WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1902, THE "WHY" OF IT. Why does the body fai at times to get necessary nourishment from ordinary food? Because the digestive or gans are not strong enough to perform their proper func tions. Why should these organs be aided in their work? Because the digestion o ordinary food is more than they can accomplish when they are in a weakened con dition. It is necessary that some aid in the form of an easily assimilated nourish ment be provided. Why does the nourish ment supplied in Scott's Emulsion feed the body when ordinary food does not ? Because being scientifically emulsified it is rendered much more easily digested and the whole system gathers nourish ment with much less effort. There is less tax upon the whole digestive tract. Why is the nourishment contained in Scott's Emulsion assured proper distribution ? . Because the emulsion is easily and naturally taken up and utilized by the system. Why is the good effect of Scott's Emulsion soon noticeable ? Because the ingredients represent the very form of nourishment needed. The stomach requires a change and rest from ordinary food and hence the good effects of the emulsion are quickly seen. Why is Scott's Emul sion a food for the whole system? Because every part of the emulsion oil, hypophos phites and glycerine, is adapt ed to some special need of the body when a wasting con dition exists. Why is it necessary to nourish the whole body when only one part is affected ? Because the blood, nerves, bones and muscles must all be considered and provided for in restoring waste and establishing uniform health. Scott's Emulsion gives nour ishment to all, collectively and individually. We'll send you a sample free upon request. INDUSTRIES AND ENTERPRISES OF THE INLAND EMPIRE REGION Timely Articles on Various Topics, Concerning the Peo ple Who Arc finishing the Work of the Early Pioneers butter fat, Ore., 4.3; Minn., 3.8. Aver age yield of butter per cent, Ore., five cents; Minn., 4.5 cents. Average urlce paid for milk, per 100 pounds, ore., DAIRYING IN OREGON. On every well conducted farm, no matter how much systom prevails In the management, there Is a certain amount of time and labor lost each day. No matter how attentive tho farmer and farm hand may be, there Is time wasted. The larger the farrc and the more labor employed, the greater becomes this loss. Here Is whore diversified farming R42. Average number of cows per comes In as a labor saving aid. On 'patron. Ore., seven; Minn., eight.. Av Sleeping Volcanoes A thin, vapory smoke, laz ily ndlng from its crater may be the only vU .ible sign . i it.. .i..nlnff volcano, but within 90 cents; Minn., 63 cents. Average i .ATazinz sea of fire, molten roc. price paid for butter fat per pound, I !.,, Sases. Those who moke their nm 22 renin: Minn.. 1G cents. Rut- f i rfnl vallevs below know . -f - nomcs iu w". ,w....- , the danger and, though f requemiy warncu , Biens of impending eruption go nbeeded. KMnintv when t ter yield of average cow (In pounds) Ore., 206; Minn., 160. Average num ber of patrons, Ore., 52; Minn., 78. Average earnings of each patron. Ore., $278.00; Minn., $155.00. Aver age number of cows. Ore., 383; Minn.. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St., Now York. Notable Chicago Wedding. Chicago, 111., Nov. 10. Grace Ep.3- copai cnurcii was the scene this after noon of the most fashionable wedding of the season so far. The contracting parties were Miss Alice Hlggln botham, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. II. N. Hlgglnbotham, and Joseph Medill Patterson, grandson of the late Joseph Medill, founder of the Chicago Trib une. The bride had her -sister. Miss Florence Hlgginbolham as her maid of honor, and the best man was Joseph Medill McCormlck, cousin of the bridegroom. The ushers includ ed Leonard Thomas, of Philadelphia, Alexander Cameron, of New YorK, Montgomery Hallowell and Lincoln Mitchell, of Cincinnati, and V. T. Clyde, Jr., of New York, the wheat farm, there is no particu lar work to do from seed time until harvest. What few improvements can be done are not urgent, and Uio or chard ,the berry patch, the livestock and the dairy can be introduced here as a profitable feature. Prom live to 20 cows can be milked on almost every farm in Oregon, at a profit. The usual help on the farm is all that Is necessary for this task. It can be done to help consume much of that time and Uio farmer will find that the income of the dairy, as an ad junct to the wheat field, is a welcomo aud easily earned profit. Every form has its pasturage. The trouble and expense of preparing and shipping the cream is