0A1LYEVEN1NGED1TIOH KWVWVNVSVWVVVWVVVVVSVVB EDAILY Eastern Oregon Weather TonlRlit and Tuesday, probablr f!r V ""e- A WFF.K. 3t " SVNAWsvWvWvVNVWVAVS TENDLETOX, UMATILLA COUNTY, OKEGOX, 31 OX DAY, DECEMHEH 1, 1902. NO. 1(503 Muumuumm iiiiin aJiuiiwaiuuidUllj saS f!! m I I HIS COAL AMERICAN DOCTORS REPORT. on Birch Creek, in A, Equal to I hose in County, MY MUCH ELATED yjd PRESENT PROSPECTS, rmert Discusses tne new -i Hts on Willow Creek Six Vein. Thomoson, who has just re' i (mm the Morrow county coal i .here r-e lias been working for kVt few months, is very enthusi- lorer the prospects of these fields fcptog Into good paying mines, lanson Is a practical minor, hav Eorked In coal mines for the past irs. When the development beran on Willow Creek pros- the management employed Mr. Ipson and several other practical ulcers to handle tne wont, Mr, took out the samples i have been on display at Brock IcComas' drug store and says is Dlenty of more to be iound t this came from. Pipeaklng of the Morrom county , Mr. Thompson said: fcere are three tunnels now be- farked 3 5 and 9. On 9 a new lias been installed and the mine braving very satisfactorily as Is gained, Tunnel 3 is also tag very good, although the de- taent work Is not yet quite gb. the breakdowns. As soon as 1 are passed the work will then solid coal, hut at present the us only in pockots and layers with aiied with It. There Is little ap- foslon but that the solid coal will Reached at any moment. The ptions aie perfect for an excel- coal field and the veins have a Inn pitch now so that there Is no fcn to believe that the veins will but. fanel No. 5 Is proving the most factory, however. This runs in- le hill on a water level and the lis now six feet thick, with oue- Uol'd coal. This lays In stratums I a layer of dirt between the lay f coal, The only thing remain- lor this to develop into a solid Is distance. Coal experts are Ktlng that the solid coal will be anywuere withing 50 or 100 (further into the hill. I good wagon road has been fur to the mines and a route teen surveyed for a railroad to be by the company developing the K. Thompson prospected for coal Birch Creel: in this county, two 1 ago, and says he found forma' rtlch pointed very much to a V coal bed in that lonalitv. nl- Rh those backing the proposition t time were afraid to put the ! lito the thing to do develop Hoik. tils prosnectinir on Birch W.Thompson said: Bin four months on Birch Kilfiund lust as (rood rims- Msftiitauntv. Thn Inriirnrlnns ' ill JKtaical fnrmMnnn nnlnr r?m this is on the direct " now helne wnrkort In 1 OTtrj," Agree With the French That Mrs. Gore Was Accidentally Shot. Paris, Dec. 1. The American doc tors today submitted a report on the death of Mrs. Ellen Gore, agreeing with the French verdict of accidental shooting. It is said one strong point for the accident theory Is that the ball passed between the open eyelids, which would close Instinctively from fear had sho been threatened. VENEZUELA YIELDS. Will Meet the Demands of Germany and England With Concessions. London, Dec. 1. It Is stated in dip lomatic circles that Venezuela has yielded in part to the demands of Germany and England for claims put In by their citizens. The concessions are sufficient to delay the contemplat ed presentation of a Joint ultimatum by Germany and Great Britain. INEGROES UNLAWFULLY OEPRIVEU OF FRANCHISE Congress Opens With a Full Attendance of Members and the Galleries Were FiHod With Spectators. Railway Trackmen Meet. St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 1. The Broth erhood of Railway Trackmen, which has a membership extending through out the United States and Canada, began its nnnual convention In this city today with a good attendance of delegates. The sessions will continue a week or ten days and much busi ness of Importance to the members of the brqjjierhood will he transacted. General Bell Coming Home. Manila, Dec. 1. General J. Frank lin Bell was today relieved of the forces in Batangos province. Lu?on. He Is