you What You Want in SHOES QUALITY First---Last All the Time lec of quality could be stronger i, .narantce we Rive on the borcsis JUC. aii ..: -.11 ...:,m. L ..jgeots fur the celebrated John Stroo BSt'i . til t p- . , . .... f 1 1 -i i mnnthc All rlfnr j value at GREEN'S little giant school shoes. .i. r i:i i7.. . ( cn eauii iui unit niuiitj. iivtiy $3.50 tman Shoes for extension soles, $2.50 The best school pair guaranteed GIJNN NlUiinifl JLLLJII (lexander Dept. Store RELIABLE CLOTHIERS. DON'T FORGET The Bic Clearance Carpet Sale at Failings. If you lut a carpet, rugs, lace-curtains, porticrs, wall paper, you lillnever get such low prices again. The Standard. White, and Wheeler & Wilson Sewing lactones, oil, needles and parts for all machines. A first Bus repairer for machine and organs. JESSE FAILING Phone Main 24 i iniHon Hunt up those pictures and have them framed at once Christmas is Not Far Away You will get the best work and newest style frames if you will come to us. Largest stock to select from f C A "P P for SHARP New Ideas. THE SHEEP KING OF UMATILLA NO LONGER. For $175,000, John Carlson and Gun La Fontaine Purchase His Vast In terests In Land and Sheep. A deal which Involves tlTKnnn consummated between Pondleton' men lucsuay, when John Garrison and Gns 1-a Fontaine bought out Charles uuuninguani. Thlfi deal Includes all of Mr. Cun- ningiiam's Interests except his town property, which was kent liv hi. where he will make his hnmn m,i In comfort on the Interest of his money. The deal includes inonn sheen. 20.000 acres nf In ml Kfi 01 uorses, ib.uuu tons of hay and all the vehicles, farming machinery and other stuff belonging to the farms and sheep camps. Mr. Cunningham has been In the sneep business In Umatilla county for about 35 years, and In this time he has prospered and aecumnlateil until he was known far and wide as tne sneep king of Eastern Oregon, having the largest number nf sheen held by any one man In the nastum part of the state. He had In his flock tne best blooded sheen to hp fnnnri In the country. Not content tn Vfopn only the scrub sheen with whlr.h he started out more than 30 years ago, each year he added some new blood to his flock, which made the sheen among the best for wool and size in the county. The sheep are now in their winter quarters on Butter and Birch creeks and some are in Morrow ennntv. Mr. Cunnineham has land hnth In TTmntll. la and Morrow counties, and he has some of his sheep and stock in this county and some across the line in .uorrow. The new owners of this vast amount of land and sheen need tin In troduction to the people of Pendleton. Mr. Garrison has been In the stock business in Umatilla county for the past I!) or 20 years and has made a success of the business. Mr. La Fontaine is one of the best known caterers in the town. He has been rnnnlntr a restaurant nnrl hotel In Pendleton for the past 23 years and is known by all who visit Pendleton. When he rame here he had very lit tie monev. Todav helnir nhle tn en glneer such a deal as the above, where tne casn is ail paid down, means that he has made a success of the restau rant business and there is no doubt but he and Mr. Garrison, who is equally as shrewd a business man as Mr. La Fontaine, will succeed in the stock business. Mr. Cunningham only retains hi town property and such property as Is needed In the city for his own comfort. He will spend the rest of his days in Pendleton, where he will take -life easy. Mr. La Fontaine will retain his res taurant and town property and Mr. Garrison will look after their stock interests. Mr. Garrison left this morning for the sheep camps to look over the sneep and see just how many head tlii'ie weie in the deal. STUDENT OF HYPNOTISM. 1 Let Murphy Frame those Pictures for Christmas Don't put off.having the work dene. If Murphy does the work it will be good work and you will be highly pleased, Best stock of framing material. ,Btt 'HAT MADE E. J. Murphy's Best work at lowest prices. AUkee famous. FOR SALE Nsof , . . hi," n, saukraut and S"Wsnear Postoflice ners Custom Mill r4 w.i Proprietor lSftu..., Urn -ZO"-vi nrn; kaod. ,W,IP Feed, etc I tilt A , A half section of fine wheat land, all in summer-fallow, north of Pendleton. Good improvements. Almost a section of land in one body, a short dis tance north of town. FRANK B. CLOPTON 800 MAIN STREET Thomas Nye, Formerly of This City, Has Wonderful Ability in the Art. The Spokesman-Review, of recent date contained more than a column write-up about Thomas C. Nye, son of .Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Nye, of this city, This story is about Mr. Nye's success as a hypnotist and it gives a lengthy Interview from him on the bubject. It seems that Mr. Nye has been studying hypnotism for the amuse ment of himself and his friends for six or seven years and, although he has never given public exhibitions, and does not contemplate such a move, according to the Review, he has mastered the art. The Spokesman-Review says in part: 1 "Mr. Nye, who is employed in a lO' cal furniture store, is an adept in the science of hypnotism. He performs all the feats except mind reading, ac complished by McEwen. who has given many public demonstrations in Spoknn theaters. .Mr. Nye also per tonus the feat of mental attraction. tnat ns tar as known, Is entirely new In