East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 28, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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    man B I T"' 1 Mr
1 ll
For perfect fit.
For ease and comfort they
afford women.
For stylish appearance.
For service they give.
For the low prices,
? M
$3 and $3.50
Dmdmger, Wilson
Good Shoes Cheap
n. B. Watson is In town from
Parish, of Cold Springs, la In
:f nf w. n.
$'4 'be city.
W. M. Conklln, of Nye, was In town
t; Ueaterday.
r' -4 Paul Compton Is In town from
! '.Vftllax Walla.
'ii. !iff John Luhrs was In town today from
' h(i ' ' IcKay Creek.
H fl hit' O. B. Williamson, of Milton, Is vis
i f CU.UUK III U1U Ulkjr,
'Ml' -I?-' r r Tin
Mrs. Isaac Hagen Is In town from
Qlngham Springs.
. J. Durbln and wife, of Athena, wero
'a town Thanksgiving.
iC C. L. Cox Is registered at Hotel
,'endleton from Camas.
f Carl Rosenwelg, of Rosalia, Is vis'
Tijimng relatives in town.
tl Miss Clara White, of Frcowator,
job in town Tnanicsgivmg.
' Mrs. A. T. Drower, of Freowa
'jWjlsitlns relatives un I'enmetou.
M fjiieorgo last night from Weston
h Gus Gulon, who spent Thursday in
vmn. left last night for Portland
yMrs. Morrow, of Vancouver, Is vis
King her son, Qeorge Ernst and wife.
: Mrs. Fred Waffl, of La Grande,
pent Thanksgiving with relatives In
Miss Lovello Moorhouso has TO
j3, urned from several days spent wltli
triends In Portland.
2 Miss Annie Marshal has returned
"rom Portland, where she spent the
rest several weeks.
w Ivan Lewis, formerly of Pendleton,
' mt now of Arlington, 'is visiting
Rrfcnds in tho city.
Your Doctor's Orders to he
mented by pare drags
If" your, prescription is
filled by us it contains
nothing but the best in
gredients that your doctor
prescribes for you. We
never substitute.
Rov. Dleaknoy, formerly principal
of tho Pendleton "Academy, but now
pastor of a church in Elgin, is in
Miss Mamie Stott has returned
from tho hospital in Portland, where
she was operated upon for nppcndl
Dr. E. A. Mann has returned from
Salem, where ho was called on ac
count of the sickness and death of
his father.
J. B. Duffy, of Athena, is In the
city today. He says that tho contin
ued wet weather has delayed seed
ing to .. great extent.
W. L. Stewart, of Meacham, is In
tho city today. Ho says the Log Cab-
In will be rebuilt soon. There are
now 12 inches of snow at that place.
George II. Adams, W. L. Urown and
wife, R. N. Adams, Mrs. J. Finch, H.
E. Henderllng and W. N, Nash are
registered at the Golden Rule hotel
from Adams.
Among the Weston visitors in Pen
dleton Thanksgiving were: W. S.
Banister, I. A. Read, Sam McGhee, J.
Rupert, B. E. Nelson, E. E. Walder
and C. J. Rupert.
Major Hall, claim agent for the O.
R. & N., left Thanksgiving morning
for Portland after spending a day In
the city looking after tho Interests
of tho company.
J. W. Mulllnlx, secretary for the
Walla Walla hospital, was a guest of
tho Golden Rule hotel Wednesday
and Thursday. He was here looking
after the business for the hospital.
William Fitzgerald, formerly pro
prietor of the Pendleton Shoo Store,
but now of Portland, Is In town visit
ing with his many friends. Mr. Fltz-'
Serald Is now traveling for a whole
sale house.
Charles Holman arid J. H. Read, of
San Francisco, United States rovenuo
officers, spent Wednesday and Thurs
day at Hotel St. George. They were
looking after Uncle Sam's business
In this city.
Dr. Frank Smith, a brother of Mrs.
Campbell, Mrs. Joe Parkes and Miss
Myrtle Smith, Is in the city from Se-
Induces Stranger to Leave His Money
In His Care Told the Man He Was
a Deputy Sheriff.
The East Oregonlan was Informed
by William H.ckoy Wednesday that
tho man who claimed to have been
robbed here a few days previous had
left his money with the Penland Bros.
Ho further stated that tho man de
posited the money and left next morn
lng without calling for the same, and
that he could get it by calling at tho
lodging house.
The truth of the matter Is that Mr.
HIekoy took the stranger to Penland's
lodging house, displayed a star and
revolver and took $148.30 from tho
man for safe keeping, after posing
as a deputy sheriff.
