Lv'''''. -in COODS at Alexander's. $ a,l.g" ww .8 What You Want in SHOES QUALITY First Last All the Time I of quality could be stronger lotf15' ftivn nn the Sorcsis W " ....itpc we Clve on me ourcsis the All sizes, all widths. $3.50 oolnliratpd Tniin Strnntman Shnfis; fnr P'nnc in linv calf with heavv extension soles. " . a. i tlir All C17 0C at IGREEN'S little giant school shoes. The best school i earth lOr Jlllie muiiey. .cviiiy jiaii uuainmucu ixtcnsion soies, $2.50 n I k Dept. Store RELIABLE CLOTHIERS. MMMWHUHMUMMMNBII Gnaiici Clearance Sale , c r- .. :it it n r t trI."6neM oixiy idys wc win auii vu pcia, uua, i,ui-v. bias, Poitiers, Wall Paper and Sewing Machines at a Reduction. In fact everything in our store will go at a ft Discount for Cash. This is the chance of a lifetime y goods cheap. Call and get our prices. Undertakers' goods always on hand at reducid prices JESSE FAILING Phone Main 24 Hunt up those pictures and have them framed at once CitMstmas is Not Far Away lou will get the nest worn anu newest siyie names n ton will come to us. largest siock 10 seieti num C Qt$ A OO for SHARP New Ideas. V- &riJlr Ooera House Block. S .....8 6R THAT MADE ,AUKEE FAMOUS. fOR table use Blinds of imnn.....i , b, -"i"'icu iiincnes, EB & GO'S 15uts near Postoffice aers Custom Mil, ' W'tra, Proprietor No Bad Debts Are contracted by our system of doing business for we sell for cash and give our custo mers the benefit of our saving from loss. More fresh, first class groceries for your money than any other store in Pen ton. Our stock is all fresh. 4 New goods arriving daily Miller Grocery Co. CASH GROCERY AND BAKERY nelena, Mont., Oct. 4, 1(02. Dr. 0 A I'errin, Helen. Mont 1 vrlib to thank yoa for my re lief. I was suffering agouiei from pllei and was taking mor- f hln. to relieve roe, when, on be ad vie. ol a friend. I procured a bottle of jour ferrin Pile br. cific and took a tabletpoonful at uldbt and an other In the morn lug. At bait pait 12, noon, my wife gave me anotber tableipoou ful, wben my pain all itopped. In two dayi I u able to attend my regular buiLii entirely re lieved, it wai simply wonderful, Truly youn, , Juliui Meyhoefer, Furrier. Helena. mm HISTORY n (Concluded.) Wheat has been the life, the main spring, the backbone of this wonder ful country. Panics mny come and go, business Institutions may fall, misfortunes may befall other enter prises, but the wheat crop never falls. In oyer 30 years there has not been a failure In this section of Umatilla county. The oorest producing years finds this si'ctlon.of the country yield ing 25 and 30 bushels of wheat to the acre and the prosperous years find It producing as high as 50 and fiO hushclK to the acre. Shipments. There are two extensive wheat buy ers at Weston. The Pacific Coast El evator Co., Is represented by Tt. Jam leson, who hns been buying wheat for a number of years. The company has a warehouse 40x200 and for the past four years Air. Jamleson has handled an average of 72,000 bush'els of wheat nnnually for his company. J. H. Price Is the agent for Kerr, Glfford & Co., at this place. They have been established at Weston for a number of years. They own a ware house 200x40 feet and handle about 50,000 bushels of wheat annually. This company also owns a warehouse at Downing, near this place, 50x100 feet and handles at that point about 35,000 bushels of grain annually. Flouring Mills. The Weston Flouring Mills, F. L. Blair, manager. Is one of her largest business institutions. The plant cost about $13,000 and has a capacity of 5(1 to (SO barrels of flour a day. It was established about four years ago and has been running on full capacity dur ing the seasons since that time. Weston Brick. H. n. Kelson., the famous Eastern Oregon brickmaler hns his plant at this place. He has been in the busi ness for 23 years and he supplies a trade for more than a hundred miles in every direction. Large shipments nre made to Walla Walla. Pomeroy, Heupner, and Pendleton draws her entire supply from this point. One day last week two carloads were ship ped, one to Iorie, Oregon, and the other to Pomeroy, Washington, each being in opposite directions and near ly a hundred miles away. Mr. Nel son estimates that he handles at least four million brick annually, and owing to a scarcity of hands the past year it has been difficult to supply the de mand for his brick. The soil is particularly adapted to mnk-intr hrick. At first glance the average brickmaker would pronounce It unfit for the purpose, but after 'he test is made he finds that it has few equals as a material for brlckmaking. It has the appearance of being too sandy, but sand has to be mixed with it, and while in a wet state, rain does it no harm Haiti that would ruin the average material does not affect this material, which Is a pale clay. An average of 40 to 5 men are em ployed on the yard and It takes abcut $40 worth of wo-id a day to run the yard. This results In a large weekly pay roll in Weston which adds mater ially to the wealth of the place and in creases its value as a business point. Mr. Nelson will take a trip to the East at an early date and examine machinery and apparatus and buy such as he thinks will work best In this country and will Increase the ca uacitv and facilities of his yard, mak Ing It one of the best in the Pacific Northwest. BUILDING IN ATHENA. Town Has Just Witnessed