East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 29, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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For perfect fit.
For ease and comfort they
afford women.
For stylish appearance.
For service they give.
For the low prices,
Concerning the People of Pendleton and Vicinity Notes
Personal and Otherwise By Our Regular Correspondent
In an Oregon exhibit nt the St LouIb
fnlr and our own Lewis and Clark
centennial. Now clubs arc being or
ganized In several towns, while the
women's clubs In Pendleton ore as
old as the greBt majority In the coun
try at largo, In many Oregon towns,
particularly In Southern and Western
Oregon, they nre of comparatively re-
"The Military Girl."
Pendleton neonle will be given a
UIVhuuf . . - - - - . -J
., nnlllllni- thnm to the One years , ,i Tlinrn nrp anvnrnl nmnlloi-
free nursing In the Sisters' hospital, stato federntlonB than ours, but only
$3 and $3.50
Dmdinget, Wilson
Good Shoes Cheap
P. Grant Is In town from La Grande.
S. L. Morse Is In town from Pilot
B. Stanton and family are In town
from Helix.
L. M. Watrus, of Adams, Is at the
Golden Rule.
J. A. Ross and L. C. Peterson are in
town from Weston.
Frank Frazier has returned from a
business trip to Montana.
W. O. Goodhue, a prominent Walla
Walla citizen, Is In town.
Mrs, M. A. Itoedfeld, of Weston, is
nt the Golden Rule hotel.
K. E. Porter Is in town from a bus
iness trip to Walla Walla.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bott,
on November 25, a daughter.
S. Kirkland, of Milton, was regis
tered at Hotel Pendleton last rilght.
Miss Gilliam, of Whitman College.
Is the guest of Miss Mary Mathews.
Frank and Elmer Snyder have gone
to Chicago to visit their old homes.
proceeds derived from this entertain
ment will be applied on the debt of
the Church of the Redeemer. Those
who will participate in the rendition
of this pretty little oppra, and the
parts they assume, are:
"Tell Me, Pretty Maiden" Misses
Georgia Folsom, Maud and Gertrude
Sheridan, Edna Thompson, La Velle
Moorhouse and Lenorc Sheridan.
"Tell Me. Pretty Ladles" (Bur
lesque) Misses Flo Hallock, Nellie
Cameron, Ahlma Hallock, Messrs.
James Welch, Carlyle and Meller.
. if. u. ui;niuio turn iuuiiiii:!, , , , . r, , . . , . . . i
Miss Elizabeth, will arrive in Peudle- ,V " , 0,,u,'ua"'
ton today, and will be the guests of Cameron Elsie Folsom, Bertha Alex
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wade for the win- ,ls,10n Bor!e and Edna
'Tlitt Hmmtne" Ilnwnrv Cntit
, "... eme tul" """""Misses Ui Velle Moorhouse, Flo and
and Miss Lva McLean and Joseph AIlIma Hallock, Fanchon Borie, Maud
"""' , ,ul wno apeiu aml Gertrude Sheridan, Edna Thomp
Thanksgiving at the Wooddy home son anQ- nertlla Alexander.
on West Webb street, returned to "Drowsy Babe" Misses Ethel Par
w.eir nomes mis morning. gonSi 0race HawUs joste Cameron,
Mr. and .Mrs. J. M. Bentley of Pen- Edith Johnson, Rena Ferguson. Ma
dleton, and family, including their Mo Cameron. Nellie McMuIlen, Myrtle
iiaiigntcr, Mrs. J. L. Deering, lato of Smith and Fleda Parks.
Tacoma, spent Thanksgiving day in "Sunflower Sue" Edith Johnson
Adams with their daughter, Mrs. M. Josle Cameron, Rena Ferguson. Nellie
A. l-erguson. Adams Advance. McMuIlen. Ethel Parsons. Grace
John Hays Is on the street todav Hawks, Elsie Folsom and Eva
with crutches, after having been con- Froome.
fined at home several days with a Awuwaril faquaa Messrs. James
badly injured ankle. He was handl- Welch, Blaine Hallock, Harold F.
lng baled hay two weeks ago .and a Warner, .Meller and Carlyle.
heavy bale fell on his leg. spraining Solo "Kiss Me Good-bye and Go"
the ankle badly. Miss Ahlma Hallock.
L. Damon, of Imlfi,enilfinrn nn.l M nio lenting -lonigiu Ho Hal-
n r TrfaTondav and Tuesday s b the I,ca,,,on!ns one or two that are not older,
musical treat Monday and Tuesda Francis fair. Judge
SSaSr G?rlf bJXm a,!a,nen0t! 'WmSTZ S"6 f He"-
'i .,.', .i.i fat on on behalf of the Red Men. anu ,, .. t ,! Rnn nr w
Elntracht Lodge, Sons of Herman,
the Sisters of St. irnncib. mu nol)U,,.r Gorman society of Pen
was spent In dancing. Lunch wasi .
served and music was in tersporscd ' . whIch vM
with the other features ii me nun-
uamon, or Portland, are spending a
few days in this city visiting friends.
