jaess Cat ds and Societies V m m rfpp rl 4$?' iff Classified Advertisements COUNT 8IX AVERAGE WORDS TO THE LI E. TWO LINES. , THr.EE LINES. 1 time 15c ' 1 time 20c 2 tlm 20c I 2 time JOo 1 week 30c I 1 week .. 48c Extra lines: 10 cent each a week; 23 cents line per month. AND TRADES. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. FRATERNAL ORDERS. PHYS!CIANS1 "t.'TofPICE IN JUDU rOI-t? .' ,0 12 a. m. .. n TIN i Alt UMuuti liiR. L, troubles, cater- P.,. HUM ff re"""-"'" " ! ''m BiiI Telephone l.rvVn. Wain 301. I uw- V p.. HOMEOPATHIC ktl Trr,L. isoom n A8S0CIA fJffiJnna. main 031: rel at""" UAIATIIXA TENT. NO. 27. K. O. T. M. Meetn In Secret Society hall, second and ( rciirtn xuesanj-s in cscn month. All visit ing Sir Knights cordially Invited. J. S. Kees, Ilccord Keeper; E. D. Estabrook, Commander. PENDLETON LODGE,, NO. 52, A. P. AND A. M meets-first and third Mondays of encn raontn, visiting brethren welcome. T. J. Tweedy, W. M. J Joe TI. rarlcea, Sec CPEIISON, PHYSICIAN LtatlaltlM. eye. earvn,fe A V c...tnM Tlnnlr hnllil. 1H I" na'"0 " TTZvi'.S OSTEOPATHIC Pftrotlc and nervous dlaenses pfM one WOCK west ui KSIfplIVSICrAt? AND BUR- I tL?.fJ Vll- . l.nnn MskV 1.11 kflW" 1" r" Vr nt.AKGSI.FlE, CHHONIC P .. .UsaiaMi nf Ufn. iSLiinr. corner Main and OS1 'phooe mnln T,;I PENDLETON CHAPTER. NO. 28 T. C. Taylor, H. P., V. F. Wamsley, secretary, I meets second ana roartn Friday or each montn in Masonic nan, DAMON LODGE. NO. 4. KNIGHT OF Pythias. L. V. Held. C. C: It. W. Fletcher, K. of It. and S. Meets every Monday in secret society nan. MODERN WOOMEN OF AMERICA Tutullla Camp, No. 0300. Meets first nnd third Mondays of each month nt Odd Fellows' hall, George A Ilaniblln, Con buI; a. A. Ilobblns, Clerk. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR meetings of Pendleton Camp, No. 41, w. or w nrc held in secret society nnn every Sntnrday evening. Visiting neighbors are always welcome. J. r waiucr, cierK ; a, J Owen, C. C. Res. DENTISTS. hats, dentist. orncE in nHK-TIST. OFFICE IN AS- fiik over Schmidt's new drug kne rw 2ii Inks and brokers. fcTION'AI HANK Or ATHENA. Cspiisl, surplus unii MO. Interest on time deposits. fforelen ard domestic exchange I nomptly ar'enueu to. iieury BpwMeat T J. Mrfc, vlce-presl- U Harnett, cashier; F. S. I.e- knot casilsr TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. F. S MERRILL, 8POKANE. WASH. Agent New Demmoro. Second-hand type writers, supplies, renin tiff, repairing. BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRING. L. GRHENAWALD, THE OLD RELIAHLF! Shoemaker, First-class repairing with best materials. Shop In rear of Dlndlnger Wilson & CO. JOHN WILSON, FIRST-CLASS SHOE- maker and repairer. Rest material used and good work done. Shop 117 Alta St. CABS AND CARRIAGES. v!ERrV HANK OF WESTON, I Oregon, Does a general panic- M Kicnaux" oougnt aim sum. promptly attended to. R. Iprwldent Oeorge W. Proebstel, bat J K, lvujcnre, casuier ; ui- A, Iiortmnn, JI. M. .lonns, x. p. Grow J P Kllgorc, Robert rroebatel, I1UBIIER TIRE HACK, NEW AND VERV lates style, for the service of the punlle. C. D. Carilu nnd Jas. S. McKay, props. Call at the Commercial livery stable or tele phone main 101 and the back will call far you. CITY CAR LINE. ERWIN IIAKER. PROP. Telephone main 353. Stand In front of French restaurant. BOARD AND LODGING. EMPIRE. LODGING HOUSE, CORNER OF E. Court and Johnson streets. Good large, clean rooms with comfortable beds. Kates 25c und 50c a night. Tbos. Smart, Trop. HOTEL ALTA, CORNER ALTA AND Mill streets. Hoard by the day or week. Good table set. Rates $4 and $5 per week. in connection. 