge O, H
Rhodes, of Topeka, Is In charge of
the awards.
The Queen Hotel
Now Open
The new building, 36 by 80,
recently erected by Joe. Ell, on
Garden streit, between Court and
Alta, is now opt n to the public.
Contains 30 well liuhted, and venti
lated and newly furnished rooms
Not an inside room in the build-
ing. Modern inprovcnivnts, elec
tric lights and baths. The Hotel1
is directly back of of the Queen j
Chop and Oyster House on Main
street, and ihe Queen Chop House j
and the Queen Hotel will be run
in connection by Messrs. .
Olson c Van Puymbroeck
half section of fine wheat
land, all in summer-fallow,
north of Pendleton,
Good improvements.
Almost a section of land in
one body, a short dis
tance north of town.
tlxiok IhciuihuI by iled'cUvi' pliimbliiff.
I There 1h always something out of order,
i He ttr let us make it thorough ex
aminatlon of the plpK, (IraliiH, steam
mill giiM IllllugH, ee., unil give an etl
mute on the cont of putting tlitm In
good uorliliifi condition. Our work,
i men ar wjompetelititiul we Imve every
I thing iKfosfary to carry the iiiomI ilff.
1 Ik'iilt Job to iiHUcci-KHfiil Imhiic
1 B. F. BECK,
' 'Jhe Plumber
I Court Kt. OppONlli! (ioldi-it Rule Hote
Iron Works at Auction,
Spartanburg, S. O., Dec. 1. The
Morgan Iron Works, one of the larg
est foundry plants in this section,
was nut up for sale at auction today
to satisfy the claims of creditors. Tho
plant was placed in the hands or n re
ceiver some months ago and has been
kept In operation since. Under the
terms of the court's order for the
sale of the property no offer of less
than $27,000 will be considered.
Pendleton, Or., Dec 1, 1902
This is to certify that we, the
undersigned, have agreed between
ourselves to establish uniform
prices for the care and board of
horses by the month. One horse
to hay by the month ti 50. One
horse to hay and grain per month
$14, Commencing Dec. 1, 1902.
G. M. Froome
M. J. Carney
S. F. Hays
No Bad Debts
Arc contracted by our system
of doipg business for we sell
for cash and give our custo
mers the benefit of our. saving
from loss. More fresh, first
class groceries for your money
than any other store in Pen
ton. Our stock is all fresh.
New goods arriving daily
Miller Grocery Co.
Btt Ihn PtadUton dllr, pt HUBdtjr
H7, m.,ol Uktaii ud icUiiafltHv pololJ
iutt: To 'rilotaoetjitci Pilot Bntk ud ti
lom.ll.J6! To Mr. 11.26. Wnd rtor,l3i
To Kldfe. 11.76! toBldfnd '?." "!,'
return, 11.00) To Dkltk
Office In Qolden Rule hotel, Pendletoa
Ath.s3 4Ai liiilUnni
$1 Mi to UUn and return, M.oo.
Famous at home for
Generations past ;
Famous now all over
the World.
yai Bile If
Let Murphy Frame those
Pictures for Christmas
Don't put off having the
work dent;. If Murphy
does the work it will be
good work and you will be
highly pleased, Best stock
of framing material.
J. Mttfphy's
Dest work at lowest prices.