East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 29, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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i 4
$6.50, $8, $0 to $20
Winter Suits
$6.00, $J0.00 to $20.00
Winter Glovcsr25c to $ J .50
Wmter Mitts, 25c to $X.25
Mens Caps, 25c to $J.25
Winter Underwear, each,
50c, 75c, $ J. 00 to $3.00
Winter Shirts
50c to $2.50
Ailams, Ore.. Nov. 23. Adams Is
especially proud of hor schools, the
financial condition of her town .mil
tho nnmlicr of substantial residences
that are going up In the town. Its
school district Is among tho few in
UK! count) nun ia ""i -". i W1,i,.. al)ev
town treasurer lias mnney on naim ';,,, ,,, .,f r.oo
and- the town does not owe one cent, , ' , , ,s (hc b(lal. u Is
and a number of costly and substan- 1 1)rlllte,i, ably edited
tlal residences are under course or '""Jwb a ,'BrB0 patronage. It Is
construction, besides some splendid a " Pendleton and Athena
nnes hnve lust been completed. Her i'"""' ' ' ...,, c ,i10 luminous
.. . niprriinius an wun
ilt. g.ows 15.000 bushels of wheat an
miaflv Mr Hales1 building did not
cos L large a sum as the L cua Hen
bHlUllnB. but it is a beau I ul s true-,
ture and Is snugl arwimed inside.
Business Institutions.
Tlie Adams Advance has won the
,oputation of being one of the best
s in iiiy Hiiuf i"i iw.."
in uici
The tlrst general observance of
Thanksgiving day by tho Roman
Catholic church In the Philippines1 1
took place Thursday. ;
A portrait or President Lincoln will
1, 1omi1 I,, tliu Mlculcjlimi TI - 1 1 nt
Fame. The picture was furnished by
Bobert T. Lincoln, of Chicago, In re
sponse to a request, and will be plac
ed alongside that of Robert E. Lee.
The political situation in Santo
Domingo has been complicated by
revolutionary disturbances which j
have broken out In the northern part i
of the republic. The government has I
taken severed measures to suppresi
the movement. i
Excitement caused by watching a
local football game Thursday caused
the sudden death of Rev. John J.
Barth, of the German Methodist Epis
copal church of St. Louis, by apo
plexy. It was the first football game
lie had ever witnessed.
Charles Kelly, formerly speaker of
the house of delegates of St. Louis,
-was arrested Friday in Philadelphia,
on a fugitive warrant charging him
with perjury and bribery. He was'
on his way homo from England to at
tend the funeral of his son.
An unusual union servicu was held
on Thanksgiving day at Springfield,
O. The Congregationalists met with
the Jews in their synagogue. The re
sponse was read from the Hebrew
prayer book and the songs were
taken from tho Congregational hymn
als. To have the public schools of the
United States dovote less attention to
arithmetic and more attention to
physics is the object of a campaign
marked out by tho Central Associa
tion of Physics -Teachers, which open
ed its first annual convention in Chi
cago today.
At the present time Oregon stands
in greater disrepute before the secre
tary of the Interior than any other
public land state. It is Known that
some of the land laws aro loosely
constructed, but evidence Beems to
show lack of effort on the part of
Oregon land olllcinls to protect tho
government's interests.
Hotel Pendleton,
0. S. Youngman, Portland.
P. H. Caldwell, Albany.
Alary T. Jones, Portland.
O. P. Darkwell, Portland.
J. W. Riley and wife, Defiance.
S. M. Hancock and wife, Spokane.
N. V. Council, San Francisco.
II. .S. Rothheld, San Francisco.
T. Duncan, San Krnnclsco.
J. H. Bachc, Seattle.
:Mrs. Buelah Hints, Seattle.
Alex Crogendale, city.
C. E. Roosevelt, city.
Mrs. C. E. Roosevelt, city.
George Stevens, Spokane.
T. W. Jackson, Spokane.
C. S. Gox, Camas.
Charles K. Oarey, New York.
John Schwarz, Now York.
Henry L. Hexter, Portland.
A. McDonald and wife, Portland.
Jesse McDonald, Portland.
M. Black, Kansas City.
E. Draydon, Portland.
S. Klrkland, Milton,
niley Moore, of Grant's Pass, died
Friday of hiccoughs.
Incendiaries started three fires In
Yankton, S. D., Friday night, with
no serious results.