1.. I.DLET0N SAVINGS BANK, Ei. Oregon Organized March 1, Mil. 150,000 . surplus. luu.uou : llloirwl on time deposits. Ex-, IVnrilotnn Feprl Ynrrl 2gui anu Hum uu mi iiriutiimi ( fteil, prop. J Fiiriil?h. president! .T, N. J FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. TERM president T J Morris, cashier : reasonable, nt 502 Water St., 'Phone red . 150, Boner, assistant cashier. ItTIOXAI. HANK OF PENDLE- fpltil, $70,000: surplus, $03,000. general banking business. Ex- Id tolreranlilc transfers sold on ISia Frnnclseo. New York and joints In the Northwest, Drafts CMn, Japan nnd Europe. Makes I on rensnr.qbie terms. Levi An Hdent W V Matlock, vlce-presl- ffndf. rnshter: II F Johnson. itthler DTECTS AND BUILDERS. IffAItll. ArtPHITECT AND SU- pient m.ikes complete nnd rella- or windings in tne city or conn- i 17 .lodd lmllillnE. THE ST. GEORGE RESTAURANT. REGU lar meals cents. Short orders a specialty. upuu aayuna mgni. i, a. liioiatner, rrop. THE BTRAUON ROOMING HOUSE fil8 MAIN trect, Mrs II. E. Cooper, Prop. Every th'ni new and strictly first class. lttteB 2.",c, 60c and H per day. THE WniTE LODGING HOUSE, 3U1 SOUTH Main street. Mrs Mary Williams, Prop. Housekeeping rooms and lodging rooms. Giiod comfortable rooms and clean, well kept Decia. j.ongiug z.i coma. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. POLK, CONTRACTORS AND r.HlhniUcs furnished on short gib Work a specialty Prompt fiop on Hint! street near Mnln. IT CONTUArTOIt AND BUILD- Klmntes Inrnlslici on all kinds , cement walks, stone wnlls, etc. fcrt at liast Oregonlnn office. DtJTMAK ARCHITECT AND SU litnt Room 15, Association Ifendleton, Oregon ELLAR. 1'LAh TURING AND CE- Cement walks a specialty. Es- mnea free. Work guaranteed. i it Hartley and Zehner's clear fcisSt I' O hoi 104 iTRICAL SUPPLIES. m. COURT STREET, LA Electricians, ilenlern In flpc- i Houses, stores, wired for i.wib or te enhones. Elec- t HI kinds', Get our miees. VcUlty. GEORGE O'DANIEL, NEW AND SECOND hand goods bought and sold. Court St., Opera house block. Call and see him. V STItOBLE. DEALER IN SECOND hand goods. If there Is anything yon need In new or secondhand furniture, stoves, granite ware and crockery ,call and get his prices, No. 212 Court street. INSURANCE & LAND BUSINE8S. JOE H, PARKES, OFFICE COTTONWOOD St. Opera house block ;land office bus iness, such as filing of claims and Initiating contests a specialty. JOHN HAILEY. JR.. U. S. LAND COM mhvsloner Specialty made of land filings ana proor ; insurance and .collections, ur flee In Judd building, room lu. PHOTOGRAPHERS. W. S, BOWMAN, LEADING PHOTOGRA pher of the city. Harvest views, In dlnn photos for sale. Finishing done for amateurs. Main St., near bridge. 'Phone red 270. TONSORIAL PARLOR8. tUMITHING. BILLY KRASSIG, BARBER SHOP AND bath room), Main street, three doors north of Hotel St. George, Flrtt class service WtJdX pmT ivit ma'h i, Antra I kv.w TnKSnrtTAr. 1'Aur.riRH. rniiKT Rr . IT"' 'n town. 314 Webb St lAND FEED STABLES. 1 8S1IM.P LT.t.n v 4 tin EUiir, ! Lindsay 4: Doty I7!?' i and sale iitnhl. Sail. , jj "I times Horses for sale. !E?'.JI' STAULRS. n u" iMinnwn I "jety, tttA and hnnrrtlnp- All ftel vHit .ComPetent drivers. Op "( Pdlton 'Phone main 101. Three doors west of Golden Rule Hotel. J H Pace, Prop. First clas Workmen, every thing clean, all modern improvement!. L08T. LOST-ON MAIN 8TREET, A COMBINATION lock purse, containing a 010 gold piece and twokeja. Will pay liberal reward for the re turn to this oillce NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS-NOTICE IS hereby riven that there will be an annual meetinc of the nockkolders of the East Oreeo- 1. I nlnn fiiMlthttic PniTinATiv nn Wedtieirlflv. De- r'ttib YAltn u' i. ,.,,,,,;,, rember3id IBIW at 4 o'clock p. m., at the of u. " 1 BOlNTON , r.o l mit cmnnnnv. in I'nnrt IhIoii Oresoil. i. '"' care inn , i, ' r.L" "- ..