East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 19, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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fj' '
1 SAY!
Stops hair falling out and cures dandruff
To cure all scalp diseases
Brook & RIcCaBnas Oosmpany $
(feast (Svev
Order is the sanity of thu
nilud, the health of the body,
the pence of the city and the
security of the state. Southoy.
reflations of the society, on the
grounds that love breeds selfishness,
and therefore a human being cannot
be perfect, If strong passion enters
the life. The poor, deluded inmates
of these monoy-maltlng co-operative
concerns, with religious fallacy as
their foundation, will soon awake to
. the utter emptiness of the Ideal sot
up by the mercenary founders.
Jim Hill had an Idea that the Great
Northern could use 300 gangs of Ght
namcn, oi m men to tlie gang, on
tiack woik next season, when he said
Th. most emnhatle snntimnnt muni- to !"""U 3000 " ypa'-- Tl-' leI'li
tested by the Kostern Oregon dele- sllouId tnko ''"' a,1(1 allmv th l,ov
gates to the Inlgatlon convention. Is -'rt--stricken old man to get his work
that in favor of the method of state ,lomj L'hual)l-'r-
reclamation, The contracts let by ' Thu Tacoma LeilKel. ims aprllllg an
Oregon, under the provisions of the ol(1 1)omjcai contract, signed by Sen
Carey law, are now In actual pro- ator i.-03ter! promising his support to
gress. They promise some immediate Joim L Wilson. This breaks a couple
returns and some practical demon- 0l- ,-aUs u ,),,. Aukeny fence,
stratlon of the work as laid out by . I
the state of Oregon. The large Irrl-1 " eartnquaue is traveling toward
gation companies want government Oregon. Kansas felt a slight shock
Irrigation, because they have the ln-last wek and Utah next wltnesseu
side track with the authorities iu'1,er chimneys rocking. Next?
charge of surveys and location of ex
perimental works and will got exten
bios over fallen logs, through lagoons,
marshes and bogs In pursiilnj.' n sport
common'to the conimoneit or us. ami
delights In It and Its aasiciatlous
His Is the most unlrpie personality
that has yet filled the white house.
Ho Is a literary man of high order
and wide fame, yet he turns to the
plain and forest for recreation. He is
a diplomat and politician of peculiar
earnestness, vet pwMtlclans are tl e
last companions ho seeks.
The picsldentlal chair he fills with
the same rugged American grace, that
he would wear In the commission of
a cattle ranch on the plains. The cab
inet meeting finds him the same
ready worker, the same off-hand citi
zen that is seen sitting at the mid
night camp fire, eating bear meat and
telling hunting stories.
He Is at home. In every phase of
American life. He voices the dlvei3
ity of the nation, in adapting himself
to the varied and peculiar occupation."
and enjoyments of the people. In this
country, there Is no court code, whtel'
pi escribes how many knots shall be
tied In the royal shoestring, and how
many buttons there shall be on the
vest of state. No social lino bars the
highest or the lowest from coming and
going at will thiough all the wondrous
and bewildering stages of life. Tlio
piesldent of the United States is at
liberty to sit on a log and write ill1
message to congress, If he finds the
inspiration to say the right thins
theie, as strong as behind the locked
door of an oppressive office.
Bargain Opportunities
make this week, ending
ir I ... ,4.,,nrnltnnri ID
" . . i... ,i nn nf Snecial HarL'ains
baturuay nigiu, i.- -- - ;,, .,,, von can
Scan our list below anu : '
save money by visiting our speui-i .
j Portland has 33S saloons and pro
i DOSes to arid SliT.OOO unr vp.ir tn hnr
sive contracts, which will enable them ncomo , ralg,
to hold government jobs for years to
come. Oregon don't want to be handi
capped by any ono method. She must
be fiee to receive immediate returns,
fr6m whatsoever
not throttle the
working under direction of the state,
nor will we bar out the proffered
plan of government supervision.
The more hands at work, the quick
er will the harvest spring from our
aarld domain. Judge Hartman, chair
man, of the Umatilla delegation, has
voiced the sentiment of naatm-.i Ore
gon when he says:
"Oregon should encourage the pri
vate as well as the government en
enterprise. We should go after the
money coming to us under thu nation
al act, but we should also respect the
rights of companies working under
the Carey law."
.O. U Miller, chairman of the Uaker
county delegation, says, in support
of Judge Hartman's Idea
"Wo can get more Irrigation under
two systems than under one, and
Eastern Oregon is all of this opln
Refreshing, indeed, this plendld sen
timent in favor of local enterprise;
in sympathy with the state of Ore
gon, in sympathy with the common
people, who are awaiting the fruits of
this tedious and far-reaching move
Oregon has had her quota of land
and timber transactions, that have a
shady appearance. She wants no en
tangling contracts with the govern
ment, which will bo manipulated In
corporations looking to their own pri
vate ends. Recommend more stato
Irrigation. It will bear fruit, while
tho present generation Is yet alive to
enjoy it
age of ?20U each.