small. The market for the product is inexhaustible and It of fers the best returns of ony small business that can be run In connec tion with the farm. The Era of the Cream Separator. Within the past two years, the num ber of cream separators used In this state, has Increased beyond calcula tion. There Is no possible way of ob taining statistics bearing upon this subject. Farmers have bought every imaginable moke of cream separator from every imaginable source. Whole sale men have shipped In carload after carload, nnd the demand has Increased steadily. This means of disposing of the cream of the farm appeals keenly to the small dairyman living at a dis tance from the creamer'- The small er bulk of separated cream means less freight charges, it does away witli hauling or shipping the skimmed milk back to tile farm and is the most pro gressive feature that has been intro duced in Oregon dairying. New Source of Profit. The foothin farms of Eastern Ore gon nnd the valley farms of central and Southern Oregon are supplied with these little money-maklngfriends of the farmer. New sources of vov enue have been added to localities that were wide awake to all the new things. The farmer In Powder River valley, on the Deschutes, the Snake, the Rogue river, the Willamette, on the coast has turned to the cream sep arator for a continuous profit, tho year through. It has regenerated tho lairy interest In Oregon. Fully one hundred per cent more cows are milked in Oregon today than were milkSd 18 months ago. Everywhere they are being regularly milked ,ln lots of from five to 20, and it has In come a fixture in the state. The far mer not only gets his returns from the usual crops, in the fall, but every week, of Uie 52 weeks In the year, the constant income of the little dairy is pouring into the family coffers. Dairy Statistics. On the books of the food and dairy commissioner are listed, as having made statistical reports to him, 150 creameries in Oregon. They are lo cated in every county in the state and vary in sizo from the small plant producing 3000 pounds of butter per year to. the most gigantic plant on the oast producing annually 300,uuu pounds of butter and almost as much cheese. Organized Effort. Dairying in Oregon lias been In an norganized and unsystematic condl tion until three years ago when the Oregon Agricultural College and tho traffic department of the Southern Pa- Ific instituted a series of meetings at nrlous cities in the Willamette, for the purpose of unifying the various methods pursued by. those conducting creameries In that sqction. The re suits of a little comparative obesrva-. tion convinced the Willamette far mer that he possessed natural advan tages not enjoyed by other localities in which the business was thriving. Comparative statements were se cured from one of the average cream eries of Oregon, in the most favored locality, and from one In Minnesota In the most favored locality, to bIiow mat tiie Oregon farmer was receiving much greater returns, with less to contend with, than the farmer in tho most extensive dairying state In tho Northwest, Minnesota. Tho figures were obtained from tho Albany Creamery, of Linn county, Oregon, and from one of tho average creameries of Freeborn county, Min nesota, and nre as follows: dross receipts for one year, Ore gon, $18,237:18; .Minnesota, $15,000.00, Amount paid patrons, Ore., $14,150; Minn,, $13,000. No. of pounds of but ter made. Oro., 78,821; Minn., 33,000. Avorngo receipts for butter per pound, Ore., 23 cents; Minn., 17 cents. Aver age cost per pound, Ore., three cents; .Minn,, two cents. Average test for erage earnings per puiron, ure., io. incut t X ti, ,Ul,nVr1 Minn.. $120. Average earnings per disease uisappcir, m . - y-,-cow, Ore., $38.00; Minn., $29.00. victim is happy in the bcllei oi a Good Results. complete curt, but the fires of conta- As a result of this demonstration ' '" BV' 5 gnons he min the business revived and became 'system, and as soon as e mm more thoroughly systematic in Ore- als are left UP ; gon. From 30 creameries on the lines Occasional sores break out in we of the Southern Pacific in 1901 the mouth, a red rash appears on the body, number has Jumped to something like and these warning symptoms, n not 15. A now impetus was given to the heeded, are soon followed by learim industry. People became interested 1 eruptions, sores, copper colored In one year the amounts paid to pa- splotches, swollen glands, loss of hair trons by the Albany Creamery (used ' and other sickening symptoms, just as an illustration of tho progress Mercury nnd Potash not only fail in the business) increased from $14.