East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 24, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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Lack nf fat in the fnnr! 5s the
.... , .. W. T. Cox, Detailed by
beginning of a wasting con- ment Estmales the
dition. So many people that I close to $3,oou, ooo. , .
we meet are thin and keep
getting thinner. Perhaps
there are some in your own
family. Look for the cause
,. and it is more than likely you
will find that such people do
not eat the fatty portions of
their food. They either will
not or cannot eat fat, and yet
it is the absence of this ele
ment in their ordinary food
that causes a wasting con
dition. For such people we offer
Scott's Emulsion as contain
ing in the most palatable
and easily digested form the
element of fat they need. It
supplies, and more than sup
plies, the lack of fat in ordinary
food. A small quantity (a
teaspoonful for a child and a
tablespoonful for an adult
three times a day) will enable
the body to get the strength
and proper fat supply that it
Scott's Emulsion is cod
liver oil so prepared that all
of it is utilized by the system.
Raw cod liver oil is not only
repulsive to the taste but only
a part of it is taken into the
system the weakened organs
being unable to digest it all.
The emulsion passes almost
immediately through the stom
ach and into the blood. The
stomach is scarcely aware of
its presence there. It shows
itself first in the nourishment
it affords and the new strength
that it gives. The weight
gradually increases and the
flesh becomes firmer. It is
the return to health ; the stop
ping of the wasting condition.
Scott's Emulsion has supplied
the elements of fat that the
body needed.
It is not a question of how
much you eat or can eat or
even of appetite. It is rather
what becomes of the food.
Does it contain the proper
nourishment and the right
proportion of fat ? If the food
does you no good it does you
harm, for digestion is work,
and when the body is in a
wasting condition the stom
ach must work to some pur
pose. Scott's Emulsion saves
a great deal of this work, and
what is more makes it effec
tual. We piace on every package
of Scott's Emulsion our trade
mark label of a man with a
big fish on his back. It is
our personal guarantee that
the emulsion is right in every
respect. If this label is miss
ing you are not getting the
genuine Scott's Emulsion,
which means that you are not
getting the full value of the
oil or the kind of a prepara
tion you need.
We'll send you a sample free upon
409 Pearl St., New York.
the Govern.
Damage at
Press Bulletin No. 2, United States
Dopartmont of Agriculture. Bureau of
Forestry. The bureau of forestry has
received a report from one of Its
agents which shows that the damage
caused by forest fires In Northwest
ern Oregon and Southwestern Wash
ington during September, wns much
greater than has been generally sup
posed. After a careful trip through
the regions devastated by the fires,
Mr. William T. Cox, who was de
tailed by the bureau for this work,
in a conservative estimate places the
damage In Oregon and Washington
at $12,707,100. Of this, $3,910,000 is
in Oregon, and $8,857,100 In "Washing
ton. This Includes all losses caused
by the fires to farm property, saw
mills, manufactured lumber, standing
timber, etc. This estimate Is based
on personal observation in the burn
ed districts, both In Oregon and
Washington, conference with lumber'
mon, farmers and settlers, and other
trustworthy sources of information.
Owing to Its nearness to market
however, much of the damaged tim
ber In the burned regions of Oregon
will be saved, nnd the net loss will
be smaller than the foregoing figures.
In Washington a portion will also be
saved, though a smaller percentage
owing to Its being less accessible to
means ol transportation.
Much of the area burned over was
covered with virgin forest, mainly of
Douglas spruce, cedar and hemlock.
Besides the great loss of property, 18
persons were killed and many more
injured. Much of the large and small
game in these regions was destroyed.
In his report the agent of the bu
reau of forestry included not only the
loss of life and property, but also the
causes of the fires, the methods used
in fighting them, the damage to tho
soil and the outlook for redemption
of the fqrests. The burned districts
were also mapped.
The Oregon Fires.
The area burned over, while not
so great as was at first reported, was,
very extensive. Fully 170,000 acres
in .Multnomah and Clackamas coun
ties are blackened by fires. Of this
area about 50,000 acres were either
cut-over lands, lands that had been
cleared by settlers, or burned over b),
previous fires, and hnd little mer
chantable timber upon them.
As near as coilld be ascertained 8fi
families were left homeelss as a re
sult of thpse fires. Two hundred
other settlers suffered a partial loss
of property. The following list of
farm proierty destroyed was propar
ed by Mr. Cox after personally exam
inlng a great deal of the burned conn
try and carefully comparing what Is
believed to be the more tnis;worthy
estimates for portions not visited
Farm Property Destroyed.
Farm buildings and furnish
ings $115,1)00
Stock 30.HU0
Hay and grain -15,000
Fences 20,000
Farm machinery and vehicles i5,00'
Orchards 90,000
Total 315,000
Schoolhouses and churches.. 35,000
Wagon road bridges 7,000
Total $357,000
Sawmills and Manufactured Forest
Products Destroyed.
Sawmills $ 70,000
Sawed lumber nnd shingles.. 1G.000
Logs (on skid and at nilll... 18,000
Railroad ties (on skid and in
roadbed of O. R. & N.) . . . 8,000
Telegraph and telephone
poles (on skid) 4,000
Cordwood (ready for market) 32,000
:rowner BROS,
Telephone Main 4.
