0A1LYEVENINGEDITION IVSVAWWWWWWWWAi Eastern Oregon Weather Tonight nnd Wednesday cKt.v .slonnt nn. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OEEGON, TUESDAY, XOVE.MUU1! IS, 11102. XO. 159JJ iflfl 1E0ITIIJ1CT Mitchell Declares h favors Law and j Strikes. M LEADER COOL AND COLLECTED, Iplatolly Declared That II? L Condone Any Acts of Vio- Union Men, Pi. Nov. IS. President liiamlnatlon by MacVeaugh the openlnp feature, tiio mission again tooK up me I of violence. Mitchell Inter laid he war.tf.-' to say em- I that he did not condone I during the strike. i held that President am- I morally responsible for the because of the influence failed to exert Mitch-ill that he had always been It the side of law and ordor c realized that violence t the cause of unionism. J Ii Effect on Strike. bh then asked If he did not I violence deterred the nou- Ifrom going to work, thus the mines from operating. Mitchell said that violence IpreTented some men fro.n lit that had no effect on the lis men would have remain- ! winter and without them lot the mines wns impo33i- ROBBERS ON TRIAL HARVEY LOGAN ACCUSED OF MONTANA HOLD-UP, Had Unsigned National Bank Bills of Wagner Bank In His Possession Crew of the Train and Helena Banker at the Trial. Knoxvllle, Tcnn., Nov. 18. The trial of Harvey Logan, the alleged Montana train robber, began in the circuit court yesterday morning and continued today. The chief eviden.io against him is that of having in his possession unsigned national bank bills stolen near Wagner. Mont.. Julv a, laui. Forty thousand dollars worth of bills wore stolen at that time. A largo number of Important wunessses wore present, including a weiena hank president, the engines and express messenger of the train robbed, Plnkorton detectives and de partment treasury officials, FILIPINOS RELEASED. Had Been Imprisoned for Life Com pelled Spanish Lieutenant to Eat His Own Flesh. Washington, Nov. 18. The suprome court of tlio Philippines haB released Jose and Isidore Guzman under the nmnesty, act. They were imprisonod for ' life for tying Lieutenant Piera, of the Spanish civil guard to a stake, whore he starved for three days. after which they cut a piece of flesh off of his leg and compelled him to eat it. NEW SWISS MINISTER. Iihls growing disrespect to- Judiciary of the country a fd anarchy?' asked the at- manifestly Unfair. Won of Judge Jackson stly unfair and I could not 'tins of the mon against ered Mitchell, who then ienled any disrespect to Miclary in general a"d pies unions have no apo'o- !! tills country, lb union H to the militia and all I unions believe In any- Is lawful MncVeagh then 1 the witness, It Tonnage System. McGowan, of the Lehigh followed MncVolah Hiamlnatlon of Mitchell. ' on the tonnage svs- ' hlj Questioning became fl fte great labor leader. wd collected, answer- 'Wiring adroitly or ox- He said ho didn't raVSih nf nnv in. union unless ull "Uttlement failed. 'twooratlon. I ff..iT oi uom- ffor A "' uiul iiu tetlt iiuaHioiu lor 'kt the hI (t WaK ,;..... .. a case where h IRRIGATION CONVENTION " IN SESSION AT PORTLAND The Most Enthusiastic, Business-Like, Earnest, Able Body of Men Ever Assembled in Oregon. V,iJ THE LARGEST DELEGATIONS ARE FROM CROOK, PAKER AND UMATILLA COUNTIES STABBED TO DEATH! SO All WAS According to program, the National Irrigation Association conven- ion convened In Portland at 10 o'clock. Large delegations from the east- rrt portion of the state are present, and the town Is full of people from the entire state of Oregon. Caucuses of the various delegations were held yesterday and various propositions and measures were framed, which will e brought up before the convention. The president, secretary and execu tive chairman of tne National Congress are present, as are also the govern ment experts. Indications point to the fact that much business will be transacted at this congress and that a hard fought battle will be seen between the private Irrigation companies and those in favor of public r government work. Portland, Nov. 18. Amid fluttering banners, flying flags and many colored designs, emblematic of the wondrous alms of the movement, the Oregon Irrigation Association convened this Fernand De Martheray Appointed to i morning. Although a constant down Washington. Berne, Switzerland, Nov. 18. Fer nand Do Martheray, the present coun sellor of the legation to Home, today was appointed minister to Washington. UTAH EARTHQUAKE NOT A CHIMNEY STAND pour of rain has had a dampening ef feet upon the sidewalks, streets and housetops, the splendid ardor that marks the progress of the Westerner In his great undertakings, Is fresh as the verdant foothills of his native heath nnd Is more exhuherant this morning than ever, if possible, in an ticipation of the patriotic program that lies before him. Since Monday morning the constant stream of dele , gates has poured Into this city. The i flowing badges In the jostling crowds nt the Union depot testified to the full ING IN SANTA CLARA, attendance from every part of the state, of the vegular delegates, lie sides delegates, hundreds of visitors ore coming to listen and take part In the discussions that are Incident to Celling (6f School House Fell, Caus ing a Panic Among Children. result rX Si i S v this great irrigation movement. P4 1 contract and had LJX. "y Intention to l 'l Will be necessary :n X V'. three district can ho FfiHT DIVORCE. - - xo go nto A8ln - Thi,. . 