East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 24, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Wcathet
Tonight nnd Tucsilny, fair
JV "
VO. iu9S
yfir the Operators,
ills ot Renewed
I fid Satisfactory Settle-
Will Be Reached Outside of
miulon Due to a Better
Kilns of ths Situation.
rim Nov. 24. Wayne Mac-
. ml iterators' counsel be-
t Knke commission, issued a
ittklt jnoming giving aetaiis
j notntlntions for the set-
S'of lie anthracite question.
ftiTM the railways advanc-
F claries of heir men a most
k.i fii-tnr and savs while John
Kb stii! being interrogated.
I kid a mivate conference with
Iri Thomas by which all had
i it th c conclusion that an
Iv nd satisfactory settlement
fte reached outside of the com-
The move therefore is not
fj&k to a weakening on the
I either side but rather due to
! and btter understanding
j Ctrtsrcnee Tomorrow.
h will be a conference tomor-
I Washington between repiesen-
ol ,the coal roads and the
se workers with a view of a
I settlement
Pfelgh this afternoon called up
the independent counsel.
ster agreed to be present. Jo.hn
! Lloyd and Darrow left for
Eton .this afternoon.
Had In Their Possession Papers That
Indicated a Plot to Assassinate the
President of France.
New York, Nov. 24. Santon and
Mentz, self confessed anarchists, were
arrested last night and had in their
possession maps and papers with in
dicatlons of a plot to assasssinate
President Jonbet, of France. They
were fined $3 each this morning for
disorderly conduct and released. -The
police will attempt to make a strong
er case.
Mid Glory" Horse Sale.
Torlc,Nov, 24. In accordance
custom over nearly i decade
r show of last ck .is fpi-J
Ity an equally notaiue norse
ne sale commenced in niaai
ure Garden today under the
o fthe Faslg-Tipton Compa-
I will continue through the
The ottering is the largest
tide 1000 trotting and pacing
Irses having been consigned,
b the entire establishments
er of important horse breed-
ps and a great array of light
i nee horses that campaign-
afnlly cn Grand Circuit
I trough the season of 1902.
Train Collides With
itvtral Passengers In-
S. C, Nov. 24. The
i Vusenger train collided
Hfca;ht cars near here this
iTitfrecan was killed and
Is! injured.
rMUyo!a College.
P& ill Vn,. J Hinnl.
3BiJija.i plniri'tiniiin n n (1
r3 several parts of the
( We celebration of Loyola
Tie Celf.hrH
..'wjemn requiem mass for
the celebrant being
Jaih P n,, o T ...In.
L.jf- The program covers
Mr ""CB,,es wm oe aenv-
ET Gibbons will celebrate
" mass.
pt Stock Show.
Jft v&-. Nov. 24. A nota-
Vu this city today under
(inri.i, n otoCK Association,
Tnth 8how AssociaUon
nTSi wellan Hare Asso-
l lrl.r",u"e- 'nciuamg a8
lii7L s canines from
Nstrr "IS" famous kennels of
5 ert 7e xnibIUon conttn
4, w and promises to be well
tit n. .
tri iwV:. A motion for
I InZ "i Allert Patricks ramn
ft . thla morning. The
t the 1 unU1 Wednesday,
absence nf th il
lmer, Garvin.
Wu... .
tat, v'"1 " Chicago.
"fcuh"6 been offlclal-
4 8u.!rl w?r cannot settle n
?r leader v L"f
CortiCcli to
Invaded Venezuela November 16
Retreated Across the Line Novem
ber 19.
Washington, Nov. 24,-2onsul Bow
en has wired the state department
from Caracas, that the Colombians
had Invaded Venezuela November 16,
were defeated and retreated across
the line on the 19th.
Eighteen Lives Lost Blaze Visible
200 Miles Distant.
Vienna, Austria, Nov. 24. A fire
this morning in the Immense petrol
eum wells of Boreslaw, Galicia, has
spread to the buildings and the town
is being destroyed. The blaze rose
fiOO feet and was visible 200 mites.
The damage will amount to millions.
Eighteen lives are known to have
been lost.
America Good Enough Place for La
boring Men, But England Is the'
Place for Our Lords to Live.
Manchester, Nov. 24. A dispatch
today says that J. Pierpont Morgan
is to make his permanent home in
England by buying a beautiful resi
dence in Grosvenor Square. Foxhall
Keene is also to expatriate himself.
Thirty Thousand Cuban Strikers Drive the Street Cars From
the Streets and Shoot at the Police,
Widow Is Sole Heir.
