tmmmmmm Musical Instruments Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Accor dtans, Concertinas, Zithers, and Aatoharps We handle none but the best makes, mir prices are the losvest . . Brock & SWoComas Company TO and m MONDAY, NOVKMI1KH 17. 1092. between that peoplo ami our own In tin- Philippines Is tho beglnnlnfr of a new commercial era for thu Pacific Coast. n r K Every man takes care that p u bis nelfihbor iIik-s not cheat n O li 1 1 . . i i .,...,, ...V.i. 1. E3 u begins to caro imit tin uoes not D cheat IiIb neighbor. Tlion all H goes well. He has changed his U market cart Into a chariot of U the sun. Kmiiison. - Will the American ever learn to eat a meal without moat? With beef and bacon climbing toward the moon, It ,looks like he might get out of the habit, if his salary is not raised. E. C. Brainard, ex-county judge and ox-treasurer of Union county, who re cently died at Salem, was a literary genius of rare ability His collection of pioneer verse contains gems of un equalled richness and beauty. Oregon hojKS climbing toward the 30 cent mark, wheat hanging near the '60 cent notch, beef and hogs, mutton. wool, butter and fruit hurrying along tho' channels of trade a3 fast as thoy .can he had. are evidences that tho ''local pockets are pretty well lined Vol. 1. No. 1, of the Pendletonian -a weekly nowspaiier published in this city,, by O. W. Dunbar, is now before tho public. It starts out with a neat appearance, an Independent air and a good patronage. The East Oregonian extends the glad hand and wishes the new venture unbounded success. A Kansas hypnotist lias been up held by the supreme court of that state in his freakish desire Ui bmy his wife alive, while in a hypnotic state. This is an excellent opportu nlty for Mrs. Nation to smash. If ever a hatchet was in demand, it Is right now, on top of tills man's h?ad. "Tho iJJid of the Desert." by Paul IX) Lauey, of tills city, Is a new serial story of Hastern Oregon, which is be ing run by the American Type Foun der's Company, of "Portland, in some thing over 200 weekly newspapers in the Northwest. The scene is laid in : Southeastern Oregon and it deals with the typical characters of tho frontier. w . . If'Pjrealdent Krugor's book is writ ten iin the -same stylo in which tho Doers ' fight, it Is certainly worth reading. Put as the old gentleman was.mot in tho hottest of tho contest, it Is .quite likejy ho did not get warm--ed up to the fighting fever in writing ihls story. However, any story of tho 'Boers is Interesting. Their history Is Ibno-of the chapters of modern his- tory'that will bear rereading. .John Mitchell says that $000 a year is the least that should be paid to tho coal miner. With families rang ing from two to 10 childron, oven this is not enough to furnish the necessi ties of llfo and the extra coat of edu cating n family. No American work ingman should bo paid so llttlo for his work that his income curtails the list of blessings promised mankind by the fathers of free government Tho most promising market now open to tho Pacific Coast, is in Japan, The Japaneso are a progressive peo ple. They take up tho white man's customs, manners and dress moro quickly than any other of tho Mongol ian nations. Japaneso students are flocking into American colleges by the datlons for a future trade with this dations for a future trado with this country that promises to bo amazing In its scope. Tho close intercourse The attempt to assassinate King Leopold of Helgium, did not bring forth many words of regret from his subjects. His llfo has been so utter ly devoid of manhood, so full of rank abuses of his family and his position that his death would not causo a moist eye in his kingdom. How vast ly different the personal character of King Christian of Denmark, whoso people have just held a universal hol iday in honor of his birthday. President Roosevelt has promised to make a better government for tho people. Ho says that prices of com moditles have risen more rapidly than wages and that It Is the busi ness of the government to reduce the first without lowering the second. If he will keep faith with this principle and fight It out to the end, he will have tho undivided support of the masses. Hetter government is all that Is wanted and this is one of tho ways to get It. what remained -of tho forests of India and to repair the mischief of provlou9 neglect, oven at considerable ox lonso." Dr. Hunter tells us that as soon as the need or protection was recognized the Indian government set nt once nhout providing It. Something moro than G.000.0 .o acres of existing forests were reserved from settlement and additions wore made to the area year by year, so that by 1882 the reserva tions amounted to moro than 12.00; 000 acres. Competent experts In for estry were brought from Kuropo and schools for Instruction In forestry were established. Of the results wo are told: "In 1872 the total forest revenuo was 477, ooo, as compared with an expenditure of C23B.O00. .thus showing a surplus of .C 182,000. Hy 