iess C&tds and Societies 0 AN0 TRaDC8. alphabetically arranged. PHYSICIANS. --r-FlCB IN JODD C( C0l 10 to 12 H , - ...nirti nrICK. 5ttl-L 'ere t'OMblM. eatar "'r. firrKi? i.Irlw1 hearing. RSif ittf" .17. r"r It -nWICH OVBB THK tT"?. WiV Telephone, 3U! lLn II D. nOMriuiw"..- ,. .-T.i'aB PIlYoICIAr. nsif ?" JJ.M b-" Residence 'phone, black US'51 L-fRfM)M 17 ASSOCIA- JonM PHYSICIAN FlSEultlw er. r('e (fiTto SBTlngs IwnK ouiio- 5l- 1 'air" Ui-LA-- - iumim nd durance KjT Ciiitlni. corner Main end g,i!!tln7aR..Knln DENTISTS. Ifraitf. nuimsT. ofpich in K dentist, okpicr in as- ( HOT, a Hit IM "; Enks and brokers. KmOSAL HANK OP ATtlBNA. Iuli....i tri4livi 'fl,irnlM and femo Int'prMt'.m tine depffilts. fjSuMt : T. 7. ICIrk. hMiw. p J Rims" cashier, F- 8. Ie Llitin) carter, iroins Hawk op weston, f 1 . rv. j - MiImI hunk m Bfditnge bought and "lf a a! Htrtman, M. M. Johns, T it D. Draw, J. r. skiigure. i. 0. W, troeosiei. FRATERNAL ORDERS, UMATILLA TENT. NO. 2T. K. O. T. VI. sleets In Scent Society nail, second and fourth Tnfsdays In each month. All visiting Blr Knights cordially Invited. 3 8. Kees, Record Keeper; H. D. Gstabrook, Commander. PENDLETON LODGE, NO. 32, A. F. AND A. M., meeta Brat and third Monday ot each montn. visiting oretnrcn welcome. T. J. Tweedy, W. 11. ; Joe n. Farkea, Sec PENDLETON CHAPTER, NO. 28 T. C. Taylor, u. P., F. F. wamsley, secretary. meeta second and fourth Fridays ot each montn in Masonic uan. DAMON LODGE. NO. 4. KNIGHTS OP Pythlaa. L. W. Held, C. C; B. W. rietcher, K. of R. and S. Meets every Monday in secret society Han. MODERN WOODMEN OP AMERICA Tutollla Camp, No. S3S0. Meeta flrat and third Mondays of each month at Odd Fellows' Flail. George A. Hambltn, Coo- aal; Q. A. Bobbins, Clerr. WOODMEN OP TOE WORLD REGULAR meetings' or renaieton camp, mo. , w, of W. are held In Secret Society Ball erery Batnrday eTening. viaitine neign' bora are alwaya welcome. J. P. Walker, qierfc: A. J. Owen, C. C. TYPEWRITERS AND 8UPPLIES. ... iranmi.T. hpoicanpl wash Affeiit New Denamore. Second-htod typewrite, aappllea. rellnlng, repairing. ELECTRICAL 8UPPLIES. UAI'LK RR08.. COURT STREET, LA Dow block, Electricians, dealer In elec trical aunpllea. nouses, stores, wired for electric 'fights, bells or telephones. Elec trical' fixtures ot all kinds Get our prices. Repair work a specialty. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. THE OLD SEMPL8 PEED TARD. T2 m.n .MMt T.lnifMv' A TVlfY props. ' Llrery, feed and aale' atabl. Sad dle horses i at ail limes, uorai ir Phone iced i. THE CITT LIVERY BOARD AND BALE Stable, 31. J. tarney. propntwr, iw flne turnouts. Stable 118 Alt street. COMMERCIAL 8TABLE8, G. W. FROOMB Prop. Llrery, reea ana ooruiDB. kinds of turnouts. Competent drlrers. Op posite HoUl Pendleton. 'Phone Main 181. IknON SAVINOB HANK PKN Hutu WW". " ,i ' Sl Iui0pa mi nine knesh mil 'td -Jn nil prlnclnl nT. 1.1 .l..f.. irlr.,1 fn Pill. i"U Hill-Hi",., ' ' ' - n t. ruruisu. IMonmcv. . ... kpnUeat: T. J. Mortis, cashlet. Ivivmtfir nivr nif T 3!N D f.E- Cinlul' $10,000: snrnloa, B5,0O0. 1 1 mtm mnaan ousinwa. mM .lmn1il trnflf.B ITOM On Ban P,.ni..rn N.lf York Snd 3 polH In the Northwest.' Drafts a Cilnt, Japan ana nurope. nun i on rtuontDie terms. i,eTi an- pVTule, cihl: II. F. Jobnion, a itlet. OREGON PEED YARD. W. T. BOYNTON ITop. special care giren io noiK. iui with me. Lower Webb atreet. 