Next morning tho stranger failed
to locate Mr. Hlckey and went to
Walla Walla without recovering tho
Tho sheriff, apprised of the fact
that Mr. Hlckey had posed as an
officer, hunted him up to get an ex
planation. Hlckey promised to come
to town and turn over the money, but
failed to do so. Instead of this, he
went to Walla Walla in seafch of the
man whoso money ho held.
On Wednesday evening this strang
er again appeared In this city and
succeeded In recovering most of the
money left with Hlckey.
The version of tho story told bv
Mr. Hlckey placed the responsibility
of holding the stranger's money on
Penland Bros., who had nothing what
ever to do with tho proceeding. The
actions of Hlckey, to say tho least,
are very strange. He has on several
occasions posed ns a special officer.
and It seems on this occasion used
this would-be authority to a bail purpose.
musician. Elva Fletcher, captain of
guards, Helena Burton.
The flerk and banker nre elected
for one year and the managers for
ono and a half years. Tho other of
ficers are elected for six months.
Twenty.one Birds Disposed of Mr. Lot Can be Purchased for $5,000 and
Howe Present Three Choice Ones Building Can be Erected for $15,000
to Sisters' Hospital. Great enthusiasm prevailed Wert-
nu o rmwd of SDectators wore nesday evening at the mass meeting
on the hill Thanksgiving to witness held
the turkey shooting match.
fl.o ,1nv tvna rnu- nnri COIU IU1H (Hd
nnf iotnr mnnv from taking part In
tin! shooting and some very good
Kprnps were made.
Twenty-one turkeys wero shot for
and they were won by Howe, 3; Hum
phrey, G; Ferguson, l; iiirner, ...
Ayers, 1: Ayers and Broekbank, 1;
Clnrk 1.
Thnan wnn hv.Mr. IIOWO. who is
Iipro rnnrpsnntlnc the U. M. C. Com
pany, were presented to the Sisters'
Wayne McCoy Run Over by Train ft
Reardan, Dies of His Injuries.
A telegram was received this morn
ing, announcing the death of Wayne
McCoy, who was run over and badly
mnngled by a freight car Wednesday
morning at Reardan, Washington.
Tho boy was 14 years of ago and
was a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Crawford, of this city. Ono leg was
almost severed from the body and he
received other very serious Injuries
from which he died at 5:30 Thursday
evening. The boy is well known here
and in Weston whero his parcntH
lived. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford loft
for Reardan yesterday.
Tho estimated shipments of celery
from California for 1901-2 are put by
commercial authorities at 1200 car
loads, against 1100 carloads In 1900
1 and 700 carloads In 1899-1900.
In the club rooms or wo com
mercial Association for tno purpose
of talking over the now dun nouso
Jesse Falling, chairman of the com
mlttee nppolntcd from tho Commer
cial Association, reported that his
committee has examined th6 plans
drawn by Architect Troutman and
that they were found to be satisfac
tory. Ho stated that tho lot selected
could bo purchased for $5000, tho
building erected for $12,000 and fur-1
nlshed for $3000. This makes a total
of $20,000 necessary for the success
of the undertaking.
Georgo Hartman. Jr., then reported
as chairman of tho commltteo from
the youug mon, and said that his com
mittee wns favorably Impressed with
the plans as drawn and that tlmy
would endorse them. He fejt Ruro
that the building could bo erected it
every one Interested would take hold
and work.
The consensus of opinion of those
present was that tho organization
bo Incorporated for $20,000. It was
also decided that a committee should
be appointed to solicit subscriptions
and to see how much money could bo
This commltteo has not yet heou
named as President Cohen wished to
have time to select Bultahlo men.
t i
rLet Murphy Frame those
Pictures for Christmas
attle. He came over in response to
tho news of tho serious Illness of h
father, A. H. Smith.
Mrs. C. L. McGinnls returned home
Wednesday evening from Walla
Walla hospital, where che has been
for tho past three months and where
sho underwent a very serious oper
ation. She Is now convalescing.
Senator-elect W. M. Plerco has re
turned from California, where he
went in the interests of a lawsuit
which involves tho Victoria Island
and in which ho and A. D. Stlllman
are attorneys. Tho suit will not come
up for trial until March.
Young Finch Pleads Guilty of Forq.
ery and Implicates Loss Oman as
His Accomplice Bennett and Jor
dan Sentenced.