'Ni8;rMoline"x this 1 Batu. consKatIon f cetet,:.,""" 01 ni attor- Mtj. ' "uu nas gone hat N'ot In Chic, ago. torday lu the town of Santa Clare, not a chimney is standing, two houses are In ruins and the tower of the Mormon temple of St. George oscil lated 10 inches. Every celling in tile now school houso fell. The panic was so great that the teachers had to uso physical force to prevent the children from being trampled lo death. APPLE GROWERS MEET. Official Badge. The official badge of the convention Is similar to that of the National Irri gation Congress, which was held at Colorado Springs recently. It Is n green ribbon on a stiff back, on which Is printed the following In gilt let ters: DELEGATES of the OREGON IRRIGATION ASSOCIA TION, PORTLAND, 1902. Store the Floods. Save the Forests. Additions to the program. . The following additions to the pro gram have been made: Tuesday afternoon Address, Prof. A. E. Chandler of the United States Experimental Association. Address by Will Discuss Topics Relating to the Care anJ Cultivation of the Popular Fruit. St. Louis, Nov. 18. As a result of tho movement started last August the first American Apple Growers Congress began its sessions here to day, Prominent growers from 111! nols, Iowa, Missouri. Virginia, Kan-1 j?rB,i t Wnimos Pronidpnt. nf tho Kn sas, Nebraska, W. Virginia, Alaoama, tonal Irrigation Congress. Now Mexico and other states and ter-! Tuesday Evening Replv to mayor's ritorles filled the assembly room of'n(irtrPgS 1)V Hon. d. Soils' Cohen, the Southern hotel when the gather-, Wednesday Morning Report of the ing wns formally opened. Permanent, ovecllt)vp P0mmlttee. Henry Hahn, organization was effected, after which rj,nlrmnni - Address by A. P. Davis the growers listened to several papers CnarieS p. Fitch, government en on soils and other topics of Interest. snPPPrs. Address by Fred J. Klesel. followed by general discussions. The oxective chairman National Irrlga sesslons of the congress aro to con- ,jon congress tinue three days. While the primary wednesda'v ' 2 o'clock Address by purpose of the congress is to deviso! JldKP j c Moronn(1 an(1 no,i, schemes, If possible, to divert Into tho t rji1)peri pockets of tho growers a larger amount of the money obtained by .the Largest Delegations, salo of tho fruit, there will also he-1 Naturally, that section of Oregon discussions of topics relating to the j most directly Interested In Irrigation caro .and. cultivation of apples, pack- projects, those counties containing Ing, otc. Tho attendance Is fully up j the greatest possibilities of develop to tho expectations of the promoters ment. have the largest delegations on of the movement and the congress hand. Crook county lined up with promises to bo of material benefit to tho largest delegation from the state, those ongaged in the apple-growing Baker county next and Umatilla third Industry. on the list. A more enthusiastic, bus iness-like, earnest, able body of men trade and better conditions , which will result from the meeting now open. Rev. George B. Van Waters offered a brief and impressive prayer, asking l.the Giver of all blessings to send en lightenment and courage to the as sembled delegates and closed by say ing that the earth nnd its fullness is man's, and should be used to man's glory and elevation. Address of President Devers. Immediately following the prayer, President Devers addressed tho con vention on the aims of the organiza tion, setting forth in glowing terms the prospects before tho state and nation, by virtue of the developments of the Irrigated domain. Tho remarks of the president wife repeatedly in terrupted by cheers and the enthurl- asm of tlie delegates was manifest ed by exclamations of approval, in terspersed among the rounds of ap plause, j Address of Welcome. Mayor George H. Williams, vener able, Imposing In personage, and dig nified of mein, delivered an addriss of welcome. In thorough heaping with the spirit of the occasion. Through out the address tho convention show ed Its sympathy with tho speaker by closest attention and hearty applause. The president announced that com mittees on credentials and member ship, recommendations, colonization and resolution would bo made this afternoon, An adjournment was then taken until 2 p. m. Delegates continue to come In on every train. Tho Baker City delega tion is the most prolific In tho matter of