East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 26, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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    1 m w n arm. B Gfo
Ladies rocicet raooics
Ladtas Packet Books
Ladies Pnckot Books
Ladies Pockot (rooks
'5 eflnttg dm ttlhie Mlaur
Ladios Pockot Books
Ladies Pocket Books
Ladies Pocket Books
Ladles Packet Books
Birock & tifflcComas CarcipaHy
ie Window Display
Dost thou lovo life? Then do
not squander- time, for that is
the stuff life is made out of.
Iicttcr than its country, Ih determined
to invite the Chinese into American
territory. The Hawaiian Commarclal
Association has seconded J. J. Hill's
motion to allow a limited number to
come. It wants a few 'agrlculturlste'
admitted to Hawaii to revive the
suar industry-
The day of the croaker is past. .Men
take a more, philosophical view of
their .surroundings today tuati they
did twenty, ten or even Ave yeara
ago. A change in the American way
of thinking is noticeable even In that
short period.
This thanksgiving period finds
jnore people on the sunny side of a
contented life than ever before in the
history or the nation. Happiness is
a piogressive principle. It reaches
out in exact-proportion to the mind
and soul expansion that characterizes
a race. We say wrong is prevalent.
We dwell on the increase of crime.
Wo lwint to the spread of dariiu; law
lessness. It is true they are with us.
.in iucieaselvolume and boldness.
But did you ever think that wrong
doing is always magnified before the
public? 'lliat four lines are written
on crime to one on charitable deeds.
The public demands sensation and
those who pander to public taste ex
aggerate, enlarge upon and magnify
crime for a mercenary purpose. While
crime and wrong are apparently in
creasing, remember that our popula
tion is also increasing; that good
deeds, charities, kindness, religion
and manhood are also multiplying.
Jf the same amount of time and space
and money were spent in collecting
and magnifying- the splendid good
deeds that are happening not In
iijgh life, not In official and public
life but down at the firesides, tho
cottage hearths and humble homes,
we would imagine the mlllineum was
at hand. Take every happening of
a worthy character, every insignifi
cant word, gift, deed and anecdote
ihat tends to brighten the better side
of life and put them in the same
dress that is fitted up for tho crimes
of the world, and the optimist woufd
'declare his dream was a reality. No
matter for wrong, for unhappiness,
Vfor ignorance with which we are fa
miliar the world is better overy min
ute than it was the minute bel'oie.
Humanity is not stationary.
If soldiers must have liquor, it
would be much better to restrict its
sale to them by a government can
teen, than to allow private parties
to deal out poison "firewater" to
them at an enormous profit. It whis
Ttey must be sold within two miles
of thf government barracks, It is
better for tho government to handle
It, than that its salo and consumption
bo made an eyo sore to tho communi
ty at large. Kvery officer ot experi
ence in tho army who has expressed
an opinion, says the continuation of
tho government canteen is the only
way to preserve the morals of the
It would be a misfortune to the
owners of tho George W, Elder, which
recently left Portland with a large
cargo, for San Francisco, In chargo
of a non-union crew, if the strong
sentiment against her, would prevent
"the cargo from being discharged at
the port of San Francisco. The re
cent strikes at that point make It
very evident Uiat her freight will not
"jo handled by tho laborers on San
Vranclsco wharves.
The Independent operators outside
of the coal road combine and tho
non-union men outside of the miners'
organization are wondering where
they como in at, In the settlement of
tho strike. If tho arbitration board
is not watchful, it will have no case
to try, The two parties have gone
out of court and are now fixing up a
verdict of their own. The miners
are now in the hands of their
Realism lias come to the aid of the
courts, In the investigation of tho
killing of Mrs. Gore, an American
woman in Paris, the man accused of
her minder was made to re-enact tho
tragedy of her killing, .'Ueli he
claims was accidental. At evwy point
In the grewsome Investigation ho
was rigidly cioss-examined.
A Salem minister has attacked the
city authorities over the laxity of
gambling ordinances. It is mucli
moie profitable for the community to
have all the forces of good govern
ment working together Instead of
furnishing amusement for law-break'
The funeral of Krupp, the great
gun maker, was held in a small, mod
est loom, in which his father lived
wlille casting the first steel gun.