succeeded by General Jesse M. Lee. General Bell purposes return ing via Europe and will stopwit Carls bad to take treatment, as his health is not "good. CANNOix, OF ILLINOIS, PRESENTS A BILL PROVIDING $50,000 TO THE STRIKE ARBITRATION COMMISSION. Congressman Taylor, of Ohio, Throws a Bomb Into Democratic Ranks by Calling for an Investigation of the Title of Carter Glass, of Virginia, to His Seat, Washington, D. C, Dec. 1. In an-1 recognized him. LoUlng fully as vlg- MINISTER CONCHA RECALLED j COLOMBIA DISSATISFIED WITH HIS DIPLOMACY. LINCOLN STORY. ' Method of Answering Ques- 1 W President 1 Ote Ikn.l 1 .... (ih.i ljiucuin was ubk- If . WouW happen to Great Brit- continued to "butt In" dur .iJl...:81688 of the war. The H layorltn mnHinri one Kir ii.... w - .uiea ouestlons with a to Ms aid and he told this iaM! there was a man. out In IT nrf vWh Wanted tO BO to a 'r and ha . bbv Jm , a ingnuui growiu Wb fk,erS- We!1' he Kot t0 Ns't V m B'eop. The barber t bearV c?eertlH and soaped up .to scrape It off. Med in " ruuoea 11, and then I . JI tO flprnnA U ir. i Intnl. " J"1 " tut -P.c aun a vunr nlnn. n,ln . wllskers fIr Wid: ion hv and the man In the 8eem to be getting things P hoM?8'11 .the barber, "If the . ""'Is out, rn got them all L'1'. the the harL . naa sunKen cheeks In ?he 1 hart t0 8tlck hls me man's month . " Will fin tuL .1 "- v 1'icoa Iean xJi',at 1 iey culd be ahav he mart 1 " waa having 0r went twT. T BRraP. and the I tut tL nUgh .th0 man'8 check, " cms t..i ' "u laniem '(!" 'ou ye made file cut mv. Mn"tbe man1 Brlutaln stlclta er lenie,?.6 matter. "he Is liable to Senor Herran Has Been Specially Em powered to Conduct the Panama Canal Negotiations. Washington, Dec. 1. Senor Her ran, of the Colombian legation, call ed Acting Secretary of Stnte Hill this afternoon nnd informed him that Minister Concha, owing to ill health, was obliged to go to New York indef- nitely and during his absence Her ran was especially empowered to con duct the Panama cannl negotiations on behalf of Colombia. Although the state department had not received official advices, It is gen erally believed that Concha has been recallled on account of dissatisfaction with his diplomacy, and Herran will act as minister until Concha's succes sor has boen named. ""v tlcipation of the receipt of President Itooscvclt's message, members of the senate today assembled early in then senate chamber and in the cloak rooms adjoining. Many of the sena' tors, particularly the close personal and political friends of the president such as Lodge, of Massachusetts; Bur rows ,of Michigan; Spooner, of Wis consin; Fairbanks, of Indiana, and Scott, of West Virginia, were already familiar with the principal features of the message, but the reading of the important state paper of the presi dent was marked with unusual inter est. Those passages of the message treating of the trust and tariff Issues were listened to with closest atten tion, notwithstanding the fact that the recommendation concerning the creation of a non-partisan tariff com mission and the cautious attitude re garding the question of trusts had been generally forecasted, Equal in terest was displayed by the senators in those portions of the mesago re lating to the question of reciprocity with Cuba and to existing conditions in the Philippines, Porto lllco and Ha waii. The recommendations In regard to statehood for the torrnorles ,IrrH gation and the protection of forests evoked nods of approval from the Western senators. Mentipn of tlvo satisfactory status of the isthmian canal question also was received with general approval. PLAGUE IN SAN FRANCISCO. Health officers to Consider the Bu bonic Disease on the Pacific. Washington, Dec. 1. Surgeon Gen eral Wyman states that the marine hospital service has decided to call the United States health officers here either just preceding or immediately after the holidays to consider the bu bonic plague situation In San Fran cisco. Many cases have been reported and the situation Is reported very serious. Telegrams of complaint from many Western states have been received. IN HIS TRUNK. . e?. At uB nly 'eht teeth. m . "t n years hn trowt. 