if: V FELT SHES ffr M5 sumd Dnnfldlreira We carry the Celebrated Alfred Dolge Line and have them in red, black, drab and green. Juliettcs and Slippers. New line just received. We "also have Felt Romeo's and Felt Slippers for men.. Just the thing for cold weather. Bindfager, Wilson k Company Good Shoes Cheap. Phone Main 1181 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1902. PERSONAL MENTION. Jack Hart Is In town from Juniper. Perry Smith Is In town from McKay Creek. Joe Severs Is In town from his ranch. Mrs. Hemphill Is In towii. from Pi lot Rock. Albert Harnla Js in town today from Helix. Miss Emma I.ehlte, of Weston, Is in the city. Red Davis Is In town from his farm on Tutullla. F. H. Forshaw has gone to Pilot Rock on business. J. L. Osborn, of Prinovllle, is In town on business. Herman Suhl, of the Cold Springs country, Is In town. Nell McDonald, of Myrlck station, was In town Tuesday. Mrs. L. 13. Wells is at the Golden Rule hotel from Echo. J. P. McManus is at the Golden Rule hotel from Adams. Carl Marshman and Fred Rhode ore in town from their farms. F.-G. Oster has returned from Spo kane, where he went on business. Mrs. L. B. Wells, R. E. Thorn, H. C. Thorn and J. Thorn, of Echo, are In town. Franl? Harala, the leading mer chant of Helix, was in town Tuesday evening. James B. Welch has returned from Portland, where he spent a day sight seeing. Frank Stanton, the Helix livery man, was transacting business in town Tuesday. N. McReynolds and C. McReynolds were in the city Tuesday from their McKay Creek home. A marriage license was granted this forenoon to Thomas M. Henderson and Miss Bertha Wells. Lee Moorhouse, the Pendleton pho tographer, is a guest of the Perkins. Oregon Daily Journal. Dr. Keys has returned from Golden dale, where he went a few days ago to look after his homestead. J. L. Moran, representing the Nor rls Safe & Lock Company, of Seattle, Is at the Golden Rule hotel. L. S. Thompson and E. Rlnehart, two Walla Walla business men, are guests of the Golden Rule hotel. W. C. Smith, one of Waltsburg's leading merchants, accompanied by Mrs. Smith, are at Hotel Pendleton. Charles Alspach, ono of Helix's prominent business men, was a guest of the Van Dran Brothers at Hotel Pendleton last night. Charles F. Kennedy returned Tues day evening from Echo, where he spent the day shooting ducks. He succeeded In bagging a goodly num ber. Harry Morgan, who has been fore man for J. R. Snyder on the farm, has gone to Kansas to spend the winter at his old home. .He has not been back to visit his relatives since 18S8. Robert Cronln left this morning for Baker City, where he goes to umpire the game of football today between the Eastern Oregon State Normal team and the Baker City team, which is to be played today. IMPORTANT RULING JOHN TIMMERMAN MARRIED. Left Pendleton for Germany to Find a Wife But Fell by the Wayside. John Timmerman, who left here two weeks ago to spend the winter in the fatherland nnd incidentally tn seek a wife to bring back to his west ern home, fell by tht ways! 1" and Is now married. A telegram was received Tuesday evening by Jospeh Uasler saying: "Mr. Timmerman and his young wife left this morning for Chicago," but It did not give any particulars. Mr. STATE LAND BOARD IS BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT. The Supreme Court Says the Decis ion of the Land Board Cannot Be Appealed. The Oregon supreme court render ed two Important opinions Tuesday. Dr. C. H. Itobertson, of Salem, loses his mnndamus suit against the stnto land board, the appellate court hold ing that the land board is a co-ordinate department of the state govern ment, and Its decisions are not re viewable in the courtc. The only real mipstlon involved In the Itobertson case was the right of the state land board to make a ruling granting an extension of 30 days' time In which purchasers of property who had he come delinquent In their payments, might make the deferred payments, and avoid the cancellation of their certlnflcates of sale The court holds that the board Ib authorized by law to make such rules as are deemed necessary for the transaction of its business. This decision is of great interest locally, as there are