1878 tho revenue had increased to 604.102. The forest exorts of that year included teak, valued at C 400,052; lac and lac dye, C362.008; caoutchouc, 89.381. and gums 18.'i,fi8i'." Dr. Hunter adds: "These figures fall to exhibit the true workings of the forest department, which Is gradually wlni 'ng back for India the fee simple of her forest wealth when it was on tho point of being squandered beyond the possi bility of redemption." Such is the teaching of India. It Is lor the United States to heed the les son and profit by it. We are now squandering a richer forest inheri tance than India ever had, and unless we put a stop to the waste we shall ere long find ourselves obliged to re pair it at au enormoua cost. San Francisco Call. Bargain Opportunities . ll E November aand, one of Special Bargains TATyou WiU convinced that you car determined to make this week ending S Sea save money , by visiting our special sales this week. can l STAND PAT, JOHN MITCHELL. While tho control of the trusts is now agitating the leaders of the great parties, tho people should show their Interest In the subject by jabbing con gressmen in tho ribs, occasionally. The voice of indignation against the unfair throttling of small concerns, the arbitrary raising of prices on every day necessities, and tho strang ulation of small business enterprises by the giant combines, should be so strong that no man in public Ufa would dare to ignore it. if tho entire session of congress should be devot ed to curing this evil the people would de delighted. An effort will bo made to reduce tho rates on postage to foreign countries. at the coming session of congress Postmaster-General Payne will take up the subject personally. The for eign rate Is so much out of proportion to domestic rates that much of tho commercial business between this and foreign countries is hampered by the excessive costs of postage. For eign-born citizens of this country will rejoice to have a cheaper rate, as tho lotter-wr.ting habit is ono of their chief sources of pleasure, and the re duction of tho rato to France. Ger many and Great Uritaln would bo a direct benoflt to a large proportion of population. PROFITS OF FORESTRY. From various European states where comprehensive forestry Is prac ticed the Call has from time to time cited ofllclal reports of profitable re sults. The story has been virtually the same whether drawn from tho experience of half-frozen Norway or of Sunny Franco. In ovory Instanco careful forest preservation has re sulted not only in protecting the woods and conserving tho slender mountain streams that form tho rivers but in yielding a good commer cial profit as well. In his work on "Tho Indian Em pire," Dr. W. W. Hunter says: "Up to 20 years ago tho destruction of for ests by timber cutters, by charcoal burners and abovo all by nomatic cul tivation, was allowed to go on every where unchecked Tho oxtension of tillage was considered tho chief caro of tho government, and no regard was paid to tho Improvident waste of tho woods and junglo on all sides: but as tho pressure of population on tho soil became greater and tho construc tion of railways Increased tho demand for fuol tho question of forest preser vation forced Itself into notice. It was recognized that tho inheri tance of futuro generations was being recklessly sacrificed. Tho Importance of forests as affecting the general meteorology of a country was also being taught by bitter experience In Europe On many grounds, there fore, It became necessary to preserve Whatever you do, John Mitchell. Stand pat for the under dog! The bloated barons may win the fight. And justice may slip n cog No matter for fiory phrase That brand you as anarch vllol The heart of tho nation is with you, John, And "has been, all the while! IjQt Iiaer rant wildly about you And fling out his craven creed! The child in the mills of mammon Cries out in its utter need! The pale-faced, wondering women Are watching by ampety chairs! Tlie listening people join with them, John, In millions of whispered prayers! The lash of the strong is cruel The path of tho poor is rough The pangs of hunger are maddening, John, nut never say you, "Enough." For back of your host Is standing A resolute rank of friends! With balm for your sick and food for the weak Stand pat. till the battle ends! No cry from your Hps for mercy No plea for charity's ban Take never an answer but justice, As law between man and man! Bond not to the hated sophist Who strikes at the tollers' bread! Hut Bare your breast to the battle, John Stand pat, that tho babes be fed' BERT HUFFMAN. Pendleton, Or., Nov. 17, '02. TUESDAY SPECIALS Ladies', Misses' and Men's toe hose, every kind in stock, Three pairs for 25c. WEDNESDAY SPECIALS Woolen underwear, every garment 'in-the house. 