scon's EmuisiM ftcaflg is. The essence of nouroh mcnt a predigested food. A condensed fat made palatable and acceptable to the memt "delicate stomach. Th first 'food a baby receives, mother's 'milk, is an emulsion. Scott's 'Emulsion is the milk or cream of cod liver oil, and contains ihe elements needed to supply the nourishment that may be lacking in a mother's milk. 'If a baby is fat it is comfor table and happy; a thin, 'scrawny baby is never quite iwell, never thoroughly com fortable. Its ordinary food may not contain the right nourishment. For such a baby Scott's Emulsion is intended. It supplies the needed nourish ment as well as heat and fat; it makes babies comfortable. Why? Because Scott's Emul sion contains the elements that possess in the highest degree the principles of 'nourishment. Cod liver oil has for years been known as one of the greatest foods in the world. It stands at the head of the list as containing, in a given quan tity, the most nourishment of any food. But cod liver oil in its raw state is repulsive. Weak stomachs cannot retain it; delicate tastes rebel against it. ' It was to overcome these objections and still retain the full value of the oil that Scott's Emulsion was introduced. "But it does more than offer the full strength of cod liver oil in a palatable form. It combines with the oil other splendid ingredients hypo phosphites of lime and soda and glycerine. The proper and perfect combination of these, found only in Scott's Emulsion, represents a most valuable food-medicine. The mission of the oil is to stop waste, supply the loss of flesh and furnish nourish ment; the hypophosphites feed and sustain the nerve tissues and nerve centers besides stimulating the action of the blood; the glycerine furnishes bone material and marrow, upon which latter the blood depends. How are these resylrs se cured ? By the easy action and mild progress of Scott's Emul sion through the body. Being partly digested it does not tax the stomach ; being perfectly blended it is quickly and easily assimilated, that is, distributed with exact regard for the par ticular need of each part of the body. On every package of the genuine Scott's Emulsion there is a trade mark label of a man with a fish on his back. We will .tend a sample free to anyone on request. scon & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St, New York. FASHION'S PHASES FUR8 AND RICH MATERIALS U8ED FOR TRIMMING, Daily East Oregonlan by carrier, only "IS -cents a weak.'-" -1 Clove-Fitting Skirts White Chiffon Vesta Collars and Cuffs of Sable- Gold Embroideries. New York, Nov. 17. Fur Is 80 ln- diBpensible an Item of fashion that It must bo Included In every smart wardrobe this year, If only In a touch of trimming'. In the latter cruise It Is extremely effective, lending at the Bame time ele gance and warmth to gowns without wraps. A glimpse at many of the frocks which will bo worn at the horse show next week roveals the fact that fur will certainly bo tho trimming par excellence at tho exhibition. Tho now effects arc mainly employed and com bined with laces and appliques In the most Incongruous and exquisite fash Ion. One of tho smartest of the gowns which will be worn Is developed In rich dark blue cloth with close fitting skirt trimmed with seemingly num berless little bands of chinchillas. A flounced effect Is gained by a very full flare at the bottom of tho skirt with the bands of fur stitched on In graduated stylo . At the back the fullness Is gathered Into two Inverted box plaits whose effect im maintained to tho very end of the deml-traln. The bodice is laid in tiny box plaits at the back and these are piped with tiniest cords of blue silk. At tho belt line the waist is cut round and short at the back, but lengthens at the front until Just a wee bit of a Mario Antlonette nip is gained. The effective feature of the bodice, however, is the arrangement of tho vest This Is composed of white chif fon laid over a foundation of cream white satin and embroidered In light blue and palo yellow designs, the bor ders of which are outlined with the most delicate of chenille threads In black and white to produce' the "effort of chinchillas. Tho wide box-plaits which turn away from the vests are' appllqued with medallions of heavy gulplre and these hold In place tiny bunches of fur tails. These same little ornaments complete the' decoration scheme around the brim of a deep blue French felt hat, supplemented by an immense ostrich blue. An unusual fashion, yet an elegant one Is shown In a gown composed en tirely of mink-skins. Eight hundred of the little animals were sacrificed to satisfy this demand of my Lady Modish, but when It is considered that she accompanies the demand with a check for $10,000, something of the worth of minks even when sold In largo numbers may be imagined. Black gowns, too, go well with chin chillas, while brown is reserved with green for the sables. Ermine is used in large quantities upon evening wraps and dresses, but generally speaking the more familiar furs are restricted to linings. Collars and cuffs of sable upon wraps of cloth or velvet are a splen did recourse for tho woman who can 111 afford an entire fur garment. Com bined with heavy Dutch and Itusslan laces they are particular! ysmart for street wear, whllo the points and liner laces are employed for more formal occasions. However elegant the fur, it is sel dom that it Is used alone as a trim ming this season There is no abate ment for the luxurious craze for com binations and all sorts of rich mater ials are associated to satisfy this vogue. The result of the strain put upon the furriers' Ingenuity to supply new designs shows well 'this season, not In that they have found new animals, but rather because they have treated so variously tho materials at their disposal. For Instance thero Is dis played In ultra-smart shops what, tho Inexperienced would call dark sable. so pretty Is the coloring and soft tho fur, but