a num ber of other mnndamus cases pending against the board, In which the Iden tical question Is Involved. Exclusive Right to Fish. The second case decided was that of It. D. Hume against 20 citizens of Curry county, in which Hume sought to restrain defendants from fishing below his nshery in Rogue Itlver. Hume has owned a fishery five miles abovo the mouth of Boguo nlver since 1877, and has used It continuously since that time. The defendants, for a number of years, have attempted to establish fishing headquarters on the river below his plant, and ho sued for exclusive right to use both banks of the river, and obtained a verdict in the Curry county courts, sustaining his contention. The case was appeal ed and the supreme court sustained the lower court. Hume now has ex clusive right to fish on both banks of Rogue River five miles from the mouth. t ... 1.1 tmntn the 'cold weather wmcn wm.,u . i ground, would be met with joj by YOUNG MEN DETERMINED. Plans to Be Presented for the New Club House-A Good Site In View, The proposition to build a club house by the young men of Pendleton is being agitated and the matter IH assume a definite head within a few 'Architects arc now nt work drawliig plans to be presented to the commit ee to see Just what the cost of the . ....i ...in i.o nnd to determine t.in,i of build nc tne just wii.ii iiu- ----- - voting men will want. One or to sites are now In view for this build ing, but none have been semen upu. !et. although there is a likelihood of Ii being erecteu on ivm--i om-ui-. .i i. nt f ho unuroyres- slvp have been trying to throw cold water on the srheme to organize nnd erect a club building, the ardor of those back or tne move iui uui - ... .i... D. (hi,.- nrn rpcelvlllC till' Ul lilt-' ictioi, unit v.tj uppnrt of all the young men and the majority of the business men, es pecially those who wish to see the town grow aim uaiuc mc o their shoulders to the wheel and pushing. Umatilla County Pioneer. In a private letter to his brother at Weston, Taylor Green, of Wood ward, 0. T.. writes that ho has been elected county commissioner of his , mintv Tnvlnr fireen ramo from Mis souri to Umatilla county in 18G2, and settled nt Weston, on fine ureei;. whore he lived for 15 years. He then tenioved to Union county, where he rrslded until ls'.'s. wnen ne weni iu Oklahoma Territory, at tho opening of the Cherokee strip. He is engag d in the cattle business extensively and is well pleased wlin mat coun try. ACTION OF CAREY LAW. that while there he met his fate and after a brief courtship, was married. He will now abandon his mp to Ger many and after visiting Chicago for a while will return to Pendletrm with his bride. SUIT FOR TITLE. Wyoming, the Home of Ex-Senator Carey, Finds the Law Most Satis factory. Portland. Nov. 11). Governor De Forest Riciiards. of Wyoming the Timmerman. -when he left here, paid i home of ex-Seuator Carey, father of He would stop In Omaha to visit a , tho Carey Irrigation law wires as few days with a sister. It is presumd follows of the operation of the law in that state: "In cases where those appropriat ing water and having lauds segregat ed under the Carey act have been supplied with sufficient means, ener gy and ability, the working of that law has been successful in this state. "I do not think that it would be wise, In view of tho now irrigation law passed recently by congress, to repeal the Carey law, as both can be used In tho same stato without conflict. One can be applied to such sections of the country where there is an abundance of water In tho streams, whereas the lands intended to be watered under the irrigation act are such as will require the construc tion of reservoirs or dams, in order that the surplus and waste waters of our streams may be used In their rec lamation. "In all the larger and more diffi cult projects under the Carey act In this state, $10 per acre has been the maximum amount charged for water rights." the Your Doctor's Orders to fee effective mast be sapli mented by pure drugs If '"your prescription is filled by us it contains nothing but the best in gredients that your doctor prescribes for you. We nevur substitute. TALLMAN & C2. THE DRUGGISTS