J, Simonis is on trial at Uaker City
for attempting to poison two young
girls of Eagle Valley.
Two freight trains collided near
Missoula, Mont., Friday, ono fireman
and engineer being fatally injured.
Payette is to have a suburban elec
tric car line 12 miles long, reaching
from that city to New Plymouth.
Tho annual meeting of the Multno
mat County Sunday School Assocla
tion will bo held In Portland Decern'
ber 2 and 3.
The crown prince of Slam spent
Friday and Saturday In Portland and
will spend Sunday In Vancouver, B
C, before sailing for homo.
Bert Rogers was fined $50 In the
Baker county circuit court Friday,
for selling liquor within ono mile of
a mine in active operation.
A. Zander, a Portland milkman, was
hold up by masked-highwaymen Frl
day night, but the robbers failed to
get anything for their trouble.
John McCoy, of Forest Grove, died
nt that placo Friday evening. Ho
was a resident of that city for 40
years. He leaves a wife and nine
Two prisoners escaped from tho
Starbuck city Jail Friday night. They
were from Chelan county and were
lodged In the Starbuck Jail for safe
keeping for a short time. No trace
has been found.
The GoldenaRule.
George W. Wolfe, Mosco.
L. M. Watrtis, Adams.
G. W. Scrusher, Weston.
J. A .Ross, Weston.
Miss J, B. Duffy, Atheua.
R. E. Porter, Meaeham.
-Mrs. Hufield. Walla Walla.
Mrs. M. A. Boedefield, Weston.
H. Stonton and family. Helix.
Thomas Hiitchlns, Portland.
Miss Minnie Hutehins. Portland.
Ward Ellis, Central City.
G. W. Auspeck, Walla Walla.
W. O. Goodhue, Walla Walla.
W. J. Moore, Spokane.
L. K. Hight, Portland.
A. J. Hall, Spokane.
L. Cunningham, Portland.
II. Brown and wife, Portland.
L. C. Ieston, Weston.
P. Grant, La Grande.
Z. Houser, Echo.
J. H. Wood, Athena.
W. W. Evans, St. Joseph.
Mrs. C. H. Pape, Baker City.
J. B. Duffy, Athena.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications us tbey cannot reach
the diseased portion of (lie ear. There Is
only one way to cure deafness, and tliat
is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is
caused by an Inflamed condition of tbe
mucus Hums of tlie Eustachian Tube.
When this tube Is lnuumcd you have a
riimbllnic Bound or Imperfect liearlntr. and
when It Is entirely closed, Deafness Is tbe
tfsuit anu unless tue inuammation can be
taken out and tills tuba restored to Its
normal condition, Hearing will be destroy
ed forever; nine cases out of ten nre
caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but
an inuumeii conaition or me mucus surface.
We will give Ono Hundred Dollars for
any case of deafness (caused by Catarrh)
tbat cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
cure, maa for circulars, free.
V. 3. CIIENBY & CO., Toledo, O
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
II" H's Family 1'llls arc the best.
Cut-Off Through Bad Lands.
St. Paul, Nov. 28. The Northern
Pacific is about to begin work on the
construction of a cut-off through the
Bad Lands, starting at a point one
fourth of a mile east of Belfleld and
running northwest to tho head of
Green River, about rcur and one-half
miles north of Fryburg and thence
westerly and crossing the high
plateau half a mile north of the his
torlo town of Medora. From the west
side of the plateau a mammoth brldgo
will span the Little Missouri and the
new line will cross tbe old line to
tho south of the big McDonald ranch
Tho new route will do away with tho
Fryburg hill and .will give a good
route through tbe Bad Lands.
A Startling Surprise.
Very few could believe In looking
at A. T. Hoadloy, a healthy, robust
blacksmltb, of Tllden, Ind., that for
ten years ho suffered such tortures
from rheumatism as few could en
duro and lire. But a wonderful
change followed his taking Electric
Bitters. Two bottles wholly cured
me," be writes, "and I have, not felt
u twinge in pver a year." They regu
lato the kidneys, purify the blood and
euro rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous
ness. Improve digestion and irlvo nor-
feet health. Try them. Only BO cents
at Tallmanu & Co's. drug store,
stocks and the ruture is looked to
with confidence by the entire citizen
Tho Body Corporate.
