East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 28, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Wfather
Tonight cloudy; warmer Sat
urday; probably rnlu or snow.
NO. -1(501
5!!wb -o V OmT Mil via rn.vi.v w m
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.iutthRWR ana
l:.h Miv hause
U, 8. Marshal's
in the Sto.y, as
A Desperado Makes a Good" Haul In
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 2S. Mullen's
gambling houso, In the heart of thd
city, across the street from tho Post
Intelllgoncer onlce, was held up by a
masked robber at 2 o'clocTt Wednes
day morning and relieved of noarly
$1000 In coin. Only a few men were
In the room, but all obeyed the order
or the robber, who held a gleaming
slx-shootor In one hand while he
raked In the coin with tho other. He
worked with calm nerve, and was as
deliberate as a 'mart cashing checks
from home. Tho masked man was
aided In his daring Job by a man who
entered the room as a poker player.
When his pal came In and gave tho
command, ho cried but: "For heaven's
sake boys, don't dlsoboy; he'll kill
us all!"
Both robbers made their escape.
and the police woro not notified, as
the game was illegal.
Nov. 28. The Ore-
is preferring
department of Jus-
.M.lnot rTnltnit
UU- SKatllu. w
W. F. (Jack) Mat
strict of Oregon. It
i.din tn nn nffen-
UlUbUU "
republican state con-
uuaij lu fc"
A loilt
1 !- ..rwl
trted after tho scalp
asman, of Portland.
fed tor a woman, an
portlasd postofflce, to
bad his offensive par-
puollC nouru mm ui
J .1.1!.. t...1t..n
n tnA siarv.
an. iwr. i rnHmu
tr tn tpll MiitthAWfl
at inp nnqinmro wns
iween i.in cnairmnii
state central com-.
p i i . 1 1
sine. Matthews, as
has no right to inter-
HjrR nc n uniini'.iiLii
artlsanship becomes
mis utiice.
that seems to bo
.him in Portland,
tirn inR nnnaTiinniii
true light, Mr. Mat-
office will probably
t is tho avowed In-
in wnlcn detorm-
States marshal's
.if flrnfnn tpIII
nnaly discussed
1Kb. I
r-wan, IV IS UU
ft. lkn
tffcii removal.
tan Vintrn die.
have ex-
wali01lal rtnvolnn.
"tie Invcstiga-
yril HI Son Over
1 ...
f Je claimed no
Mt WOUld turn
watemaia author!-
""tor Nf ir r
bc i
" i several
"". Seattle t . .
the "i m u-iuoi-S:
Military Girl...
. a un nn nn
em e8t Iol tal-
C tho " "KDlb.
Washington Woolgrowers' Associa
tion Cannot Apportion Ranges.
North Yakima, Nov. 28. Commis
sioner Dinger Hermann has taken
nway from tho Washington Wool
prowors Association the r'j'it to r.p-'
portion the ranges on the ualniar for
est resorvo. It Is said that this rul
ing was made on account of tho vio
lations of the reserve regulations by
some sheepmen during tho season. A
meeting has been called by Superin
tendent Shellcr to be hold here next
week to .discuss the matter. Appli
cation for ranges will hereafter be
made to the superintendent.
England and Germany Sending a Large Combined Fleet to
Seize Venezuelan Custom Houses.
Trip of 500 Miles Can Now Be Made
in 24 Hours Will Open Up a Rich
Mining District.
Washington, Nov. 28. A dispatch
from Havana says tho Cuban Central
railroad, from Havana to Santiago,
will lie opened for traffic today. The
trip from Havana to Santiago, about
BOO miles, will be made in about 24
hours, whereas three days are requir
ed by steamboat, the only means of
travel heretofore.
With the opening of this new roal
road Cuba is expected to enter upon
a nqw era a career of industrial de
velopment and nctlvity which Is ex
pected to result in the betterment of
the inhabitants, commercial prosper
ity and the improvement of internal
affairs. Tho main line ot the road is
of standard gauge and its bridges
are of steel and masonry. The equip
ment generally is similar to that of
the best American roads, It being In
tended to run through sleeping oars
between Havana and Santiago. The
line runs through the heart of the
eastorn part ot the island, where
there is much undeveloped mineral
wealth in tho mountainous districts,
but want of capital has hitherto pre
vented its profitable production. Cop
per mines are of great extent and
rich, and water power Is plentiful.
