East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 17, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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    AE your, doctor bills
And enjoy good health. The season of the year when
sickness is prevalent is at hand. Damp, wet feet
mean colds and sickness. Keep your feet dry and
warm uncasing them in a pair ot our specially made
wet weather shoes, or wear our high grade rubbers
and the question is solved
Bindingcr, Wilson k Company
Good Shoes Cheap. Phone Main 1181
Married at The Dalles Are Vltltlng
In Pendleton a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shoemaker ar
rived at Hotel Pendleton Saturday
ovening from the Dalles where they
were married on the 5th Inst. Mrs.
Shoemaker was Miss Maudo Gilbert,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gil
bert, prominent citizens of The Dalles
and Miss Gilbert was a favorito
among tho youns people of that city.
Mr. Shoemaker Is well known hero
where he lived during his boyhood
days and ho is receiving the con
gratulations of his many friends. Ho
is general manager for the Spokane
branch of tho Washington Life Insur
ance Company and is recognized as
the most successful man In the busi
ness today. Ho won tho prize given
last year for writing the most- policies
of any of the company's agents. Mr.
and Mrs. Shoemaker will remain here
a few days before going to Spokane
where they will make their home.
cratlc conventions, He Is also pres
ent stato lecturer for tho Modern
Woodmen of America.
Returned With Wrong Man.
Constable Bentloy returned Satur
day evening with a man for whom a
warrant had been placed In his pos
session, charging him with the theft
of J. V. Tollman's valuable bird dog.
After arriving In town the fact was
established that tho warrant had been
sworn out for the wrong man and the
prisoner was released. A few days
ago someono coaxed Mr. Tollman's
dog away and he has been missing
since. The dog is valued at ISO and
the thief will be ruri down if possi
ble, as Mr. Tallman is determined to
regain possession of the canine.
Jesse Berry 'Adjudged Insane and
Sent to Salem.
Sheriff Till D. Taylor left today for
Balem with Jesso Berry, who was ad'
Judged Insane and ordered taken to
tho asylum by County Judge Hart;
man. Berry Iff from McKay Creek,
and while he has not been violent, he
Is unmistakably out of his right
mind and his friends and those
around him feared that he might do
some harm. He was born in Polk
county, Oregon, 62 years ago, and has
a mother In Tho Dalles. His mania
Is that someone Is trying to do him
harm and to protect himself carried
an open knife In his hand all the time.
Will Not Be Contested.
M. A. Miller, member of the legislature-elect
from Linn county, Is In
the city. He is one of the democrats
of Oregon who had a close call in tho
recent election, having been elected
by a majority of only two votes.
There was some talk of contesting
his election, but this has all been
abandoned and Mr. Miller will take
his seat without further trouble. He
served a term in tho same capacity
in 1893, is at present national demo
cratic committeeman and was a del
egate to the two last national demo-
Yoor Doctor's Orders to fee
effective most be sapli
mented by pore drags
If your "prescription is
filled by us it contains
nothing but the best in
gredients that your doctor
prescribes for you. We
mevpr substitute.
Asleep Amid Flames.
Breaking Into a blazing home, somo
flremen lately dragged the sleeping
Inmates from death. Fancied secur
ity, and death near. It's that way
when you neglect coughs and colds,
Don't do It. Dr. king's New DIscov-
ery for Consumption gives perfect
protection against all throat, chest
and lung troubles. Keep it near and
avoid suffering, death and doctors
bills, A teaspoonful stops a" late
cough, persistent use the most stub
born. Harmless ana nice tasting, it's
guaranteed to satisfy by Tallman &
Co. Price 60c and $1. Trial bottles
Gone to Portland.
Among those who left this morning
for Portland to attend the Irrigation
convention were: Paul Wlttock, J. G
Richardson, W. C. Buckley, Alec Man
ning, O. T. Carnes, L. L. Mann, Peter
West, Fred Walters, William Beagle,
Frank Holdman, A. T. Brewer, C. W.
Orlck, J. F. Robinson and J. E. Smith.
Thoso who were accompanied by their
wives were: J. G. Richardson, J. F,
Robinson, J. F. Robinson, L. L. Mann,
Peter West. J, E. Smith, Frank H61d
man, A. T. Brewer. Others who went
on the train this forenoon wore: Miss
Odessa Porter and Mrs. K. F.Knebler.