lodges, banners, mottoes and on tory. Each delegate from tho Pow 'er River plains wears a badge of red and white on which is Inscribed: "Baker City, metropolis and land belt of Oregon; good markets, grand scenery, rich soil, boundless stock ranges, healthful climate, 100.000 acres of arid laud." The program for tonight will in clude an address by Governor Goer and short talks by F. B. Beach and other local speakers. The delegation from Crook county Is hero In a body. Crook county being tho homo of Congressman-elect Williamson is the central point around which the bat tle for the different methods of irrl gation will be waged "There seems to bo a misapprehen sion about the objects of our delega tion," said the speaker for the othor members of the Crook county delega tion. "Wo do not como here as stockmen, as has been represented, to oppose the Interests of Irrigation In Crook county, for to a man wo aro m favor of government Irrigation. Ow ing to tho attacks of Mr. Sears against Mr. Williamson, we hardly INFURIATED WIFE MURDERS HER SUSPECTED RIVAL. Society Woman Hunts Up Mus'c Teacher, Pursues Her With a Butcher Knife and Kills Her Before Assistance Arrives. Rochester, N. Y., Nov. IS. Mrs. Frank Youngs, a prorali.ent society woman, and wife of tho city purchas ing agent, called on Miss Florence McFarlan, a music teacher, and ac cused her of alienating her husband's affections. Miss McFarlan started to leave the room and Mrs. Young pur sued her through tho kitchen, seized a large butcher knlfo nnd repeatedly stabbed Miss i.icFarland, killing nor before her screams brought assist ance. Mrs. Youngs surrendered to the police. GOING HOME. TOPIC OF SESSION Contrary to Expectation, the Gompers Investigation Was Not Taken Up. WANTS PENSIONS FOR i AGED WORKING PEOPLE. Wu Ting Fang on His Way Back (o China. Washington, Nov. 18. Wu ring Fang left this afternoon for San Ft"in clsco and will sail for China the 25t.i of November. B(lng Interviewed, lie paid glowing compliments to tho Americans for the treatment recohed and the friendships formed, and ex pressed great .admiration of this country. WILL GO TO MEMPHIS. Morning Session of the American Federation of Labor Largely Devot ed to Debate of Socialist Resolu tions. Now Orlenns, Nov. 18. ('ontrary to expectation, tho Gompers Invtatlgn tlon was not tnkun up when tho Amer ican Federation of Iibor session opened this morning. The chair an nounced that ho would appoint a fifth member of tho committee who m'A bo an umpire. Tho morning session wns largely devoted to tho debnte i.f a socialistic resolution offered by del egate Berger, of Mllwnukeo, which urges tho Federation to niuko an ef fort to secure uatloiinl legislation to provide pensions for aged working President's Hunt to End Today Will Meet Wright Tonight. bmeads, Miss., Nov. 18. This Is tho I poopln. last dav Of PreRldpnt llnnunvnlt hunt. It is still raining. He said this, English Miners United morning if he failed ho would return. The party leaves for Memphis this evening, where tho president will imeet Vice-Govcmor Wright, of the iPhlllnnincs. Tho debato was Interrupted tor tha Interruption of tho foreign delegates, who made brief addresses. Kd wards, of Great Britain, In his speech, said Ithnt lift hnd heard of Morgnu's pur- ESCAPED LA LOMA i chase of tho English mines. Ho aa- Bin 1'it the convention that Morgan would find a solid union of miners facing. lilm nnd that ho would bo com pelled to pay living wages whether tho mines paid dividends or not. SAYS 'PURPLE MOTHER" HAS DECEIVED HIM. Mayor Schmitz Cheered. The convention received tolegrnms ; from .Mayor Schmitz, of San Francis Henry Baron Escapes From the Theo- co announcing bis departure from sophic Colony Discouraged andjChlcogo for tho convention, with pro- Broken-Hearted. San Diego. Nov. 18. Henrv Uarou is the adopted son of Mrs, ICatherino TIngley, "Purple Mother" of tha "lotus Buds" of Point Lomtt, an I high priestess of tho Universal Broth erhood, whoso doctrines of theosopby are founded In tho union of the su prcine court of tho Ruja Yoga. Baron Knte Shaffer's charges ugalust (Jouv longed cheering. A telegram from John Mitchell, r grettlng his Inability to attend, was also cheered. The debate on pension legislation was then resumed. Demanded Investigation. The committee of men to InvedU- escaped yesterday afternoon from tic j Point Loma I-amasery and Is now in inning in sun uiego. "I was on guard at the colony last night," he said. Tho colony la one of the departments of the Raja Yoga. They aro utraid iover thero that their enemies will attack them In the nigh:, so they place a guard In relays all over the grounds and buildings. "1 left Point Uma liecauso I am discouraged and broken-hearted, I am disheartened by tho way tho poor peoplo are treated' there. Thoso whu aro not rich enough to pay their wuy must work for the others. Thero are mothers over there who aro not allow ed to see