Along the route of the main lino are
to bo found great areas of land of the
richest description, well watered and
suitable for raising sugar cane, to
bacco, corn, cotton, coffee and all
fruits of tho tropical and sub-tropical
regions, such as yams, oranges, man
goes, pineapples and bananas, .all
within a short distance of market.
A Special Messenger Sent From England to Germany Birmingham Post
Says That the Washington Government Is Not Likely to Be Prepared
Under the Present Circumstances, to Suppor1 Venezuela Through
Thick anu Thin.
Washington, Nov. 28. Officials a'd-j
mit mat tno cnanges anu complica
tions In the event of Oerraany and
Britain landing forces In Venezuela,
will be manifold. It Is certain when
the official reports ot the landinr;
forces is received here several of
Dewey's ships now at Culebra will
be despatched to the scene of ac'ion.
A prominent official this morning said
that so long as tho Monroe doctrine
Is respected Germany and Britain
can resort to extreme measures, vet;
actual war to collect their claims.
Special Messenger to Germany,
Birmingham, England, Nov. 28.
The Post says that Count Mattcrnich
immediately, after a conference with
L.ord Lansdown yesterday, dispatched
a long telegram to Berlin regarding
the Venezuelan affair. A special mes
senger followed by boat to the conti
nent last night.
The paper says Britain and Germa
ny will act jointly in collecting
claims from Vonczuclar but also edds
that there appears to be hopes that
Castro can successfully appeal to
America against the action of- the
two pountries on theground of vio
lation of the Monroe doctrine. "The
Washington government," it says
"though very tenacious on that sub
50,000 Christians Driven From Russln
Are Unsheltered In Zero Weather.
Vienna, Nov. 2S. Die Information
today reports that the czar recently
expelled 50.000 Armenians from Rus
sia, who were driven ncross tho fron
tier by the Cossacks. The Tnrkls'i
officers refused them admittance nnd
drove them back across tho lino. U
Is zero weather and tho mortality Hit
Is heavy, as tho people arc unshelter
Former Resident of San Francisco
Imprisoned In Berlin.
Berlin, Nov. 2S. Merltz I.ewln.
alias Koblniwltz, a former resident of
San Francisco, was today sentenced
to two years' imprisonment for
ject, is not fikely to be prepared
under the present circumstances, to
support Venezuela through thirk and
Much Interest in Washington.
Washington, Nov. 28. The capital
Is alive with gossip regarding tho re
ported concerted action of Britain and
Germany against Venezuela. Advices
received here say that Germany Is
pioparing to rush two more warships,
making seven powerful engines of
war, in Venezuelan waters, capable
of landing a force of 2000 men. Eng
land has two strong cruisers there
now, and the Charybllsc sailed hur
riedly from Halifax last night with
secret orders, its destination believed
to he Laguayra.
Venezuela, It Is claimed, has been
persistently violating the rights ot the
two countries imposing indignities up
on their subjects, seizing their prop
erty and money and imprisoning
them upon trivial charges.
Tho state department has given out
no statement, but it is believed that
it will not interfere, as tho announce
ment ha Deen received from semi
official sources that neither country
desires permanent acquisition of ter
ritory, but will simply seize tho cus
toms houso and collect taxes to re
imburse their claims.
North Texas i eachers.
Denton. Texas, Nov. 28. Tho North
Texas Teachers' Association began It's
annual convention hero today under
highly auspicious conditions. Nearly
every city and town in tho territory
embraced by the association was rep
resented when tho gathering was for
mally called to order shortly after fl
o'clock tills morning. Tho visitors
were cordially greeted by Judge J. T.
Bottorff and Dr. W. H. Bruce, and
to their addresses response was made
on behalf of the delegates by Prlnci- J
pal P. B. Hughes, uf Denlson. These
formalities concluded, tho convention
listened to Interesting addresses on
school topics by W. M. Taylor, of
Donton; .7. C. Tucker, of I'lano. and
J. W. Farrell, of Greenville.
Pendleton Churches Meet to
Return Thanks for Blessings.
Charles Kelly Arrives From Europe
Will Be Arrested in St Louis and
Tried for Bribery and Perjury.
