East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 17, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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1 ciaj
ui i
t ROOD GOODS at Alexander's.
What You Want in
First Lst-AII the Time
of qual
$3.50 1
quality could be stronger
we give on the borcsis
sizes, all widths
...ic fnr rne ccieDraieu onn sirooiman anoes tnr
tfflEl'tffln shoes in box calf with heavy extension soles,
tHi . . ,' l.nhunnr unit'll want fnr arrt- l Vfc mr
1 of footwear you'll want for street
months. All sizes,
...tfmext three
iCREEN'S little giant school shoes. The best school
bander Dept. Store
'Sit! I
Gaacl Clearance Sale
For the next Sixty Days we will sell Carpets, Rugs, Lace
Isruins, Poriiers, Wall Paper and Sewing Machines at a
IlFftCUUCIlUJI. XII UVi:iJlll'UJ III Ulll DIUIC Will U 41 1
Srtjt Discount for Cash. This is the chance of a lifetime
o bay goods cheap. Call and get our prices.
Undertakers' goods always
on hand at reduced prices
Phone Main 24
ED. EBEN, Proprietor of
Suit, Skirt and Waist Factory
Has inaugrated a Grand
ad FURS Must All be Sold by
IANUARY Fitst, J 903
Prices the lowest that have
ever been offered in Pen
dleton. Come firBt and
make your selection while
the stock is yet unbroken
as one of the most substantia! busi
ness institutions In the place.
(lOO. I.- Lj&CV- is ftlfirt nn Itnnlnmmt
dealer and real estate agent.
Iv. It. Cox s hardware Ktnm U n.
other of the old and substantial Insti
tutions of the nlace. Hn baa
the business In Athena for 18 years
and knows the wants of the people.
N. A. Miller runs an up-to-date fur
niture store and also conduct, nnrinr.
taking parlors. He has been In busi
ness here 16 years.
The Pioneer drue store Is nu-nnrt
by O. C. Osburn. who hais
Incss In Athenn nine years.
ine Palace druc store bv McRridn
& Co., is an eight-year-old Athena
business Institution. Athena's iimr
stores arc up-to-date as are her other
business houses.
R. J. BOddv Is thl nlrmroi- nmnt
market man. having supplied the peo
ple Ton eight years, and having the
field alone.
Charles Oav anrt f! w Raf
run cigar and confectionery stores and
nave ciun rooms adjoining their re
spective places of business where a
laree number of tinti-nrm nnnnH thnli-
Idle time in pleasant recreation.
ine commercial livery stable Is
owned by King Bros., and they are
doing a prosperous business.
John Wright runs a feed yard.
Parker & Keen have heen' ninnlne
a barber shop for 13 consecutive years
nml T tJ L'nAn J. n .. V. ...UI .1. 1.
ud.ii ... ax. ivwii utvo u. aiiirii w 1111:11 nn I
has been running three years. ji
M. Yusburg has a mill nerv store.
L. G. Plckel is a nhotocxntilipr Alhelt
Bros, have a bakery and W. L. Davis
Is shoemaker.
Dr. Sharn is the oldest nhvslelnn In
Athena anil he and Dr Tlntktn nro ne.
soclated together In the nractlre. Dr.
J. D. Plamondon and Dr. L. Dell are
also prominent physicians.
J. H. Snonocle and W. H. Leonard
have dental parlors.
There are four saloonp In Athcm.
The Cornei saloon by Will Wells. Is
the oldest, having been established
pltrht VMrR atrn P M YTpfirwi P t-I
Tlodeman and Sam Booher also have
up-to-date saloons.
The Athena opera house, S. L. Spen
cer, manager, has a seating capacity
of 300 persons, and has been running
six years.
Athena's hotels 're am.ini; her best
Institutions. The St. Nichols, by J.
B. Froome has been established 22
pears, and the Athena hotel by H. P.
jvuiien was established 12 years ago.
Both have a deservedly good patron
L. A, Glttens, formerly of the Indian
agency la postmaster and Pauline V,
Simpson Is assistant.
J. H. Swar Is local aont fir th"
O. It, & N. Company, also Pacific Ex
press agent, anu .1 Swart is operato
for the Western Union.
J. F. Kershaw is agent for tho W
& C. R., telegraph operator and North
ern Pacific Express agent.
Good Dressers Wear Good
Not necessarily expensive, as the reason of the unvarying success of the big storo
has'been its desire, purpose and intent to sell only such merchandise as could be
called trade builders in the true sense. A trado bnildor is an item of merit The
merit of an article depends upon the prices asked for it. As wo buy only from the
recognized leaders of American manufactures, we remove to tho utmost limit, all
thought of inferiority, and are in a position to claim first class value. Therefore
when you buy at tne big btoro you get the best, are satisfied while using it and
pleased to call again. We are pleased to see you return.
