East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 24, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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    ! For four yers the Nolf Store has
ueen banta Ulaus Headquarters
Frazer Opera louse alch
Lee Teonflsdn's
. of(jer to reduce our stock of ladies' fine shoes we will
(or the next 30 days sell all of our fine shoes at almost
$3.50 and $4 at $2.65
,50 and $5 at $3 and $3.50
, Howard, farm loans. ,
na it nn ir Kf ikh m i nil i n .
Wienerwurst ana saur Kraui ai
.DTD mnl-nr. n . nlannnt tmlt-
les always fresh at the
J 8.
ed Ilmburger and Swiss
1 .tnitnrlntint n(.ln
winese cooking at Phillips' res-
season for Dutton's fine taffleB
tone-made chocolate creams.
r fill to nM I Kn tl, U nlnUlL
makeslee's office removed to
building, Main and Court
Sale Lodging house, 12 rooms
am iuib ou Main street, uoou
Withee tor sewlnc machines:
ItACt and 1.... .t. . l.
r. will pay you.
forget the grand masque ball
renclleton Wednesday. No-
:N: $10 In cash nrlzes. Music
spectator? $1; ladies and
M C - I
n removed at 10:30 p. m.
i, proprietor.
Whitnker, the dentist.
Oyster cocktails at Gratz-'s.
Olympia oysters at Castle's.
Rubber heels, 50c. Teutsch's.
New shoes made to order. Teutsch.
Neuman's for cigars and tobacco.
Teutsch's for good shoe repairing.
The P. I. R. makes an elegant holi
day gift.
The P. I. U. makes an elegant holi
day girt.
Rubber Mioes and boots repaired
at Teutsch's.
Fresh vegetables of all kinds at
Lieniott &; Co.'s,
Nice furnished rooms for rent; 407
west Aita. street.
Sweet cider and bulk mince meat
at Demott & Co.'s.
cigars, iQDacco ana smokers' sup-
piles at Jack candish's.
turkeys, ducks and chickens for
Thanksgiving at Demott & Co.'s.
Celluloid goods today. Combs, laby
le'lscampb'1 llJ bshes" sheet """-
wrest Fad
.ft .
w; wood and coral
Clhlnn ....
v-6 very unique. A fad
spread i;i t,,:m ,.,
-.-vui me east See thfi
Modern Jeweler
ur uiaKesiee's office removed to
Judd building,, Main and Court
streets, room 20.
Fresh English walnuts, pecans, al
monds and all kinds of nuts at the
standard Grocery.
The Daily East Oregonian is on sale
in Portland at the Rich news stand in
Hotel Perkins, and at the Hotel Port
A deal is now on whereby S. Hays
ot independence, will become the
owner of the cigar store and bus!
ness of Tom Maloy.
r-.il aiuiiu, oi iiicno, win give a
grand ball in Odd Fellows' hall on
1 lianksgiving, and invites everybody
to come. Klrkmau's orchestra will
lurnish the music.
S. W. Ragan and Bill Byron have
purchased the old Dutch Henry feed
yarci irom William Connelly. They
were formerly employed by Mr. Con-
nerly and they thoroughly understand
tlie uusinesis,
Dr. W. C. Buchley, who for 15
years has been practicing medicine in
Alabama, but who left that state on
account of the long continued sum'
mer malaria, has, after looking over
Colorado, New Mexico, Washington
and Idaho, located here and has offi
ces in the Despaln block,
The comfort of getting up in the
morning and dressing in a warm loom
it one of the agreeable features in the
possession of a Cole's Original Hot
Blast Stove. The fire Is never out In
this stove ami the room can be kept
warm all night and for four or five
hours each mornlug with the fuel put
in the stove the night before. You
should not be without one. For sale
by Taylor, the Hardware Man.
There will be a rummage sale af
the Congregational church on Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday, December
Uh, 5th and Cth. Hats, caps, cloth
ing and household articles of every
description will be for sale. Anyone
having articles which they will give
for this sale are asked to notify one
of the committee. Mrs. Edwards, Mrs.
Hayes or Mrs. Lowell, who will call
for them at once. A noon lunch will
be served each day.
High School Team Won by End
" Plays and by Good Team Work
Indians Needed Practice.
The unexpected Sometimes hap
pens. This was the case In the foot
ball game Saturday afternoon when
the Umatilla Indians and PentUt-ton
High school team came together on
the local diamond and the sctool
team won uy a score or t to u.