Total $149,000
Leaving out the 50,000 acres of cut
over lands, farm clearings and old
burns, the remainder of 120,000 acres
contained 17,700 feet, II. M per acre
figuring on what has been considered
tho average for Western Oregon
This Is a very conservative estimate,
for some districts along the Clacka-
mas would have yielded 8,000.000 to
10.000.000 feet to the quarter section
or 50,0000 to 60.000 feet per acre.
Computing 120,000 acres at 17,700 feet
per acre gives 2,124,01)0,000 feet as the
amount of standing timber killed by
the recent fire in Multnomah and
Clackamas counties.
The value of tho standing Dougles
spruce, considering It to have had a
stumpage valued at $1 per thousand
was ;z,i:h,uuu. .Much of this is a
total loss, though If promptly lum
bered a gTeat deal can still be utillz
ed. Wore the district less convenient
to transportation, the loss would be
much more sovere. As It Is, logging
roads will be hastily built into the
heavier timbered portions, nnd by
rushing operations much of It will he
The following Hat shows the tim
her losses In Clackamas and Multno
mah counties;
Oreen nnd dry "cedar"
(Olant arhorvltn) $ 75,000
Tie timber 100,000
Down timber 100,000
Hemlock 50,000
Valuo of Dougl.iS spruce kill
ed 2.124,000
Total $2,449,000
Tho forest as such Is practically de
stroyed. Upon thousands of acres
not a living tree remains to seed the
burned areas. In some places enough
Douglas spruce remains to bring
about reproduction, but cedar and
hemlock, being less resistant to fire,
were Invariably killed. Upon tho
steoper hillsides and mountain slopes
even the soil has been severely dam-
(Concluded 'on page 7.)
The biggest affair of the kind ever attempted by a Pendleton store. This
sale is to affect this community with wonder and amazement. Beautiful lab.
ces offered at ugly prices. Plain goods to sell at plainer figures and the tqney
kind must come down and be common. In conjunction with this is our lining
stock offered at cut prices, as an otner attraction, ai u;,, ichcli our genius
ac nnVp rnffprc We are keen, after your trade, and display to an admire
public, our remarkable abilities as trade cornerers. We simply have to doi
JV ' . u vroll NOW RFAD:
Dig Dusiness or we cuuiu nui aiccy t.i.
This part of the "ad" will change daily
One lot of Children's
Shoes, Sizes
85c all wool fine serge 59c
25c wool serge, fine twill oc
$2 silk and wool soafle $ J . X 9
69c all wool henrietta 43c
40c all wool serge 27c
75c fine wool soliel 39c
35c all wool flannels 9c
75c wool mohair, plain 49c
54-in. broad cloth, worth $J 69c
Colored Dfess Goods
50c Nile green all wool henrietta 29c
$X lavender all wool henrietta 69
50c old rose all wool henrietta 36c
25c pink wool cashmere 1 9c
75c black and white plaids 49c
50c cadet homespun, special 27c
$i all wool broad cloth 69c
85c tan mixed covert 59c
$t silk and wool mixed novelty 49c
Lining Reductions
20c fancy silicia dark colors i 3c
J2ic white silicia 8c
7c colored dress binding 4c
i5c colored fancy lining 6c
Colored cambrics 4c
Special line of ladies black hosiery, regular
20c, now '2
One line 'ol Ladies'
Light and Heavy
weight Shoes, Mostly
Ready-to-Wear Dept.-
65c ladies' black and colored coats, regular $5.
$7.50, $9, $J2, go at HALF PRICE
Colored Jackets for children in mixed goods from
$ J. 50 to $5 go at HALF PRICE
$2.50 fur ruffs, electric seal , $J.50
$J, $J.25, $J.50 ladies' colored kid gloves 49c
half section of fine wheat
land, all in summer-fallow,
north of Pendleton.
Good improvements.
Almost a section of land in
one body, a short dis
tance north of town.
Farmers Custom Mil.
Prad WaKera, Proprietor
Oapaolty 160 barrels a day
Hour exchanged for wheat
Hour. Mill Feed. Obourted Feed.
alwaya on kand.
The Delicacies
of the season are always
found at our restaurant.
At present we have
Finest Oysters Frog
Legs f Clams Crabs
t and f Lobsters
and other salt and fresh
water foods. .
The Ftench
For Shooting Pistol Cartridges in Kitlw
(Utt.1 To Hlot ESck.7s5:FHir J!?J
Ofrlee In Qoldea Rule Hotel, PcadlctM
l'Ient corert U. 8. nnd Cunndt,
dareu. Order from
The S. C. Company,
J 900
30 days
fit trial
Saves labor and produces clean
Clothes - . .. Cash Price tin
Court Street
uiom ft as rests & b ii.au.
Come To Us
r, i....,i,.r and f
r or your lict!
material ol an "v"r J
you win save-. ,
c . ctnrk. Vr c
ply you V ith
Doors, WW"8'
Screen doors
building paper,
brick and sand.
We make a specialty' jjj
gUIlClfi l"
Oregon Lumber
Alt St., opp, Court