Tho town has $r00 in the treasury
and only owes a few dollars incidental
expenses. Although the town 'char
ter provides that tho town shall not
Incur exceeding $500 Indebtedness,
the town has made some valuable lm-
nrovements. paying for them as It
went The town has never lovled n
tax. It has a town hall and Jail and
these with the lot upon which they
are situated arc valued at $500, It
has a fire apparatus, Including hose
cart and engine valued at $1200. fThe
water used nt present for fighting fire
is taken from wells In different parts
or tho town, owned by the town. The
marshal is the only straight out salar
ied officer, his salary being $10 a
month. The recorder Is under the
fee system.
To Enlarge Rights.
A-move Is now on foot to enlarge
the borrowing powers of tho town In
order that a better water system may
be obtained and that sidewalks and
streets may be improved.. It is tho
purpose to put in a standpipe on top
of the hill overlooking the town and
pump water into this from the Wild
Horse, which flows through the town.
It Is claimed by the citizens of the
town that the late rapid growth of
tho place demands better streets and
bettor fire protection. A ticket has
been recently nominated on this plat
form and as there lias been no oppo
sition, it is presumed that all of the
property owners are in favor of en
larging the borrowing powers of tho
city and extending the Improvements.
Town Officers.
T. A. Lieuallen is mayor; M. A.
Ferguson, recorder; J. E. Cherry,
treasurer; F. B.Vllks, marshal, and
Albert Harala, J. K. Johnson, B. L.
Simpson, Dick Powers and William
Holmnu, councllmen.
The Public School.
... TiJV nubllcschool ,at Adams, is in
Koou conumon nnanciaiiy ami otuer
wise. It has no indelikt 'ne-ss Dm dis
trict never having been bonded; it
has a good school building and school
is taught nine months in the year.
The school building is valued at $2500
and the apparatus at $500. The Insur
ance carried Is $1500. .1. E. Cherry Is
principal; W. O. Read has charge of
the intermediate departments and
Mrs. W. O. Read has charge of tho
primary department. There are 155
children enumerated, and an average
attendance of 111. The school board
consists of J. W. Perringer, chairman
G. M. Morrison and J. T. Lieuallen
directors, and M. A. Ferguson. clerk-
Churches and Lodges,
Tho Baptists and Methodists each
have substantial church buildings in
Adams. Each church Is valued at
$1500 and the Methodists carry $900
insurance on their building.
The Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythi
as, Woodmen of the World, Circle of
Woodcraft and Order of Washington
all have lodges "here and the Odd Fel
lows and, Woodmen own their own
Adums has a number of substantial
business buildings as well as resl
deuces. Tho new residences of J. T.
Lieuallen and J. O. Hales, lately com
pleted, are models of workmanship
and convenience. They aro located
on tho hill overlooking the entire1
country around Adams and are desir
able places to live. Mr. Lleuallen's
building is two stories, has a stone
rounuauon and contains 13 rooms
The inside work is all hard oil finish
and the rooms wero all especially de
signed for the purposes assigned to
them. The building cost more than
juuu and Mr. Lieuallen can stand
on his front veranda and view everv
part of his 800-acro wheat farm where
n t,irt nf thn Shaltcsnnarlan '
ra'u"'" " lUn..."H.. y.
f "Your booklet cam to my
the business
nr Hu nwn town. JicAianus v
Brown arc the editors and proprle-j
tors and while both have a wide rep-,
utatlon as newspaper men or ability ,
Mr McManus. especially, is well
known In Pendleton as one of the,
best newspaper men In the country
.1 .1. Roulslone has a general mer-
elmmllse store and cm l ies pvcryimiig
usuallv carried in such a Hue. He
has only been In business about n
year but has lived in the county for
21 vears He is an extensive wheat-
grower, having auout n-'1 m (
land in cultivation. Ho has averaged
SO bushels if wheat to fu'a to the (
(Continued on page 3.)
home like a message of health
I hid Milfertd with
Iwadaehc, backache and bar-lne-dowupalus.
I was weak,
nervous and hysterica! and
had not eontulted any doctor,
thinking It would pass away
In time, but Instead I found
that the PIm Increased and
were more Iwquent. I de
cided to try Wine of Cardul
..ji.. .l.nrt time was much
Improved. It eemed to act like a charm.