01 of tceth and a new showlnig publicly His room in New York was not expensive, but in a good part of the city One of the stringent roles of the house was that no cook ing was allowed in the rooms. Mor rison emptied his trunk, lined It with oilcloth and placed a gas stove In side, connected to a jet above. This was his kitchen. The suspicions of the landlord were aroused, and one noon he knocked on the door of the room just as some liver and bacon were frying on one side and a pot of coffee was making on the other. The astute actor winked at Lewis, turned off the gas, dropped the rubber tub ing Into the trunk, closed mo latter, sat down on It and yelled, "Come ln!" The landlord, whom Mr. Lewis de scriues as a lady-like man, came in and sniffed the air suspiciously. "Mr. Morrison, sir, you know the rules of the house about cooking?" "Yes, I do. Not allowed, I believe." "But, sir, I distinctly smell it here, have smelt It, sir, several tlmo's," Morrison iook a turn at suiiung uiu air and failed to And any trace of obnoxious vapor. Then be assumed an attitude of Injured innocence and said: "See here, where do you sup pose I would do ray cooking? In my trunk? What do you mean?" And after the landlord had retired, with apologies, tho trunk was opened and the cooking finished. Actor in Straightened Circumstances Fooled His Landlord. Mr. Horace Lewis, the actor, tells a story on his friend, Edwin Morrison, that Illustrates the difficulty artists sometimes have fn keeping up appear ances. Morrison was down on his luck, bt believed in making a good-faimost hidden beneath their fragrant Ovation to Cannon. Washington, D. C Dec. 1. There was a good auonaance in me iiuuso long before the hour had arrived for the assembling. The members gath ered early, emitting and discussing prospective legislation, Tho trust and tariff Issues were the main topic. The exchange of congratulations was in order among the re-elected members, and everyone was jovially slapping everybody else on the back. The ar rival of the new speaker, the venera ble "Uncle Joe" Cannon, was the sig nal for an ovation which was gra ciously acknowledged by the distin guished member from Illinois. Many Women. Pushing about on the floor were crowds of visitors, mostly women, all anxious to obtain tickets which would entitle them to seats to witness the opening of congress. The opening of congress is distinctively a women s day. and women were present in gieat crowds. Fashionably dressed in blight colors, they began Invading the galleries as early as 10 o'clock. Most of tlie sections were filled with women and children and the time up to noon hour was spcut chiefly ln ad miring the floral tributes which adorned the members' desks. Many of these were of great beauty and some of the mahogany desks were oroiis ns he uin a score of years ngo was representative Grosvcnor, of Ohio, who was kept busy exchanging greetings with his friends. Other prominent members whose desks were centers of attraction were Bab- GRAIN MARKET. Quotation Furnished by Commission House I. C. Local Manager, Chicago, Dec. 1. Wheat Opened. December "SHJTH May "5.r"8 Corn December 53 May 42Vs Oats December 30 May 32 M. January 15S5 May 1502U New York, Dec. 1. Wheat Opened. December "! May 79V2T' Corn December MV44f May A7i the Coe j Majors, Closed. 72U 750H 53H SIC?' 32iifl nor. Closed. 