East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 24, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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    T 1
is said that tne proposition io iiauie
me ns the presidential candidate two
' years from now appears to meet with
fnvnr nninntr lnlinrlnn neonlc. If so. 1
p(3 I am verv clad of It. not only for the
reason tnar it migni nip m sruiuj :
any ambition which I may lie held)
to cherish toward the presidency, hut 1
bemuse It Indicates thnt the much,
I have striven to ilo nml the little I
have accomplished for American Ia-(
hor has been appreciated by those'
for whom I sought and still seel; to
"This labor question has not been I
a fad with me. As a larsir employer
of labor for years, I have given the
subject all thp conbitl'Tiiiloii I w.tt.
capable of. and 1 think the fact that
I have never had any set ous difficulty
with an) of my employes Is In seme J
degree attributable to the fact that
I have tried to put Into practice some
of the theories I hold."
Stops hair falling out and cures dandruff
To cure all scalp diseases
Brock & McConias Company
The ideal life, the life of full
completion, haunts us nil. We
feel the thing we ought to be,
beating beneath the thing we
are. Phillip Ilrooks.
..luilge Eakin decides that the ja
Urande antl-gambllng ordinance is
valid, and the fines Imposed under It
must be paid.
The establishment of a special
Dairy Department in the Oregon Agri
cultural College, adds a mudl: needed
branch to this institution.
A .newspaper for Pilot Rock and
-municipal government to be given
Helix, are two advance items of
Thanksgiving for Umatilla county.
What Shall We
; Have for Dessert?
manner. He is a democrat, but tin
district is Htii i republican. Jackson
owns a factory and employs L'O'Ji
girls. Just before election lie gavej This question arises in the family
them a two week's holiday with no j everyday. Let us answer it to-day. Try
loss of time. He made them a nea
little speech, recounting the pleasant.
rll.. .i.n. i ..i ...i i.. I
the factory. The result was that 1kj mmr V
was electeil by 21100 majority. I a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre-
baking: 1 add boiling water and set to
eooL Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp
berry and Strawberry. Get a package
at your grocers to-day. io cts.
The falluie of the special sessio..
project will serve to harmonize the
conflicting elements of the regular
session. The Pnlr appropriation nn-l
the election of a Hinted States sen
ntor will bring the dlfferen' sections
of the state Into closer sympathy
The patriotism of the leglslatuie
should forbid any unpleasant division
in the presence of such a glorious un
dertaking as the '05 fair. In whici.
we expect to be aided anil encouraged
by the entire Northwest.
On December 2, a special election
will lie held in the city of San Fran
cisco, to decide whether that city and
county shall be bonded for the sum
of $700,000, for the purpose of build
ing a street railway system. It will
With freight rates reduced between
Portland and Eastern Oregon points,
another figure will be added to our
bank accounts, east of the Cascades. lM? one of the niost important events
in the history of California, as it will
If the scientists advance In the next m a measure, decide the status of
two years as they have in the two the public ownership Idea In Call
years just pa3t, Tom Johnson can fomia politics. The hearty support
make his next campaign in the flying Kjven to Mayor Schmltz, a labor lead-
machine, Instead of the automobile.
The tldo has turned. It Is no long
er the "uncivilized west." The train
robberies, burglaries, murders and
disgraceful escapades of the East
have made tho epithet most appropri
ate to that section.
er, indicates that voters are much
inure independent In San Francisco
than in other cities of its propor
tions and situation.
The equilibrium of the prison popu
lation is fully maintained. Union and
Baker counties have lost four mem
bers through jail breaks, but the
Walla Walla penitentiary gained 17
in one day, to offset the shortage.
I The Oregon legislature, at Its com
ing session, is to be asked to Issue
$30ii,00i) in state bonds bearing 4 per
cent interest, to be used in pavment
of the services of surviving veterans
of the Indian wars of 1835-C.
Tho Oregon territorial legislature
at the session or lSiiu-G, passed a
measure promising to uav soldiers
'participating in the Indian campaigns
Vol 1 No 1 of The Evnositlon ?' tlle Ume' 12 per day for their sorv
voi i. iso. , or i ne position. ,(es The mugter rUs suow tlmt the
a magazine published in Portland, in Indian fighters served In all 371,449
the interest of the Lewis and Clark days under the terms of the act.
fair, is now before the public. It is Neither the territory of Oregon, how
edited by Airs. Edith Tozier Wether- fer, nor the state of Oregon, after
, its admission to the Union, has ever
ed, and is neat, picturesque and redeemed the pledge,
finely. 1 Subsequently, however, the federal
' government naid the veterans n sum
"Many exchanges are now discuss-' equal to 55 cents per day for the
lug the various means of reducing time eacl) served. The balance now
crime. Down in the Choctaw nation J'1 !'"',e!r 'he arrangement is about
(. , ... , , $520,000. The veterans figure that
they neither fine nor Imprison a crlm- two-fifths of their number have died
Inal; they whip him for a small of- without leaving widows or orphans,
fonse and shoot him for the greater a,m tlu'5' believe about $300,000 would
For Sale
ED. EBEN, Ptoptietot of
Suit Skirt and Waist Factory
Has hiaugmted u Grand
and FURS Must AH be Sold by
JANUARY Ffcst, 1903
Prices the lowest that have
ever been offered in Pen
dleton. Come first and
Dealt. iful residence property on
Court street, two lots aud dwelling,
$2,500.00. j
Residence lots, well located, at '
prices ranging from $100.00 to $260.0
Boarding house and one lot 14
rooms centrally located, $2,600.00.
Hoarding house,19 room-,$l,900.00
One lot with dwelling and stable,
One lot and house, $500.00.
Two lots, dwelling 6 rooms and
stable, $900.00.
rooms, bath and sewerage.
