East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 24, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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gBSSSfc GoOD GOODS t Alexander's. S
yi"' 3
49 out of 325 j
That's the reason (or this 8
La(1d Clearnce bale on
Ladies' Jackets ,.
t n the season with 325 ladies' jackets and cloaks W
F lt't today only 49. To quickly clear these out we
lTount of 20 per cent All sizes are now in stock
ic Cnmp alnni? nuicklv. lor the hest rro fast
pjjliicuiu'i" c 1 o
..jc Jackets, now only $4.00
'.Jackets, now only $ 5 60
Jackets, now only $7.50
Lo Jackets, now only '. .-$10.00
0 Jackets, now only $13.00
flit SALES from now on, for we are after business
Under Dept. Store
acre. He has sold large shipments
of fruits and vegetahles anil still has
his cellar filled to overflowing with I
the choicest varieties. The second
crop of strawberries Is now on and
the grape vines are loaded down with '
grapes. Mr. Freudlg also has a certi
ficate from the Pan-American exposi
tion showing that apples smt from
his orchard to that place ranl;ed high
tip in the fruit line.
Gritty Boys.
Many interesting features are
pointed out at this place. An old di
lapidated gate Is explained as having
been knocked out of "joint" in early
days by one of the Stlllman boys,
who was chasing a coyoto on horse
back, and at such a velocity that he
could not take up in time to avoid
a collision with the gate. Many
other things were told that Indicate
that the p'oneers were not far ahead
of their sons when it came to combat
ing with the rugged side of life.
Mastering i'ests.
In former years the codlln moth
did a great deal of damage to fruit,
but the modern fruitraiser has about
mastered this insect. Those who
spray regularly claim that the reme
dy is effective and that as soon as all
the fruitraisers adopt the plan and
follow it up systematically the codlln
moth and other pests to fruit will
soon be things of the past.
It is stated that on account of the
pests the tree that bore the prize ap
ple was condemned and cut down
several years ago.
will be gone until some time in Janu
ary. B. J. Metcalf, of Portland, a nephew
of A. M. Klam, who came hero last
fall for the benefit of his health, rs
turned home last week much Improv
ed. Mr. and Mrs. Kobert Krazler have
rented their farm to William Hopson
and moved to town.
The pupils and patrons of district
No. !). above town, where W. S. May
berry is teaching will have a short
Thanksgiving exercise and an old-
iasnioneti Thanksgiving supper on
Thanksgiving evening.
Miss Thomasson, the most popular
girl in Milton, received the lamp, and
Mr. Worthlngton received the "baby"
which was a pig, as the homeliest
man. at the Electric Doctors' show
Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cole, who
have been in the upholstering busi
ness here for the past four months,
have accepted a position with a fur
niture firm In Spokane and left for
that place last Friday.
Dr. Thomas reports birth's at the
following places: Mr. and Mrs.
Brldgewater, the 17th Inst, a 11-pound
boy; Mr. and Mrs, A. Ferguson, same
date, a son: Mr. and Mrs. Amos Rich
ardson, 20th, a son; Mr, and Mrs.
John Loner, ISth, n girl: Mr. and
Mrs. N. 1e Corr.n, 18th, a boy.
Arrangements have been made
within the past week for a lecture
course here this winter. T. G. Salt
is the local manager. The proceeds
go to the school.
On the strength of taking ihe por
tion of Milton lying uouh of the
schoolhouse. Into the Freewater cor
poration, the surveyors spent three
days last week In running lines prior
to drawing maps and plats of the
addition. Everybody seems confident
that all of the rocky flat now belong
ing to Milton, will soon be known
as Freewater flat.
5 Hunt up those pictures ami have them framed at once
g Christmas is Not Far Away
You will get the best work and newest style frames if
you will come to us. Largest stock to select from
$ C C QM APP for SHARP New Ideas.
V- V-i OIinir opera House Block.
lod, Clean, Fresh Groceries Cheap
Full weight, quick delivery, Telephone
orders given careful attention . . , . .
la fresh from the factory: New buttered thin wafers,
tbisco assorted wafers, Champaign wafers, Ramona
Infers, Athena waters, Animal and tsrownie
wafers, Sweet crackers, Uneeda biscuits,
Pretzelletts, Graham crackers".