10 per cent off of regular price. Special THURSDAY SPECIALS Woolen Blankets and Comforts all .grades. Special 10 per cent off of regular price. FRIDAY SPECIALS Men's Mackintoshes, duck and covert coits and heavy waterproof overcoats, 10 per cent recluction. SATURDAY SPECIALS Millinery, 20 per cent off on all street and trimmed hats. Special prices on all Ladies' Jackets and long coats. Special redaction on all clothing, Men's and Boys'. Regular 7c outing llannel will be sold at 5c a yard. Regular 5c outing flannel will be sold at 4c a yard. The Fair The Place to Save Money Quick Heat Is what you want 011 oriip mornings after a sudden change. This is another de maud Hhut will show the ex cellence of Cole's Original Hot Blast Stoves The room heated to SO de drees in live minutes; anil this temperature maintained for three hours in the morning with the fuel nut into the stove the uight before, Is the record. TAYLOR The Hardware Man Sole Agent "Charley, dear," said young Mrs. Torltins, "I have such a bargain." "Indeed?" "Yes; you told mo that bluo poker chips were worth ?7 apiece and I got a whole lot of them for 75 cents!" Washington Star. Showing Tj Some people begin rfTfl to show age before AaLLt the meridian of life is reached, or they have lived out half their days. They are prematurely gray, haggard, and sickly, and seldom free from an ache or pain of some description. Cold feet, chilly sensations, stiffness in muscles aud joints, weak stomach and poor digestion, lack of energy, and drows iness, nervousness, etc, show that old age lias been readied ahead o! time. Bad blood and weak circulation more often produce these miserable feelings and signs of de cay than anything else. An inherited taint or poison of some descrip tion is at work in the sys tem, causing stagnation and a general unhealthy condition of the blood; and this, and not the weight of years, is draw ing you down to an untimely old age and making life a protracted torture. For purifying the blood and toning up the circulation nothing is equal to S. S. S. It removes from the system all the waste matter that has been accumulating for years, and makes the blood rich and pure, stimulates the appetite and digestion, and invigorates the entire body. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy, and the best purifier and tonic for old peo ple, and thoe who are beginning to show age because of the run down condition of the blood. With rich, pure blood there is no reason why old people should not ie- tain the happy disposition and buoyant npiriis 01 youin. If you have a can ceroussore, Rheu matism, or any of the ailments com mon to old age, write us about it, and our in ! -! In j..: . 1 . . iruysicuuiswiiiiiuviftc you wiuioutcuarge Boole on Blood and Skin Diseases free. The Swift Sptelflo Co., Atlanta, Ga. tain tue happy Utsposi sss Real Estate... For Sale Beautiful residence property on Court street, two lots and dwelling. J2.500.00. Residence lots, well located, at prices ranging from $100.00 to $250.0 each. Boarding house and one lot 14 rooms centrally located, $2,500.00. Boarding houso,19 roomi,,?l,900.00 One lot with dwelling and stable. $700.00. One lot and house, $500.00. Two lota, dwelling 6 roonui and stable, $900.00. rooms, bath and sewerage, three One lot with dwelling of seven blocks from Main i'.rcet, $2,600.00, And much other property, all 011 easy terms b. D. BOYD, HI Court Street For POULTRY and i STOCK SUPPLIES -CALL ON- Colesworthy AT Tllfc- CHOP MILL 127 aud 129 East Alta Street I have bargained with a competent Timber Cruiser to locate Valuable Timber Claims On the line 0. a railroad now under construction, pis means a big ohanoe lor flrst-comer8. See N.Berkeley Have some good farms for BfUd THEY'RE COMING. nL!:?J, fut CP- We refer to the many SAii.h bVe Joa fea" jour ejvu upon. i v wnvtuu tue proaa possessor ?.f. "J" ? Oor BUSINESS WArtONM nr wimuna HACKS, made for thU climate -Vn z. xuej are ironjr. NEAQLC BROTHERS Water st, mear lfalo, Pearfleteo, Ore Lumber, Ltimbet, All kinds for all Sash, Doors and Pi antnrr nf ill .1 to o.der. " UeSC,1M Building MaterialH uimuuea us, Pendleton Planii Lumber h ROBERT F0RSTER, f CONNUBIAL JOY are creatlv enhanced tat- laundried linens. Wecaal to the sum of domestic I pincss in this respect. C be beat at laundrv work up your shirts andcollu A i style. And vou'li i have a "bosom friend" til give you comfort andpleasJ bpecial attention to coll and cuffs. Finest work l est prices. Satisfactoryserr THE DOMESTIC Lll I. F. Boblnson, Prop. Feij They like 'cm Every person who hail our oysters has been deliJ There is a difference in oysters We get our supply fresll direct from our own you get oysters in all the! tural flavor, lust like stai by the bed aud opening i They are not shipped acroa country, frozen and embil Bav ovsters come to ui shell and are opened whi wait. If you want a oysters come and try 1 Pendleton Oyster M Golden Rule Hotel WachsmutliBfOS., Laatz FOR- Wood, Coal and Building Material Delivered Prompt! jr. We are in the tran len I trucking business and " I pared to move light orheati cles. 0FFI0E-MAIN ST, W Tolephonem. mi i.erTE'S SUPPLEMENTAL CHAW For Bhootlug Pistol Cartridge Patent coTert V. B. .... .J I Hon aodBUm.ManelleMr. addreu. "uc "" The S.C.Compoy,