m. i I 1 Thanksging Clothing for MAN or BOY Stirring Values Winter Cloth ing for men and boys at a big saving a saving of 25 per cent you are asked to pay at other stores Men'- all wool fancy worsted suits splendidly made and trimmed, such as you pay at other stores St2 50, $is.oo, and $17 50 Jour prices .....$10, $12,50 and $15 Men'f) black worsted suits, other stores all at $12 50 and S15 our prices $10 and $12 Men's blue serge, sold'eveiy other store at $15 our price ....$12 Men's high grade trousers, new shipment just in $2 50 to $0.50 Overcoats- We have all styles, the long, the short and popular medium at . . .$4-.45 to $20 Hoys' Clothing Two piece suits $1.50 to $3.50 Three piece suits $2 00 to $5 00 Long pants suits $4-.00 to $12.50 HATS CAPS - GLOVES MITTENS BAER & DALEY ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, FURNISHERS and HATTERS HOTEL ARRIVALS. AVEDNESDA.Y. NOVEMBER 19. 1902. GENERAL NEWS. Work lias begun in Now Y01K on an experimental steel road In streets wliere traflc is very heavy. The American Automobile Associa tion Is preparing to urge congress to build an automobile road acros? the United States. A resolution declaring for old ago pensions was defeated in the conven tion of the American Federation of Labor Tuesday. The -Salt Lake .Ministers' Alliance Is preparing to make a vigorous fight against the election of Apostle Heed Smoot to the senate. A volcano in 'lie Wasatch range In Utah. Inactive for centuries, sliovt' j signs of eruption Smoke and dust can be seen arising from the crater. 1 The third assistant poatmuster, in Tils annual report, urges the exclusion 'i tua&atinvs uuiu Heuuuu-ujusa pu- Illges, and would charge all publica tions but newspapers 4 cents a pound. At the Quarterly meeting of the ex ecutive board of the California State Building Trades Council, resolutions were unanimously adopted denounc ing Eliot, of Harvard, as a man unfit for the position he holds. The Chinese government is secretly planning another upheaval. The em press has received secret reports from the governors of the various states regarding the number of sold iers and amount of war munitions that could be raised. Hotel Pendleton. J E. Milter. Portland. M. A. Moody, The Dalles. E. C. Warren, Portland. George Harris, Portland. A. Nylander, Portland. A. 11 .Galloway, Portland. Ed Blackburn, Omaha. W. G. Taylor, Chicago. ..Miss Jacks, Pullman. 13. Edwavds, Portland. Charles Alspach, Helix. G. S. Youngman, Portland. A. T. Minard, Chicago. J. W. Chute, San Francisco. Lee Cortrum, Walla Walla. Charles Halgren, Idaho. W. W. Gray, Idaho. J. F. Haspetliej-, Spokane. T. W. Jackson, Spokane. W. C. Harmon, Tacoma, . H. H, Ueeso, Spokane . W. C. Smith and wife. Waitsburg. F. M. Vancleve. A. L. Hart, Chicago. It. H, Gaston, Spokane. . W. L. Marshall. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. RESOURCES and HISTORY of UMATILLA COUNT Y A C.FMFS OF SKETCHES OF THE TOWNS AND PEO PLfoFOUF 5 COUNTY BY STAFF CORRESPONDENT PATH TVF T ANFY 1 nu "Let the GOLD DUST twins do your worT X. WRSTON CONCLUDED. Weston, Oie., Nov. 16. Wtutoi. points to her Normal school as oik of the most solid institutions of un kind in the state. It is exacted to make this one of the state's gieatest durational points. With full conn Weston nearly two vea.s He has a growing trade. B Dupuls lias tii'im He has neeu in imsiura d.ii nn untic- nlx .1 tun- stin f four years ami taking business. A. Harnett is a harm's.- .i..iifir He has neon 111 and saddle business a UIIU1.11IUM.. ........... ...... IIVlllll. . . 1 donee in this a number of promlnen mlmbei of years at this place ami iu a wide iraue. A Phllllns has a teed vaitl ano ries a stock ol implement" citizens formed a company and pur chased a beautiful tract of land adl.i rem to the Normal grounds and have platted It. layiug out convenient present in the East lavlnc stietts and putting sidewalks ami con- pij (r implements. structlng a number of cosy cottages. These are I na healthy location over looking the town, and are called Nor mal Helghths. As an inducement tc IK M, (1 ill tt. 1.' tLiraii 11:1a 11 fiirni alio mni"' tlonerv store and also has a chit) room connected with Ills business He uas nnlv been In business a few nmn'lis settlers this company has nrrangeil 1 t,ut tepoits 11 piospeious inisim-ax ... i,... ,,iiw.l,nuni-a frrn writer I'm- tell ! U'llllnm Powers llllK a tliirbCI SHOP years and also to build for them tree sidewalks and to plant shade trees 1. The Norwegian Lutheran church of the Northwest is looking lor 11 loca tion for an academy. Japan will establish headquarters for a merchant fleet at Esquimau, B. C, early In the spring. Eighty thousand bales