- I.0R.p i,. , . " v i ior me purpose ui eiuiriuiK uiui-bib lur iud bu- " ebb street 'Phone suing yar. W. F Matlock, President j Fkeh ' w. necreiary. 'E COMMISSION CO. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $300,000 'ells Grain, Provisions. Steaks. Bands and Cotton for Cash or Future Detivary . i. iii?,Vtrn,11illt, tnimlclruil. and liilmwlliiiiwiiis siwurltii. Orvuluif fom urrira',t exteB've private wlreByatem In the world we can execute tvuinil . ,uore promptly and satlBiaotory than any other concern. rWUrfiw execute orders when llmlta are reached, we do not lioia "or csrrvZ?1i0re UlRn the mala you place In a trade. We charge no WQINSDn B stocks. lulu ic Qu,REDGraln 4c per buaheL dtocks 2 per share. CommU- ""l'JOU(l l.tlnnl..ni.ii.iif: .j f-i.-i . iiui. - . ut oiBiiBinja sua wauy juurnet. tree, wnuiuni. : .1 -Mrs De Nult tih' 1 im.uii i f(.i i I A R I B I i d r a c s l V A J 1 ? From us always commands the I V hichest anoreciatlon from tha bent 1 Judges b?cauFelll5lhverybestthe I S 1 . ... . 1 c iiiarKei anoras. i ne same xning is i equally true of our lamb, mutton and veal always the best, tender and delicious, of the highest quality. f I S A trial order is all that Is necessary C tn nrnrn thnf wA Voan lha hat mttt , , , r . c in Pendleton, J l Utto lVliescke COURT S T R K E T Ho user's Old Stand i VvWrVvVrVVWAWrVg xtn 1 1 f YV ViUUl- I 9b Office, in E. O. Building We have space in our fire and frost proof warehouse for rent. Call on us for prices. We are prepared to supply the retail trade with oranges, lemons, onions, potatoes, ba nanas and fruits and vegeta bles of all kinds. Come, Get Our Quotations I have bargained with a competent Timber Grniser to locate Valuable Timber Claims On the line o. a railroad now under construction, This means a big ohanoe for flrBt-comers. See N.Berkeley Have some good farms for sale. SoOXh HKmr'i,15TSto,aal "ni 8tote Banks. 'IKFKItENCEl lll,lltrvn aiirlnim 111 itoofi&3n Amerce Building. Minneapolis Minn. Ex R,! Colfar PnVil clpJi ,own8 cities of Northweat, Including lWha und'er?D' ?,ltavIo. Bayton, Walla WaUa, Moscow, Pendle WiB.O tn,ctlon to Portland, Taooma, Seattle, Everett" and WrWon?(L,,ave an Pen trad or aoconut with us you can operate it In M. HANSEN, WMtera Manager. e"'Hetoi, otllce, 1 16 Court Sirect. hone Waln 451J G. MAJOR. Ltiil M.Raar No Bad Debts Are contracted by our system of doing business for we sell for cash and give our custo mers the benefit of our saving from loss. Mote fresh, first class groceries for your money than any other store in Pen ton. Our stock is all fresh. New goods arriving daily Miller Grocery Co. CASH GROCERY AND BAKERY t SUNDAY AT t THF PHilRPHFS First Baptist Church All tho reg ular services will bo held tomorrow. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Preach ing at 11. Subject: "Kindling Fires." in the evening the subject will be: "Alan's Treatment ot Ooil'b Provis' ion for His Happiness." A cordial invitation to strangers and citizens of the city to be present. II. W. King. pastor. M. E. Church, South Sunday ser vices as follows: 10 a. m.. Sunday school, I. E. Earl, superintendent; 11 a. m., preaching by the pastor, sub ject: "The Chrlstnan Race"; G:30 p. m Epworth League, leader, Miss Rosa B. Carrier, subject: "The Minis try of Money." This is quarterly meeting Sunday and Hev. H. S. Shan- gie, the new