The man who drinks-wood alcohol
goes the same route as the man who
course. We will cuuivi Know tlie gun was loaded.
small rrmtrnrlnrs
wayno .ueveigii, a corporation at
torney, is adding his name to the list
of curios, headed by IJaer.
Yesterday afternoon J. N, William
son mado" a vigorous attack on tho
Carey act, and tho stato Irrigation
contract under It, in an address beforo
tho Irrigation convention, Mr, Wil
liamson's position on Irrigation is not
fully known to tho people. His words
and actions will bo followed with
very great Interest. However,. It ap
pears to many of tho leading men In
tho movement that stato Irrigation
will bring In some quick returns.
Whllo the government of the United
States guarantees freedom of wor
ship to all citizens, there Is a fanu.l
caJ extreme of religious dogma that la
antagonistic to tho spirit of freedom.
In Uie formation of tho La Loma
Thoosophlcal colony, In Southern
California, sonio mothers aro separat
ed from their children, In the social
An occupant of tho presidential
chair of the United States of America,
seated Hat on the ground with his
legs crossed under him, dressed in
buckskin shirt, fringed nantalooni
anu Hunting cap and boots; near him
Hanging on a stumn Is the trustv ril'o.
cartridge belt, bowle knife anJ sl.c-
shootor. All about the nartv of which
he Is the central figure, looms tho
whispering forest of tho Mississippi
lade. In the center of the roiip.
smokes the camp lire, and ascending
in a wreath, through the tree top3. is
me delicious smoko arisinc from a
sizzling frying pan, containing boar
meat and 'possum grease.
The knives and forks brought along
do not reach around to all ,tho party
so tho president takes his long, keen-
pointeu Hunting knife and eats heir
meat with It and his fingers He stops
to toll a story and chango position
he puts one foot out on the ground
and leans his elbow on the log neir
ny and rests for a moment. This Is
his hour of freedom, Althoueh Lho
diplomats of tho world may be await
ing his return he eats bear meat to
his heart'c content, and rests his
brain and body.
This plcturo may seem out of keen
ing witn tno dignity of his position
uut it is not In tho least, when con
sldered from tho right point of viow
Koosuvelt has followed tho traditions
of his parentage and surroundings
less than any president before. Born
of a rich and influential family, In the
business and commercial center of the
now world, ho might have held a life
of ease and splendid luxury. Educat
ed and refined he might have won re
nown as a leader of somo exclusive
social or financial constituency. Able
and wealthy and ambitious, ho might
nave ueen an adventurer of wondrous
He's only a man from No Wheie.
With nothing at all to do.
A ship that sails before all gales
To never a compass true!
No harbor, haven nor anchor
A treak of tho waves and tide
No lighthouse beacon to prompt him.
No aim nor coast-to guide!
A lost, lone, aimless, nothing
Just clay in the hands of chance.
No form of soul or action
No motive to make advance!
No business, but others' business--
No thought, but of today!
No goal but a frenzied phantom.
That melts with his dreams away'
Ah, lifeless man fiom No Where,
With No Where as your goal!
Go back to the living Somewhere,
And search till you find your soul!
Take up the maze of fancies,
The threads of the tangled skein,
And weave their flashing fabrics
Ih a chart for hand and brain!
And down on the coast of Action,
Where the sea of Truth rolls wide,
.Make fast to the earth your anchor.
Defy the waves and tide!
And there by the Human Compiiss,
As sure as the Polar Star
Map out tomorrow's voyage,
By the gleaming lights afar!
Choose something for a cargo
Be worthy of your art!
Though the Fates be strong and the
voyage long
Don't cairy an empty heart'
But like a fair ship, sailing
With wings to tho breezes bent
Go straight as the faultless arrow
Toward some Good Intent!
Pendleton, Or.
Ladies', Misses' and Men's roc hose, every kind in stock,
Three pairs for 25c.
Woolen underwear, every garment m the house. Special
10 per cent off of regular price.
Woolen Blankets and Comforts all grades. Special 10
per cent off of regular price. t '
Men's Mackintoshes, thick and covert coits and heavy
waterproof overcoats, 10 per cent reduction.
Millinery, 20 per cent off on all street and trimmed hats.
Special prices on all Ladies' jackets and long coats.
Special reduction on all clothing, Men's and Boys'.
Regular 7c outing flannel will be sold at 5c a yard.
Regular 5c outing flannel will be sold at 4c a yard.
The Fair
The Place lo Savfi Money
-H"l' I"H''H--r-H"M-W
i t
Carvers! Carvers!!