'Phone Red 204 BOARD AND LODGING. CUE WHITE LODGING UOUSB, 01 Bonth Main street. M. T. Bradley, prop, rlouaekeeptag rooms and lodging rooms. Good 'comfortable rooms and eleaa. wall ept beds. Lodging '25 cents. EMPIRE LODGING HOUSE. CORNER OF B. Court and Johnson streets : good - pAMfArtBtila Deds. Bates' 28c and 80 a night Thoa. art. Prop. PHOTOGRAPHERS. BWMAM, LEADING PnOTOGRA W lh tlt. nurvest Tlews, In- tfM lor sale. Finishing done for Miln 8t, near Bridge. m FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT-TERMS reasonaoie, (vi at irmcr i, fiwiw iw IIIECT8 AND BUILDERS. ffAKD. AHCH1TKCT AND SU- i . i . i BnH rail. FMTllx, uia&n i;uiiiuicir n" ' -fcr bolldlnw.lnvthe city or conn- WANTKD COMPKTKNT GIRL TO TAKE rareol child. Good wages. Enquire ot lue Cashier at Boston Store. It COI.E. CONTRACTORS AND Ea fniiitM faro hhM na .snort Arwork a soeclaltT. .Prompt IftftnAn Illn" '..MA. ndir ItHln. EWiVtrwi, ...u . nu, EiTmNTItAf'TtlR AND BUILD- uttta fnmlatiwl on all Kinos I. ttment walkn, stone nal a, etc, Ht East ur?Eonlan omre. ARnwiTEOT AND RUPER- llwm 13, Auoelatlon Rulldlng im. rUBTEuINQ Klflu Pement walka a sn- Baaa fnrnlshed . free, wo i urn orAtrm at Badler at k(ant. Main St.. P. O bi flrLAND BU8INE8&. r r mm rt 1 1 T f f t IWw, Kock iRtid " office L"'tny, HA. n r T.Aisin pom. -JaA-hti. i - ii ukMtf iT ".i.1." UL I nun ui UulJ?!nDx and collections room In. !3i!0 CARRIAGES. RrtHAV. NEW AND VERY IcX !?."? ,WTlc'' ' the Public. w ?(fC'al Llrery Stable or ana tbe hack will call ERWiv n a Ernf itM NuSut.853- St1"! In front Nhand dealers". ltSK&h NF AND BECOn fcr.rTrJWOJtnt anil idM r ut- L "m, inn anti .i W mum srx it ilu Keh iT.Tr. tC0nd fnrallnn and IN SECOND liar -. in BIITLIlllIaC T naaite lirT. nnd furnltn Im...".:"! and rrvV.r -ill . 55J Court .trett. -iSMITHING. U m town m A w-a.. at. f HD ,-Hok REPAIriirTa Hllis. . . . fck.'; f'meiiS8,.0 RELIABLE L. re,ro1 I'lndlnger, Wilton 'J ' Mirer nT .CtiA88 flnOB' material used uuna at iw . . U UUtl 11T lira r ssilVa HOTEL ALTA, CORNER ALTA AND ui 1 1 ftft iinm rrt bv the dar or wsem. Good table aet. Rates S4 and $5 per weak. Pendleton Feed xara in ranuKuim. Neff, proprietor. WANTED. WANTED ADVERTISERS TO MAKE USE of these classified columns. It yon hare something yon bare no use Hfor, offer to trade It tor something that soma other body may hare and hare no use for, some thing that you may need In yonr business. You- may bare an extra horaa that yon may wlan to trade for a cow or a b'j-le- Home Doay may nam mu vw and want the horse. A 15e or 25 cant want ad will probably do the business. FOR . 8ALE. .. - . rit . , . i, r . V 1 AT.llnRT new, also iwo iiuhhuk " ..-. - Kline's liquor s.urc, ui oiaiu.Di OLD NBWSPAPBHB TO PUT UNDER -v.ftl.ft -..IT. nr for vraih ping purposes. Old newspapers In large . . . . . y.n i. - ft ok Mnl. hnnnlA onnaiea or HZZaiZ at the EAST unnuunian o, ' -"- ton. Oregon. FOR RENT. KOK KENT 8TORK-ROOM l)N COTTON WOOQ SirtWt. r.uqunpm m.... ft . MISCELLANEOUS. Let Us Do Yottf Hauling VVc do trucking and hauling of all description at reason able prices. Your horses will be welt cared (or if taken to the Old Dutch Henry Feed Yard, corner West Alta and Lillith streets. Hay, grain and all kinds of feed bought and sold. Horses for sale at all times. WILLIAM CONNERLBY, Prop.. Successtor to Hays & Connerley. AWFUL. "I think the kIH J'"! hei wits ..Itnprotlier." "Why, what's the msittir?" "She acit-lUPCl Jack tilt- very Him tlnur lit propmed.' THE TRAIL MAKERS INTERESTING CHAT WITH UNION COUNTY PIONEER. IN POUND-THE FOLLOWISQ DESCRIBED animal nai oetsn ui, j ........ ?be City ol fenaieton, to-wlt One s.rre geld- inc, wnivo nhiii m i., , : . . pounds age i years, no btM Tlttblo. .11 said animal is not ciainieu vj u-c; -entitled to theposse.slon ot It. costs and x. penses again.v !' "Vi:"?",Cr i. Jdnfm'ft6 ui heUd to the highest und-onShecorneroltten- ouich salatobe applied to the payment of a. . - A A.r,ninui it innlrlnc fiiilS. UilfjQ iuuq uui 19 nuu paiisis : "r this 14th day ol e'-c,tyMtirthtti, SUBSCniBEIt8T0"MAGA71INES, IF YOU want to subscribe to msgaslnes or news papers In the United States or Enrope, re mit by poatal note, check, or send 1 to the EAST OREOONIAN the net publisher a price of tbe publication you desire, and 55 will have tt sent you and aume all the risk of the money being lost In the .;It Willie you both trouble and Oregonlan! In .remitting you can deduc Addfei. EAST Oil EG ON I AN PUB. CO.. Pendleton, Oregon. s MEDICAL Crossing the Plalns Pioneer History Left Wing of Price's Army List of Early Settlers. Owe or tho old settlers of the Grande Rondo Valley 1b J. A. MoWhlr- ,,. "Wlinn ,1M T ntHlcn tllla vallGV?" saiil Mr.McWhlrter. "I saw this val ley for the first time In the rail 01 1853. We stopped a couple of days at Ladd's Canyon to let our stock rest up and graze on the splendid ranee here In tho, valley. The whole valley was one vast expanse of waving grass. Coming down from the moun tains as we did, It seemed to us we Buph a beautiful val ley. I had been working In a harness shop In Pennsylvania for tour years and I got the western iever. "i mnrin tho trln from Mercer. Pa.. to Portland, Or., for ?60. When I got on the stage at Mercer, Pa I had iimt mn. At Pittsburc I left the stage and went by water to St. Joe. Tliis trip, from Pennsylvania to St. Mn. took nearlv $60 of my $100. At St. Joe I fell In with a man who gave me a job driving one of his vag- n-nTio Ho linnrrturl me for D1V Work. We drove from St, Joe to Portland, Or. I left Portland the fall or 1853, and walked to Marysvllle, or as It is now called, Corvallls, where I got a Job In the harness shop of J. B. Con- gle, who afterwards ran a nig snon in Pnrtlnnil. Prom Marvsvllle 1 went to Union Point, In Linn county. "In '54 the Indians etiaseo me out of tho Coqullle .luver country and l went to California, where I went to mining. I had not been there long before the miners struck. They were paying $t per day for nine inches of water, and they struck to make the ditch company reduce their rates. As the ditch company refused to do so. the miners began building a ditch of their own. It tool us four years to complete it, and when we had finish 1 it. the rival ditch company bought up the various outstanding accounts against it and compelled Immediate .settlement Tho property was sold and the rival company bought it for a song and we got nothing for our labor. livery time they turned water in it we would blow up a section or is! The 1900 Wash Machine 30 days free trial Saves labor and produces clean clothes? - - Cash Price f to W. J. CLARKE & CO. Court Street HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pendleton and as good as any. TRANSPORTATION LINES. QHIGHESTER'S PILLS V'rv Orlalnnl and Oulr Conulur. l' IftuliAi.l.k llru42Ut ?or' llll;lltTl!lfl K.M1MII .Ij ICEU awl Hold W.ei, w'.lw IW Mue rlbbou. Take no utliir. '"! llrwil l,rft-.etliUi .tiu I r-, 'l''.llm-"lft.l. rurJ.illchl'reluru Jlull. B.b;,11 lrulu. ChlcliwU r t hrmlfol - ilJftftH hui,n-. rilll-A., I A. a r.Ms HAS IT EVER OCCUKED TO YOU THAT Thanksgiving is uulj a few iUy uhuad ot ui and It Is time to preparelor the time hou ored feast? This is only a timely reminder. Do you need anything in our line? Corn fad Turkeys, youtg, Juicy