One lot with dwelling of seven
blocks from Main Llrret. $2,600.00.
Aud much other property,
all on easy teniiH "
make your selection while
the stock is yet unbroken 1
AH kinds for Ml
ash, Doors
Planing olalld
to oider,
Don't nlarp ...
--o "iciiai n.a
rnncn .,! ..... w
-"-. us.
Pendleton Plai
Well cooked meals and a warm house go a good ways in
making a cold dreary winter comfortable and bright. Our
stoves will cook good meals and our heaters will make the
coldest building warm and comfortable.
The Thompson Hardware Co.
III Court Street j alogge Df them. A fall supply always kept to stock.
i nit
i t i
I 3
launanea linens. W..
io ure sum ot domestic
pinets in tins respect
be beat at laundry wotl
lin vnnr cVlirte A ..II.
A i style. And yon'E
nave a "Dosom triend'
C i.i
jpctidi uuunuon to tx
ana cutis. Jfmest work.
ci r
mt IT1 lAitnnmtM . ...
lUL II 1HLA." I'
1. F. Robinson, Prop.
U. B. BupremeOwit
Uh'li K 'KHKn ATI11H1
U. B. Patent Office
Trade SI arki ud CocnllU
700 Ttb.'t. X. W Wi
W. J.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 i I 1
luiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiLiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii nun
CLARKE 8c COMPANY, Hardware, Stoves and Pltimbing
one. It
la an effectlvp antidote for
ihj a nroiier sum to snuare off
ilil acuuut Rosoburg Review.
The Heppner Oazetto walls: "Mor
row county, with a vast territory in
need of irrigation, lias not a repre
sentative at the Irigatlon conven
tion." Never mind, brother, you were
taken care of by your friends. You
can come to Pendleton in a body
next year, anil your score will be
"I take the same view of a niesl
ilentlal nomination thut must bt held
by every kaI Anicnau that it is
Orepon, Illinois and Iowa have no
tate debts, that are matured and
payable. Oregon lias about $1000
outstanding against her in small
items. Illinois and Iowa have n
transient account of $1S,000 each. In .
there Is no giut state debt in either
of these states. Alabama has an In
debtedness of $9,500,000 and Pennsyl
vania. $7,S00,000.
Iff 1
The cold-nave flag
means zero weather,
icy, moisture -laden
winds, and the begin
ning of wiuter in earn
est, To Catarrh suffer
ers there is nothimr
cheering in these climatic changes,
for ttith the return of cold weather.
all the disagreeable symptoms of Catarrh
appear: blinding headaches, dizziness, a
stuffy feeling about the no!se that makes
breathinir difficult, chest twins, and as the
disease progresses, a discharge of nauseat.
The bill before the French chamber "'" fL?ri L',e V.7at a , n?keePs
of deputies forbidding the marriage Catarrh is a most disgusting disease,
of the "halt. lame, blind nnd holnless." The foul mucous secretions that are con.
Is not original with tho French. Rep- aJ,A1,PI'i,,P ba-ck i",to aomh
. . . - , . contaminate and poison the blood and is
resentatiVo Carter, ot Jackson county, distributed throughout the body, and it
Oregon, nau sucu a mil in Ills Inside men oecomes a aeep-seaied, systemic,
pocket at the last session or tho leg- J!?!t?,t,,djIlTetf,t H"Sbe trfa.d
... . . .... . through the blood, for It is beyond the
islature, but on account of there ho- reach of sprays, washes, powders or ex-
mg so many unmnrnea, men among lernai ireaimeut ot any Kind,
-tho mcmi.nra if ,r. nnt in.nn4 S. S. S. toon clears the system of all
Catarrhal matter and purge the blood of
The amoko from tho senatorial "w,".V,,,g,.ptsn,, Xhm e.f;"y
. . . , ,, , , checking the furtherprogress of this sen
fight la already spreading over the ous and far reaching disease,
state. Whatever olso the legislature Look, out for Catarrh in winter, for cold
does, It should bo good. Tho peoplo the blood and MuieceMiveecre.
, .. . . , ,., . tion of mucus and bring to life nil the
v"" ",w Biumtenng jwisons mat make Catarrh
rcierenaum ana tins is only a fore
taste of tho legislation that will fol
low, If tho costly farce at tho capi
tal does not ceaso. Please let patri
otism give the stato a good man, and
a good appropriation for the fair,
A man namod Jackson was elected
to congress from the 13th Ohio dis
trict this year In an extraordinary
A second shipment of Celebrated Acorn Stoves and Steel Ranges has arrived and"
display at our store. Come and select the style that pleases your fancy, and note tfe nW
points . f superiori ty it has over other makes and learn how much vnn mr. in the nrlct.tot
first shipment of Acorn Stoves and Steel Ranees, which we hrt vntw c..w, th tradeta
the season, sold so rapidly that the stock was soon exhausted and 6Pd rHPr w nlacedaoA
the stoves are now here. Thoss who examine the Acorn Stoves and Steel Ranges, which are
sold in Pendleton only by us, were so highly pleased when they learned the low price at which
this superior stove is sold by us that they readily became purchasers, and are now advertising
our stoves Dy ineir complimentary words.
the most abominable
of all diseases. S.S.S.
keeps the blood in
uch perfect order
that cold waves cause
no alarm and tin-
change from the heat of summer to the
rigors of winter produce no hurtful effects.
Write us if you have Catarrh, and our
Physicians will advise you without charge.
Hook on Blood and Skin Diseases free.
Tfae Swift Speolflo Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Two sizes
$n and
Three sizes
$9 $u
Three sizes
$10 $12
All sizes
$3o to $6s
W. J. Clarke & Company
HADIYIXA nr; o.,.
Cpurt Stree-