Rerlln. Nov. 24. Henrv Krumi's
widow is his sole heir, he will pro
vides that his plants are not to be
put in a stock company or sold within
25 years.
Consul Gowdy, of Paris, Appoints
American Physicians to Ascertain
the Cause of Mrs. Gore's Death.
Paris, Nov. 24. Consul-General
Gowdy has appointed Dr. Magnien, of
the Paris-American hospital; Dr.
Whitman, of the Equitable Life Insur
ance Company, of San Francisco, and
Dr. Turner, of New York, all Ameri
cans, to conduct a special autopsy on
the body of Mrs. Ellen Gore. This is
entirely Independent of the French
investigation and will be performed
this afternoon or tomorrow as soon
as permission is obtained from the
authorities. The American consulate
will also send a representative to
the preliminary examination of Ryd-
zewskl. Mrs. Gore's funeral will take
place at 2 o'clock tomorrow at the
American Episcopal cnurcu.
Funeral Wednesday.
The funeral has been postponed un
til Wednesday1 to give ample time for
the American autopsy. The police
officials and magistrate general had
Jlydzewski brought to his room tins
afternoon, where what is termed re
construction of the scene occurred.
The prisoner was maJe to go through
his part of the tragedy. He lay on
the bed and indicated where Mrs.
Gore sat.
The -all must have passed up
wards. It it is proven in the Ameri
can autopsy tomorrow that the ball
passed downward, it will throw a se
rious asnect on the case, being a di
rect contradiction of the French doc
tors' findings.
Matthews vs. Kennedy.
Pittsburg, Nov. 24. Matty Mat
thews, the welter-weight champion,
and Eddie Kennedy, of Pittsburg, are
booked to clash In a 20-round bout
before.a local club tonight The last
time tie men met was at Toronto,
over a year ago, on which occasion
Matthews defeated Kennedy, and it is
the prevailing opinion In sporting cir
cles that he will repeat the trick
when they come together tonigm.
Des Moines Poultry Show.
riao Mnlnlu To 'nv 24. One Of
the biggest poultry chows ever seen
in this part of the country opened
here today under the auspices 01 iue
Des Moines Fanciers' Asoclatlon. The
pviifMta miTTihpr sn-prfil thousand In
cluding high bred chickens, turkeys.
ducks, goese, rabbits, and Belgian
fiflf-Aa TVin ahnu- nnnHnllPH all Week
and at its close $1000 In prizes will
be awarded.
Horse Sale at Lexington.
t .innr, itv TJno- 91 The Fa-
sig-Tipton Company began a three
days' sale of fine blooded horses ln
Lexington today. Over 2S0 head will
bo disposed of. Including consign
ments from the .Melbourne, weaaow
throupe, JDixiana, Cnoaterbrook and
Bunny Slope studs, and 22 horses
The Tobacco Workers and Their Union Sympathizers Cause Widespread
Disorder In Havana President Palma Says the Disorder Will Be
Stopped if it Is Necessary to Kill the Entire Mob The Cuban Cabi
net to Be Dissolved.
Havana, Nov. .4. The labor trou
bles that caused the strike of the to
bacco workers and sympathizers cul
minated this morning ln widespread
disorders, bloodshed and riot. Thirty
thmicnnH mpn out. besan this morn
ing with stoning the street cars and
compelled them to be returned to me
covorai Ampilcnn nassencers were
dragged from the cars, though none
were seriously injured. Shooting be
lotc Ir. illffprpnt narts of ths
city. Shopkeeepers closed their
places of business and the streets are
The police were called out and had
several clashes. In one, Captain Ma
innVmiv nf fipneral Maceo. was
killed. In returning the fire the polica
killed three strikers anu wounneu
several others.
When the disorder was at its high
l t the cry was raised "to the pal
ace'." The mob divided and rushed
for President Palma's homo, but were
met bv the police who drove the mob
into the side streets. Several police
were injured by flying stones. A
nnmher nf strikers were injured and
carried away by their comrades.
Minister Squires called on Presi
dent Palma and asked what could be
done to protect the Americans.
Palma replied tnai insumu
would be stopped it it became neces
sary to kill the entire mob.
The main efforts of the strikers
seems to be to vent their spleen at
American residents. All over the
city cries of "down with the Ameri
cans" can be heard. Minister Squires
is relying on the government s ability
to handle the rioters and has taken
no official action as yet. It was ru
mored this afternoon that the anti
American element is responsible for
the disturbances and is dolus! nil pos
sible to ferment a feeling against
the Americans.