of hops were harvested in Oregon this year Eighty hales make one carload. J. H. Wood, auditor of Cowlitz county, Washington, died at Knlama, Tuesday, of cancer of tho face. Freeman's Labor Journal, of Spo kane, Is accused by tho labor unions of that city, of taking $300 for Its In fluence, from the democratic central committee in, tho recent campaign. The body of John McCarthy, of Walkersville, Mont., was found in a clump of bushes near Eureka, Utah, Tuesday. An open pocket knifo found near, covered with blood, indicated suicide. Tho Idaho state land board has ad vertised for sale 20,000 acres of whlto pine timber lands In Latah, Kootenai and Shoahono counties. The Bales will take place December 22, 23 and 2G. Members of tho Presbyterian church of Albany, have begun tho reading of tho entire Bible In a systematic manner. One night each week will be devoted to special top ics under supervision of tho pastor. The Golden Rule. 10. Desque. Moscow. I) Payner, Pomeroy. Mrs. James, Pomeroy. John Praudflt, La Grande. Clarence McLean, Baker City, L. S. Thompso nand wife, Walla Walla. E. Itinehart, Walla Walla. W. H. Sworin, Idaho. F. N. Churchill, Chicago. J. II. Guild, Portland. H. Sweringen, La Grande. Mrs. L. B. Wells, Echo. 11. Williams, Portland. F. P. Johnson, Portland. I. N. Davis, Milton. M. J. Davis, Milton. G. W. Davis, West Fork. Emma Lehite, Weston. Mrs. Hemphill, Pilot Rock. J, L. Oshorn, Prinevllle. W. L, McConnell, Eugene. J. P. McManus, Adams. W. L. Cunningham, Portland, R. E. Thorne, Echo. H. C. Thorne, Echo. J. Thorno, Echo. William Jorgesen, Salt Lake. William J. Parker, Morrow. William Thompson, Denver. F. J. Gardner, Denver. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the dlaeased portion of the ear. There li only one way to cure deafness, and that la t7 constitutional remedies. Deafncaa la caused bj an Inflamed condition of the mucus Untug of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you hare a rumbling sound or imperfect bearing, and wben It ia entirely closed, Deafness is the result and unless tbe inflammation can be taken out and tbls tube restored to its normal condition, bearing will be destroy ed forever; nine cases out ot ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucus sur face. Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by Catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Mend for circulars, free. I". J. CHBNKY A CO., Toledo, O. Bold by Druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Tills are tbe best For Rent. What '.b known as Jacob's Enquire of 0. B. Wade. block. front of their homes. 1 People Buying Property. ' A large number of persons are tal ' lug advantage of this offer and are nui chasing and building. It is expect ed not only to find purchasers nt many points in Umatilla county, but that citizens all over Eastern Oregon will avail themselves of this opportir nlty These buildings will not oii'y be In demand on the pan of those who desire to educate their children, but it Is claimed that tho Investment imiI be a good one as a rental proposition as a great number of ranchers and other citizens move to Weston during the school term to educate their chit dren, and during these periods rental property Is always greatly in demand. Weston's Advantages. The now building and the new man agement has given an Impetus to tho Institution, and this is counted on ? a great advantage in the upbuilding of the town. Normal Helghthf, is one of the prettiest locations In the state. The place commands a view of beauli fill scenery in every direction, and the person looking for a home location, convenient to good schools, could do 110 better than locate at Weston. Every citizen has the spirit of Im provement and advancement at heort and It does one good to visit Weston and Inhale the air of progress that pervades the place. Business Institutions. The Weston Leader Is one of the bilghtest weekly papers In the state. It was established by Clark Wood In 1578 and by careful management has been place on a solid basis both finaii dally and as a factor In the upbuild' ing of tho community. The paper is ever alive to the interests of the town and county and Its contents are relied upon by a good sized patronage. The Farmers' Bank of Weston Is one of the most solid institutions of the kind in the state. It has a capital stock of $30,000 and over $100,000 In resources. These far exceed the l'a bilities, It was established In 1S:!, and its directors consist of some of the most substantial business men rf Weston. Robert Jamieson is presi dent; G. W. Procbstel, vice-presid.