WOOL MEN MEET IT PAYS TO TRADE AT THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Lee Tm BIG UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY SALE THIS WEEK AT IL7 9 THURSDAY NOVEMBER 20, 1902. BREVITIES. A Reward, farm loans. Try Gratz's clam chowder. Eastern oysters at Castle's. Pd? shoe renulriuc go to Teutsch's. Hot wlenorwurst and saur kraut at Gnu's, Tie P l R makes an elegant holi er gitt Oiympla Eastern and Cove oysteva it Gratz's Preserves that are delicious at the Standard Grocery. hnportod llmburger and Swiss iffe sandwiches at Oratz's. Bir reduction on 25 pattern hats this week at Mrs. Campbell's. Ko Chinese cooking at Phillips' res taurant. Everything tastes good. Tie season for Dutton's fine taffies ind home-made chocolate creams. Tour suits will be the heighth of luilon If made by Slebert & Schulz. We have the neatest and largest; itocx of jardiniers at prices so low as to surprise you. C. Rohrman. Dr Blakealee's office removed to Juid building. Main and Court itreets room 20. For Sale Lodging house, .12 rooms tat! three lots on Main street. Good troperty. A bargain. E. T. Wade. Set Wlthee for sewing machines;! the latest and best on earth; chain aoc iock sutch comoinea. trices 14 depress below zero, Call and see ' me It will pay you. The Newest Fad Bead Neck Chain. Pear, wood and coral W.., . . . . lowing very unique. A lad tas spread like wild fire pMsout the east. See the NEW IDEA L. HUNZIKER The Modern Jeweler Whltnker, the dentist. Oyster cocktails at Gratz's. Oiympla oysters at Castle's. Neuman's for cigars and tobacco. The P. I. R. makes an elegant holi day gift. Groceries always fresh at the Standard. Nice furnished rooms for rent; 407 West Alta street. i Don't forget to have your shoes re paired at Teutsch's. Cigars, tobacco and smokers' sup plies at Jack Candish's. Doll buggies, games, toys, dolls, toy dishes, iron banks at Nolf's. Wanted Winter range for 100 head of horses. Address C. E. Hoover, Al ba, Oregon. Fresh English walnuts, pecans, al monds and all kinds of nuts at the Standard Grocery. Dr. Blakeslee's office removed to Judd building, Main and Court streets, room 20. Invitations are out for the regular Friday evening dance given by the Jolly Club at the Music hall. The Dally East Oregonian is on sale in Portland at the Rich news stand in Hotel Perkins, and at the Hotel Portland. Lamp fixtures, all size chimneys, wicks, hunters, brackets, reflectors, shades, globes in stock at all prices. C. Rnhrman. Why have gray hair. Get walnut coloring, $1 per bottle, express pre paid. San Francisco Hair Store, 1401 First avenue, Seattle, manufacturers of all kinds of hair goods. Send for circulars. A grand ball will be given Monday night, November 24, by EIntracht Lodge No. C, Sons or Herman, in Ar mory hall. Admission will be $1. Plenty of lunch and refreshments will be served free. REORGANIZE UNDER NEW CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. Discuss Range Law, Forest Reserve, Irrigation and Range Allotment A meeting ot the Umatilla County Woolgrowers' Association was held at the parlors ot the Pendleton Com mercial Club, this afternoon. Presi dent Douglas Belts presiding. There was a splendid attendance of sheepmen from outside points, as well as from the Immediate vicinity of this city. President Belts announced that the object of the meeting was to re organize the county association to conform to the new constitution of the State xoolgrowers' Association, recently adopted in this city. The members present represented the lnrger part of the sheep ot Uma tilla county and all were enthusiastic In renewing the organization which has already been so beneficial to the Industry and which promises greater returns in the future. Many new members from the Pilot Rock and other outside points were taken in, and the association Is in a flourish ing condition. Ranges are reported to be in first-class condition. Sheep are better prepared to begin the win ter than for several years and taken! throughout the county, the sheep and wool questions are most satisfactory. Forest reserve, range allottments, irrigation