This afternoon Ave men were tuken
before Judge W. R. Ellis, of tin. dis
trict court to plead to charges of I J
Tho labor papers of Germany are
bringing out the real character of
Krupp. They term him a robber dis
guiseu as a pnuantnropist, and cay
that ho was a parasite on the national
Don't put off having the
work dene. If AJurphy
does the work it will be
good work and you will be
highly pleased, Best stock
of framing material.
IJE. J. Mtttphy's
Best work at lowest prices.
half section of fine wheat
land, all in summer-faU
low, north of Pendleton.
Good improvements.
Almost a section of land in
one body, a short dis
tance north of town.
Look Here
120 acres of wheat land, 3 miles from Pendleton,
600 acres, 10 miles from station, plenty of water,
160 acres, 10 miles from Pendleton
160 acres, on the river, 7 miles from Pendleton',
3.5 acres in alfalfa, cood house and ham
Good house on West Alta street ,r.
Good five-room house, north of river, six blocks
from bridge $
1 : -1 .. w iiiu-iuuni bULiaLca 1 1 1 1 v v r 1 vvhiiii r v if ..
Y "uiwi iicmj i-ccu iaru
rGood property in city and connlry too numerous to mentlon.'any
iuunuuu iutn uuu may uuhh t).
crimes. Loss Oman. was the first ono
to bo called before the court. Ho is
charged jointly with V. E. Finch with
uttering forged cheeks. He pleaded
not guilty and his trial will come up
ai me next term of court.
Finch, his co-partner aud the lead
er In the check forging business, was
up next. Ho pleaded guilty and in
doing so implicated Oman, sayln
that Oman was with him when ho
wrote the checks and tluit the money
was divided between them.
Morris, Bennett, nnd Jordan worn
men asueu to pieau on the charge of
larceny from a store, they being the
men who are charged with enterln
u. u. lllchardson's store at Helix ant!
taking a lot of cheap jewelry thcre-
irom. Morris pleaded not guilty,
whllo Jordon and Bennett pleaded
guncy. Tiio judgo then sentenced
them to six years each In state's pris
on. Finch waived time and will be
sentenced at 10 o'clock Monday.
in sentencing Bennett and Jordon
Judgo EIIIs gavo them a wholesome
lecture, one of these men Is an old
man and the judge said It was nnr.
ticularly sad to have to pass sentence
upon nn old man. He said there was
an honest pathway open for all men
wno wanted to work for a living.
Aiorris win have his trial at the
next term of court anu It Is likely that
he will get about twice as heavy a
sentence as his partners in crime, as
tho chargo of burglary will be lodged
against him as well as that of larce
ny irom a building.
Mining Man,
Deposits Ex-
T. L. Bronhv. Pioneer
Believes Vast Nitrate
1st in This County.
Thomas L. Bronhv n mlnlnn-
antf veteran metallurgist of Eastern
Oregon, now located in Spokane
spent Thursday In this city. Mr.
Brophy has been for 20 venrs a firm
nnd tireless advocate
richness of the Umatilla county ni
trate deposits and is honeful
of the ultimate establishment of tho
nltrato Industry as one of our most
valued business acnulsitlons.
The Use of Nitrates.
Nitrates enter Into tho manuli'hii
of black powder and at tho present
uio vast amount of t 1 s m neral
used In tho United States Is Imported
from Chill. The demand for It is so
great that tho Chilean mines are tax-
en 10 tneir utmost capacity and or
ders for their output for years In ad
vanco are now being piled. The min
ing or tho nitrates does not require
tho heavy and oxnenslvo maehlnprv
used In gold and silver mining. It Is
an Inexpenslvo
handled by local capital.
comprise one-third of the Ingredients
of common black powder. Too other
component parts being powdered
charcoal and flour of sulnlnir. if
s also used In tho manufactn TO nt rlv.
namlte, nitric acid and other chemical
properties and has n hid. in n tit
vnluo. i
! Warm
It rt
i ,
$1.25, $1.50 1
Leggins for
Ladies & Children
Overgaiters for
Men and Women
The Queen Hotel
Now Open
The new buildinc. o hv Rn.
recently erected by joe. Ell, on
Garden strejt, between Court and
Alta, is now open to the public.
Contains 30 well lighted, and venti
lated and newly furnished rooms.
Not an inside room in the build
ing. Modern inproveinents, elec
tric lights and baths. The Hotel
is directly back of of the fl
Chop and Oyster House on Main
street, and the Queen Chop House
dim me yueen Hotel will be run
in connection by Messrs.
Olson & Van Ptiymferoeck
Umatilla Pioneer Dead.