Squires declines to take this atti
tude. The shipping of the city is
completely paralyzed and business is
entirely suspended.
At 1 o'clock this afternoon in nd
dition to Maceo and three others first
reported killed, another captain, one
lieutenant, two private policemen and
three strikers have been killed. All
parts of the city have not yet been
heard from, and it is probable that
the death list will be added to.
Small clashes are constantly occur.
ring. The United States artillery is
under arms ln their barracks ready
for an emergency.
This afternoon the president sent
a message to the senate to the effect
that it would be impossible to con
tinue the government wiHi the pres
ent cabinet.
Ever Brought Before the United
States Court To .Recover $100,
000,000 From Collis J. Huntington.
New York, Nov. 24. Walter Moore,
representing the minority stock hold
ers of the Central Pacific, has begun
a suit as receiver for $100,000,00"
from the estate of Collis P. Hunting
toin. He alleges that the stockhold
ers were defrauded of this sum by
Huntington and confederates , who
gave contracts for the construction
of the road.
The work is alleged to have cost
$63 000,000, the road charged $100,
000,000 more. The suit is one of the
biggest ever brought in the United
States court frd.n amount involved.
Plaintiffs for counsel secured from
Justice Fitzgerald, of the supreme
court an order to show cause why
the e'xecutdrs of the Huntington es
tate should not file an Inventory' hat
thev may know how many millions
were receivable if the suit is .suc
Horrible State of Affairs Disclosed in
Philadelphia Many Arrests Made.
ii,iirini,ii,ia Knv 24. Fortv of the
iig girls and women arrested Friday
were arraignea in tuun oumm.
Several men charged with being deal
ers in human foreign traffic, were
also brought in court. The hearing
has been postponed until Tuesday to
., nrnsprntlnn time to eet com
plete evidence in the caBe. The Ger-
man consul is ibkiub acuuu "i
to capture the agents from Germany
who enticed the girls away from their
Protestant Ministers of the United
States Asked to Fight Reed Smoot
cu i jra Knv 24. Thn Minister
ial Association this afternoon passed
resolutions against Apoeue new
Smoot as senator from Utah, and
calling upon the Gentiles for a sys-
in,.Hn ooHlatlnn thrnnehout the
ICliiUUV, u0.w.u - .
country, along tie lines instituted in
Congressman Roberts' case.
Prominent Crook County Pioneer
Stands With Representative Wil
liamson. r ammrplv with TleDTeSeWJi'
Uve Williamson on the matter of Lie
Carey act." said S. O. Nn,v3om, ot
Prinevlllo. yesterday, Mr, Newaara 1
one of the most prominent citizens of
Crook county and was a dolegatt to
the irrigation convention, ays Lie
"I was glad to near mm com', iiu
.av whit he did." he continued.
uu - - -
"It la the first I knew of his exact
say further, most empha'.icallly, tliat
I am for the disposal of the govern
ment land only to actual settlew, and
to them only under the provisions of
the homestead law. I think the Carey
act is bad. Jt is bad for this reason:
An irrigation enterprise can bo per
fected for $25,000 by which the con
structing company can secure as
much as 50,000 acn?6 of land. Now
mark this: They are allowed tc
charge $10 an acre for tills land, and
they can hold it until ihey get the
money. That's where the wrong
comes in.
"The Carey act will not make a
home for the poor man he has not
got $1600 in his pocket t ) pay for .'it
quarter section. Moreover under the
Carey act, when a man has paid lor
his land, he yet remains a vassal tu
the company. Ho does not contiol
what gives the value to his lana
the water; whereas, if the government
constructs the works. It will be done
by the Issue of bonds, which will b
taken up at 3 per cen o run say
as longk as the interest paid. Now
the difference between 3 per cenv
and 10 per cent Is what would be
gained to the poor homestparler by
this plan.
A Swindling Proposition.
"When the cost of construct'.on It
naid to the government by the taKiiil'
ud of all the land by the settlers then
a pro rata of all the water florin
into the ditch Is an appurtenaiv to
the homesteader forever. Any one
can seo it
"It is evident that persons -uphold
ine the Carey act are either honest
people misinformed or others seeing
a great opportunity lor speculation, j
have never indorse'd the Carey act.
I have said repeatedly 'hat it lf a
swindling proposition from begirotng
to end.
Numberless Homes.