Dill sweet pickles and sour pickles, best sauerkraut, 'i;
lippered herring, very fine (?
' Personal Notes Old Fashioned
! Thanksgiving Exercises at District
No. 9 Surveying Freewater Flat.
' Milton, Nov. 24. Hick Malone is
visiting friends in Portland.
! J. I.. Vinson, Mrs. .1. E. McQuary
'and Miss Cassie Henderson, who have
' been on the sick list for the past
j few days, are reported much better
at this writing.
Rev. C. R. Howard, of Dayton,
Wash., visited Professor W. C. How
ard and wife at the college the lat
ter part of last week.
William Nichols sold one of his
farms last week to the Harder broth
ers, for $10,000.
i C. P. Strain, the new assessor-
' elect, will move to Pendleton this
Rev. D. C .Sanderson will preach
the Thanksgiving sermon in tne Co
lumbia College hall.
W. A. Clark and wife, from below
PVooirntpr lpft Inst wpelf tn visit rel'
atlves and friends in Missouri. They
Is reached in BYERS' BEST. Better flour cannot be made.
The cream of the wheat crop enters in Byers' Best
Flour, which is right for bread and
Fancy Baking.
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
Laatz Bros.
Coal and
Delivered Promptly.
We are in the transfer am
trucking business and are pre
pared to move light or heavy arti
OFFICE MAIN ST., Near Depot,
Telephone Main 51.
OAIjIj on
AT Tilt-
12. and 120 Kant Alta Street
Oysters, fresh every day,
I received in the shells di
rect from our own beds
J We have clos'-d our retail oyster
house in the Golden Utile Hotel
building, and will devote our en-
j tire attention to supplying the
public with fiesh oysters by the
! pint, quart or gallon. Depot in
Fecliter's confectionery store, 221
Court street, Pendleton. We
wholesale oysters in the sack or
car load. . Oysters served on the
half shell by the plate.
1 Wachsmtith Bros.
It pays to trade at The Peoples Warehouse
ij.iiiim.iiti1 mum it Hf iir"T'iTnirrrTt r
It pays to trade at The Peoples Warehouse
Hart Schiffner
fiV Marx
Hind Tutored
Ho are tn t, mau
Messed at a
1 www
Udowelitosec x
Turkey Money
At Our Special Thanksgiving Sale
Cut out this coupon and present
it to our cashier when pa ing for
your purchase. It will entitle you
to a cash rebate of ten per cent on
anytning you may buy. Tins off.-r
holds good until Thankgiving
7 " i eRb
Salts and
For your Boy. Every style and
price. Prices
$2 to $7.50
can't be beat
This Coupon is Worth Money
Rebate Coups in the E. 0.
Good n Sn percent
for liU' in Cash
From now until Thanksgiving
Day we will allow a cash rebate of
10 per cunt from any purchase on
the presentation of this Coupon to
The Peoples Warehouse
Let us fit you out for the Thanks
giving feast and you will be heart
ily thankful that you bought here
One Price to AW and
that is a Fair Price
Goods Marked in Plain Figures and
Your Money Back if not Satisfied
We sell Boys' Clothing that's
right and trustworthy. You'll
always get your money's
worth when trading with
Turkey Money
At Our Special Thanksgiving Sale
Cut this Coupon out and present
it to our cashier when paying for
your purchase. It will entitle you
to a cash rebate of ten per cent on
anything you may buy. This offer
holds good until Thanksgiving
Men's Shoes
$2.50 to $4
that Style Fit and
wear. Cannot be
excelled at m
A broken line
of Ladies' Welt
Sole Shoes,
high grade fine
uppers that sold
at $4, $3.50,
$3, $2.50 to
close at
The above represents
one style, our stock
embraces everything in
Men's Clothing for
every occasion.
Single Hreauted Sacks.
Double Hreasted Sacks
Conservative Frocks
Prince Alberts.
$5, $7.50, $10, $2.50
$5, $16, $7.50,$20
and $25
The Peoples Warehouse
The Peoples Warehouse
Peoples Warehouse
The Peoples Warehonse