Mrs. L. E, Penland received a let
ter Wednesday night from Bitter an
nouncing the death of her bro'hov,
Perry Clark, who passed away at
that place last Sunday. Mr. Clark la
well known here. Ho lived in this
county for many years. He built and
ran the first livery barn In the town
ot Helix. Ho leaves a wife and six
the other nieht.
beautiful in her white .Z'M
the groom looked his be , if"'
vontional black. After 1
ding the guests Were st,'
wedding presents. Th".?11
exquisitely decorated salad
new school designs; a p, '!
bread tray with fillett gold ft
and elaborate scrolls; -a cav.
consisting of a large square i
plate with cut-out corn !P5
center richly decorated w.thfl
spray, and six small .J,
match. Other equally ar JS
creat.ons m china were sea ii2
over the table. We could
help but notice that the
wranpers were m.irl,.,t 'W
Owl Tea House
Cheapest place in Oregon
The 20.000 snr ttw i ...J ,
, .m 1; ... "'U uti
unci mm iz.nm ahiwn
C.000 acre tract and Th
7ou acreB, a fine stock ranch
H20 acres and 75 hpnd nf ..'.
,tin m vutuCi
zu acres anu 100 ton of hay nnhtm
800 aores wheat Intirl. tn nnn
200 aores on the river. O mllw h.
Pendleton (2300. tr,umUe8ft
140 acres on the river 12 miles In.
Pendleton $1800: "
This Is only a partial list of thenw
stock ranches I have listed.
City Property a Specialty
I have e. long list of dednto
lota, residences, and bntltai
I do not list property unless ut
prlco Is right.
Real Estate Dealer.
Special Dress Goods Sale for One Weok Only
Goods worth gi.50 Sale Price
1 00
We must reduce our dress tioods stock, and to do sn nuiet.
make these big cut prices. We will save yon money on every
dollar invested in dress goods. Come and look them over.
We are agents for the Cosmopolitan Paper Patterns, 10c.
Remember: The largest stock of Roods In the city to select from.
"""."'i,' Wlrl reward Jor the re.
tarn tu tbla office.'
New Officers Selected by the Women
of Woodcraft.
On tho ovenlng of Nov. sfith ti,n
Women of Woodcraft, nf H.la . .v,,.i
- -' M. WbJ .111...
In their lodge hall and g1pctp,i i,a
following nfflcors for
Guardian neighbor, rciion
adviser, Slargaret Cronlu; clork. Jo
hanna nolorman; banker,- Eva XTtU
or; magician. Mrs. G. W.
tendant, Allco O'Danlel; Inner senti
nel, j. i. walker: outer sentlnai t
Earl; manager, Valentine Stroblo. 1
rjlmalu b&ro ben l.ken nn hv .h
oi the tily ol Pf ndlelon, to-wl"
nan. weuht fSSSi" 'r?.l ?ft W V
On ,o,re. mare colt. io,iui Tl.lble. 'e-
Poand.TeVar "' "?;.'t 1CO0
One bar mare, whim i
Wright 11(0 pounds, nn l.rinrt '..fWl
iim1?I"lT.ge,dlns' whHoi'HpIn face,
One brown mare, 7 yeara old. nnn
poundi. no brand tlilble. "ght 1100
One lirnurn mit i,in.uj i
One torrel and wh te marS .mi
no nrand
no brand vltlble. " "UUB ,ace.
One bay yearllnir hnrun rslt ..1.11. .
ou right ihoulder ami
rlarnt hip,
'horio thue"
TMLffVJ,' iW.!!? ?! W.nd feet
ponndi dim b.Vnd on right ihoulder 900
Yl?lh?o .tf mro brand
It tatdantmih are not claimed bv the
rt.yot Uvee-nb.,.. ltt?. theMldSma ,',,V
Cottonwood and We,"!? n. e,'
The millinery season for this fall and winter is drawing to
a close. We have been very successful and the ladies of this
community have shown their appreciation of our high art mil
linery by selecting from our stock. We have still on hand
borne oi the most stylish fall and winter hats which we wish
louispose ot and are offerinc them at ereatelv reduced prices.
We invite you to come and inspect these hats and get thepnVt
. . - - -..vvTYvyvvwvvvvvvvVVVVVVVVVWVVWVV" t
The best' and moat convenient thing of
the kind we have seen is a neat little folder
showing a calendar for 1903, a lodge direc
tory, railroad time card and car fares. They
are for free distribution. Call for one
Is appreciated by every member of the family " w'.
ffulinm,1re mkes it a cozy and handsome room.
graceful tables, buffets, and chairs will transform the plans'
mom into a handsome 0119,
Furniture Store near ,Poat office