I have just received a fine assortment of carvers. Do not fail
to get one to carve that Thanksgiving turkey. My prices are
within the reach of all See the fine display in south window
All kinds for all
Sash, Doors
Planing nf oil
to o.der. C5C"Plwd
Don't place y011r ...
Building Material nnHl i"
consulted us. ' "
Pendleton Planing
Lumber Yard,
Ho turned his back on all these al
lurements. His polished education ho
carried to a Dakota stock farm. Hp
soiled his hands and hardened his
muscles In actual service He became
a horseman, ranchman, hunter, fron
tiersman, common, every day friend
and companion of his own cowboys
and farm hands His fine polish of In
tellect found now luster In the rough
ways of tho West. HU ability to rulo
and lead lost none of Its vigor bv
tho mingling of hardship with luxurv.
From ono position of trust to another.
no nas crowuea with amazing rapidi
ty, and in all the dazzlo nud tempta
tion, ho has held tho even tenor of ul3
early Inclination. Today Instead of
taking a vacation on somo luxurious
jacht, or In a Pullman car, he don.
tho garb of the plainsman and stum-
Mrs. Laura L. Barnes, Wash
ington, D. C, Ladies Auxiliary to
Burnsitle Post, No. 4, Q. A. R.,
recommends Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
"In diseases that come to women only,
as a rule, the doctor is called in, some
times several doctors, but still matters
go from bad to worse; but I have
never known of a case of female weak
ness which was not helped when
.Xiyrtln E. lMnUlmm'H VeKutnble
Compound was used faithfully, For
young women who are subject to
headaches, backache. Irregular or pain
ful periods, and nervous attacks due to
the severe strain on tho system by
some organic- trouble, and for women
of advanced years in tho most trying
timo of life, ft serves to correct every
trouble and restore a healthy action of
all organs of tho body.
" Ijjtlla K.riuklmm'H Vegetable
Compound is a household reliance
in my home, and I would not be with
out it. In all my experience with this
medicine, which covers years, I have
found nothing to equal it and al
ways recommend it." Mrs. Laura h.
IUkmes, 607 Second St., N. E Wash
ington, D. C ttOOQ forftH If trlflml of
aoov Ittttr pnilnj Qinutntntis cannot b9 produced,
Sucli testimony should bo ac
cepted ly nil women ns convinc
ing evidence tlmt Lydia E.
lMiiklmm'rt Vegetable Compound
stands without a peer as a rem
edy for all the distressing ill of
For Sale
Ueautiful residence proporty on
Court street, two Iota and dwelling,
Residence lots, well located, at
prices ranging from $100.00 to $250.0
Boarding house and one lot 14
rooms centrally located, $2,500.00.
Boarding house.10 roonii,,$l,900.00
One lot with dwelllne and atahln
One lot and house, $500.00.
Two lots, dwelling 6 rooms and
stable, $900.00.
rooms, bath and sewerage, three
Ono lot with dwelling of seven
blockB from Main t'.rcet, $2,600.00.
Aud much other property, i
all on easy terms
E.D.BOYD, III Court Street!
1S27 and 129 East Alta 8treet
are greatly enhanced byfinJ
laununeti linens. WeciatJj
to the sum of domestic W
piness in this respect. Caa'l
be beat at laundry work. Di
up your shirts andcollarsis
A i style. And you'll tk
Have a "bosom friend" that'll
give you comfort and pleasareJ
Special attention to colW
and cuffs Finest work, L)l
est prices. Satisfactory service
1. F. Roblusou, Prop. Pendi
Oysters, fresh every (
received in the shells
rect from otfr
We have closed our retailors
house in the Golden Rule M
building, and will devote card
tire attention to supplying II
public with fresh oysters by I
pint, quart or gallon. Depot!
Fechters confectionery store,!
Court street. Pendleton. 1
wholesale oysters in the sacil
car load. Oysters served on a
half shell by the plate.
I have bargained with a
competont Timber Cruiser
to locate
On the line o. a railroad
now under construction.
This means a big chance
lor flr8t-comers. See
Have some good farms for
rtfi x M
At a yttj tut cIlD. We r.f, .
,V w&eto we will onlftet
Li!. - J ''re "9 rvuon lu the nrM hi
5She.; cSblon.'l,etc Tne bUm t0p''
Wtr at, near lain. Pjuto.. Or
Coal and
Delivered Promptly'
tf tha fransferWS
YVC ttlC III hik " .p
trucking business ,and w rj
pared to move u '
Tolepnone maw
For Shooting Phtol CnrtrwK -
I'atent coTeri
U. 8. W1 C"'4-
a t .m rr rent on tlJ?'iVS5
addreu. Order from OfWV'l
ThA r,. cnmDauri
i' t'.
,,4 f w.i 1
nlb ,, inja i i 'tfaiTjvttfHHltflfm! i uM mi MiiMimiiMBMfcfitlilfelMli -