presiding elder, will oc cupy the pulpit at 7:30 p. m. Don't fall to hear him. Prayer meeting on Thursday night at 7 o'clock. Quarter ly conference on Monday at 7:30 p. m. E. B. Jones, pastor. Congregational Church Sunday services as follows: Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Sub ject, "The Sum and Substance of Re ligion." Junlon Endeavor at 3 p. in. Evening worship and address. Sub ject. "On What Side Are You?". A cordial welcome to all not having a stated place of worship. J. Edwards, minister. Church of the Redeemer Divine service tomorrow Advent Sunday- Sunday school at 10 a. m. Celebra tion of the holy communion at 11 a. m. Evening prayer and address at 7:30. First Presbyterian Church 10 a. m., Sunday school; 11 a. m., sermon: I "Witnesses." 3 p. m Junior Endeav or; C:45 p. in,, Senior Endeavor; 7:30, sermon to the young people. Strang ers are especially invited to ail tho services. Itobert J, Diven, pastor. Christian Church Services at the courthouse tomorrow as follows 1 a m., Sunday school, J. H. Qarretl, superintendent; 11 a. ra., sermon, "Heart Service"; 7:30 p. m., sermon, "Paul's Experience as a Jew and as a Christian." Men's Resort Rev. Jonathan Ed wards, of the Congregational church, will address the men's meeting at the Men's Resort, tomorrow, at 4 p. in All men Invited. MISCELLANEOUS. IN POUND ME rOI.LOWINCI DESCRIBED antmM hte ben tkn up br the murthal ot the Citr ot Pendleton, to wit; One lUrk brown griding. iUt in fr, I jmtt old, weight 500 mnndt. no brand Tiitbl. One rnn Mid. lnir, bM face, S white legi, dim brand on lfft thonlrter and lfft hip, S rear old, weight 900 rounns. ii tain antraaii are not claimed by he owrni or thosa entitled tothr riflon, cr,U and (iMtiii'i aralntt them nalii anil Ih in taken awav within ten Uy from the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p m. of tho 9th dar of December, lMi. the laid antmali will bo aold tu the highest bidder, at pnhlle auction, fur rath, a', tho city pound, on the corner ot Cottonwood and Webb irr et. In tho CitV of Pendletnh, tho procedi of tich la'e to b applied to tha pay rurntot men roita and epema of tnatlnc laio. iratea inn nun nay oi isoTemner, r.vi, J. A, tlLAKF.LY, City Mamhal IN I'Ol'ND-TIIK KOU.OWIN0 IlKSCKIIIRD antmaU hare been taken up by the marshal of the CItv ot Pendleton, to wit: one My mare mule, collar mar, weight about to pounds, no brand Tislble. One bay mare, about U yeara old tar on (orthead, weight about Md pound, no brand vlnlble. II faid nnlmil" are not claimed by the ouners or thoo entitled to the posfcesiuon OI inem, cons nun xpciirs auniiiKi them paid and them taken anay within len dayarrnra the dato hereof, then at o'clock p. in. of the 3rd day of December, 1902. the laid nnlrral w 11 beaold to the highest bidder, at public auction, tor cash, at the elty pound, on the corner of Cottonwood and Webb itrrats, In said City ot I'einlletnrj, the proceeds of such sale ti be arpllcd M the p? ment of such costs anil nncnana of making sale. listed this 2lt day of November, IWi J A Blalely, Clly Marsnni. IN POU.ND-TItK' FOLI.OWIXO DKSCRIBKn animals hare been taken up by the nisrshal ot (no city oi I'cnaietnn, to-wu: uno airrei iican gelding, white strip in face, dim brand on left hip, 9 years old! weight 1100 pounds, shod all round On, bar mare. 7 tears old. loft hind foot crooked, weight 120) pounds, while spot in face, aim nranu on ten snouiner, une roan gelding, weight 1100 llu , A years old. star on forehead, "key" brand on left shoulder, dim brand on right shoulder, two white hlndftet. One black mare, a yeara old, white spot In fore