"Think of the vast number of
homes that may be founded In our
section when the land Is pr. ptriy
placed under irrigation. There is
one strip the Deschutes valley 10
to 30 miles wide and 75 miles north
and south. Then there Is the V?aco
Basin, with 100,000- acres, and the
desert lying between thi- Deschutes
and the Cascades, containing 75300
acres, and another desert of alternate
sections of government and wagon-
road land comprising 8000 acre, Cut
all this up into lev-acre iracu ana
figure out for yourself the number of
homes, after allowing for some
power Lost by Flywheels.
a sprfon nf teats recently conclud
ed In the Nurnberg central electricity
station shows very clearly that the
resistance which a flywheel offers to
the air may give rise in some cases
i o .nnclriprnliln waste exDendlturo
of energy. When the flywheel of 450
horse power engines was run wjiu
a sheetiron cover to reduce the resis
tance of the arms to the air 6.7 horse
.tL.pi- won oalnan -wortta S2M a year.
I Spokane Police Have Put the Little
Money-Makers Out of Business.
Spokane' Nov. 24. The money pav
Ing nickel in f he slot machines went
out of commission 'ast night. Slots
were plugged up, handles taken off,
and tho macrTlnes were turned to tins
wall or carried into ix back room nt
practically all the snloors in town.
At only threo places were tnnchlucs
in operatton at midnight last night.
These wore the Fountain saloon, op
erated by Dan Darling, two machines;
the Hank saloon, opened by Charles
Packeritz,- two machines; and the
Fanners' Homo, operated by "Jack"
Klldee, one machine. Tho remainder
of the 150 or more machines 11 town
were not in use.
International Bout in London,
lndon, Nov. 24. The internation
al fistic battle to bo hold tonight at
the National Sporting Club has arous
ed considerable Interest In pugilistic
circles. Tho principals will bo Eddie
Connolly, tho hard-hitting welter
weight fighter, of St. John, N. ft., nml
Jack Palmer, of Newcastlo-on-Tyno,
tho champion middle-weight of Eng
land. Tho two men will try conclu
sions In a 15-round bout for a pureo
of $1,500. n sldo bet of $1000, nml
the middle-weight championship of
England. Palmer is regarded as the
best man In bis clncs In England at
the present and the American fight
er will have to do his best in order to
win the money and the championship.
Both men havo been training faithful
ly and appear to bo in excellent con
dition for tho bout.
$60,679,172 Woo' Clip.
New York, Nov, 24. According to
the annual AVool Review for 1002, just
issued, there nro -12,181,122 slmep In
the United States, exclusive of lambs
under one year old, and tho clip ex
clusive of the pulled wool during tho
year, comprised 174,341,0.12 pounds
as against 205,502,328 pounds in 11)01.
This shows an increase of about 9,-
000,000 pounds. The number of sheep
reported a year ago was 41,002,'JOO.
The only states which show any con
siderable Increase In number of sheep
since 1001 aro Kentucky, Montnna
and Wyoming.
Package Containing Money Consign
ed to Portland, Or., Taken From
Car at ulncoln.
Lincoln, Nob., Nov. 24. It beeanio
public today that a package contain
ing $40,000 was stolen from tho Ad
ams express care hero Fridny. It was
consigned to Portland, Or. Tho mes
senger while transferring tho package
from one snfo to another, laid It
down, and while his back was turn
ed it disappeared.
Otis Turner Won First Money
Waite, Spence 'and Stlllman Sec
ond, The live bird shoot by the l' mllo
ton Gun Club Sunday was n very
pleasant event. Two 10-blrd events
wer(c pulled off. Otis Turner won first
money in the first event, with Fred
Waite, Jlrn Kpenco and If. J. Stlll
man second. Wes Mntlock and
Shug Clarke won third. In tho sec
ond event Turner and Matlock tied
on the first straight score and Waite
and Spenre divided second, while
Clarke, Ayrea and Stlllman tied for
third place.
These events off, several of the
boys indulge. in a shoot of miss and
out and Turner won first In this when
the birds ran out. After the live bird
shoot, some practice work was .n
duiged in by the toys at blue rocks
Government Control and Sale
of Liquor Much Better Than
Private Enterprise.
Three Hundred Dives Have Been
Started Adjacent to Posts Since the
Canteens Were Abolished, That Sell
the Vilest of Liquors.
Washington, Nov. 24. An offlclal
statement Is given out by the wnr
department today on tho subject of
army canteens. It says 300 dlvns
have been started adjacent to posts
since tlio canteens woro abandoned,
soiling tho vilest ot liquors. Four
teen saloons nro near army posts In
the United States alone.