and palatable. The little porker, prepared for the ocn. Dncks, geeae and chickens of every drgreu. Fresh meats of every de scription. Kish of all kinds. In fact anything you need In the moat line to make your dinner complete Otto Miescke COP1I T S T It K K T Hoaser's Old Stand It , or tear down some of the trestle work. At one time they employed as many as 300 men to patrol the 15 nillpK nf ill tan. tint still wo would suc ceed In harassing them. At last they compromised. Tney gave us azu.uuu fnr nit,- Intarnil jind imvfi 11R lohs In repairing the ditch. After that they never had any trouble. "In 18C2 I bought In a pack train tn Anhum. I sold rav nack outfit and took up 240 acres of land one mile east of the present city of La (Jratme. I have been In the harness business nitnnBt nnntliinniislv since that time. though 1 do not take an active part In harness making nowadays wnen In 1RR2 tint feeling engendered by the war then raging was very bitter. "A hltr tide nf immigration came In the fall of C2. They were almost entirely Southern sympathizers. We called them the left wing ot tricea army. But no actual trouble occur red. "Vs thpri. are a cood many old' iimoR hiim vpt. 1 tniDSs the assessor of this county, Ben Brown, is one of tie oldest pioneers. Then there are General J. H. Stevens, Colonel CurryJ George wens, w. tt. uay, j. i. .la Artlmr Wnriili'k. Jake Zuber. A n 'unnfrilMriii M Ttaker. Tt. J. Itog v . ...... ...-ri---..i - . - - ers, J. Predmore, a Krencnman, ana "Rattling Jack" Dillon, or "Rattle aoi.- Tnntr " ne hn Ik tisuallv termed and almost, if not all of them, came in the early ws. They are the sur vivors of a goodly number of old timers who in the early days mined, packed, fought Indians and cleared the way for the hoim'-makers of later years." F- L. State Charity Meeting. Indianapolis, Ind. Nov. 17. The c.i nnnforniii-i, nf i.liarltloK and Corrections Is holding its annual meeting at the Meridian Street Meth odist church. The sessions will con tinue until Thursday. About 100 del egates from various parts of the state are In attendance, and a large num ber or Indianapolis people are taking Intnl-iftUt In tin. oroceedlngH. At the formal opening thiB evening there will be an address by the president H. Shld- eler. Some of the other prominent participants are KraiiKlin aicveagu, of Chicago; Dr. William P. Spratllng, superintendent of the Mew rent vil lage for Epileptics; Jospeh P. Byers, late secretary or the Ohio Board of ii,,.!(i,.u. i .w.hiH fi. Storrs. secretary v 1 1 1. 1 L1 1 ' , . .. en... Ml,.ili-mi Una id and George I... Sehoit, secretary of the Kentucky Board, jam SH OUTLINE UNION PACIFIC Headquarters for Travollng Men. Commodlona Sample Ruoms. Rates $2 & $2.50 Special rates by week or month . Excellent Cuisine. Prompt Dlnlngroom Service. Bvery Modern Convenience. Bar and billiard room in connection Only Three Blocks from Depot. GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Corner Court and Johnvm Mrrrl, Vendition, otcKotu M. F. Kolly, Proprietor. Dsnat roa Time SehiMlnlt. From I'ondlutou Chicago Portland Bpectal 6:30 p. m. via Ilunt-lngton. Atlantic Kzpreas 6:t5a m. tla Hunt ington, Bt. fanl Fast Mall 8:15 a. m, via Spokane. New York Horae Show Begins. NT...,. Vnrlt KT-.V 17. Wltll 0. fail fare Ol trumpet" uhu .........o 1 black and yellow c.olors tho doors of Madison Square uaraen were uuuwu I .1.1.. n.rnlllrr fill- h. I'l ffll t (I'll til I U1W U lillB liiwi"'h ". .. . annual exhibition of th National 1 t Q1.X... Acuni.lntlon Tllfi exhl- oiiun -- ----- i bition promifcfs to excel anything of the kind ever given ueiuiu. fletytho thing which has given the , affair so much eclat anu tne manuee .,,,1,. QiinkilK tlii reoresen UlClll nvj iiiu.j -- - . tatlon is expected to be as large and brilliant as heretofore. Aiuiiy j im .1..1..1.1., un.i iiiiutim imrti.i fanciers an ucil'iiia ... .. ..