Krupp leaves a fortune of $100,00u
000. To him, war has been profita
perdition will not stop him. But -t
is as a freak artist that he has gained
fame. His specialty Is the Invention
of freak things for a wlld-oyed paper
to do. That was his chief Job out
West. He would sit all day In a bis.
bare room and think; p. ml what '
mind brought fortli would make -stone
Image throw fits.
Again, It fell to the lot of I.lvi'i
nash to write up, for his paper, t hi
story of his own brother's suicide,
and the story that ho told or It put
.i... nmitllnr VpllnW ioliriinl
which, according to l.lvernash. had
ngreed with the brother to pay $100
to the widow for an exclusivo sto.
or tho suicide, written by the man Just
before firing the taiai uuiiei. m "
Ing such a contract the rival yellow
..i . ,. o ni.ii-aiil with the moral
wmri. e- v,,,... -
guilt or murder for instigating a m.r.i
to seir-destructlon.
r.. t (fvnoo)i UTIK RAllt llV lliS
paper to 'cover' 'a lynching, and bare
i.. .m,.i inniiiliip- n victim hlmseli
The timely Intervention or his manag
ing editor was an max. guveu nun.
"We liellve that the trend of the
modern spirit is ever stronger toward
peace, not war; toward frlenusnip.
not hostility, -as the normal interna
tional attitude. We are glad, Indeed
Mint vr. nrn nil nil COOtl teHUS Wltll
all other peoples of mankind and no
effort on our part snail ne spaicu u
secure a continuance of the relations
"And remember, gentlemen., that
we shall be a potent facto' for peace,
lnrgelv in proportion to the way in
which' we make It evident that mr
attltudo Is not due to weakness, not
to Inability to defend our Unite
States, but to a genuine repugnance
to wrong doing, a genuine desire for
self-respecting friendship of our neigh
bors "Tlie voice of the weakling or the
craven counts for nothing when he
clamors for peace, but the voice of
the just man. armed, is potent. We
need to keep in a condition ot preiur
edness and especially as regards our
unvy, not because we want war, but
because we desire to stand witli those
whose plea for peace is listened to
with respectful attention." Roosevelt.
ehronic Sores
, n
A Constant Drain
Upon the System
The uegio who stole the bridle from
a Huntington cowboy, was imitating
the method of making a raise, prac
tlced by the man who started in with
a branding iron to get a herd of
From all present indications;, the
l'anania canal route will lie aban
doned. Secretary Hay strikes a re
sponsive cord when he suggests that
the Nicaiagua route be investigated.
Eastern railroad companies have
declared that they will end the train
robbing industry by offering Jarge
ewards tor the robbers.
Washington and Oregon, walking
hand in hand through the ordeal of
the regular senatorial cataclasm, will
be the next attraction.
It seema' that every powerful organ
liatlon In tbo country that loves Itself
Eatinq Ulcers,
,i ,iieSs trouble to those who oro afflicted
And a source of worry, anxiety v id e g , , extremities where
with them, particularly so when loM ABaS5renoi eating ulcer upon the
the circulation is weak d Cws deeper and deeper futo tho
lee is a frightful sight, and as the pois on j almost see the flesh
& breath STW Charges,
melting away and feel ue "ivebuicers often develop from a simple
Great wnnnB,M.an?"pjKwdB threatening danger always,
boil, swollen gland, bruise or pimple ana are a t.
because while all such .sores are , not 0eX?ul" Midwres, par
SM .nfcom-on nnd causethe
UCUlBIiV " ' , ,
greatest annoyance Because iu
fo persistent and unsightly and de
tract from one's appearaucc
It Is leported that, during October.
l-l.97l.olS bushels of eastbouiul
wheat passed through the American
and Canadian canals at Sault Ste
.Marie. All other eastbound grain
passing through both canals during
the same period amounted to 8,125.
113 bushels. The Hour movement
was 1,29S,7G1 barrels.
An Ideal Woman's Medicine.
