SATUIIDAY, NOVEMBER 29. 1902. "Lei the GOLD DUST twins do your work." This would be a cleaner, brighter world It erery Housekeeper U4M GOLD DUST UttuHtpllam-ymiT pleasures: DWt-Tour efforts: Suftfracrar-trom your cares; Aatta to your lite. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. uiicasro. (tew rone, notion, 01. uoui. Makers o! OVAL FAIRY SOAP. All the National Bank Circulation in the United States could not purchase the assets of The Mutual Life Insurance Com pany of New York. Yktal clrtuUtlon of ill Nillonll Buikl In the Untied Suto, Stpttmber so, iosi $323,900,000 its of Tht Mutual Lift Ins. Co. of New York, tit r than those ol any other com piny in cxisttocc. $352,800,000 organization this Company has paid policy noiacn orcr $569 I59000 wile U morn than any .ther company tn the world ku disbursed. Write toiiy for " thill 1 1 mum 7 " The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New Youk Richaio A. McCvxor, President. SHERWOOD GILLESPY, Mnnager Seattle, Waah. Ltimber, Ltimbei4. L ttmber. All kinds for all purposes. Sash, Doors and Blinds Planing of all descriptions done to otder. Don't place your order fo Building Material until you havf consulted us. FREE MAIL DELIVER! WILL BE BEGUN MONDAY MORNING. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard, ROBERT TORSTER, Proprietor Let Us Do Yovt Hauling We do trucking and hauling of all description at reason able prices. Your horses will be well cared for if taken to the Old Dutch l-ienry feed. Yard, corner West Alta. and Lillith streets. Hay, grain and all kinds of feed bought and sold. Horses for sale at all times. WILLIAM CONNERLBY, Prop., Successtor to Hays & Connerley. SHOALWATER BAY Oysters, fresh cverv day, received In the shells di rect from oar own beds We have closed our retail oyster house in the Golden Rule Hotel building, and will devote our en tire attention to supplying the public with fresh oysters by the pint, quart or gallon. Depot in Fecliter's confectionery store, 221 Court street, Pendleton. We wholesale oysters in the sack or car load. Oysters served on the half shell by the plate. Wacbsmwtb Bros. Telegram Received From Washington by Postmaster Llvermore Hours of Delivery and Location of Mall Boxes. Postmaster ljot Llvermore received a telegram from Washington, D. C, at 4: 1C Friday announcing that the free delivery would be begun In Pendleton Monday morning. This was good news to the post master, as he had promised the peo ple the free delivery by the first of December, but had Just about made up his mind that the thing would again be postponed. The naraeB of the carriers have not yet been given out. The local post ofllce employes ltnow them, but re fuse to glvo the names until it fs as certained whether or not the ones se lected by the government will accept. Some of those who took the exami nations are In some other vocation, which thoy will not want to glvo up for the government job. If any of them refuse to take the position, others will have to be appointed and it Is thought best not to give the names until it Is sure they will take their places. The posts have been set and the boxes will bo placed Monday morn ing. Thereafter all who have their mail addressed with their street and numbers will have It brought to their doors without further delay. Other wise residents will have to make J proper application for the delivery. Application uianiis are nr. 1110 jiusuu flce for all to fill out who wish their mall delivered. When mail has no street or number these blauks will have to be filled out and returned to the postoHlce before the mail can be delivered. , Hours of Delivery. There will bo three distributions daily. The first delivery will leave the postofllcc at G: I5 a. in. and go only into the business portion. The second will leave at !) a. ru., which will go to all the resident and busi ness portions, while the third deliv ery will leave the office at 6:45 p, ni. and will bo 'to the business houses only. . There will be no Sunday delivery, bdt citizens may get their mall by calling at the office at the same hours the windows are open now. Registered letters will be delivered and carriers will also collect mall if stamped properly, but the carriers will not be allowed to tako money with which to put the stamps on after arriving at the office. All mall to go to the postofllee must be handed to the carriers or put in the boxes at the various corners, where they will pe located. Mail .Boxes. There will be one dozen of these boxes, situated as follows: One at Court and Stonewall Jackson streets, Court and Vincent, Court and John son, Main and Webb, Main and Alta Aula antl Alta, Calvin and Alta, JIapl and Webb, llush and Jackson. College and Webb, Cosble and Bluff, Hope