Adams Brass Band.
The AdamB brass band Is to be
reorganized with tho following Instru
ments: J. H. Kirby, leader; cornets, Bert
Kirby and L. L. Lleuellen; altos, Vol
noy Simpson and Oscar Baker; tenor,
Art Reld and Claude Johnson; b flat
bass, J. E. Owens; o flat bass or tuba,
M. A. Ferguson; tenor drum, Dr. A.
B. Stone; bass drum, baritono and
solo alto, not yet placed.
Mrs. Robbins' Arm Broken.
Mrs. J. H. Robbins, mother of Jake
Robbins, representative from Baker
county and well known In mining cir
circles, Is nursing a painfully fractur
ed arm. Mrs. Robbins was traversing
a slippery plank when she lost her
footing and was precipitated to the
ground, sustaining the fracture. Mrs.
Robbins is well along In years, thus
the mishap proved more painful.
Baker City Herald.
Dr. Rlngo Located Here.
Dr. Rlngo has arrived from Helix
and associated himself with Dr. C. J.
Smith, with whom he will practlco
medicine and surgery In the future.
Dr. Rlngo has been at Helix for sev
eral years, whero he made a success
In the profession, but he was anxious
to get Into a larger field, consequent
ly camo to Pendleton.
Mabel Poor Eliza! They say ho
married her for her money. Tom
Well, he earned It, Judge.
Look Here
120 acres of wheat land, 3 miles from Pendleton, $2500
600 acres, 10 miles from station, plenty of water, $6500
160 acres, 10 miles from Pendleton $1500
160 acres, on the river, 7 miles from Pendleton,
35 acres in alfalfa, good house and barn. . . . $4000
Good house on West Alta street '.. $1 100
Good five-room house, north of river, six blocks
from bridge $ goo
Two five-room cottages on West Webb St,, each $ 800
Dutch Henry Feed Yard
Good property in oity and country too numerous to mention, any
location that ono may desire.
FAIR WA8 $1600.
Degree of Pocahontas Received the
Prize Valued at $700, With Just
$295 Other Prizes Awarded.
Tho Catholic fair ended Saturday
night after a successful week for tho
Sisters. The not proceeds amounted
to over SlfiOO which will bo used to
ward completing the new hospital
ward completing tho now hospital now
under course of construction.
What was expected to be tho most
interesting feature of the fair ended
in ncht hut was not such a suc
cess as was anticipated. This was
the voting for the year's free room
and care in the new hospital which
was to bo given to the secret society
receiving the most votes, voies were
ton Konts n nlern and the Decree Of
Pocahontas, tho auxiliary to the Red
Men, received tho coveted prize. This
order and the Women of Woodcraft,
the auxiliary to the Woodmen of tho
World, wore the only contestants. The
Degree won the prizo valued at over
7(in with lust .J295. while the votes
cast for tho Women ot Woodcraft
nmntintpil tn $142
All the booths did a good business
and considerable money was taken In
hv thfm
The ladles' silk waist was won by
B. F. Hanlon; tho misses hat by E. J.
Rommervllle: the battenburg center
hv s A. navv :the silk waist
by Margaret Ryan; the spangled sofa
nlllow. by Mrs. J. H. Ferguson; tho
nmnkinir tanket. hv Henrv Swartz;
set ot furs by J. E. Bean; set of silver
knives and forks, by Miss Mary i-ang;
rin trrtM wntnh hv IrAnfi MrfJjirthv:
the bed, by R, S. Grant and the Indian
robe, by M. F. Kelly.
T?d Hontlv twnn tho rflrvltlpr Rftt hv
guessing at the number of beans In a
jar and Jesse James won the writing
The Sisters are very much pleased
with the success or the rair.
Zoeth Houser is In the city.
A i.elslnger is in town from Helix,
Dick Adams, of McKay Creek, is in
Chris l.empke is In town from his
E. F. Carney, from the head of Mc
Kay. is In town.
.Mrs. A. E. French, of Portland, is
at Hotel Pendleton.
R. Watt and H. Depew were In town
Sunday from Adams.
H. C. Branstetter, of Stage Gulch
was In town Sunday.
John Owens Is in town from his
home on Bear Creek.
J. W. Miller, of Milton, was a Pen
dleton visitor Sunday.