Defendant Alleges That He Is Only Heir to Allotted Lands. The title of the only suit filed at the courthouse this morning was that of William Henry vs. A. P. Woodard and Catherine Matt. This is a suit to get clear title to 160 acres of land In section 3C, township 4, which was allotted to Annie E. Woodard. Plaintiff married Miss Woodard after the allottment of tho land and her parents, defendants, claim In terest In the lands. Defendant al leges that he Is the only heir to the land and asks the court to order plaintiffs to establish their title or re linquish their claim to the land and all rents from the land since 18P7. Hailey & Lowell are plaintiff's attorneys. Declamatory Contest. The Pendleton High School has ar ranged to have a declamatory con test Thanksgiving, between a pupil of tho Pendleton school and a repre sentative of the Baker City public schools. At the same time a recep tion will be tendered by the pupils of the high school to the members of the Baker City football team, and to the pupils -who accompany them. Clerk's Office Repairs. The paper hangers and paintors have almost completed their work In tho county clerk's office. For the past several days tho clerk and his two deputies have been doing their work in the south room of the office and they will bo glad when tho work is finished so they will not be so crowded. Look Here 120 acres of wheat land, 3 miles from Pendleton, $2500 600 acres, 10 mi'es from station, plenty of water, $6500 160 acres, 10 miles from Pendle.on 81500 160 acres, on the river, 7 miles from Pendleton, 35 acres in alfalfa, good house and barn, . . . $4000 Good house on West Alta street $.1100 Good five-room house, north of river, six blocks from bridge $ goo Two five-room cottages on West Webb St., each $ 800 Dutch Henry Feed Yard Good property In city and country too numerous to mention, nny location that ono may desire. W. F. EARNHART, ASSOCIATION BLOCK No Council Tonight. There will be 110 council meeting to night on account of Mayor Hailey and several of the councilmen being in Portland attending the irrigation con vention. It was expected that tho matter of a sewerage system would be taken up tonight, and the tlmo set for the election, but now the matter will have to rest another week un less a special meeting is called. If L BE REPAIRED CITIZENS WILL RECOMMEND COUNTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT. Section of Road Near This City Needs Graveling, and a Move Is on Foot to Secure Needed Repairs. a ,n,-n U nnw nn foot which will he presented to the county court nt Its next session to have tho road down tho river graveled. It Is said for two miles down the river, on the north side, the public road Is the worst of any section of road, so heavi ly traveled, in the county. Tho bed is low and holds tho water, in many places great pools standing for weeks at a time, mis manes iravel very ,nm,,H .lnrlnr the wet season nnd It Is stated that this two miles of roau is traveled by more people one day than any other road coming Into t,.,..,, Tho prnunrt Is soft nnd gets very muddy, making hauling very difficult. Those ntivocatmg me re ...irinir nf thp rnnd clnim that with a very small outlay this road could be made comparatively goou. it is only a short distance from the river ihorn is nmnln cravol for treat ing the roadbed. This being the case, It would cost little to nam tne gravoi ninnn wnntprl nnd the work could be done very rapidly. The bed would have to bo raised in places ana ways made for the water to drain off Instead of standing In pools as it does now. This is a commendahle move and with proper presentation to the coun ty commissioners the matter will no doubt be taken up by them and the road Improved. River Is Up. The Umatilla River is said to bo higher now than it has been in many years at this time of year. There is a large volume of water coming through town and tho banks of the river are full to overflowing In many places. This is caused by the heavy rains of the past week, which are almost unprecedented. the nth. , b-utiiuUn3' g-JfcJ the groom J?Jt M ventiona; black f,lssl dinir thP . :..: After a wedding present'll exquisitely decorlttftl new school H..:'Q,il consisting