New York, Nov. 28. Charles Kelly,
tho leader of the St. Louis boodlers'
combine, returned on the steamer
Celtic this morning and said ho is
tired of being sought. Tho statute of
limitation expired today. Ho says the
death of his son compelled him to re
turn and that he has not been In
Mexico, as generally believed, but in
Europe. He will go at once to St.
St. Louis, Nov. 28. Charles Kelly,
wanted here on two indictments of
bribery and two of perjury, will be ar
rested Immediately on arival at this
Philadelphia, Nov. 28. Charles
Kelly, the St. Louis fugitive, arrived
here this afternoon on his way to St.
Louis. He said ho was going to mako
a clean breast of everything.
Thinking That He Had Killed His
Lover, New Yorker Commits Sui
cide. Mow Ynvk. Jnv 2R. Bfillevinc he
had killed Mrs. Julia Gerber, who had
refused to elope wun mm, furam
Sukawatsky jumped from the window
of her apartments this morning to the
pavement, seven stories below, and
was InBtantly killed. He shot the
woman in tho shoulder, causing her
to swoon.
A Fast Freight Jumps Track In Illi
nois, and Passenger Is Wrecked in
Indiana. ...
Desplalnes, 111., Nov. 28. A Wis
consin Central fact freight Jumped
the track near here early this morn
ing, killing the fireman nnd danger
ously scalding the engineer and a
Indianapolis, Nov. 28. A Big Pour
passenger was wrecked west of Dan
ville this morning. No one was kill
ed. Twelve were injured, none- fatul-
Work Train and Freight Train Collide
at Wasatch Fireman and Conduc
tor Badly Hurt.
Wasatch, Utah, Nov. 28. In a head
end collision on the Union Pacific
main lino of a work train and a
freight, 10 men were seriously injur
ed. Fireman Smith and Conductor
Bheaburg had their legs crushed and
received scalp wounds.
Vilest Immorality Exists In the Coun
ty J ail 8 of New Jersey.
Trenton, N. J.. Nov. 28. Charges
of a most sensational nature were
mado In Its annual report to tho gov
ernor of this state by the charities
association. It says that the vilest
immorality exists in many county
jnils, male attendants wait on the
female prisoners and there are no sep
arate accommodations for the sexes.
Noted Spaniard Said That King Al
fonso Was a Degenerate Type.
Madrid, Nov. 28. Sonor Macho, the
distinguished anthropologist, Is
threatened with a -libel suit and the
suppression of the publication of his
magazine review for nn article relat
ing to King Alfonso. Macho In an
analysis ot the king's character along
physiognomical lines, concludes, with
the Inforence that the monarch, pre
sents a veritable typ of degoneracy.
Negro Methodist Conference Thank
President for Consideration Shown
Norfolk, Va., Nov. 28. The Ameri
can Negro Methodist Conference, !n
session here today, adopted strong
resolutions Indorsing President Roos
evolt and tbanklng him for tho con
sideration shown negroes as express
ed In loiters written to persons In
South Carolina.
Sugar House Destroyed.
Now Orleans, Nov. 28. The Ash
ton sugar house, one of the finest in
Louisiana, was destroyed by Are this
forenoon. The loss will amount o
The Wheat Market.
Wheat Is Gl cents today with no
bpyprs or. sellers. The. high prices
of the first of the week Jiavo given
nway to inactivity, Farmers are In
dependent, and seem to have good
reasons for exnectincr blchor nrlces In
the near future. Bluestem Is quoted
at 79 cents In Portland; club at 72
cents, and valley wheat 74. No new
developments are shown In coast
John L. Sullivan Says His Liabilities
Are $2600 and Assets Only $60.
New York, Nov. 28. John L. Sulli
van tho former cnamnion dukihsi.
filed a petition of bankruptcy today
in Hip tlnltpd States district court. In
the petition ho says that he Is not at
present in business. His liabilities
are $2000 entirely unsecured, and his
assets consist in personal clothing,
valued only at $C0.
Indications That a General Strike
Will Resume Tomorrow.
Havana Nov. 28. Indications are
that a general strike will be resumed
tomorrow and many lnaustnes win ue
effected. Much trouble Is expected.
