East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 17, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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Erectt Frmm
The long hip form is the original
long hip corset. It has set the
mode in corset styles. The long hip
gives thajt deep graceful dip, rounds
off the hips into graceful curves,
takes all strain from the abdomen
and chest and places it Upon the hips
and back muscles. Absolutely
hygienic. The only corset for the
new style skirts.
Fofl959 $t.OO. Erect Form 990 $. 00
c 973 erect rarm 77 .ju
. numerous other models of the W B
Ls of which you will also find at our store.
jAjiplete assortment of styles and sizes.
- 1 I
a Tetufeelh
T, NOVEMBER 17, 1902
itrd, firm loans.
urstere at uaaue s.
h baII at 'i a tlx bp n n
irj interested In P. L R.
l-l-.. in Olniilonh'o
repaints w x uuko"
rwinter-fialts at Joerger's.
Mpnrurst and eaur kraut at
.. . ,
slnys fresh at the
I . i .1
limburger and Swiss
nwicupti U.L lt!U LIf. H
Ererrthlng tastes, good. ,
ma win dh inn nnumtn ul
nude by Slebert & Sckulz.
iMInir Unl nrl Pniirt
TwHno' hntmo 19 rnnmq
lots on Slain street., uoou
A bargain. B. T. Wade.
mm iur tewing, mucuiura,
Hid heat nn pnrth: chain
wicn comuinea. trices J-
Mow zero. Call and see
pay you.
Whttaker, the dentist.
Oyster cocktails at Gratz's.
Olympla.oysters at Castle's.
-People are Interested In P. I. It.
Neuman's for cigars and tobacco.
, 5G,00() envelopes have just arrived
at the Nolf store,
Nice furnished .rooms for rent; 407
West Alta street.
Books at the book store. Immense
line juvenile books. Nolf's.
Freah English walnuts, pecans, al
monds and all Mucin of nuts at the
Standard Grocery.
Dr. Iilakeslee's ofllce removed to
Judd building, Main and Court
streets, room 20.
We have the neatest and largest
etoclc of jardlniers at prices so low as
to .surprise you. C. Itohrman.
The Dally East Oregonian Is on sale
In Portland at tho Rich news stand In
Hotel Perkins, and. at the Hotel Port
land. Two lines of fall and winter street
hats will be closed out this week at
greatly reduced prices at Mrs. Camp
bell's. lamp fixtures, all size 'chimneys,
wicks, burners, brackets, reflectors,
shades, globes in stock at all prices.
C. Unhrmau.
H. Henker, the eye specialist, has
located in Pendleton. Office, 120
Court street. Examination and con
sultation.. Xr.ee,. ,
Why have gray liair. Get walnut
coloring, $1 per bottle, express pre
paid. San Francisco Hair Store, 1401
First avenue, Seattle,, manufacturers
of nil kinds of hair goods. Send for
rttad In. Need
Friend Indeed"
llffnnrt tlw.r.llr. I..
1 tad finishes in
& V mi'irnntoa
Modem Jeweler
Fifteen Dollars Contributed to the
City This Morning by Drunks.
There were three men before Police
Judge Fit. Gerald this morning for
being drunk and disorderly. They
wore Young Chief, a subject of Uncle
Sam from the Umatilla reservation;
Joe Doe. and E. Short. Each was
assessed $5 and tho fines were paid.
Arrived at Chicago.
Chicago, Nov. 17. Vlce-Govemor
Wright and General Chaffee arrived
hero this morning ana will remain iui
day. The former goes to meet iis
ident Roosevelt tuis ovoning.
"Were there any accidents .In the
football game?"
"Woll n niiilp In an adjoining field
broke loose and mixed with the game
and was pretty badly hurt." Detroit
Free Press.
T P Svtnnns nrnnrietor of the Cen
tralia Iron foundry, Is receiving the
machinery for the plant .two carloads
bavlnir already arrived and the rest
being on the way. The foundry will
bo as large as any on the coast.
. " tlrH,rD.l ... ilk IJt Cnrlo
ic a H,B l,l I I "I... l ,
"ere are a few of our best sellers;
T?mfBoS1Uon' Beef Tea, ViKoral, Tobasco Flip,
ao Boullon, Celery Bouillon, Hot Chocolate,
W Lemon They are all
5 cents
fitJrrv-i- . .
Ftom Main St T( , ort Hnw
The High School Team Preparing for
a Hard Fought Game With Baker
City Thanksgiving.
Both Pendleton football teams won
their gamos with outside teams Satur
day afternoon.
The Pendleton High School played
I -a Grande on the local gridiron and
at the end of the game the score stood
30 to 6 , and had as well been a shut
out had the Pendleton boys been
forced to play a close game. Fumbl
lng and loose playing let La Grande
make a touch-down, which she was
not at any time entitled to and the
score on tho part of the Pendleton
team might Just as well have been
several points more had they wanted
to run It up very badly. The a
Grnnde team needs more team work.
They worked out of harmony all
through the game.
The Pendleton team won the toss
and kicked off. In just four minutes
they had won a touchdown with very
slight Interference, but the goal was
missed, Before the whistle was call
ed for the end of the first half, the
same performance was repeated four
times. Fred Hartman, who played
left half, made the only sensational
run during the first half. He was
given the ball for a try around the
left end and succeeded In clearing the
tnckles and making a 70-yard dash
for the goal line.
Second Half.
The second half was taken up al
most exclusively in punting the ball.
The ground was so heavy and rain
fnlllng all the time, that the boys
were tired out Punt after iunt was
made without much gain on either
side. During the last hall" Pendleton
kicked the ball over 1-a" Grande's cen
ter and Cronln made a dash for the
pigskin, catching it and making a
dash for a touch-down. Again W.