ana (jourt. With the establishment of free de livery all one cent letters will be abolished. Any letter to bo delivered ln the city must have two cents on It or it will he held for more postage, FOOTBALL THIS AFTERNOON. Pendleton Academy and Milton Col lege Combat for Honors on the Lo cal Field. A contest is on this afternoon be tween the Pendleton Academy and the Milton Collego football teams, on the Alta street football grounds. The collego eleven arrived on the afternoon mixed train and were taken from the depot to the grounds in a 'bus provided by the academy man ngement. The visitors were all ready dressed for the fray. This Is the sec ond game between these two teams, One week ago the academy played the college team on their own grounds and defeated them by a score of six to nothing. The academy team has strengthened considerably since that time and it is" thought to bo a harder foe to cope with than when the first game was played. The college team is also said to bo much stronger than when tho first game was played and this is making tho game more inter esting. SENTENCE 8USPENDED. Judge FIU Gerald Ulves Young Man an Oppotunlty to Improve His Con duct. Frank Sherban, charged by William Harrison with breaking windows out of his home, was released by Justice Fitz Gerald Friday afternoon pending good behavior, Harrison swore out warrant for the young man early yesterday forenoon saying that Sher ban had been annoying him consider ably lately and ho wished to have it stopped. Some of the witnesses were sure thoy saw Sherban throw a stone through Harrison's window while others wero Just as suro that it was not Sherban. In view of tho counter evldonco, sentence was suspended pending Sherban's good behavior. Comet to Pass Near Mercury. riostnri fnss. Nnv 90, TtaVtiln. tlons made at tho Harvard University show that tho comet U, 1902, this evening will pass within 1,014.000,000 mllos of Mercury. Effects of the dis turbance upon tho planet can, there fore bo determined so accurately that a good value of the mass may bo ob tained. If Ih OYIIIX'tn.) tiin ramjt urlll bo vlsiblo after passing Its perihelion. For Rent. What '.a known as Jacob's Knqulye of O. Bf Wade. block. DECEMBER A MONTH OF DELIGHT FOR CAREFUL BUYERS This month will be known as particularly a variation of Decembers. 0urat J I. P. n I I n a rf-v -V 1 L s-x L 11 will far eclipse all former efforts to please me nu uci u. .,c sbck. ( cning need is customers. Let us do business. DRESS GOODS Black Goods $1 25 Silk and Wool Crispet 49c $1.S5 Vigoune $1.00 Striped Venetian 8c $150 White Cord 85c 50c Flannel 25c $1.25 Victoria S;rge H)c MARK 1 nt lu PRICES Colored Wool Dress Goods G0c Brown Brillantine 25c 60c Green Brillantine 25c $1.25 Brown Broadcli th 50c 50c Fawn Flannel lc 7Cc Grej' 3Iixttire 25c f 1 IT 'A.! ni IL 1 . I III' 11 V tf II 1 I IS1TI - .... f $1.25 Grey Serge (JOc Zibilines Four Makes of Saline, Silkine and L H B - B Z h kw H " B " Suit Sclifl $18 Grey and Black Suit Latest Style -Good Quality Rainy Day Skirt $20 Black Tailor Made Suit, Tucked all over $15 Tan Monte Carlo Coats, Good Quality -Beaver Collars, Nicely Made $11.75 1.35 13 50 10.00 14.50 25 Discount on All Furs uud ann r.nnsu Childrens Underwear Isss Than Half Price mm -mr w mmm "m jmrnr h mm mm 1 m 11 HOW IS YOUR M VEX XJf-JIS For nilloua and Nervoiia DUordcra.such a Wind and Pain In the Stomach Sltlr M.j.rh. fulneaa and Swelllne alter meal.. DliilntM and I Drowilne. 1 cow icmu.' to be "WORTH A OUINI3A A DOX." BEEOHtM'S Hill V igJSylgHj Wtak Stomach; Impaired Digestion ; Disordered Liver tney act like magic- few doe will work wondeta upon the Vital Oreans 1 Sr.nM,. inc the muicular avatemi retorlncr fh inn.i..i ri..i.J!'!' ff?.?""' ottengtlien J&,irV of thy human ?m 01 aocieir. ana one t me Deit cuaranteea to the Kervom and Dabtfttated it that Prepared only by THOMAS BEECHAM, St. liekna , Gng.,and 36S Canal St., New York SoM Everywhere, tn Boxes, 10 cents ana 25 oents. Malgnaliireia on erery box of thrRMulnT A DRAIN ON YOUR .POORTr book Ih rnntii.l l. .),.f...,.i.... i..L:.i7i.. It ttre 1 ",Wfty8w"nthItiL'outof order- aZ.t . UB '" a tuorougu, ei mluatlon of the pipes, drains, steam ihuiijb, mo,, give an eaw mate on thn nmt n t. ...-. i, good worklnjr condition. Our work' IV. ar cuoipetent and wo Imve evry, IlOUltJob to a successful Issu-. . Thn- Plninhar OourlBt. Opposite tjolden Jlule goto Dally East nninnnl.n hu rsrrler. Real Estate... men. ao you r An (IS M ... h f rial v ' ".,' and on un o 11"" Howover """" ih 5 a iiouse and lot 'Il'and K1, . ..-..ft v ruiwo- . .. .. A house and tw a Dlt. flVT .. I .A dwell me, Vacant .W.....' A Mock, 0 tj m A "Ttaii IT . nirn in 1 -Uia remeUy that cure, a cola lu ouo dy. E. U. vuivt only 16 cents a wek.