W. II. Hawes is a guest of Hotel
St. George from Athena.
H. B. Bilger and wife, of Olympla,
are at Hotel Pendleton.
E. C. Ashbough, of Heppner, is a
guest of Hotel Pendleton.
John Marmon, of Pilot Rock, Is
transacting business In town.
II. McArthur and Frank Nelson
were In town from Athena Sunday.
Mrs. II. O. Wood and son, of SpO'
kanc, are visiting friends in town.
George Eggers, of Warren Station,
Is transacting business in tho city.
Miss Pearl Smith, of Helix, has ac
cepted a position as saleslady In the
Lee Moorhouse left this morning
for Portland to be away a couple ot
Henry King, A. Susinger and Chas.
Tallagard, of Helix, were at tho Gold
en Rule Sunday.
R. S. Hawn and wife and A. B.
Hawn, of Ellensburg, aro visiting
friends In Pendleton.
Lester Swaggart left this morning
for Walla Walla whero he goes to at
tend to business affairs.
A, D. Sloan, one of tho most exten
sive stockmen of tho Pilot Rock coun
try, is in town today.
Senator George W. Proebstel and
O. N. Young, of Weston, aro register
ed at the Golden Rule hotel.
Mrs. R. J. Slater left this morning
for Portland and Albany where she
goes to visit relatives and friends,
John P. McManus, editor ot the Ad
ams Advance, returned home this
morning after a day spent in town.
Juseph Slevere, a farmer living
north of town, Is transacting business
with Pendleton business men today.
County Clerk W. D. Chamberlain
left this morning for Walla Walla on
business. He will return this even
Horn, In Walla Walla, Wash., No-
vemner m, lyija, to Dr. and Mrs. S. B.
L. Penroso, twin sons.- Walla Walla
J. C. Baddley, of Weston, Or., is at
the walla Walla hospital undergoing
a surgical operation. Walla Walla
W. F. Earnhart, tho real estate
dealer, is able to bo out after several
days' confinement to his room with
District Attorney T. G. Halley will
leave this week for Portland, whoro
he goes to attend the Irrigation convention.
.. mi his family
F A woman hub , ..
,,own from Juniper to bo ,1 Ms
children. Ho is living n J.ark Pat
ton's hotiso in wmuw
U n needer. speaker of the house
during the last legislature is In the
city on legal business-! Grande
Democrat ,
Miss Winnie Prlvett
duties this morning as clerk In tho
postofflrc In place of Miss Mamii
Walker, who resigned.
M. Eastman and W. w.
. Ttrll.i'o nrnmlncnt Cltl-
on their way home from Portland.
W R. King, editor of tne u a.
. 1- ti. ltv tmlnv. He IS
and stopped over on a Dna v.-.i
Zoeth Houser. of Pendleton, form
erly United States marshal, was in
the city yesterday en route to his
property, the Standard mlne.-La
Grande Democrat.
Ham- L. Ilextcr. for several years
.i.t in tho eenoral mer-
chandlso business. Is In town from
Portland where he nas dci-u
ness for the past few months.
been visit
Ing her mother. Mrs. Ira Hughes left
this morning for Asotin, Wash., where
she will visit with another daughter
before returning to her home in .mod
Mrs. M. A. Stovenson and Robert
if..i.i.nn etcto. nnH hrnther of Mrs.
J P Rltner. will leave this evening
for their home in Pennsylvania, after
several weeks spent here visiting
Mrs. Rltner. They will go by way of
Sirs. Eugene Tausicl: was tho guest
of Mrs. M. F. Kelly ai me uumuu
Tjni hntni Rnnilav from her home In
Walla Walla, whero her husband In
ono of the leading wood ana com
dealers and also the proprietor of tho
steam laundry.
Claude Medley, formerly of this
city, whero he was employed for sev
ith the Cleaver Bros.'
Shoe Company, but now of Walla
Walla, is in town. Ho Is again cast
ing about to see it he cannot find a
location here, as he says Pendleton
Is far ahead of Walla Walla.
E. N. Smith has returned from Ne
braska, whero ho spent several weeks
mostly with relatives and friends, at
Seward. He found prosperous condi
tions existing throughout that sec
tlnn -mil tho npnnln bettor satisfied
than ho has ever seen them. He re
turned via Montana, wnere tnere aro
as generally good times, but no bet
ter than exist hero in Umatilla, which
Mr. Smith prefers to any other.