of alJ''1! n atn t.U .... &etUlJ center richly decot tSI creations in china S?J over th ..ct! SI help but notice H, i r, .....1. mjJKjj Owl Tea Afternoon Tei REAL ESTAT I have Inn mnnK attempt to name It ijij 1 uttve siock raaciaJ n n ,1 atnnll w.A . ' l u ...... t, iuiu ElQCg .1 desired. Wheat !u , On thA rlvar t I. ' uaie j may want from one to J City Property a Sp I have & long list til uu, resiliences, yj houBCs. I do not list propertj t E. T. WAD Real Estate Dea No Golf Tournament. Owing to the prevailing bad weath er of the past two weeks the golf tournament which was to have been pulled off, has been indefinitely post poned. It is said now that no tour nament will be held until spring, as it is now too close to tho holidays. INDIANS VS. HIGH SCHOOL. Will Kick the Pigskin on the Local Gridiron Saturday. Next Saturday the Pendleton high school will play football with the Indians from tho reserve. The local high school team has been contem plating playing the Indians, and a few days ago a challenge was sent them. This was accepted and Sat urday afternoon was set for the game. This will be a game worth seeing. The Indians are many pounds heavier than tho local boys and they are all said to be old football players, Moto nlc, tho famous Indian athleto, will play with tho team and several others almost as largo and athletic as he will bo lined up agnlnst the little high school team. However, Coach Bryson is confident of winning the day oven against strength. Tho Indi ans play good football, but they lack in efficiency and spued. Here Is where the school team expects to out class them far enough to win. Tho Indians are said to bo practicing for the fray and when this game is pull ed off it will attract a large crowd. IT HAS CLEARED OFF, And Looks as Though a Few Days of Good Weather Is Certain. Will wo havo a few days of fail weather? It now looks like I -s the sun camo out bright and i this morning nnd all indications are to ward x tovr days of fair weat" or. However, the weather man says no. He predicts snow, but this would be welcomed with wide open arms, as anything which would bo a chn from rain would bo acceptable Ju-t now. The rain has ptinued for nearly two weeks in, .santly and people are gelling tired of wading through the rauJ and slush. Even Arbitration Board Proposed. Detroit, Xlich.. Nov. 19. The au nual convention of the Stfive Found' ers' National Defense Association bo gan in Detroit today with members present from St. Louis, Cincinnati, Pittsburg, Chicago and other cities of the country. The convention vill consider and act upon a proposition from the Metal Polishers', Duffers'. Platers'. Drass Moldors'. and Urass Workers' Union looking to the estab lishment of a joint arbitration board for the adjustment of all disputes arising In tho trade. The proposition is In most respects similar to the ar rangements existing between tho stove founders and the iron moulders which has prevented strikes in that branch of Industry for the past 10 years. ..... TT I I I 1 I I I Soles Of Oak UPPERS OF THE besT boX calFl Fastened and put together in a manner to please and satisfy the most exacting. Such are our Men's Shoes that we sell for PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Warm Sh s and Slippers ST. JOE STORI Special sale this week on all CLOAKS, CAPES and JACKETS We have too many and must close them out. Now is the buyers opportunity. We will give a big cut price on Blankets, Bed Ccm- forts, and Outing Flannels. Our Clothing Sale is Still On THE LYONS IKEROANTILE Remember: The largest stock of goods In the city toMlMtft I ALWAYS SOMETHING To be seen in attractive millinery at our parlots. Otrl trimmers keep constantly in touch with the hsiiw centers of the East and the latest ideas are alwajJ os display. Come in and study the very newest stjlft A" the season advances so do our styles, CARRIER MILLINER THE HOME OF THE STYLISH HAT, A GOOD THING AND WE'LL PUSH IT ALONG The best and most convenient tl,lj??, the kind we huve Been ie a neat little ww showing a calendar for 1903, a lodge diwj tory, railroad time card and car lares. i J are for free distribution. Call for M. A. RADER THE FURN1TURF MAN m Wfi.-..iV