-nt J. R. Kilgore, Is cashier and Will Jamieson is assistant cashier. The Fair store is one of the largest dry goods establishments In the conn ty. It occupies a largo brick building the only one that survived the tie structlve fire of 1S83. H. C. Adams runs the Weston store and carries a largo stock of general merchandise. He has been In bust ness seven years in Weston, H. A. Brandt also runs a general merchandise store and has been In business seven years. George W, Proebstel, a pioneer of 30 years, has been In the hardwaie and Implement business 17 years. Ho carries a large stock and supplies a large trade. F. R. Blair runs tho "Star Grocery," having recently purchased the stock of K. Theony. He reports a good trade. S. J. Culloy also runs a grocery store and has been lu business in Shoes repaired at Teutach'e. It's Out Tfeat We have just received and placed on exhibition the most beautiful line of Holi day and Popular Books ever shown in the city, and to book lovers a glance through our shelves is a perfect treat. We invite you all to come and HAVE ONE ON US. i Our window display will give you an idea of what we have S inside. Select your Books I for the Holidays NOW FRAZIER'S Book Store. and has been shaving the people lif t' ' lor 2i years. M. A Hanoi nas a .u. paper and paint store .Mrs. Ella Cinne has a iiiilmnv stoic where an up-to-diito Urn- is l-'l " stock. E. H. llriuisoii carries a line ot stoves and is also an upholsterer The Weston Meat Market Is con ducted by W. Courtney ! G A. R. McOrew has a ding store which he has run successful for the past 13 years. t V. Gerbeiding has been in the lKery I business for the past six 01 eight years. Charlie Williamson, lei-entlj from, Milton, will start a new ding stoie here at an early date. Weston has two hotels. The Mar shall house has been in operation for about V2 years. Norvnl E. Bradley, the present manager has been in charge for the past three years and is making it a popular resort. The Weston hotel has been conducted by Mis. J. B. Wheeler for about 1G years George Williams is a contractor and builder. Weston has three saloons. The White House saloon, by H. Hesscl. is one o fthe most popular resorts of this class. He has been in business eight years. The Kentucky saloon, by Dan iliiecklng & Co., has been in business lor about eight months. C. II. Walters conducts the Weston sa loon, ol which he has had charge since last July. R. Lleuallen conducts the black- More clothes are rubbed out than worn ol GOLD DUST will snare your back and save your clothei Better and far more economical than soap aJ other hashing Powders. Chicago. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY.. New York, Boston. St. Louis. Makers ol OVAL FAIRY SOU. (Continued on page 3.) SWETOIJRIIAJR WITH SHAMPOOS OF MARTIN'S FAMILY GROCERY & BAKU Good, Clean, Fresh Groceries Cheap Full weight, quick delivery, Telephone orders given careful attention .... Just in fresh from the factory: New buttered thin wafers, Mabisco assorted walers, Champaign waters, Kamoni wafers, Athena wafers, Animal and Brownie wafers, Sweet crackers, Uneeda biscuits, Pretzelletts, Graham crackers. Dill sweet pickles and sour pickles, best sauerkraut, kippered herring, very fine MARTIN'S FAMILY GROCERY & BAKER! and light dreiilaiM of (VTimii, purest of emol lientikitirures ThU atopa falling l:Ur, remove cruti, BC.ili-f Aiul il unlruff, Boothf Irritated, Itching ' nfiu'pis ftimulates the huir fuUlcles, itippl f the root" with energy ami iiuiirifthmeat, nti I ni'tkci U10 hur tfrow ri(jn 1 fcutt't, lule omt'.lu .tth MMip when all dm fail. hnM timuiRliout tn rl 1 lirlcetS.ii',y',c, t Oixt mi XT,:- INitrrf lm . ooCiifc CoKf.,BoloIrop Ikttuii eodior "How hi have U:(utifutllw.,i. Little Children can safely take this famous well known remedy. Made entirely of herbvy warranted free from mer cury, and poisonous substance, that is why everyone likes Beecham's Pills. Solfl Ertrbtre la buiei Me aA ita. WINTER COMFORT Well cooked meals and a warm house go agoodwajsul making a cold dreary winter comfortable and bright. Oul stoves will cook oood meals and our heaters will maketttl coldest building warm and comfortable. The Thompson Hardware Co. 5) The Columbia Lodging House NEWLY FURNISHED BAK IN CONNECTION IN CENTER OF BLOCK BET. ALTA & WEBB BTH F. X. SCHGAIPP, Prop. A COZY DINING ROW graceful tables, buffets, and chairs will transform the F1 room into a handsome one, BAKER & FOLSOM I'urnlture Store near Poatofflce PERFECTION IN FLOUR Is rRnfhr.it in UVPDOi tforn Dn flnr rnnilOt be Wlk I The cream of the wheat crop enters in Byers Hl Flour, which is right for bread and Fancy. Baking. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink ::::::: Murphy & Langever, Proprs i I) i in i in