I kept up the treatment and the mult
was most satisfactory. Words fail to ex
press my gratitud for the that
is now saved me. I am In fine health,
physically and mentally. I can only say
thank you', but there Is much more In
my heart for you."
EAItlNG-DUWiN patns are mo
tU$ t'aV Lit.
worst that women know. If
you aro suffering from thts trou
f.io vnn nerd not bo uncertain
about it. The pams in the abdomen
and back that feel as fhenvy woights
wero pulling down on the nerves of the
stomach are "bearing-down pains .
Thev may not be particularly severe at
present but they .are growing worso.
That headache which nearly drives you
distracted now is caused by tho tcmblo
soon 77T UK
. any nnilim
again, as it has J'S1"
Women strnrm V..1.1
ing regular mewtraS" J
evatam . a m im.d.1 -111 . . J !
drains. The liffamrabul7!
womb in place are iwHt
wii vTHnu..
to its normal traiti .7
health is the result. Td,i
Win. rt n.,i: i... 1
of the best women in Jb&T
If you need advice wrhi'ftjv
imvisory department, H(
noogu juoaicmo uompany,C
Term., describinc all vm,.
freely, and a letter of ta
sent you. Secure a 41.00loba
o Cardui from your dragpjj
A million tsftn
have f mmd. i
Wine of C
Soft White Hands
Luxuriant Hair
Produced by
rhemostelfecthos: r imrlfwn? and beautl
!inj; soap in the wtiud, as well as purest and
sweetest lor toilet, i -ih. a l mier. The
onl prer-nim' 01 piuii.lcs, blackhead, red,
rouh.anti om "km.rt'i, majrb hands with
itchuiL' pa'ais ami shails nails lr.thin,
and f.iVhiij; li.it r, an t snnpio luhy MemHhes,
Irt'Oflu tin only prtent)Vfnf the rann'. viz.,
nlUiiitnauoii and ioi-tni: ot the Pom;.
Sol.i PTervwhf n 1'niT 1: O O 'ri-. V'fm
toil Mu .ilia hrt.il ,fu &fcit),lUi.dt,aii.l ILJr.trea.
New Books at 1
Confession of a Wife, by
Mary Adams, the most talk
ed about book of the day.
Castle Caneycrow, by the
author of Graustark.
The Fortune of Oliver Horn.
The Highway of Fate.
Temporal Power by Corelli.
The Climax.
Madden O'Brien.
Donovan Pasba by Parker.
Paul Kelver by Jerome,
Book Store.
are greatly enhanced by finely
laiindried linens. We can add
to the sum of domestic lnp
piness in this respect. Can't
be beat at laundry work Do
up your shirts and collars in
Ai style. And you'll then
iave a "bosom friend" that'll
give you comfort and pleasure."
Special attention to collars
and cuffs Finest work. Low
est prices Satisfactory service
K. Robinson, Pro IVndleloii
Special low prices on Sideboards,
Chiffoniers, Lady's Dressing Tables,
Remnants of Carpets and Wonder
fully low p'rices. Great bargains
'in Steel Ranges and Stoves . . ,
Basler's Big Bargain Houa
Hunt up those pictures and have them framed at onct
Christmas is Not Far Away
You will net the best work and newest style frames 3
you will come to us. Largest stock to select from -J
for SHARP New I
Opera House Bfodj
Let Marphy Frame those
Pictures for Christmas
The Queen
Don't put off haviwg the
work dene. If Murphy
does the work it will be
good work and you will be
highly pleased, Best stock
of framing material1.
The new bmlftc n
recently ereum -i t . , 1 1
ftnrden street. DM1. J
- .v imD
I V fit:;v,,Jn4
Not an inside roomin g
, trie' lights and baths. Tl
I ,-c H.wk. back of olt
E. J. Mwphy's
Best work at lowest prices.
All kinds of imported lunches,
hot wiener wurst, sauerkraut and
pigs feet at
Main Streets near Postoflice
is directly back
O inn and UVSU
i in connection by Msrs' ,
i Olson & Van P
! pfopriets
The Columbia
Lodging House
A half section
of fine '
Good improvem"
- portion Ol ''"
Aimot.1 . ,hort
one uoay, -tance
north of tow
800 MAIN S
For Health, Strength and
measure Drink
m nnniirnu
i'i I u inn inn.iii
Murphy TLeTTppTs jj flltETl Cfl j