They have just returned from an ex
tended visit to a brother In Grande
Ronde, and are highly pleased with
Eastern Oregon.
Rev. H. S. Shangle, the newly-np-
"Under the Shade of
-Mrs. A. J. Borie.
Reception to Visiting Team.
Aji enjoyable Thanksgiving even
ing was spent at Armory hall, where
the Pendleton high school students
At the Baptist parfconago Tuesday
afternoon Itev. It. W. King perform
ed the ceremony that joined E. C.
Fnrrpr of Walla Walla, and Miss
tviUv MrCntclieon. of McKay Creels
The bride is a popular young lady of
Umatilla county and the rroom is a
promising young business man. The
voiinc- counlo left on the evening
train for their home In Walla Walla.
The nnriors of the Baptist church
was the scene of a second marriage
by Rov. R. W. King Tuesdny alter
noon. W. B. Steerman, of Payette,
Idaho, led to the altar Miss Maggie
Box. of .McKay Creek. The groom is
a wealthy stockman of Idaho, and the
bride is one of Umatilla county's
charming young ladles. The ceremo
ny was witnessed by a number of
friends of the contracting parties.
Tney will make their future home In
pointed .presiding elder of the Spo
kane district. East Columbia Confer- gave a reception to the visiting Baker
ence of the M. E. Church. South, will City football team. Misses Jessie
ill-rive In town tnmnrrnn- mill nwimv Slienaru. Man- Rothrock Itpr O'NpII
Born, Thursday night, to Mr. 'and lno puipt at the Wel)b street Metno. and Pickel assisted in receiving. Ices
(list church at 7:30 p, m. Rev. Shan- were served by Misses Gertrude Slier
le Is a very able speaker. "lan. . Bertha Alexander. Mary Rust
and Rltner. A very entertaining pro-
WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT. gram was rendered as follows:
- Song .Messrs. Fred Hartman. By-
Thelr Headquarters One of the Best ran Hawks. Dell McCarthy, S. C. Wil
Arranged Offices in Pendleton. ",s, and ny Conknn.
iiiuiiras or welcome itouert cro-
Wlth nln
Response Horace Angell. of Baker
Mrs. J. C I.awrence, a 12-pound boy,
J. B. Duffy and wife and J. H. Wood
are In town from their homes In
Thomas V. llutchins, who is teach
ing school near Athena, was in the
city last night.
J, D. Stough, a prominent furniture
dealer of Pullman, Is In town trans
acting business
The Women of Woodcraft,
hnnilnimrrara In Mm c
I ,(1.... It., a ll.U ll'Ulil Ul
the East Oregonian hu..dinc. now
Miss Millie Todd left this morning have one of the best arranged offices
for Walla Walla where she will . the city.
spend the holidays. In the front, or reception room, the
Miss. Edna McGinn, who is attend- fm"' asslsta;ts of Mrs.. Van Orsdall,
lng school in Portland, is home to B,"? K"ar,Uan, are busily engaged
spend the holidays. I"" lne ume ln transacting the gen-
H. M. Bievlns and Robert Davis left I tJXn "re V'useTuio "front
they will spend the winter.
ond room In which more than 30,000
Harry L. Hexter was a guest of, copies of the Echo, the official organ
Hotel Pendleton last night on his
return trip from the Snmpter coun
try. J. W. Minnick nnd wife, of Union,
visited with friends in this city to
day, on their way home from Pull
mart, Wash.
Miss Claude Jones, who has been
stenographer for the Weston Iraprove-
are mailed each month to the mem
uers of the order.
Duet Misses Josle Cameron and
Edith Johnson.
Oration .Miss Mary Hothrock
Solo Miss Pickel.
Recitation Ahlma Hallock.
Solo Roy Conklin.
Reading Miss Nell Joy.
tioio "reu Hartman,
Recitation Chloe Stanrleld.
Remarks Superintendent ConWin
Song Quartet.
The closing address was made by
Masque Ball.
Many people from the city and sur
rounding country attended the
masque ball at Hughes' hall, In the
east end of towii Wednesday. Dur
ing the fore part of the evening the
dancers were all masqued and many
of the costumes were so well gotten
up that they concealed the Identity
of their owners. At 10 o'clock the
masques were removed. The music
was furnished by Kirkman's orchestra.
Parliamentary Club.
The Parliamentary Club held Its
regular meeting Tuesday afternoon.