- to cure blood poison, but cause Mer. 773 to $22,800. A "like increase was . curiuj Rheumatism, necrosis of the noted throughout the state. The gen-1 i,ones offensive ulcers and iuflamma- , i .1... , t . . i. . ... emi muii-itee in me uusmtwB lur im- tion of the Stomacn sua .bowcis. year laui was oo pur ceiu over iiw ( precedln gyear. Oregon Figures. This year In Oregon, from the ad vance sheets of statistical reports, a conservative estimate of the butter yield is placed at 2,000,000 pounds, and cheese at l.OOO.OOO pounds. This butter has averaged the producer 20 cents ior pound, and the cheese sells , at five cents per pound higher in the San Francisco markets than the Cali fornia cheese and lacks but one-half , cent per pound of selling as high as' the highest price cheese made, that i from New York state. Improvement and Progress. The Improvement and progress in tlie dairy business are wonderful to I look upon. It has outstripped every I other industry In Its extension and i profit yielding, it can be bundled by men of small means and is thus the poor man's business, or It can be built i upon a gigantic scale and find returns! in proportion. The market for the output is endless. A remark of the dairy and food com missioner is worthy of quotation in this phase of the question. He said; "If the number of creameries In Oregon were doubled and eacli one would double its output, every pound would find a ready market right at our doors." In 1901 the amount of butter im ported Into the port of Shanghai. China, was 150,000 pounds, 75 per cent of which was American, and it Is safe to say. Pacific coast butter. It has taken the place of the French Australian and South American but ter on account of Its uniform nurity and freedom from adulteration. This demand for pure American creamery product is one of the greatest induce monts in sight, for tho extension and maintenance of Oregon dairies upon tneir present plane of excellence. Diversified Farming. Like the orchard, the sugar beet crop, the poultry business, the berry patch and the truck garden, the small dairy can be handled by the farmer's family. It Is a pleasant diversion from the manual labor of the field The capital needed Is so small as -to be no barrier. The income is constant. Instead of going in debt, the farmer finds ready cash with which to meet his demands. It gives the small far mer an air of independence which places him on an equal footing with the steel magnate. Fully 80 per cent of the Oregon farms can successfully handle a small dairy. Nutritious feed variety of crops and excellent water supply, railway facilities, cows in abundance, inexpensive preparations (anil a willing wife) nre to be found at tlie very threshold of tho Oregon farm. Nothing else is needed except tlie nerve of an Oregonion, which has never been known to be deficient. BHRT HUFFMAN signs of W0, giant awakes with deafening ThCy Td lU l&Svot heated rock and scalding ashes. TOTh" u,SS"&S1 nre living upon a sleeping volcano inousanuaui ui i , . f,. Mercurv and Potash treat- andare taking uespenre - - - -vf.rtni Rvmmoma ui tm. i -.- Maroh 94, 1008. 0)ntlmn: For over four years X suffered grntly from a evr mm of contariou blood polion. X went to Hot Sprinr, "taylnr there four monthi t a bir expenie. Ithanoon anlted physiolane, who preaorlbed lleraury. Nothing did toe any .rood, in fact, the treatment proved mora harmful than beneficial. I mentioned my caie to a friend, who told me that B.B.B. had eertainly cured him. I at onoe commenced 1U uie, and in sis monthi oould find no trace of the die eaee whatever. Thle waa about two yean aro. X continued B). B. 0. tor eome time to make sure of a perma nent oure, and X can truthfully eay X am entirely well. BAKDBXtl. Th. use of S. S. S. is never followed ry anyDaa rcauiw. . without the slightest injury to the system. W. oner f I ooo oo lor prooi scription. S. S. S, is an antidote for contagious blood poison, and the only radical and permanent oure known, ft destroys every atom of the virus and puri fiet and strengthens, the blood and builds ud the eeueral health. nr. :n r. m.r unrrinl hook on Contacrious Blood Poison, which Elves nil the symptoms of the disease with full directions for home treat ment. Medical advice is furnished by our physicians without charge. THE SWIFT SPEOiFlO OO., ATLANTA, GA A TIT) a n- book is caused by d.f nruiiiatlon of th ? ' hi and eu fltii,, ii tlilnL'.ntcearv tnl'M ncultJobloRBUCCtt,,K IB. F. BECK, Til,. Pin V J I Court St. Oj.poelte GoliJ Mrs. Fred ViYraik, No. 22S Territorial Street, Benton Harbor, Mich. Busy Day for Club Women. Beaumont, Texas, Nov. 19. There was no diminution of Interest appar