and salt, as being assoclat-i ed with the sheep raising industry, I were ably discussed by those present. Friday and Saturday Nov. 21 Specials Nov. 22 Every One A Money Saver Ladies' and Children's wool mittens, 20c kind, Friday and Saturday Children's heavy ribbed cotton hose kind, Friday and Saturday JOc a pair TO INCORPORATE HELIX. Ladies' fascinators, odd lot, regular 25c and 4cc, Friday and Saturday I8c each 2 pieces white shaker flannel, regular 15c quali ty (while they lasO Friday and Saturday X 9c a yard Be- Special Session of County Court ing Held for This Purpose. The county court Is holding a special session today for the purpose of acting upon a petition presented to the court for the incorporation ot Helix. The matter of Incorporating this lit tle town has been up for several months and the matter has Just come to a definite head. Today was set for a special meeting of the commis sioners to fix a day on which the election should be held. The date! will be set this afternoon and if the majority of Helix citizens want to be Incorporated the county court will then order it done. Calico 25c a pound Friday and Saturday 2 pieces heavy kersey suiti g flannel, regular Si. 50 quality, Friday and Saturday 98c a yard 7c a pair 7 dozen Ladies' black cashmere wool hose, 25c quality (while they lasO Friday and Saturday the J 7c a pair About 2)4 dozen Ladies' ribbed vests pantb. Broken sizes, regular 65c Friday and Saturday and 372 cents Ladies' heavy ribbed union suits, only 22 suits left, 50c kind, Friday and Saturday 25c a suit Friday and Saturday THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE PENDLETON, OREGON PLENTY OF SNOW AT WESTON. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Some new arrivals at New Hotel Open. Tlie Queen hotel, on Garden stsreet, erected by Joe Ell, is now open for boarders. The building is 36x80 feet, two stories high, and is so arranged that there is not an inside room. It contains 30 rooms all well ventilated, newly furnished and lighted by elec tric lights. All the modern Improve ments including bath rooms are pro vided. The new Queen Hotel Is con ducted by Olesen & Van Puymbroeck. proprietors of the Queen Chop and Oyster House. Winter is in Evidence in the East End and Overcoats Are All the Go. Weston, Nov. 20. Winter has come in earnest at Weston. Wednesday morning there was more than six inches of snow here and the ther mometers stood 20 above zero. This is the coldest spell this fall, but the indications are that it will moderate and we will have some fine weather yet. The sun of Wednesday melted most of the snow off and this morn ing there Is very little evidence of winter other than a little ice and heavy fiost. The NOLF Store Ping Pong Pins RAN DOWN BY TRAIN. at James Harvey Instantly Killed Pasco Yesterday. Pasco, Nov. 20. James Harvey was run down and Instantly killed nine miles from here yesterday. Harvey was employed as lineman in the em ploy of the Northern Pacific and was riding on a- freight coming into this city. The freight pulled Into a siding to allow the passenger train to pass and Harvey stepped onto the track and was run ovei, neing instantly killed. KILLS AMERICAN. Earl McCarter in Oakland. I F. H. McCarter, formerly of this ' city, passed through town Wednes day on his way to Spokane, where he , goes to locate. Since leaving here, Mr McCarter has spent the summer in Sail Francisco and he says that his brother, Earl McCarter, formerly tel '. egraph editor on the East Oregonian, Is In Oagland, Cal., where he has .purchased a newspaper and is making good money Russian Officer Charged With Mur dering His American Mistress Paris, Nov. 20. Captain Dazows- kl, an officer of the Russian Imperial guard, was arested today, charged with murdering the American girl, Helen Gore. He told the iollce con tradictory stories, saying first that he shot her accidentally. Later he said she committed suicide. Miss Gore came here from America to study itfusic, and became the Rus sian's mistress. Her identity is not fully known, but she Is said to be connected with a widely-known family. NEW