A revision of the constitution was
voted on. and the club has begun the
year on a business basis. All work
included under the head of "Civics"
will he in Its line. The members are
interested ln public school work, pure
food laws, clean streets, and will
probably devote some time to the
study of civil government. Through
the Parliamentary Club all of the
clubs will work along the lines sug
gested by the state federation eom-j
mlttees. An amendment to our state
library law is under consideration.
The state federation lias been asked
to assist In awakening public Interest
day evening, which was well attend
cd. Refreshments of various kinds
were served nnd the evening was
spent In dancing. The occasion was
an enjoyable one for all present.
Thursday Afternoon Club.
The Thursday Afternoon Club will
meet noxt week at the home of Mrs.
A. D .Stlllmnn. An Interesting pro
gram on "Pioneer Days ln Oregon"
will be given.
Red Men's Lodge Organized.
Last Snturdny evening 27 noble
Bed Men from the Pendleton .Red
Men's lodge drove out to Pilot Rock.
20 miles south of bore, for the pur
pose of instituting a now trlbo ln that
town. Everything possible was done
by the Pilot Rock people to make It
pleasant for the visiting brethren and
one of the most enjoyable nights In
the history of the town was the re
sult. Refreshments of various kinds
were served at Intervals during the
night as the work and festivities
lasted from early In the evening until
5 o'clock Sunday morning. The new
tribe organized will bear the roman
tic name of Yn-ten-ne-owlts, and it
starts off with- 32 charter members
and a bright prospect ahead. Grand
Sachem L. B. Reeder nnd his team of
workers organized the tribe. The of
ficers chosen for the ensuing six
months are Oliver Knotts, grand sa
chem; E. F. Beltel, prophet; John
Jordon, senior sagamore; A. Smith,
Junior sagamore; Mr. Rlnerson, keep
er of records: Sam Jordon, keeper of
wampum. After breakfast Sunday
(Concluded on page 5.) "
'V " lis
WE R tWo
2rit3 a
"owe. but
wil telL (j
"ur grate Ho
lfaann I it
nvc y re li
thiS spase,
r's mnMnvL-.
1 Igvj
The 20,000 acre trwt I
still have tl.o 1 '
UUXK) acre i tract and 12, J
o.OOO acre tranl u osl
360 acres. 12.200
Penrilnlnn rvi
140 acres on the river J
Penillptnn Cicnn.
This is onlv aDsrif.iiLijj'l
stock rauchesIhaTeiaij
Lity Property a Sc
I have a long Hit $ j
iuus, reaiaences, txl
I do not list proprtr i
prlco Is right
Real Estate Deafcl
rU"n.lBi Sh!... the remainder of the" eventing was
nietn PR V ''aK ' s"01,t fn ",a"lnS various games.
thf Vprv llpa ir lio nrAmirad
The general supplies used in the Preparing for Christmas
office and for malline circulars nrp that the turkey and cranberry
ment Company, Is in town visiting , 1opt in the Echo office room, where sauce liave been" devoured, our minds
her parents. .Grand Guardian Mrs. Van Orsdall ,1,rn t0 tne thought of Christmas,
D. A. Pinkerton. W H Pinkerton oversees the work herself. In the 18 a rew weeks distant.
E. L. Barnett and J. E. Froome, of
Atnena, were registered at Hotel St.
George Friday night.
Yowr Doctor's Orders to fce
effective must be sapH
mented by pare drags
If your prescription is
filled by us it contains
nothing but the best in
gredients that your doctor
prescribes for you. 'We
never substitute.
front room are three desks nmi a m now on great interest will he
counter running the full length of the ta,ten ln Christmas shopping. At the
room. At the back of this counter are Presfini time some of our ladies have
fitted pigeon holes and convenient re- commenced making many pretty and
ceptacles for books, records, papers use'l articles which are always so
ana oiner supplies needed in the of- ""ii.iuie anu ncceptauie at Christmas
fice. The furnishings of this room tlnie- Those who have not the time
are also very rich and the walls are or knack for hand-work, will find
decorated with many valuable works man' things at the different stores
or an. no lempc meir eyes and nurses.
i dnoes
Mrs. Clark Entertains.
"The Military Girl."
J flG VeSPrVA annt dflla fn,. "Tnn All! 1 li-a Amfn t . .
- ,,. .un-i niimo .u. iiiiiK enieriaineil
mumtiiK anu ittu juiiiifc luuiu W11U IlSfi'Sri'i! linr In
as was oxpected. the seats went with the candv booth nt tim st .nti,.
a rush, vhe performance opens Mon- fair, at luncheon, on Tuesday at the
(lay evening, and will be the big at- home of Mrs. Stewart, on West Court
traction of the season at the Frazer. street. The table was prettily decor-
The young ladles have been rehears- ated with chrysanthemums and pink
lng every night for the last two carnations. Covers were laid for
weeks and are past perfect In their eight. The ciiests mi,,.. n.
ou.viai wies. me costumes win be ma Alexander, Gertrude and 1 enore
a revelation to a Pendleton audience, Sheridan, Beta Howland Fanchon
being as they are, .the latest crea- Boric, Rena Ferguson, Ahlma Hallock
tlons from Paris, and those attending and .May Ferguson.