Tim rnrnl euardsmen are being rush
ed to Havana from all over the Island.
Science Convention.
rn1iinihuE n Nnv. 28. The Ohio
State Association of Science began its
12th annual convention in uoiumDus
inlav with lfmrilntr educators and
scientists In attendance from all parts
of the state. The proceedings, which
last two days, consist of papers, ad
dresses and discussions on important
scientific problems and recent dlscov
nrica in h field nf science. The
presiding officer Is William R. Lazen-
by, of Columbus, ana tne secretary
of the convention Is B. L. Moseley,
of Sandusky.
Revenue Officers of New York Took
$26,000 Worth of Jewels From Mrs.
Washington, Nov. 28. The treas
ury department has been Informed
that Mrs. Ida Harrison Dulles will
ask tho court of appeals to return a
$26,000 necklac" recently taken from
her by revenue officers on the New
York pier.
Admiral Beresford Relieved.
London, Nov. 28. Rear-Admiral
BereBford will be relieved from the
command of the Mediterranean
squadron and will be assigned to i.n'
other command. He Is said to bo un
popular with the admiralty board.
This !s given as a reason for tho
Noted Educators Confer.
Cleveland, O., Nov, 28. Taking ad
vantage of the Thanksgiving recess,
noted educators from many parts of
Ohio. Pennsylvania, Indiana and
Michigan are gathered at Western Re
serve University to take part In an
important conference dealing with
matters relating to collegiate and sec
ondary school Instruction and man
agement. It Is the third conference
of the kind to be hold here. The
bobsIoiis will begin this evening and
continue through tomorrow. The
questions for discussion are: "Prob
lems in Secondary Schoi 1 Administra
tion," "Problems In College Adminis
tration," "Professional Training of
Secondary School Teachers," and
"How Can the College Improve In
struction In Secondary Schools?"
Teat of Constitution,
nlrlimnnd. Va. Nov. 28. The 0U68-
I tlon of the validity of the new state
constitution or Virginia came up lor
argument today In tho United States
district court. The case Is In the na
ture of an application for an Injunc
tion restraining the state hoard of
canvassers from Issuing certificates
of election of the 10 congressmen, on
the ground that the constitution, un
der tho franchise clause of which
elected. Is unconstitution
al and void,
Freight Trains Collide Near Missoula
One Killed, Five Injured.
Butte, Mont, Nov. 28. Two freight
trains on tho Northern Pacific col
lided two miles west of Missoula this
morning, killing an unknown tiump
and sprlously Injuring five trainmen.
Educators at Baltimore.
Baltimore, Md., Nov. 28. Tho lOtli
annual convention of tho Association
of Colleges and Preparatory Schools
of the Mlddlo States and Maryland,
began at Johns Hopkins University
today with a largo attendance of em
inent educators. At tho first session
held this forenoon tho gcneial topic
for discussion was "Should Admission
to Collego be by Examination or Cer
tificate (diploma)?" Papers wero
presented by Dean Russell on "Tho
Educational Value of Examinations
bb the Culmination of Preparatory
Courses": by Professor A. S, Whit
ney, of tho University of Michigan, on
"The Method in Uso In Accrediting
Schools," and by Mls3 Brownell, of
Bryn Mawr, on "Tho Effect of Col
lege Entrance Examinations Upon
the "Secondary Schools." Tho ses
sions will be concluded tomorrow.
Baptist Church Filled to Overflowing
at Thanksgiving Service Able Ad.
dresses by Mayor T. G, Halley and
Rev. Robert Warner.
The Baptist church was crowded to
its full seating capacity, last night, at
tho union Tlmnksslvlng service held
In the Interest of good citizenship.
An appropriate program had been ar
ranged, consisting of Riithrnis, scrip
ture readings nnd nddrnsses. Judgv)
W. H. Ellis presided and In a brlot
nnd comprehensive manner stated 'ho
object of the meeting. Some ot tho
most pointed truths relating to tho
subject of citizenship were brought
out by Judge Ellis In his remarks lie
emphasized tho fact, too often over
looked, that tho Inactivity of tho cit
izen, his failure to make known his
x)Hltlnn In great public questions and
his failure to put his hellers Into exe
cution, often have a depressing effect
upon thn progress of law and ordo
nnd the ultlmnto 'achievements of
good citizenship, aR tho actual oppo
sition of tho man who breaks tho
law. Inactivity of the good citizen
la n stiynbllng block In the path ot
in uf;i uttn.
t Music Highly Appreciated.