There are several interesting fig'
uies among the newly elected con
gressmen, but none more spectacular,
perhaps, than Edward J. Livernash,
the union labor candidate of San
Francisco. Ho Is an incident of yel
low journalism as it exists on the
Pacific coast. Ho was In Washington
all last winter -in the dual capacity of
special commissioner" tor one of the
"Billy Worst" papers, and as labor
lobbyist for the Chinese exclusion
law, Says a Washington dispatch.
To his credit bo It said that ho
filled both positions with no little
ability. His work for tho exclusion
bill consisted in pestering the very
life out or republican congressmen, In
cluding senators and representatives,
ind making lue particularly burden-
somo fdr Chairman Hitt, of the com
mittee on foreign affairs. Between
Llvernash, and Minister Wu, tho
leaders had more trouble than a cat
walking on fly paper.
Livernash's picture ought to be
framed In a crescent; ho works while
everybody else sleeps. And then he
works while they nro awake. He is
active and and pestiferous as a Hock
of Arctic mosquitoes. Ho Is a funny
looking little man, with a thin sallow
countenance and attenuated form.
His nose is very sharp and supports
heavy-rimmed glasses balanced far
out on tho end.
Ho always couul3 ten before he
speaks, but after ho has begun 'ho
goes oa like a Puritan preacher. All
Helena. Mom., Oct. t, mi.
Dr. q A. Perrln,
Helen, Uout.
I wlh to thank too lot mr re
lief I wu (offering agonlea
from pile and wu taking mor
phine to rellere me, when, on
the adrlee ot a friend. I procured
a bolUeoI your Ferrln Pile tit.
ciflc and took a tableipoontal at
nlrht and an other In the morn
ing. At hall patt 12, noon, mr
wile Rare me another tablespoon
lul, when mr pain all itopped.
In two dart I wu able to attend
my regular builnu entirely re
lieved. It wai limply wondetiul,
Truly youn,
Jullui Mejhoefer, Furrier,
So says Airs. Josie Irwin, of
325 So. College St., Nashville,
Tcnn., of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Never in the history of medicine has
tho demand for one particular remedy
for female diseases equalled that at
tained by Lydia K. l'luUliuin's
Vegetable Compound:, and never
during the lifetime of this wonderful
medicine bxs the demand for It been
so great as it is to-day.
1'roin the Atlantio to the Pacific,
and throughout tho length and breadth
of this great continent come the glad
tiding of woman's sufferings relieved
by it, and thousands upon thousands
of letters are pouring in from grateful
women saying that it will and posi
tively does cure the worst forms of
fetnalo complaints.
Mrs. J'luklmm invites all wo
men 'who uro puzzled about
their health to write liornt Lynn,
Mass., for advice. Such corre.
sitoiidcnce is seen by women only,
nnd no charge is made.
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. Wi & C. R. Depot
When getting figures from
others on that lumber bill of
yours, don't forget to come
and see us. We carry a large
stock of all kinds of
Building Material
including shingles, door, win
dows, moulding, screen doors
and windows in fact, every
thing that is found in a first
class lumber yard.
TTi.i.t ft.. September. 1000.
Swift Spaolflo Co., Atlanta, Oa.
Dear sirsi-Bometninir Uko a rists
came on my lnitep, very small at
flrat, not at all painful, but as It
Krew larger and began to pain me, I
odnsulted a dootor, but in splU of
all he could do the ore got wore
and began to dlaohararo; then othe-r
aorea came until tho whole top of
my foot waa one lame maia of sores
and I could not walk. Thonmyhus.
baud, who bad bequ cured of Sorof.
ula by the ue of 8. S. S., said h
believed It would cure me. I bofran
taking H and eight bottles oured
me: my foot healed up nlcoly. I be
lieve I would have been a orlppla
for life but for S. S. S.
act irom uuc a "h-K""- ,
...... , -...1 tionnln rttltl
those whose blood is contaminated
and tainted with the germs and poison
of malaria or some previous sickness,
or excessive use of mercury, are the
chief sufferers from chronic sores uriU
ulcers. While tho blood remains in
this unhealthy, polluted condition
healing is simply impossible and the
sore will continue to grow and spread
in spite of washes and salves or any
superficial or surface treatment, for
the sore is but the outward sign ol
some constitutional disorder, a bad
condition of the blood and system,
which local remmes cannot
SSS. reaches these old enrome sores uuuuK -- --- rr
vcrv root of the trouble and counteracts and removes from the blood all the
Sdties ami poisons, and gradually builds up the cuttre oystem and
SrnAhUluggish circulation, and fce b pjgg
unhealthy matter the healing process
begins, and the eating ulcer or chronic
sore Is 8oou entirely gone.