ent on the part of the many delegates to the convention of tho State Feder ation of Women's Clubs at the ses sions of this the final dav of 'ho gathering. Promptly at the appoint ed hour this morning the sessions were resumed and for an hour or moio tho delegates listened to reports pre sented on behalf of the lectnro com mittee, tno committee on stuto con tutional amendments and other com mittees. Two Interesting addresses were, presented, one on tho child labor question by Mrs. W. A. Callaway, of Dallas, and tho second by Adelo Loos- can, of Houston, who took as her s.ih. ject, "Our duty to the old missions," This afternoon and this ovenlng have been set asldo for the transaction of unfinished business nnd up to the hour of .final adjournment tho delegates will be kept busy with tho affairs of tho federation. A farowell reconfirm has been planned to toko placo aftar tho decks hnvo been cleared of every thing In the way of business. "I am pleased to give mv experience with Wine of Cardui as I am very grateful for its help. After my first baby was born I could not seem to regain my strength, although the doctor gave me atonic which he considered very superior, but instead of getting better I grew weaker every day. My husband came home one evening with tome Wine of Cardui and in sisted that I take it for a week and see what it would do for me. As he seemed to have to much faith in it I did take the i medicine and was very .grateful to find my strength slowly returning. In two weeks I was out of bed and in a month I was able to take up my usual duties. I am very enthusiastic in its praise." OTHEUHOOD is the noblest duty ond highest privilege women can acnievo oraspire to. w ith tin. rVM Vnrat. out litis nrivileuo women do not get alt there is in life too often they go through tho world discontented, wrapped up in their own selfish cures nnd troubles. How different is the happyi mother, watching her children grow into manhood and womanhood. A mother lives as many lives as shohas children their joys and sorrows are hers, as are their ambitions triumphs nnd defeats. Healthy women do not suf fer miscarriage nor does a woman who is healthy suffer tortures at childbirth. It is the woman who is ail ing who has female weak ness who fears the ordeal of becoming a mother. Wine of Cardui builds up the wo manly in a woman. It stops all unnatural drains and strains inegtiliirities which are re sponsible for barrenness and miscar riage. It makes a woman strong and ' healthy and able to pass through prep nancy and childbirth with little Buffer ing. After the ordeal is passed the Wino prepares a woman for a speedy recovery to health and activity. Wino of Cardui, in re-inforcing the organsof generation, has made mothers of women who had given up hope of ever becoming mothers. Wine of Cardui will cure almost any caso of barrenness except cases of organic trouble. How can you refuse to take such n remedy that promises such rel tef from suff eringV Wine of Cardui simply makes you a strong woman, and strong, healthy women do not suffer. They look for ward to motherhood with joy. WINE of CARD VI A million suffering women have found relief in Wine of Cardui. t t t FOR PIANOS CHRISTMAS f Nothing can be more appropriate or add more to the pleas- tires of life in tiie home than a high grade piano. There is ..t, .tnuii wuy a piano snouia not he in every h j easy payment plan makes it possible. Drop in and z t ome. Our f d learn oi it. ? S- L. WAKEFIELD & CO. Wareroom on Court Street THIS WEEK WE WILL SELL WINES Such Wines as never before have been sold in held n " Vl S'ne f tUe' Iv2 held for ten years. We will sell them from 2sc to ustlffii?'10-- Ur floored biSSSV just tlie thing for mince meat . . KLEIN & COMPANY LIQUOR STORE, 619 Main s Come To g For your lumber atjj material oi all desenpu yuu win save moctji fiist-class stock. VYea piy you with DoorsWinrJews, Screen doois and ij building paper, lime, i Drtck and sand. 1 , c wane a specialise! gutter- for bams anddtl Oregon Liisi AJtn 8t opp. Court Hos No Bad Del Are contracted by our sjs of doing business iorttl for cash and give our td mers the benefit of oursai from loss. More fresh, class groceries for your ti than any other store an ton. Our stock is Hit New goods arriving i Miller Qrocerj CASH 0R0CERV AND fi Gray's Harbor ( Opp. V;&C.R.W When getting figures II others on that iunu Ant forcet to and see us. We carry stock of all kinds of Building $M including shingles, door, dows, moulding, sere! and windows-in . . -..nri in IhinP tliat IS 1"""" class lumber yard. Saves labor and L -L Price I clothes. " ' L I W.T. CLARKE tw Court Street I mum til mi! z