their children. Mrs, Ting ley says that mother love breeds Pel flhhnt'hs. So they keep tho children by themselves. Nobody except tl' 'Cabinet of tho Purplo Mother' are a' lowed to converse with these child ren or have anything to do with them. "I know nothing personally of iho manner In which they aro treated. I do know, however, that there are two divisions one at the eolony and diip at the homcRtead. Tho homestead Is where the better clufcs of children live. These aro fed on tho best the market pa nprodticc The students. as they are called, who live at tho colony, aro stinted." Baron charges that Mrs. Tlngl'-y has deceived him as to parentage, and withheld a heritage from him. Another Policeman In Trouble. has never before assembled in this I knew wnot to expect, and determined Now York, Nov. 18. Tho case of eity. former. Captain of Tollce Moynlhani canio tip for hearing today before Jti6' tlco Holbrook. Moynlhan is accused on tho oaths of former pollcomen and others with accepting money to per mit disorderly houses to run on the upper east side. Owing to the fact that sevoral, former ponce officials aro paw sorving 'terms .in Sing Sing , for ,tho same crimes with which Moynlhan I. . 1 1 j., i.i.. i .. . t o yimiBCU,- .uuiiniuoi auiu uiiuiuob id manifested !in the case. Moynlhan admits being; worth a quarter of a mil lion dollars, ibutj declines to give any details as to how. ho acquired-, his wealth. a I . Opening Exercises. A. O. U. W. hall Is a picturesque Irrigation temple today, Streamera. banners( badges, hunting, insignia of that great future state of perfection in store for Oregon, are everywhere in abundance. Thero Is nn air about tho personality of tho convention, tho to attend In force and show by our action that we indorse the plan to settle and irrlgato the lands of Crooic county. Nor do we come with the in tention of making a fight against any private company' that has bona fide Intentions and has spent its money In Irrigation works." Iters. lepordMi an mummy to secure a fifth num. Gompers look tho ilojr und demanded an Immediate luvestl gation and gave notice that unless the committee was formed by tomor low morning ho would ask the dis charge of all Investigation by the con vention. Shaffer excitedly spoke, saying that ho was willing to huve such action at once. A delegate sturted to mako a motion to discharge tho committee, when the acting chairman declared the convention ndjourncd until 2 o'clock tomorrow. DRANK WOOD ALCOHOL. COMMITTED SUICIDE. Well-Known Citizen of Eastern Ore. gon Takes Strychnine to End His Troubles. I -a Grande, Nov. 18. Coroner J. C. Henry received Information Saturday uftornoon that Peter Smith, generally known as "Dutch Pete," who resides on McCoy Creek, about 42 miles from tills city, had bcer found dead In his bluff, cheery, hardy western traits I some of the most Important measures and Individualities that renders It the , under consideration, that are to come most typical western' convention that has yet been hold in this state, At precisely 10 o'clock. President Dovers called tho convention tq or der-"That gavel-stroke' .will bo ,hoar1 around the world, In the Increased Tho Umatilla county delegation ms eab)n, and left at once for tho Smith rarm to noia an inquest oyer mo uouy. Mr Henry returned Sunday evening before the convention. It has six die- and reportB Smith committed suicide tinct propositions ' to present to the by taking strychnine, ,n cup contain ing n. quaniuy oi uiai nriig ueiug being found sitting by the head of his rongress. with -promising prospects of frecelving recognition by tho govern ment, when the time comes to locate 5pt,es for , national .experiments, , bed. Tho Jury summoned, returned a verdict to that effect. Two Men Dead and Five In Crltlull Condition Caused by Mistake, Sharon, Pa., Nov. 18. Two Auntr ails died here, and five are lu a crL hat condition rrom drinking wood alcohol which they found Sunday in a demijohn near tho residence of one of tho men. They wore taken to the hospital nnd three of them show ap parently fatal HymiitouiK this morn ing. PREACHER PLEADED GUILTY. Threatened to Blow Up a Grandstand Erected on Holy Ground. Iindon, Nov 18.-- Rev. George Martin this morning pleaded guilty In tho old Bailey court, of threaten ing to blow up the grandstand on the king's procession day. Sentence was postponed. THE 80UTH POLE MINE Is now working n largo force of men on tun nels No. 1 and 2. All suppllm for tho winter aro now at tho mine nnd from tho Increased showing roHiiltlug from last two weeks' work, the man agement will bo Justified In raising the price of stnWt within a few woeks. We own 1941 feet on tho celebrated North Polo Hill. Our present tunnel anij workings show our mine to b llje richest on the entire mother lode. Present Price 15c Per Share. Maps, photographs Rtid oro can fce seen at tho olnYe of T. Gahagaa, Hartman's abstract office.