7914 7S7iT7P C9 CONCERTED ACTON Alton's Wage Advance. Chicago, 111., Dec. 1. The wago ad vance recently announced by tho Chi cago & Alton railroad company be came effective today. Tho increase averages 10 per cent nnd affects nil enginemen, trnlnmcn and switchmen employed on tho system. Railway Orders of Oregon to Unite Fellow Servant Bill the Point of Action. FIVE ORGANIZATIONS WILL ASK PROTECTION. TURKS ATTACK MACEDONIANS 550 MEN KILLED AND 740 ARE WOUNDED. Trial of Doctor. Indianapolis, Dec. 1. Tho trial of Dr. Alexander, demonstrator of aunt nmv nf Pontml Mnllrnl Colleen, nn rock, of Wisconsin. Dalzell, of I'cnn- j ,,,; chnrge of grave robbery, began a.'Muuiu, iMiiiuiEi ui uiuiuiui, ji t ()jg morning, iMinuis ami j.'ii'imiu, 01 -M!W iuij. Speaker Henderson found his desk heaped high with floral tributes from his many friends and admirers. He was cordially greeted by his col leagues, who, without exception It may bo said, sincerely regret that he will soon disappear from the nreun where he has been such a prominent and influential figure for so many years. Congressman Richardsun, of Ten nessee was another member who was surrounded during the brief session by democratic representatives anxious to consult him. Payne of New York and Underwood of Alabama were also conspicuous on the floor. New Members Sworn. It had been agreed In advance to swear in the new members even though unprovided with -credentials, there being no threats of contest. This plan was chosen on account of tardiness of the returning hoards of New York, Texas and Connecticut Cannon diopped a bill into the bas ket providing for an appropriation of $50,000 to the anthracite commis sion. Public Roads Bureau. Another was presented by Brown- lee, of Tennessee, to create a public roads bureau in the department of ag riculture to secure national, state and local co-operation for the permanent Improvement of public highways. Before the gavel fell the appear ance of Mrs. Roosevelt In the gallery created a stir. Bill Defeated at Last Session Will Be Presented Again Friends cf Labor Legislation Begin Active Work. Portland, Deo. 1. A concerted movement Is now on foot nmong tho railroad labor organizations of Ore gon to renew the fight for more sat isfactory legislation In their behalf. Tho ftvo groat orders of railway em ployes, the Brotherhood of Locomo tive Engineers, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Klremen. Brotherhood of Kntlrond Trainmen. Order of Hallway Cnnductois and Order of Hallway Tel egraphers, each have legislative com mittees nml nro now formulating laws and dlhcuKsIng proposed meas ures which are to bo presented at the coming session of the legislature Circular Letter Out, Tlie following circular letter has A Fierce Battle Fought at Planlna Macedonians Lose Over 300 Men and Flee In Disorder. Vienna, Dec. 1. "Die Information today reports a fierce battle being fought between Turkish troops nnd Macedonians at Planlna, near the Bui garian frontier. The Macedonians lost 302 killed and 140 wounded. The Turks lost 250 killed and COO wounded. The Maco donfans fled in disorder. OREGON POSTOFFICES. burdens. Hearst Conspicuous. When Clerk McDowell rapped the house to order on the stroke of 12 there was not an empty seat in the galleries. Admiring constituents had even preempted the steps In the gal leries and they refused to leave. Af ter the body had oeen rapped to or der the chaplain delivered the open ing prayer. He prayed that the mem bers and speaker of the house might receive divine guidance during the session. The moment the chaplain concluded the members began to scatter about and talk with old friends. William R. Hearst, tho young newspaper publisher of New York, Chicago and San Francisco, and a new member of congress from New York, was a conspicuous member on the floor. His wan one of several new faces that was constantly pointed out to tho gallery visitors by persons who . Stirs the Democrats. Congressman Taylor, of Ohio, threw a bomb Into the democratic ranks shortly after the preliminaries were through with by offering a resolution calling for the Investigation of tho title of Carter Glass, the newly elect ed member from Virginia, to a seat. The question raised being whether tho negroes were not unlawfully de prived of their franchise. It was re ferred to the committee on elections, of which Taylor Is chairman, At 12:50 Henderson appointed Bingham, HItt and Richardson a com mittee to await on the president, con sult his wishes and ask for his mes sage. Then, ln honor of the memory of Representative Russell, nf Connec ticut, the house adjourned. 