The Indians were much the strong'
er of the two teams and many pre-
dieted defeat to the locals The ouly
hopes the school team had o win
ning when they went Into the fray
was by fast playing. It had been
generally understood that the Indl
ans were not very fast, but in this
the local boys were surprised. The
Indians put up a fast game and cab
in the first ot the game did they play
a little wild
The first touch-down was made dur
ing the early part of the game and
before the Indians began to get confi-
dence in themselves and play to
gether. The game was really the best
which has been played on the local
field this season and had the Indians
started out together as well as they
enueu it is likely that the game would
have ended without a point having
been made on either side or perhaps
with the defeat of the high school
It was exciting from start to finish
and the Indians had a great many of
their people there to root for tbem
and not a few townspeople had to ad
mire their gentlemanly playing. It
was a clean game and the day was
won by the high school team playing
around the ends
However, the boys bucked the line
for all there was in it and they cer
tainly deserve much credit lor the
work they did .as they showed no
signs of weariness or fear of going
against the heavy athletes from the
reserve. They massed their plays
for gains, but to little advantage, as
the big Indians stood like a stone wall
and were almost Invincible. This
was what the locals wanted, though.
as they have had other practice and
wanted something to give them work
In bucking a heavy foe.
Tne only place the Indians were
slow was in their interference. They
were much faster on their feet than
they were expected to be. They did
fine work In tackling and with little
good coaching would mak e a formid
able foe for any of the college teams.
Around the ends was the most diffi
cult plays for them. They could not
get around the locals and in attempt
ing this much was lost. :
The most spectacular play was
made near the end when W. Wyrick
saved the day by outrunning Motonic,
the famous Indian athlete and nicer.
The high sohool had the pigskin on
the Indians' five-yard line. The rush
line was successfully smashed and
the Indians backed up to the foal
posts when the ball was fumbled.
With the true ln3tinct of a protes
sional football player, Motonic sab
bed the ball and started for the opo
site -goal with a clear field. Wyrick
saw him after he had gained at least
10 yards and started after him. Be
fore Motonic reached the 30-yard line
was overtaken by Wyrick and
. r. rz?r
The Latest "Statc-Namci!" Comedy Drsma
A Heart Story of the Wyoming Valley, by
C. S. Callahan and Dan L. Hart
Albums 4Sc to 7.95, Toilet Sets
69c to $9 85, Fancy collar and
curl boxes 65c to $3.95, Neck tit
boxes 22c to S1.4.S. We are show
ing the greatest Kne of holiday
guous in eastern Urecon.
Fancy Dishes and Lamps
Harry Owens Committed to Jail
Large Number of Drunks.
A larger batch of drunks was han
died In police court this morning than
Judge Fitz Gerald has had to deal
with In one morning since he became
ponce judge.
The heaviest sentence was given
to Harry Owens, Two charges were
lodged against him. oue for being
drunk and raising a disturbance and
the other for resisting an officer. For
the first offense he was fined $10 ana
for the second $25. Owens ha-1 no
money with which to pay the fines
and was committed to jail for ITYi
The next heaviest fine was given
James Burns. For being drunk and
disorderly, he was given a flue ot $10
and went to jail In default.
Columbia Tom, Pahtah, J mn Doe
Charles Bennett and James Williams
each either paid a line of $5 or for
felted bonds to that amount
Auditor Lawshe, of Manila, figures
up the 'losses -to the Philippine" treas
ury on account of the depreciation
of silver since January, Including the
last declln'e, at $1,054,000 gold.
a0"! ''chocolate and improved beef tea
a hobby with us, and only.
BettVrS ?C third Masoned with hot soda,
than ever, bur alu,,,
M 1- 77i, i 11
J1 F'om St.. TWw tu rwf
downed.thus saving the day for the
home team and making a sprinting
ecord lor Wyrick thu has never be
fore been equaled on the local field
Motonic is somewhat of a racer 1 im
self, but he could not run with y ung
Wyrick and the rooters went Wild
over the play.
Thanksgiving Game.
The local boys are now feeling
more confidence in tnemseives am
have- more hopes of winning the game
with the husky gold diggers fruso Ha
ter City on Thanksgiving. Baker lias
defeated the high school team Hired
successive years, and the loca i do
not claim that they are going to wir
this game although they have much
more faith and confidence than ever
before. The school team Is the
trongest it has ever been In the his
tory of football in the school and If
they do lose It will be one of the
ardest contested games over played
on the local gridiron. This game is
drawing more attention locally than
any game scheduled for the seacou
and no doubt Baker will send down 1
good crowd of rooters to help cheer
their own boys.
Academy Team.