Wyrlck tried to kick a Held goal but
the ball went a little low and a La
Grande man caught it on the bounce
over the goal line. Here was where
La Grande made her only score and
this was due to an error on the part
of the local players. Pendleton call
ed for a touch-back, but forgot to
watcli the ball. A La Grande man
then took the ball aud made a run
around the left end for the goal with
out any interference. This caused
considerable discussion, but Umpire
Hockenback decided in favor or Ia
rjramlr. and Swackhammer kicked a
clear goal, making their only -score.
Academy at Milton.
The Academy team played the Mil
ton high school team Saturday after
noon and won tho game by a score oi
G to 0. As was the case here, tne
field was muddy and made playing
very difficult. ' Regardless of this, the
boys played a good game, 'llie score
was made during the last half. Dur
Inir the first half the Milton team
had the advantage most, of the time,
liavlnc the ball on their territory.
The Academy team found that noth
ing could be gained by continuing as
they had played and when the last
half was called the boys began a
fierce battle against the opponents
line and tho Milton boys were found
to be weak. Gains were steauny
made by rushing the line until tne
five-ynrd line was reached. Kenneuy
was then given the ball for a run
around the end and succeeded In
breaking the line and crdsslng the
goal with the pigskin. A goal was
kicked and the rest of the game was
taken up principally with punts with
little advantage on either side.
This was the first game for either
the Pendleton Academy team or the
Milton team, and considering the lack
of practice and coaching on either
side the playing was good. The
Academy team has a fast back field
and the linemen did very effective
Thanksgiving Game.
Much Interest is being centered on
the gamo to be played here on
Thanksgiving day between the high
school teams of this city and Baker
City. Baker played La Grande and
defeated fhem by a scoro of 39 to 0,
and according to the score made by
tho local team with La Grande, the
local and Baker team are of equal
strength. For the past three years
Baker City has defeated the Pendle
ton high school team but Pendleton
claims to have the strongest team
now it ever had, and is going into the
gamo to win. Coach Bryson Is doing
very effective work with his team in
netting them ready for this fray, and
Is looking forward to It with great
assurance. He says that if he can
keep his team together as It is now,
he Is confident of the victory, ine
team Is considerably strengthened
since its game with tho Eastern Ore
gon State Normal team a week ago,
and with another week and half of
roachlne and practice it will have
rained several more points in eltlc-
May Play the Indians.
Arrangements are being made by
tho hleh school team to get a game
with the Umatilla Indiana. Whether
nr not this will be played Is not set
tied as yet, but the challenge has
hen sent the Umatlllas. This will
be a gamo of skill against strength.
Tho Indians are much larger than tho
local boys and, as has been proven
are you mixed on the
? ? ?
IT'S pretty hard for yon
to know what to do
isn't it, when nearly every
clothier in town has "the
best at the lowest prices,"
and all "give satisfaction
or money back," and they
nearly all can save yon a
third to a half? Is there
one store
in Pendleton that has been
conspicious for many years
whether it sold you a col
lar button, a hat, snit of
clothes or whatever it was?
If yon have never doalt
with us, try it and if you
are in want of an Overcoat,
for it's Overcoats wo have
on our mind right now, we
feel confident we can make
yon know you are in the
right store
OVERCOATS $6 00 $7 50
$10 $15 $16.50 $17.50
$20 $22.50 $25 and $30
Hut SdulTncr
(S Marx
in the past, they are no slouches
when It comes to kicking the pig-Hkin.
Some new arrivals at
The NOLF Store
O. R. & N. Company Will Sell Tickets
to Portland and Return for $7.
Tho O. R. & N. Company have an
nounced special rates f $7 for the
lound trip for those wishing to attend
the irrigation cougress opening at
Portland on the morning of be 18th.
Tickets will be sold on the 17th and
be good returning until the 22rd.
For Rent.
What .8 known as Jacob's
Enquire of C. B. Wade.
People are Interested in P. I. R.
$3.50 Shoe Value
That Excel all Others
fine Font; Fins ioc
New Pompadour Combs, regu
lar 25c, here for 20c
Ladies Hair Kctainers, in cel
luloid and metal ...50,80, ioc
Drummer's Samples of pocket
knives, bounht at 25 per cent
discount You can buy them
from us 25 per cent less than
Note the new toys for Children
Tablets 45c, 98, $1.95
Iron wagons 69c to $2.40
Doll buggies, wood and metal
bodies and wheels.. 35c to $3.45
Enamel Ware, bought prior to
the advance, tea kettles, stew
pans, coffee pots, 23c to ?I 22
The NOLF Store
Santa Claus' Headquarters
U. H. Supreme Court
' U. B. Patent Ottlc
I Trade Maiki and OopytlgbU
TOO TtU.at. S. W., Wimhlnuton, D. '
The Delicacies
of the season arc always
found at our restaurant.
At present we have
Finest Oysters f Frog
Legs f Clams f Crabs
f and f Lobsters f
and other salt and fresh
water foods
The French
Telephone Main 4.
The East Oregonian Is Eastern Oie
gon'a representative paper. It leads
and the people appreciate It and show
It by their liberal patronage. It is the
advertising medium of this section.
We satisfy the greedy value
hunters with Good Shoes
606 to 609
L Street
Boston Store
Where Whole Famillep are Shod. 1
Biggest and Best Bargains
In Furniture, Stoves, Glassware, China ware ever offered
in Pendleton are now offered.
Our Big Clearance Sale
Is now on. We must reduce our stock in order to make
room for others. We want it to go rapidly and in order
to do so we have cut the prices. Come in and get our
knocked down prices and see what you can save.
Remember Joe Basler's Clearance Sale
Lots of goods sold at greately reduced prices.