140 MILLION FOR PEN8I0NS. Estimated the Government Will Re quire Close to 600 Millions for the Fiscal Year. Washington, Dec. 1. Estimations of the various departments place tho amounts needed to run the govern ment during the fiscal year ending Juno 30, 1904, as $589,189,000, This is $33,000,000 less than the actual ap propriations. Reductions were made for military and public works. Tho largest single Item Is pensions, which i r ..A c: r r r cans ior inu,uw,wu, Senate Adjourned. Both houses met promptly at noon. At 12:15 the senate adjourned until tomorrow on account of the death of Senator McMillan, of Michigan. Chaplain Resigns. The resignation of Rev. Mlllburn, the chaplain of the senate, was plac ed ln the hands of President Frye this morning, before congress opened The caue for his action is poor health. Mrs. Style Now, Henrietta, you may give FIdo a bath and a shampoo, comb his hair nicely and put ft fresh ribbon around his neck; and then, If you have time, you may go and see what the baby Is crying about. POOR SEED WHEAT. The Grain Cultivated fn Turkey Prac tically the Same for Centuries. Tho Chamber of Commerce of Con stantinople, in reporting upon Turk ish wheat, states that 90 per cent of the varieties of grain cultivated In Turkey have been practically the same for centuries. This fact alone Is sufficient to diminish their germi nating powers. The chamber recom mends the authoi.aes to purchase seed grains of all sorts and of the best quality, and to distribute it among tho agriculturalists of those portions of the empire whore the ne ccsslty exists of Improving the' crops The chamber recommends that the employment of the Improved seed grain should be made compulsory. his An Improvement. - "I hear Hint Cactus Tim had legs cut off," said Alklll Ike. "Yes," said Tarantula Tom; "rail road did It nipped his feet off clean and sure. Ho's stumpln' 'round on wooden pins now." "How does he like It?" "Fust-rate. He says he can't get snakes In his boots now." Kaiser Gets $1,250,000. Fran,ifort, Germany. Dec. 1. To- nn s i.nzeuo says inni inc vnisrr mis ,, ,8gutl1 ,,y ie J()lnt (1;HllUvo ;V . , T ... m . """","m, board nf the live iinlors. to tho varl. vtllhelm """brand. , mm ,0ttg8 tUruiiKhout tho state: "To the olllcers and members of tho different ardors of railway employes of Oregon, greeting: Tho Oregon legislature will boon convene In regu lar session. Tim various Interests of tho peoplo will bo loprosentcil before this body of Inw-nuiliois. As citizens of this groat and progressive stato, entitled to Its protection, In Just pro portion to tho duties of cltlzeuHhlp required of ns, wo fool that some em phatic expiosslon of our Just demands should 1)0 made. At the piosnnt tlmo, no laws for our protection are found upon the statutes of Oicgon Wo nro engaged In n quasi public serv ice, oxtia hazardous, nnd fraught with uiitulil perils. The public Is dlicctly interested In tin operation of rail roads, and fools n deep ooncorn In those whoso lives aro In Jeopardy ln tho discharge of the Important duties of carrying on the truffle of the coun try. With the record already made In tho last session of tho legislature before us, wo cheerfully tako up tho struggle once inuro, hoping for full fruition of our highest anticipations." Number of Employes. There arc over .'1000 members of tho. various organizations in Oiegon, and their united effort In favor of lubor legislation will bo h matter of much Interest at tho coming session of tho legislature. Ench organization will have n member of one Joint leg islative board, ami this board will bo at the oapltol during tho entire ses sion of the leglBlatuie. At the Last Session, At tho Inst session tho legislative committee fought long and oarni-itly for the passage of House Bill No. 80, which Included five or nix main feat ures, among which was the famous "follow servant law," limitation of bouts of service without rest to 10 hours, providing for three