CABLE TO MANILA. - HOT SODA - Good hot chocolate and improved beef tea are a hobby with us, and only 5e This is one third seasoned with hot soda. Better than ever, but always good. KOEPPRM'C &teps From Main St., Toward the Cou ft House A Line Will Be Put in Within a Year From 8hanghal t Manila. Washington, Nov, 20. President Clarence Mackey, of the Western Union, called on the attorney-general this afternoon and announced the Pa cific Cable Company's ability and In tention to construct a cable line from Manila to Shanghai within a year. The difficulty has been in se curing a landing place in China. Ukiah Sawmill Has Been Leased by J, B, Despaln to H. McReynolds. Henry McReynolds has leased the Uklah sawmill of J. B. Despaln and will carry on the business in the fu- .. - if nil .,.,1,1,. , ,.,, 1,. line. ui. .utivptiiuiua uua wtui 411 vt n I r 1 town for the past few days and he New Pompadour Combs, regu says ho is going to operate the lum ber yard In Uklah after next spring and will furnish all the lumber for all building purKses In the Camas Prairie country. Mr. McReynolds is a practical sawmill man and wllWno doubt make a success of the business. This is the last of Mr. Despaln's in terests in the prairie. He leased his business holdings In Uklah and sold the stock of goods beside leasing all of his farming and stock lands on the prairie. He has transferred all his immediate Interests to Pendleton, where Ills time will be devoted to the wholesale commission house. IOC lar 25c, here lor..... 20c Ladies' Hair Retainers, in eel Iuloid and metal . . .5c, 8c, 10c Drummer's Samples of pocket knives, bought at 21 per cent discount You can buy them from us 25 per cent less than elsewhere. Winter Weather Coming. This morning the citizens of Pen dleton had the first touch of anything like winter this fall. While there has been no snow right In town, there was considerable Ice this morning and the thermometers dropped down to 20 and 28 above during the night. The ground was considerably frozen and the largest frost of the season fell. This Is a reminder that It Is time for winter and causes people to begin to don their heavy wraps. Note the new toys for Children Tablets 45c, 98, 1 95 Iron wagons 69c to z..o Doll buggies, wood and metal bodies and wheels. .35c to $3.45 Enamel Ware, bought prior to the advance, tea kettles, stew pans, coffee pots, 23c to 1.22 The Delicacies of the season are always found at our restaurant. At present we have Finest Oysters Frog Legs f Clams Crabs f and "f Lobsters f and other salt and fresh water foods The French Restaurant The P day gift. I. R, makes an elegant holl- The NOLF Store Santa Claus1 Headquarters ORLAN CLYDE CULLEN COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW U. 8. Hunreme Court 1 REGISTERED ATTORNEY $3.50 Shoe Value U. 8. and FOREIGN PATENTS I Trad Uarki and CopjrlrhU TOO Ittl.St, N. W., WUlmttiu, 1). V TRANSFER, TRUCKING, ST OR AGE. That Excel all Others CROWNfaR BROS, Telephone Main 4, The East Oreuonian It Eastern Oie (jon'e representative paper. It lejja and the people appreciate it and show it by their liberal patronage. It ii the advertising medium of this section. Received by express today Received by express today Received by express today New Monte Carlos, new waists, new three-quarter coats. New Monte Carlos, new waists, new three-quarter coats. New Monte Carlos, new waists, new three-quarter coats. The Peoples Warehouse. The Peoples Warehouse. The Peoples Warehouse. W. O. Thayer, a pioneer blacksmith of Portland, died Wednesday. We satisfy the greedy value hunters with Good Shoes Boston Store, Where Whole Families are Shod. I flASLER'S m Jargain 606 to 609 Main Street Biggest and Best Bargains In Furniture, Stoves, Glassware, China ware ever offered in Pendleton are now offered. Our Big Clearance Sale Is now on. We must reduce our stock in order to make room for others. We want it to go rapidly and in order to do so we have cut the prices, Come in and get our knocked down prices and see what you can save. Remember Joe Basler's Clearance Sale Lots of goods sold at greatcly reduced prices.