the Ban ner Year of Its Existence. Athonn nr. Nov. 18. Athena has had a great building boom during the past year and building is still going on. It is estimated upon a careuu basis that since January 1, of this year, $35,000 have been expended In Good Dressers Wear Good Clothes Not necessarily expensive, as the reason of the unvarying success of the big store has been its desire, purpose and intent to sell only such merchandise as could be called trade builders in the true sense. A trade builder is an itotn of merit. The merit of an article depends uprm the prices asked for it. As wo buy only from the recognized leaders of American manufactures, wo remove to the utmost limit, all thought of inferiority, and are in a position to claim first clasB value. Therefore when you buy at tne big store you get the best, are satisfied while- using it and pleased to call again. We are pleased to see you return. ! ) a .! i i m MS J i ,t 5 1 Ml 7 11 1. 3JL Pants All Sizes and all Prices $7.50 Fine imported cloth, made in a clean union shop $5.00 American fabric with wonderful wearing quality $2.50 A line that com mends itself to the buyer Don't forget to remember our corduroy pants Skirts A lovely woman in a McGec under is sure of an clc gant appearance of her street cos tume. Therein lies the secret of their popularity. $1.50 to $5 According to material and make up all have the patent smooth fas tener in back. ach skirt has an extension of four inches to suit varying waists. The Boston Store SUCCESS attends our November Clothing and Dry Goods Sale a a e s o e ED. EBEN Proprietor of the EASTERN CLOAK orrtT1 s WATST FACTORY i ... announces ma Midwinter Clearance Sale on Jackets Waists Skirts and Furs improvements. It Is claimed that the sum would have been much larger but for the scarcity of carpenters. Two bricK nusiness mucno uuc l..,., 1...IH nn Mnln Ktreet at a cost of $8000. These building have press ed brick fronts and stone basements and are owned by Lester Swaggert and Mrs. J. H. StaUl. The new Christian cnurcn, at a cosa of $8000, Is under construction. David H. Taylor has spent about $8000 improving his warehouse. U. J. Bodily built a ne wmeat mar ket building at a cost of $500. Dr. A. W. Botkln built a new barn at a cost of $200. Residences. Following new residences have been completed: Mrs. Davenport's residence, at a cost of $700; Mrs. Bookner's residence at a cost of $1400; H. W. Dlsper, $1000; ilrs. Green Espes, $000; Dun can Mclntyre. $1000; George Gross, $1400. Additions. Charles Allen's addition, $235; Mrs. Eva Boddy, $150; A. h. Jones, $300; Charles Brown, $800; J. A. Mulrhead. $500. Improvements. O. K. & N. Company, purchaso of grounds and moving passenger and freight dopot to Main street, $3000; A rihick's Improvement, $30; C. A. Fisher, $200; C. A. Barrett & Co., $200; W. W. Jacobs' addition to resi dence $300. It is estimated that other improvements .not herein enumerated have been made to the value of at least $1200. Luck In Thirteen. By sending 13 miles, Wm. Splrey of Walton Furnace, Vt., got a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, that wholly cured a horrible fever sore on his leg Nothing else could. Positively cures bruises, felons, ulcers, eruptions, boils, burns, corns and plies Only 25c. Guaranteed by Tallman & Co. druggists, What to do In cases of accidents, bo fore the physician arrives, is told In a compact little volume "Accidents, Illnesses and Emergencies" Issued ) the medical department of the Mutu al Life Insurance company of New York. This book Is sent on request to those who address the homo office of the company, Nassau, Cedar, Wl Ham nud Liberty streets. New York City The book makes suggestions about diet, ventilation, disinfectants, drain age and givos hints on first aid to the THIS IS OLD DOCTOR KESSLER One of the World's Greatest Specialists, Who Has Kept Hundreds From an Early Grave or the Insane Asylum. Is not necessary to g to sen him; lit a fow dlsoascH wheru surgery Is re quired or cancers old ulcers and such It Is bettor to seo him, but all weak ness and private conditions run bo cured at home. He has a perfect sys tem or homo treatment; ho always an swers your letters In a plain envelope aiul keeps every caso it profound se cret. Pay no uttcntlon to the llttlo books you find on streots, but trust otirself to nn old doctor who lias been curing 'asH llko yours for over a qi-arter t a cntury In t-iis city. Al ways Inclose 10 2-cent stumps when vwltlrig for consultation, and send small bottle- of urine If possible. Ad dress, Now, look here, young man, don't i.,. un nn.lnxK Don't nut off any indoor- hun von,- (-ih(- attended to today, for your looks tell on you. You may conclude to get married some .In., an.l In II IO Illlt.PV Villi "lllSt I JO a man rugged and strong physically and mentally, oo many uiv iicu we heai of, If an investigation was made, would disclose Uio fact that physical and nervous weakness of the I nuhnnri rnilki'H tlm wlfo to finally hate him. Women love a manly man, Just as much as men love beautifully developed, healthy, red-cheekwl wo men. Blotches anil pimpien t..,.l,ln,-' All kltldH Of dlH- easei' aro cured by this old doctor, It J. HENRI KESSLER, M. D. MANAGER OF THE ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY Office Hours, 9, A. M. to 9 P. M. Cor. 2d and Yamhill Bts., romana, ur, 5s(?a health. vek. ' '