Jionuay nignt, will say, as the Now --l0tLW,7i-
7h Mimn aM" ThanksgMnn Entertainment.
- ! T-ast Wednesday evening one of the
"Hunting for Hawkins." most successful country social events
fs a&SffSWs;
well presented nnd P . glvlnK l'roeram was prepared and 77
tlons Pre8e,,,ed and up t0 oxnecta- of the patrons responded to the invi-
'ntln to hear it rendered. Baskets
Attomev b ii n, ?eavllr Iaden wh eatables were
ton. 111., was killed Thursday i a TlTJ,nJ eaS6 ,',u",Ker ,anBS
train at Portal S uDiuurauay u " f the int er man and all enjoyed the
" D' eveninir ImmM.al,. ii...n" .t
nun! s. fust n.i s.n ,i,n . - .u..
ISSXS and there was plenty to go
juooi: jtiere
Farmers Custom MHi
Fred Walters, Proprietor
Capacity 160 barrel a day
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc
always on hand.
75c, $1.0C
II $1.25, $I.S
Leggins fr
Ladies & Children f
Overgaiters for
Men and Women
OurfSpecial Dress Goods Sale Will Continue Until Sat, 1
uicss uoous worth 1.50 iale fnce . . ,,, (tJ
1-25 " " ,.J
" 1 00 " "
50 " "
25 " "
We must reduce our dress Roods stock, and to do soqjl
anu uicac uig cm prices, we win save yon raoneyoat
uunar mvesiea in aress goods. Come and look ihtmi
We are agents for the Cosmopolitan Paper Patterns, wj
Retneiiilier: The largest jstock of goods in thecitytotdecti
120 acres of wheat land, 3 miles from Pendleton, S2500
600 acres, 10 miles from station, plenty of water, S6500
160 acres, 10 miles from Pendleton gjroo
t6o acres, on the river,,.; miles from Pendleton,
35 acres in alfalfa, good house and barn .... 4ooo
Good house on West Alta street $iIOO
Good five.room house, north of river, six blocks
from bridge ;. .
Good property in olty and country too numorous to mention, any
location that one may desire.
Pleasant Reception.
A pleasant reception was held on
Tuesday evening nt tho home of
Judge and Sirs. S. A. Lowell, for the
purposo of bringing tho young people
of tho Congregational
closer acquaintance. The nvnnln
was spent In social conversation
games and music, adding to tho en-
wuuu cieui. ituiri-aiimenis were
served and the 25 young people pres
ent uxjiresH meir nign
the thoughtful Interest
Ladles of Pocahontas.
fftmln. 1
h.Dn ':Ve.VP.? offl.llbl.ol
L'f'rar...'?lufl vehicle to'.'.SSK ft-?
appreciation of I wYgou, "cart, mri T,r,V'Ju,u' 81 " new "
taken In their I " A nan? iiou ",' ".tiVJ'"
"uftsiui una ntcki nii,iiA-i.i. isoni.
F TV A Tl IV TT A T W 0n T,,e8da' ovnne the Red .Men' W wnl?"10
X . Jit JLJX jy tt A, M 1 , of this city held a social dura S 1 ftW rM
ABS.OOIATION BLOCK ' g tho "endrlcks hall and tho Ladles of """"eb"cl '-P 'g,ne "
WWtJS i?"hn"l,i! Mlaiy. to the Ked f AQLB BROTHl;f,B
Mn nrniailnnI.,lnln.l ...lit . . 1 fltn m.m. . .
" '" wn uio certl I.V'-in.reiheb,,. w..,e
plow Lqggl,
n 111 t
The millinerv Season fnr this fall nnd winter is dril
a close. We have been verv successful and the ladies oil
community have shown their appreciation of our high art!
.w.c.v uy selecting trom our stock. We have siuim
Some of the most Stvlish fall anH winlpr hats whlM I
to dispose of and arH nffpr!
We invite you to come and inspect these hatsand"1'0
Tho best and most convenient '
the kinrl nn li nat little low: '
showing a calendar for 1903, a lodge diJJ J
tory, railroad time card and car lares.
are for free distribution. Call for o
Is aDnreciatpH hu mnmhRr of the family i
Our furniture makes it a cozy and handsome i
crr,.r-nf.. . . ...Ill transform '"'
muies, Dunets, ana cnairs wm
room into a handsome one,
Furniture Store near Postofllce