- expected to be hurt before the week is out. There are many new cxiinm oi-s. and the class of horses shown Is above the standard. Tn Promote Irrlaatlon. i).rtinnrt n.. Nov. 17.- Inlluentlal men from many parts of the nUto are gathering In Portland for "Irrigation week." The occasion is tne nrsi nii i im- i.f tin Orison Irrigation Associa tlon. Practical metiiods for the pro ! motion of Irrigation work, in Des i Chutes velley and other portions of Oregon will be discussed. Bait IftSke, Dearer, Ft. Worth. Umaha, Kan sas City, Bt. Louis Chicago and East. Bait Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan aas City, BI. Loots, cnicago ana susb Walla Walla,Uwtston, Rnokane. Wallace. Pnllman, Vtlnneaao lls.8t. Paul, Dnluih, Hliwauaee, udicijui and Kasu U:io i 4:10 p. as, Ocean and River Schedule. FBOM rOHTIJtND, IMUp. in. except Bonday SWOp m. BatuMar 10 W0 p. tn, All sailing dates nub-! jret to enange. Far San Francisco Ball evsry J days. Columbia Klver To Astoria and Way Landings. 4:00 p. m. 4M p.m. Bonday Willamette Klvor. nft,. u,. Pnrtlinri itallv. azoent Bondav (stage of water permitting) for WlllauaUe anil Yamhill Klver points. Leave Klparla Bnake River tata. m. KlparU to Lewlalon Dallv ' Excptllonl Leava Lewtston . 7 0 a. ca Dally gxept Mas F. F. WAMBLEY, Agent, FeadUton. Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for Chicago, Bt. Paul, Ht, LouIh, Kan taa miy, tn. oe, wni". " All Points East and Sooth Portland and points oa the Sound TIKI OABD. Leave Fandleton, dally erpt Bondays ai T:?ri?ve' Pendleton Monday, Wednesday an FMr7v,elaPeudUton Tuesday, Thursday an Saturday 9 S3 am. Leave Walla W.lla dallr, eaat hound, II 0 pm. Arrive WalU Wulla dally, weat bound, am For Information regarding rates and aecoss. modatlons. call on or aUa. J)AM8 FendleUrfj, Otttyon. Wl!a WH, Wah, HEATED BY STEM LIGHTED BY ELECTMICITY Aiiiorlcnn IMiui, ruliMl -JS lo-.'.(KI iHirduv, ' KliruHMiu I'liiu. AOu. Trio, HI.OO. Hpiu'lnl ral by weok or ihoiiHi, Free 'bus meets all trains) Commercial trade solicited Flue sample rooms Special Attention Given t'miuiry Trade HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBU ST8. IT. IBiaJ.' !krf-CJrrJiaa FOB 8ALB AT TUB KABT OBBQOMIAN offlce. Urge bundles of newspapers, con taining over 100 big papers taa be ak talnad far ZS cents a bundle. GEO. DARVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Meatea Ruropean Plan. Block and hall from depot. Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 50c, 76c, $1.60 THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON American Plan, ptr day aud upward. Ifcailquaitcra for touriaU aud comuicicial tiav. rlers. b-c!al ralca made to fumlllta aud alugla gcntlriuru The inaiiaiicmcut will 1 pleased t alt tlmea to allow looms and Kite pritea. A niotlern Turkish balli eatabllihim nl In the hotel. II c IKJWI'.KH, Maiianer. Babbitt Metal, beat In ths world, In bars. Price) $1 per bar, at tho east Oregonlan Office. SaM fffiSZtlwtfSZ, ,.uJZ.7 M "drfareua-aiwAirg. Cuiaa -0t, Munhood, Im- MT4 - . i.lula II I " A..., ,1.,. la.u.r aet llMMMnitkl. ttisw t ' r" SaJSXSS 'lLtf aSXTSS" Jdd'reti. Blahop turned, aun r-runoUoo. O.l. SOLD BY TALLMAN A CO., DRUGGISTS, PENDLETON. OREGON, e-