The anthems chosen, wtire highly
appropriate to tho still It of the occa
slon and their rendition was equal In
overy way to tho artistic tnsto exer
cised In their selection. This por
tion of tho program was directed by
Itev. W. E. I'otwlno nnd tho rhnlr con
sisted of a number of Pendleton'"!
best known singers,
Mayor Halley's Address.
The address of Mayor T. G. llallny
wns wide In Its scope, yet most perti
nent to the timely nnd appropriate
subject discussed. Beginning with
tho basis of our government, ho re
cited the many stops In Its progrosa,
laying stress upon the fact that ol
survanco ut organic law Is tho surest
safeguard of liberty and tho founda
tion of good citizenship. Ho pointed
out. tho self-sacrlficp of early pioneers
of this slate, and touched a respons
ive chord In overy heart when ho
said that present alum of good citi
zenship should be to make this stato
and nation equal to their high Ideals.
He rnumeratcil thn many reasons
why Oregon and Umatilla counLy
should he thankful nnd closed by
quoting part of an oration doltvcrcd
by William McKlnloy, in which bo
stated a truth that Is an 'Amorican
clusslc: : "Llliorty to niakp our laws
Is not tho Uccqho to break them "
Rev. Warner's Remarks,
tn a touching picture of Plymouth
and Its first Thanksgiving day, Rov.
Robert Warner brought home U a
20th century community, surroundel
by every luxury, the meaning of r--llglous
program as applied to the
achievement nf n groat nation. Tho
privations of the colonists and their
strong love of principle should make
ua more nppieclntivo of the blessings
of liberty which we enjoy. Tho cause
for Thanksgiving arc Innumerable
Tim light of freedom Iiiih brought out
the hidden Jowol of thn nation, and
the lowliest citizen can aspire to
tho highest position In tho government.
Dairy Course at Agricultural College.
Corvallls, Nov. 28. A course of
dairying has been adopted by tho
outhorltlcs of the Oregon Agricultural
College. The dairy course will bo
open to all persons, both male and fe
male, who are 18 yoars or more of
age, and who have a good common
school education. No entrance ex
amination will be required, but It la
expected that those seeking Instruc
tion will bo able to understand lec
tures Intelligently, take notes and
perform a small amount of text-book
work. Tho only cost Incident to this
course will be a deposit of $2.60 by
each student doslgncd to cover break
age In tho laboratory, and In case no
breakage, this fee will be returned.
Fatally Shot
Ogden, Nov, 28. Fred McCabe, a
young musician, was held up last
night and fatally shot by two high
waymen disguised as CUJnamen.
Carnegie Better.
London, Not". 28. Andrew. Carne
gie Is progressing nicely and sails
Visit of General Vlljoen,
Now York, Nov, 28, Among (ho
passengers arriving on tho American
liner St. Louis today, was General
Hen Vlljoen, tho ox-Boer commander
During the latter part of the recent
war In South Africa, Ocncrul Vlljoen
watt ono of the most prominent mili
tary figures on the Boor side. As a
young man ho was a policeman In
Johannesburg and later became edi
tor of a nowspauer and a member of
the national legislative assembly. In
the lcglslatlvo chamber his Hpcochoa
were always moderate In tone, but
when hostilities became Inevitable he
was ono of tho first tn organize 3
command and proceed to tho front?
Though one of the youngest comman
ders, Iki spocdlly gained distinction
on the field and was wircesBful In a
number of Important engagements.
Ills purpose In coining to America
Is to deliver a series of lectures for
tho benefit nf tho Boer relief fund.
Tlie vulue of Hie Company' operat
ing on the mother lodo Is follows,
bated on the mmy capital as Koutli Pl
Columbia $1 per sbare
E. and E, 00o per sbare
North Pole $5 per sbare
Golconda started at 10c now sell
log at COo and worth more
Sooth Pole ia starting at lfJo
The time to buy Is on tho 11 interfil
ing of stock mid profit by u!J wlvancxi,
Gahagan at Hartuisn's abstract, pfllee,
markeU today,