head, weight 100 pounds, dim brand on left snculder. One sorrel yearling filly, white strip in face, no brand Ttsible. One light sorrel mare, .1 years old, we ght poo poumls, whit otrln in face, right hind foot while, dim biatid on'lefthip. Oue soirol marc, white spot in face, weight I0OO pounds, dim brand on left shoulder, firarsold. One sorrel yearling filly wri te spot in lorenrsii. nciu ninu ntoi wi.ne. no br'nrt Tlslble If salil animals are not claimed by the ow-ier or those entitled to the nossoslon of It. costs and eipenses against it paid and It laken away with' In ten days frem the date hereof, then at 2 o' clock p. in. of the 8th day ot December. IWH, the said animal will be Mild to the highest bidder, at publlo anct'on. for cash, at tbe city pound, on the corner of Cottonwood and Webb streets in said City of Pendleton, the proceeds of rich sala to be applied to the payment ot sucn cots anil expenses oi mating snio, ifaicu this 2sth day of November, I'.irr'. J. A, Dlakely, City Marshal HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel In Pendleton and as Rood as any. in HUH Headquarters fur Traveling Men. Commodious Sample Rooms, Rates $2 & $2,50 Special rates by week or mouth, l-xccllent Cuisine. Prompt Dlulngrooiii Service. Hvery Modern Convenience. Dar ami billiard room in connection Only Three Blocks from Depot. GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Corner Cuutt and Juliutou Streets, rendition, Oregon. Kolly, Proprlotor. IN POUND -THE FOLLOWING: DKSIlItlBED I animals haTe been taken UD bv the marshal ot the City of Pendleton, to-wll; One sorrel mare, white spot on nose, age 7 years, weight 1100 pounds, no brand Tlslble. une sorrei mare con, nn urauu tiai uiw. flriA hav marn. whltn In face, wetffht 10O0 pounds. 6 years old, no brand visible. One bay mare, white star In face, r, years old, weight 11C0 pounds, no brand visible. One bay gelding, white s'rlp In face, weight 1100 piunds, scar on right hind leg, no brand visible One brown mare, 7 years old, weight 1100 pounds, no brand visible. ()n hrnwii'mare. branded "hnrsoshoe on right shoulder, G years, weight NX) pounds, one sorrel and white mare colt, white face. nn brand vlalhlf. One bay yearling horse colt, white face, branded "horse shoe" on ilcht shoulder and ''onebay'inare, bald face, two white hind feet, right front foot white, G years old, weight 000 pounds, dim brand on right shoulder une Drown colt, wune in lace, no ornuu visible If said anlmaln are not claimed by the own ers or those entitled to tbe possession of them, costs and expenses epalnst Ihem paid and them taken away within ten days from the date hereof, then at 'i o'clock p.m. of the 10th day of December, 1102, the said animals will be sold to the highest bl r. at public auction, for cash, at the cl d, ou the corner of Cottonwood and W streets. Id the I lly of Pendleton, the pro ceds of such sale to be ap plied to the paymsnt of such coats anil es. penges ot making sale. Dated tbls 'JMh day of November, 1902. J, A. Blskely, City Marshal. M. F. 11 IB STOLE A HORSE. Officers In Pursuit of Ira Ross Who Took a Horse From Livery Stable at Adams, Adams, Nov. 2'J. OfUcers are In pursuit of one Ira itoss, who ou Tues day hired a horse at tho livery stable in Adams and later traded it for an other to a man he met on the road, Somewhere near Pendleton ho held up a boy and took his saddle. Hose was ousted from tbe Compton place ou the mountain last weeli. Compton is his uncle. The horsethlef was in Athena Sunday and showed up in Adams Tuesday anu hired tho horse, He passed through Athena again Wednesday, so It