S. S. S. contuins no mineral or poison
ous drugs of any description, but is guar-
.. rtir1i vfcrptnlile Tcmedv. fi
blood ourifier and tonic combined and a safe and permanent cure for chronic
sores and ulcers. If you have a slow-healmg sore ot any Kiuu, mrgcw
email, write us about it, and our physicians will advise you without charg.
Book on Blood and Skin Diseases free.
Beginning Tuesday niuniiiin and continuing until Satur
day night, we will place our entire stock of Table Linens .on
Special Sale
Every article will be sold at a reduction of lo ptr cent.
Come early and be sure of getting what you want, for io per
cud off of FAIR STORE PRICES means a quiekvsald of
stoi-k on baud. Note some of the values offered below:
l'ringt'd doilies, regular prlets 48c and t!0c n dozen, wait
jrice.H -Wo and Me a dozen
L'ncii njipklns, regular H.re value, sale price 77o dry.
1, iifiniH kin, reiular $1 value, side price We dose
II ni(.lier rieen napkino. Miieeinl .. 10 per cut oil'
I'iieil allt, o'me" table I'lotli -loe ami Wic. yd
Miilf bleaoliul table linen, heavy quality, wide -M5e yd
llltMchf d talile Hut n, rt-glllai 40c grade, pale price 8Uo yd
Hitin lied talile linen, wide ftOi' gradesale price -lou yd
I'teaclirt tablf liiifii e.tin . id 75c mid 1 giade, .. 10 per cent on"
We have a gleiit vnreiyot table napkins to tt-leet from and you
ni -aveat h?st 'S p't culover our competitors' prit l, bnyii g
Uifjui ul ttii-i sale.
Special Sale on Ladies Jackets and Lung Coats
For one week wc will give a special discount of io per cent
op all jackets, and 20 per cent on all long coats. This means
011 can buj during this special sale
Kull length coat wrlh $17.60 for $H.(M
Loin; coat worth 00 for .. S10.-10
l.adiin jaekelh "7 inch, all grade, reduced 10 per cent
Mis-es coats, short and long, 1 educed 10 per cent for tills week only
Frazer Opera louse
& Welch
9 (S5 UA11TIK3 AltK
.a 11.11 1 in
PRICES; First and Last Three Rows 7 Be, Middle Ten
Rows $1, Box Seats $1, Gallery 25c and 50c
Seats now on sale at Frazier's
Hunt up those pictures and have them framed at once
Christmas is Not Fay Away
You will get the best work and newest style frames if
you will come to us, Largest stock to select from
C. C. SHARP ''0SS-
All kinds foraUpurp0K
Sash, Doors and ft,
Planinrr nf tt J. .
to O.der " --"m
Don't place Mur , I
Buildine MaterhiV,1!
cnnRiiltprl nt P'l
Pendleton Planks
Lumber U
i. .ni.' tif
iciunutiuuiinens. wt
to the sum of domestic
puicbb in uns respea
be beat at laundrj'worL
mi vniir snirr: ann rn
A i style. And vou'ii
nave a "Dosom mena
' I V r Villi d Hi I 111
oueciai aiieni on tu
and cuffs. Finest work,
F. Robinson, Prop.
ii 1 1 . i it
i m iimiii
M mClBfll
iT TB1-
n nn III
Vi , aim us!
. n .
sv it I 111
Wp are m ..;
triiCK nK ,
pared to
T liaffA
1 UH .
to loct
BOW "".
for nw"
Have bm
Mi. -V 1