hrakemen on freight trains of over 30 cars, and tho blocking of frogs ami Mwltchos with wooden blocks. Tho bill was de feated In tho house by u vote of 22 to III J M. I'ooruiun, of Marlon coun ty, a member of the house, wuh chair man of the i ul I nm d men's leglslatlvo committee, being a member of the or der of Railway Conductors, Failed to Get Before Senate. Henatu Hill No, 54, embracing the principal features of Houmi Hill No. 80, was killed In tho senatu railroad committee, of which Hfcnator (leorg C. Ilrownoll, of Clackamas county, was chairman. Prepared for the Struggle. During tho past two years the diff erent orders have been diligently at work collecting data and ytutlstlca for a renewed effort and us tho avowed friends of tho measure have made several strong additions In tho Isnt election, tho railroad employes fel confident of success. Tho entlru strength of the friends of the propon ed hill will bo concentrated upon two principal points tho passage of a "fellow servant" law and a law limit ing the time for a railroad employe to work without rest to 10 hours, The Joint legislative board will em ploy able attorneys to prepare the bills to be proposed. In order that their constitutionality rnuy be assur ed . r- Short History of the Great Medium of Communication in Our Own State. Tho gross receipts of the 893 post- offices In Oregon In tho fiscal year ended June 30, 1902, amounted to $094,057, or an expenditure per capita of $1.58. . Of tho total number of olllces In Oregon, 85C are In tho fourth class, tho average compensation of their postmasters being $103.74 per annum. During tho past year 127 forth-class postmasters In Oregon tendered their resignations, six were icmovcd at tho expiration of a four-year term, nine were removed for cnuso, and three died in office. There wore 38 new offices established and 35 dis continued, there being at tho end of the year two moro fourth-class of fices than nt the close of tho preced ing year, On June 30, 1902, there wcro 37 piesldentlal postofllces In Oregon, one more than on the corresponding date of 1901. Theso consisted of one of the first-class, seven of the second and 29 of tho third. During tho year one ofllce In Oregon was advanced from the fourth class to presidential grade. FORM A TRU8T. Pendleton Livery Stables Merge and Raise Prices. Tbreo of the livery barn owners of Pendleton have formed a trust they now refuse to board nnlmals at tho old figure and havo established a fixed price which will hereafter be charged by them. The ones to combine are George Froome, M. Carney and 8. F, Hays, the barnes known as the Commercial Stables, tho City Livery Stable and the Telephone Livery Stable. The old price for boarding horses was $12 a head per month and the new sched ule will be $12.50 for hay and $14 where grain and hay Is fed. This agreement has been reached owing to the raise In the price of feed. Hay Is now selling at $11 a ton delivered, and grain Is $22.60 a ton. This inukes It Impossible for the liverymen to rnako any money at the price heretofore charged and tho (also was the natural consequence. Whether the other barns will enter the agreement or not Is not known. The Oregon Tithing. Tho Oregon Lumber Company and the Sumpter Valley Railway have paid $40,000 per year as tithing, Into the Mormon church, for tho past threo years. This Is 10 per cent of their annual income. Secretary Frazlcr's annual report recommends that tho dues for tho Pa cific, Atlantic and Lake districts be made 75 cents monthly, The marine cooks and stewards of the Pacific will become members of the union at this convention CRACKRK CliniiK PACTS The value of the Oiniiiuiiy's operat ing on the mother lodu U as follows, bawl on tlmrumo capital as Houtli 'oU Colombia $1 per share E, and E, OOo per share North Pole $5 per share Oolcooda started at JOo now sell log at 50o and worth more South Pole is starting at 15o The time to buy Is on the flrtonV. ing of stock ami profit ly all advances, flHlmgun at Hartinan's ltract ofHea,