hypnotism. He Is able to draw a subject in the hypnotic sleep in any direction without touching him. The subject, after being placed on the floor In a rigid state, can be drawn to a sitting posture or the feet can be raised, the arms and even the middle of the body, so that only the teet and head touch the floor. All this is done without contact or verbal orders and with the eyes of the sub ject closed." The friends of Mr. Nye here will be pleased to know of his success as a hypnotist. He was born and brought up In Pondleton and all the young people know him. A few years ago he went from here to Pomeroy, Wash., and there was married. He was on gaged in the jewelry business and was burned out. Later he went to Spokane, and has resided there since. Good Dressers Wear Good Clothes Not necessarily expensive, as the reason of the unvarying success of the big storo has been its desire, purpose and intent to sell" only such merchandise as could bo called trade builders in the true sense. A trade builder is an item of merit. The merit of an article depends upon the prices asked for it. As we buy only from the recognized leaders of American manufactures, we remove to tho utmost limit, all thought of inferiority, and are in a position to chum first class value. Therefore when you buy at tne big htore you get the best, are satisfied whilo using it and pleased to call again. We are pleased to see you return. Pants i'Skirts All Sizes and all Prices $7.50 Fine imported cloth, made in a clean union shop $5.00 American fabric with wonderful wearing quality $2.50 A 1: H n. iuic nidi lulu- mends itself to the buyer Don't forget to remember our corduroy pants A lovely woman in a McGee under iff sure of an elc gant appearance of her street cos tume. Therein lies the secret of ! their popularity. $1.50 to $5 According to material and make up all have the patent smooth fas tener in back. Each skirt has an extension of four inches to suit varying waists The Boston Store SUCCESS attends our November Clothing and Dry Goods Sale UMATILLA COUNTY HISTORY. (Concluded.) smith and machine shop. This is one of the pioneer institutions of the I place, having been conducted by the Lieuallens since the town was first established. William Deardorf has a feed barn and has been In business two years. S. V. Knox is the only lawyer in the place. He is one of the pioneers ol the county. H. 12. Wane is local agent tor the O. R. & N. and also telegraph oper ator and Pacific Express agent. M. A. Baker is postmaster and Maud Baker is the assistant. Dr. J, A. Best, the present mayor Is the local physician. He has been n the town six or eight years and reports that during all -of that time there has only been half a dozen cases of typhoid ever which he points to as an illustration that the place s a healthy point. All of these business institutions enort business good. Every one looks forward to a large Increase In popu lation and business and the croakers are not to be found in Weston. In tho language of Charlie Pierce "Wes ton is all right." In reply to Inquiries we have pleas ure in announcing thp.t Ely's Liquid Cream Balm is like tho solid prepara tion of that admirable remedy in that it cleanses and heals m'tmbranon ar fectcd by nasal catarrh. There Is no drying or sneezing. The Liquid Croam Balm is adapted to use by patients who have trouble in inhaling through tho nose and prefer spraying. The price, including spraying tube, is 7G cents. Sold by druggists or mailed by Ely Brothers, EC Warren street, New York. MISS MYRTLE CROCKETT DEAD. Toland They say Ihe devil Is not so bad as he 1b painted. Bertley Very lll'oly; they say all sorts of things Just before election. Boston Transcript. iSD. EBEN, Proprietor of THE EASTERN CLOAK Stilt, Skirt and Waist Factory SLX HUNDRED and FORTY-FIVE MAIN ST. Has inaugrated u Grand MID-WINTER CLEARANCE SALE JACKETS, WAISTS, SKIRTS and FURS Must All be Sold by JANUARY First, J 903 Prices tho lowest that have ever been offered in Pen dleton. Come first and OF BARGAINS ! Had Been in the Walla Walla Hospit al for More Than Two Months. A' telegram was received this morn ing from Walla Walla stating that Miss Myrtle Crockett, sister of Miss Edith Crockett, of this city, died In the hospital thero early this morn- -- ; '"filss Crockett has been in the hos-'remains will bo taken ) Fieowater, pltal for several months She under-, 1,10 home f I'arenti, for Inter went a very serious operation and It was thought she was on the road to rnfm'Arv hnt tu,n ureeku ti en ulin lie-I came worse aud Miss Edith left for her bedside. She gradually make your selection whilo tho stock is yet unbroken A REGULAR BONANZA Luck In Thirteen. ny sending 13 miles, Wro, Splrey grew of Walton Furnace, Vt., got a box of worse until the end. She was quite ( Bucklen's Arnica Salvo, that wholly wen Known liere wnere sue nan curca a uuiriuio juver uore on ins ieg many warm friends who will regret j Nothing else could. Positively curoa to hear of her untimely demise. The bruises, felons, ulcers, eruptions, bolls, burns, corns and pi I on Only 26c. Guaranteed by Taliman tc Co. druggists. As a result of a rear-cud collision of a freight train and a light-running onglno on the Pennsylvania rallrpad at Bollver, Pu., Monday, two trainmen were killed, one seriously Injured and two engines demolished.