Is reported, east ward bound. His father resides In the Orangeville country. BICYCLE - ORDINANCE AMENDED, ORLAN CLYDE CULLEN COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW U. 8. Supreme Court REGISTERED ATTORNEY D. S. Patent Office U. S. nl FOREIGN PATENTS Trade Marks and Copyright TOO Ttb.at, X. Y Vnjlilartou. D. C Monthly Payment of License A.ollsh ed Riders Will Now Pay for the Season In Advance. The bicycle ordinance recently passed by the city council has been amended. The Jaw as passed made the license of CO cents payable month ly from tbe 15th day of November to the lCth of Aiirll, and the amendment to the ordinance makes the license for the bicycle season payable In ad vance. The- license for the six months is to be 3, or In that proportion for the time the license Is issued, all licenses to expire on the 16th of April. The change was made In the ordi nance because of the extra trouble it made for the officials In issuing li censes and watching riders to see that they did not overlap their time. Wyoming Taken by OovernmenL San Francisco, Nov, 29. The moni tor Wyoming was formally delivered to the government today at the Mare Island navy yard. The monitor lias bad its preliminary tests and In the matter of speed and other require ments has come up to all expecta tions. The Dally Bast Oregonlan is on sale In Portland at tbe Rich news stand In Hotel Perkins, and at the Hotel Port land. Come To Us For your lumber and building material of all descriptions and you will save money and get first-class stock. We can sup ply you with Doors, Windows, Screen doors and windows, building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand. We make a specialty ol wood gutter- for barns and dwellings. Oregon Lumber Yard Mta St., opp. Court House. HEATED 15V STEAA1 LIGHTED HY ELECTIllCITy Anim U iiu I'liiti, riili'l -J ft lo v.'.OO IIOI'llllV. Kili-oiiKiui I'liin. niKs 7Jlc, 1 .0(1. 4K'nlnl ra I I'm liy week or inmiili. Free 'bus meet's all trains Commercial trade solicited Fine sample rooms Special Allciitiiiii (liven louiilry Trailc MOTEL ST.GEOKGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS. (TsWblkWubV 4SJBW GWMUA6 UI a,w Issflkjlinilhlll A lMsHH ssW D.B.A. "?rl iu Halo ! P tlM, it Ixrfliu, tU. VBS Circular cut a nnwt. CHICHESTER'S PILLS y7iftS A hlauiar lUmUi, Mi I t Mltmn. f.yjrJU. 1U,0IU iMIIuvAl.lr 14.,11 llrtiMlil Wf MEN AND WOMEN. Dm BlaO for nnDaUral tIsUuiKtsJbilaipiuatkiuL Trriutibus r ulnrstiati VII 1,1 snucvus facn ralalws. aud cot us u suuurs. I,u,r.. .sriiruifj.Vvi o ur iUodou. Mia Dj xirwsBjnask i ini'iikMl vifa I'.aiil.lall ribtbu. 'JmLc mi alksr. Itcfas .t..lllll.i.. lwllll.. s.t liwr twlAf. rnl Mali, f-iilri Ul.fl.i. ( klrlirurr fc.MUal 11, H4t ,uar, I'llll.a., GEO. DAflVEAU, Prop. Elegantly FurnLshed Steam Heated Kuropean flan. Ulock and a half (rum depot Sample room In connection, ROOM RATE - 60c, 76o, lQt THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON American flat,, Jj per day and upoatd, lica4uartcis fur tourists aud commercial trav. sltrs. btxtisl rain made to faiuillta and siosa (cntlcintu, The uisnattmtul will be tdcaaad at all Units to abow rooms aud (lc pitcts. A modern Turkish tatlisataUUlimsullu lb hoUl. II, C. WiWHKB, Hsusger. Babbitt MaUl, belt In tha world, In bar. Prlc 91 ptr bar, at Ui ttM Oragonlin Oftle, , ta,s Uctt U iim tna u )rcMI iil It. lJcf bf lbs Mvnm aSisakm -4P Mormon Bishop PIU HAfXB ct ttU-tUat, dlnlturkia, sicaucs, u duwsu.kW- Cures Loat Manhood, lm 22SSiSS ZSh it tLS7&Lun U. Addraui. SlahoD Bametlr Co.. nun f'rnnclaoo, Oats A CO., DRUaafSTS, i SOLD DY TALCMAN PENDLETON, OREQQN. 1