The Academy football 'team Is pi at
tlclng for a fray with Goldendale on
that the Goldendale team is a for-
heie Wednesday night and arrive in
Goldendale about noon. It is said
that the Goldendale tpa nils very foi
midable foe and they will put up a
good fight although the local rootera
for the Academy team are offering to
bet two to one on their favorites. The
Academy team has been materially
strengthened recently. Four new
players have been added to the team
They are Charles Payne, Harry Red
ford, Lester Lewis and Berkley Hal-
ley, These young men are all husky
fellows and old football players and
will do much toward making the
team hard to handle.
A game may be arranged between
the Academy and high school teams
sometime in the near future. Thlp
will be a great drawing card for the
local rooters, as the Academy 'earn
has defeated the high school most of
the time in the past and this will
cause Increased interest.
Quotations Furnished by the Coe Com
mission House.
Wheat Opened.
December 756
May 7C
December 5451V4
May 43
December 31
January 1070
May i4C7
New York Grain Markets.
Wheat Opened. Closed.
December 81
May 79 y4
December WVh
42 '
Exclusively Special Scenery, The Vivid burning Gum, The
Shaft of the Coal Mine, Real Elevator, Coal Cars and
Miners at Work, The Awful 'Explosion and Cave-in,
The Thrilling Strike Scene, The Famous
Eagle Quartette
A play with natural characters, witty dialogue, intense cli
maxes, funny situations and select company
PRICES; First and Last Three Rows 7 Be, Last 13
Rows $1P Box Seats $1.50, Gallery 50c, and 2Sc.
Seats on salo at Frazler's
r n a n a irc cat c I
Special low prices on Sideboards,
Chiffoniers, Lady's Dressing Tables,
Remnants of Carpets and Wonder
fully low prices. Great bargains
in Steel Ranges and Stoves , . .
Basler's Big Bargain House
Ex-Sheriff It. I.. Conaster, of Valley
county, Montana, was drowned near
Glasgow, Mont., Sunday.
$3.50 Shoe Value
That Excel all Others
Startling, But True,
"If every one knew what a grand
medicine Dr. King's Now Life Pills
is," writes D. H. Turner, Dempsey
town, Pa., "you'd sell all you have In
a day. Two weeks 'use has made a
new man of me." Infallible for con.
stlpation, stomach and liver trouble.
25c at Tnllman's drug store.
ilii ijnjijiiji ii ihiimiiiii)iiiiii llllflllJailla4lltMfr'"t"f "al"l"I"i "I1 'H''H
I Carvers! Carvers!!
I have just received a fine assortment of carvers, Do not fail
to get one to carve mat i lianksgiving turkey. My prices are T
... .1 i. r u c c. .1 : .1. .1 T
. .-.. J, i I J ?, J t I f if f I f ,t ..I ,,f. ,. ,t, Ji.f 1 .I, ,, ,
We satisfy the greedy value
hunters with Good Shoes
Boston Store
Where Whole Families are Shod.
I have bargained with a
competent Timber Crnleer
to locate
On the line o. a railroad
now under construction,
This means a big ohanoe
for flr8t-comer,8, See
Have some good farms for
Is appreciated by every member of the family in winter.
Our furniture makes it a cozy and handsome room. Our
graceful tables, buffets, and chairs will transform the plainest
room into a handsome one,
Furniture Store near I'ostofflce
Gray's Harbor Com. Co,
Opp. Wi & C. R. Depot
I TsrannuautTwaa' 1
When getting figures from
others on that lumber bill of
yours, don't forget to come
and see us. We carry a large
stock of all kinds of
Building Material
including shingles, door, win
dows, moulding, screen doors
and windows in fact, every
thing that is found in a first
class lumber yard.
Couloir liouio ifltb a wbl off ll llble el
btccxn to aoruse that ineeM with eareleaa
anven pa iaa roan, 1 u tiuir rtrawir ia m
Uka your Injured vehicle to a rapalir (hop.
Mrhjtra It will t tti Nil. I'lmt ki rttM id n."
Wafoof, carta, aud ca(r)gnj r repaired with
a ioaaUsr band at our repair ibop, and bora-
alllfatlr done at low prleca Winona wagons.
but tries and backs made for Ibis climate none
beitar. Itellance (cod mills, run or either one
or two horse. Bjrracase (billed plows, brsaklng;
Elows 13. II too waul a wagon, plow burgle,
aek, saw mill, boiler er engine call on us at
Ibe big brick shop.
hbaolb anoTM'ns
BtoreriasoUue en lines are the beat. Wears
agents for them, '