In no enso 1ms any post command
er expressed n" opinion tltnt tho ab
olition ot tho salo of bcor In army
canteens lias resulted In Improved
conditions. Tho majority openly rec
ommend tho canteen as tho beat
means to picserve tho morals of tho
Promised Tobacco Dealers That Ho
Would Land Cigars Without Duty.
Snn Francisco, Nov. 24. Henry
Troppiunn, the customs Inspoctor, has
been suspended by Collector Strattou
upon tho complaint of cigar men
who say that ho promised to land ci
gars without duty. It is alleged that
ho has taken money for promises ho
could not keep.
Cannon Will Be Speaker,
Washington, Nov. 24. Tho politi
cal conference at tho White House to
day developed noining new. Cannon,
of illlnois, is now generally conceded
the next speaker of tho house.
Children Must Be at Home After T
O'clock, Says Chief of Police Blak
ley. Tim rOillilrim inllHt not 1)0 found
on tho streets of Pendleton after 7
o'clock In tho evening or tlioy will
certainly be arrested," said unioi or.
Police Ilhikley this morning.
"Thcro is a city ordlnunce which
piovldes that no person under the age
nf is Hhnii lollnr on tho streets or
any place nioro than 100 feet from
their homes without peine in com
pany of their parents. Considerable
complaint has boon made to us by
parents who cannot keep their child
ren from slipping nwuy from homo
after Hiippcr. and wo have determin
ed to arrest and throw In Jail all
vnutigsters found on tho streets In vi
olation of lids oidlnanco."
Tho city authorities have found It
necessary to take stringent measures
to enforce thn ordinance referred to
u it linu lu-nniit ii remilur custom
for many youngHterH to remain on the
streets until lute at nigni, in muui
violutloD of law.
Farmers Anticipate Getting 65 Cents
and Are Holding Their 8urplus,
Wheat is now quoted at CI cents,
which Is the high water mark this
season. Little life been sold at this
figure, although one lot was sold for
Cl'i cents Saturday. This Is tho
highest figure known 'o liave boon
offered this year. It a purchased
by Thomas Montgomery from J. II,
Kennedy and consisted of C000 bush
Farmers aro In hopes of getting 65
cents a bushel and many are holding
for this figure.
Lake County 8andttorm.
Last Sunday week wo experienced
ivnlf-nl ftllver I.akn sandstorm, savs
the Silver I-ake correspondent of the
Lnkeview Herald. Tho wind was
blowing a gale and was ladencd with
Ann nnrtlrlPB nf rirlftlnir sand airalnst
n,fi1i tha hAur rnnRtrnr.fprl houses af
ford but little protection. The floors,
beds and even tne msnes wunin ngiu
wnlla won rnvCTfA with sand. It
stood one ln band to keep bis mouth
shut If he did not ctre to enjoy tho
pleasant pastime ot grinding sand bo
h(a teeth. Poor oves. nose and
eara came In for a generous share
of the prolific downpour, A storm of
drifting snow Is pleasant as compar
ed with such a sanasionn a we
6tranger Taken Into Custody on Ac
count of His Peculiar Actions Will
Be Examined,
A man. who gave his name as
Jones, was locked up In the county
Jail Sunday because of tils peculiar
actions. ,
He was quite well dressed, Is a
stranger In town and claims to bo
from Washington. He U u tall mai.
with a sandy mustacho and has 'ho
appearance of having been a Hell
educated geritieniurii Sunday ho went
to the homo of H. H. Edwards and
did not stop to rap at tho door, but
Just walked in. Mr. Edwards was
away, but was telephoned for and he
thiow tho man out. Tho police were
then notified and they took him in,
When questioned ho said ho went to
the home of Mr. Edwards for conao
inilnn ltd milimltteil tn arrest with
out a murmur. His only tlieme seems-
to be that he is a mental sciemiBi,
and says that enemies are pursuing
The man will bo etamlnod and If
bis case warrants ho will lie sent to
the asylum.
working a largo force of men on tun
nels No. 1 and 2, All supplies for
the winter are now at the tnlne and
from tho Increased showing reaulUee
from last two weoks work, Iho man
agement will be Justlflod In raisin
(he Price of stock wunin a jew
We own 4041 feet on the celebrated
North Pole Hill. Our present tunnel
and workings show our mine to be
the richest on the entire mother lod.
Present Price 1&c Per Share,
Mans. Dhotographs and ore- c W
seen at the pc ot Tt- Q