in reality this is no more or less than the dear little squirrel skin of old, dyed a rich brown. It is much used as a trimming and for short jackets. In tho latter style It Is not Infrequently appllqued with rich brocades and trimmed with an other, a lighter, fur. Although sealskin has stood proof against Imitation exceptionally well even considering the electric counter felt, there has come out this winter a new effect so amazing in its Imlta Hon that oven experts have been baf fled by It. The very shade of tho roots have been duplicated and In con sequence tho demand for real seal skin has been lessened. The skin used for tho counterfeit Is musquash, a fur which also lends Itself to the imitation of moleskin, sable and Russian beaver. Oold is making a vigorous re-ap-pcarance in the embroideries used with fur, fur coats, boleros and long wraps showing delightful notes of the richly effective decoration. Tho drooping trimming which has been the distinguishing "rear-end" feature of fashionable hats during tho fall Is gradually disappearing, Fash Ion's elite will not tolerate a modo that becomes universal and the now effects In headgear which show en tirely their outllno are a relief to tho eye as well as a triumph of artistic taato. Some of tho new UirbaiiB are com posed of 'moleskin, Bqulrrel, ermine miiiiiiinfliiauiiiiiMiBWMMMfawm . W. J. CLARKE & COMPANY, Hardware, Stoves ani Plumbing LET US SAVE YOU Your St ova . . t nf Celebrated Acorn Stoves and Steel Ranges has arrived and are - , . a xi that nienfies vour iauvy aiiu nuie Ttif u ouiht .w- - - . 3 hntir miirn vnii cuin nhvc in Tn nt M . ? j i& ftM trn II 1 1 1 4 rt uwm - in points ot superiority h.ik M ntuiru w- hnd exoected tosunnlv th - . . rxA..A nti1 rffl KUiivca. TV "ivii " r r r r ucio ri 4. v e rrrwi iivl.. aaiiu ww - n "i tne season, soiu su rimij c,aB h stpi Don.. ...ui.l u- Thnww to examine me wr- .V"..6, wCn tneSlOVesare IIUW . , Ua, lnrnpH thf lrw t.! ..... nin in Mena eion on v u v no, tt- . , . u 1-.. ..- ht tnpv rpnnnv ucuaiiic n" 1 nun uuven this superior siove is sum uy - - nllmentfirv words. UUr 9LUYKD tJJ I Two sizes $11 and $13 Three sizes $9 $11 $14 Three sizes $10 $12 $15 All sizes $3o to $65 W. J. Clarke b Company HARDWARE, STOVES and PLUMBING. Court Street fiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiw mm and chinchilla ornamented with mili tary braid; others depend upon tho natural beauty of the fur for their effect unless relieved by a pom pon of chiffon or of ostrich feathers. They come in a now rounded shapo with rather high crown that is strikingly beautiful to oval faces. No feature of fashion Is subject to as many and as frequent variations as sleeves. There is no discontinu ance of tho generous allowance below the elbow, but the newest designs In troduce many novelties In the way of making cuffs. Sometimes this is cut deeper; extending to within a few in ches of the elbow. Then below tho close fitting band tho puff droops In fanciful effect, according to the man ner In which it is shirred. One very pretty sleeve shows this snug upper part extending well belov the elbow and so sharply curved on tho inside that It Is exactly elbow length by the time tho semi-circle is completed at the back. At this point thero is tacked on a bow of velvet ribbon with long loops and ends. The puff, emerging from the upper part is composed of chiffon shirred In three rows, then gathered into a writ band of embroidered cloth. Another smart design Is stitched directly up the back, with tho seams overlapping about two Inches. Tho uppper side of the seam which Is slightly stiffened to Insure Its stand ing erect, Is faced with white panne velvet tho sleeve being black and stitched with black silk. Above and below the elbow three and four largo cut steel buckles, respectively aro sewed on. .Many of the smartest sleeves are seen upon shirt waist suits of velvet and velveteen which are not only smart, but about the most serviceable dress one could have, excepting the tailor-made gown. MAUDB OHIPFIN. No Bad Debts Are contracted, by our system of doing business or we sell for caEh and give our custo mers the benefit of our saving from loss. More fresh, first class groceries for your money than any other store in Pen ton. Our stock is all fresh. New goods arriving daily Miller Grocery Co. CASH GROCERY AND BAKERY Luck in Thirteen. I)v sendlne 13 mllnn Wm Snlrov of Walton Furnace, Vt, got a box of uucKien-s Arnica ttaivo, that wholly cured a horrible fever sore on his leg Nothimr olsn could. Pnnltlvplv niru bruises, felons, ulcors, eruptions. Dous, ourns, corns and plies Only 25c. Guaranteed bv TaHmnn & rv druggists. LUMBER Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. W; & C. R. Depot Tho beat shoe TeuUtch's. repair work at When getting figures from others on that lumber bill of yours, don't forget to come and see us. We carry a large stock of all kinds of Btrildmg Material including shingles, door, win dows, moulding, screen doors and windows in fact, every thing that is found in a first' class lumber yard. Come To Us For your lumber and building material of all descriptions and you will save money and get lust-class stock. We can sup ply you with Doors, Windows, Screen doors and windows. building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand. We make a specialty of wood gutter- for barns and dwellings Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., opp. Court House. FOR SALE A half aection of fine wheat Irtn.l rtll I. 1 ohu, an in summer-iai-low, north of Pendleton. Good improvements. Almost a section of land in one body, a short dis tance north of town. FRANK B. CLOPTON 800 MAIN STREET , are both brought itf J work we mat to""! vvv it, ib travagant or nigg"' Ul Hiatal im. " . , inane int t , a -J tmv more. nuu " - ,1 urnrk wl c!l 1U1 u B. F. BECK, The PIub"' TtMorohv Frw1 Pictures for Cbtti c the work ' "1 and y0 ' B?.u,." ,'"7d. Best of framing mer,J1 7 KYflhV S Bet work '