Going to Germany.
Henry Ring, of Helix, is in town
and will leave tonight for Germany.
He will go from hero to New York,
where he will be joined by John
Timmerman, who left a few weeks
ago for the old country, aud they will
proceed together tho rest of tho way
Mr. Ringer will be accompanied as
far as Chicago by Fred Koepke, who
goes East to visit relatives.
Thought That Captain Clark Had De
seended From the Clouds.
It is small wonder that tho first
view of a white man created torror
among tho superstitious Indians. A
in.mrn nf this occurred
.i. nrnilo Wnlla Indians first
saw Captain Clark, of the Lewis and
Clark expedition, lujumu i piu
nltlntc the savages and allay their
fears of the white men, he planned
to visit a village of Walla Wallas be
fore the nrrivnl ot tne rt'ni. in ma imi-
With this end in view, m set out
. it,,, fninmbla river in a canoo
i thrnn men with him. On tho
way he shot a crane ami a um, uuu,
.t.ini. fnii npnr him. He landed
Ul Willi i ,
before (lve wigwams placed closo to
,. ti,0. hut not a nerson was vis-
eiitii uiii"' . "...
Ible. and the doors, wnien were ui
..... ina,v! Hnldlnc his nine
ni;u ww ' . - -
In hand, as an Indication of good will,
he pushed asUlo ono ot tho doors and
entered the lodge.
Inside were 30 men. women and
children, huddled together In torror.
n n (hiMii Rhnnk each bv tho
hand and said somo friendly words.
expressing by word ana manner niu
kindly feeling. Their apprehensions
until hn took out his
burning-glass and lighted his pipe by
tho rays of the sun. uonsternuuou
again prevailed, and what might have
occurred but for tho tlmoly arrival
of two chiefs who knew the white
men cannot be told.
It seems that tho Indians had not
seen Captain Clark, but thoy had seen
tho whtto crane which ho had shot
fall just before his appearance. Thoy
had also seen the duck fall at his
shot. Thoy connected the fall ot tho
birds with his advent, and thought
ho had fallen from tho clouds.
The sound ot tho rifle, which, thoy
had never heard before, they believed
was a signal to announce, the white
onmlnc Rmnll wonder, then.
'that tlieir hardly allayed fears were
again aroused when he Drougni aown
fire from heaven by means of his
burning glass. YouthB Companion.
Cigars, tobacco and smokors' sup
plies at Jack Candlsh's.
The New Brewery.
Tho foundation for William Roech's
new browery was started this morn
ing. Most of tho stono is now on the
ground and the stone and brick will
bo pushed as fast as possible until
Mexico leads the world In tho pro
duction of silver, tho output being
$34,593,900 in 1901.
Uppers cut from extra fine X
buieciea stock. Flexible oak I
sole-leather soles with neat
extension edces. makinr 3 I
stylish sensible street shoe
fnr I ),!:.. T
You will like them
at Athena
Robberv it j
at Pendleton T "d
done the most by J
up on a big Pfi:eyf '
We mark evervtV, 1
as we can sell .u.lS
figures as wck ij
A htt e mrl ,m: sool
Pliment th$M
said, "I don't !t7hy
stoVe - bT Ft:4
the truth " See ft. 1?
We sell tJ?
rrrjniiln.l '. Ptl
uaj, in me etj
Afternoon Team
I have too much property!
T hnvn atnr.tr m.aL..
and small, and stock iu
ucBiiou. to neat iaiJ!,nj
nn thn rlvAr t .
....... , ua,e IflJU
may want from oae to llji
City Property a Sp
I hnvo a long llit a
lotfl TAflMpnttM ..J j
, , rnut
I do not list property t
price is ngni.
Real Estate Dei
Special sale this week on all
We have too many and must close them cut.
Now is the buyers opportunity.
We will give a big cut price on Blankets, Bed Com
torts, and Outing Flannels.
Our Clothing Sale is Still On
Remember: The largest stock of goods in the city toeekftfc
To be seen in attractive millinerv at our Bailors. Ow
trimmers keep constantly in touch with the fastol
centers ol the liast and the latest ideas are alwijjwi
display. Come in and study the very newest sl
As the season advances so do out styles.
A u