AH Sizes and
all Prices
ft Disease and Diabetes
ly Curable.
iteL?I,SB. DrlBht'8 DlflCM8
NtwT . ' recovertea) In
KuSL .t.acJirab,e "
wniivi nf ,:",,i0"sa"on ana dem
bi. 0 "Porta and for
m dry n,T, I0r ursent cases
hetort. or "end for one of
rHIDT&C0 ,PendIet0B
Took Fever Several Weeke Ago A
Backset Was Cause of His Demise.
Daniel Walters, age 36, died at 7
o'clock Sunday evening at his home
on Aura street, after several weeks
of suffering with fever,
Mr. Waters waB born In Southern
Oregon and romoved to Umatilla coun
ty abut 13 years ago. He Is a son
of Henry Walters and leaves a wife,
btu no children. The funeral services
will bo held at the undertaking par
lors of M. A. Rader Tuesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock and the remains will be
laid to rest, In Olney cemetery.
Fine imported
cloth, made in a
clean union shop
American fabric
with wonderful
wearing quality
A line that com
mends itself to the
Don't forget to
remember our
corduroy pants
A lovely woman
in a McGcc under
is sure of an ele
gant appearance
of her street cos
tume. Therein
lies the secret of
their popularity.
$1.50 to $5
According to material and make
up all have the patent smooth fas
tener in back. Each skirt has an
extension of four inches to suit
varying waists.
Boston Store
Hotel Pendleton.
H. B. Colton, Pordand.
Mrs. H. H. Weatherspoon, Portland
A. D. Chase Portland.
William Manor, Portland.
C. B. Simpson, Washington.
A. G. Ogllvic, Portland.
Henry North, Portland.
W. V. Smith, Portland.
M. ABher, San Francisco.
N. Roberts, Portland.
T. J. Armstrong, Portland.
W. S. Marshall, Portland.
J. G. Conrad, Chicago.
M. H. Patton, Spokane.
H. T, Hexter, Portland.
A. S. Heatfiold, Spokane.
George Harris, Portland.
Andrew Nylander, Portland.
H, H. Weatherspoon, Portland.
S. B. Martin.
S. Waldmnn, Portland.
Mrs. H. G. Wood and con. Spokane.
T. Hallock. Fort. Dodge.
A. B. .Hawn, Kllensburg.
W. A. Lawrence, Buffalo.
M. A. Miller, Lobanon.
J. W. Miller. Milton.
W. S. White, Spokane,
W, R. Glendonlng, Spokane.
K. C. Ashbaugh, Heppner.
B. A. Coull, Philadelphia.
S. L. Ross, city.
H. B. Bllger and wife. Olympia.
R. S. Hawn and wife, Ellensburg.
J. E. Johnson, Buffilo.
Mrs. A. E. French, Portland.
C. J. Rupert, Tacoma.
C .A. Getchell. Spokane.
The Golden Rule.
Hugh McCall, aL Grande.
M. Hockenberry, La Grande.
Ia Swackhammer, 1-a .rande.
C. Graut, La Grande.
If. Sullivan, I-a Grande.
J. Sullivan, Ia Grande.
N E. Scriber, La Grande.
D. Bay, La Grande.
H. Allstott, I-a Grande.
R. Bunker, La Grande.
O. Grandy, I41 Grande.
H. Nell!, La Grande.
P, Jackson, La Grande.
L. Cayler, La Oranuo.
S. Sparks, I-a Grande,
John Mitchell, Grando,
0. N. Young, Weston,
J. A. Selton, city.
Thurston Hall, Boston.
Will S. Miller, Washington.
Marie Harriott, Boston,
SUCCESS attends our November Clothing and Dry Goods Sale
Ethel Harriott, Boston.
C. L. Harriott, Boston.
George R, Sprague and wife, New
M. Sastman, Walla Walla.
W. N. Parish, Walla Walla.
Paul McZoil, New lork.
H. M. Peysller, San Francisco.
George W. Proebstel, Weston.
A.' E. Poole, San Francisco.
JameB Branner, San Francisco.
W. R. McKobzerts, Spokane.
A. W. TIchner, Spokane.
F. G. Kenney, Spokane.
E. Dehaxer, Spokane,
Mrs. M. B. Hill, Spokane.
Ray Barton, city.
James Nelson, Valley,
Mrs. Eugene Tausick, Walla Walla.
D. Hodden, city.
J. McManus, Adams.
R. Watt, Adams.
H. Depen, Adams.
H. C. Branster, Stage Gulch.
G. D. Galley, Portland.
M. J. Williams, Portland.
J. L. Moran, Seattle.
H. McArthur, Ahtena.
D. W. Fageley, Walla Walla.
William J. Moore, Spokane.
A. J. Hall, Spokane.
G. E. Mason, city.
C. D. Rlnker, Spokane.
F. J. Gardner, Portland.
H. W. Cameron, Spokane.
Charels Bell, Ferdon.
C. C. Bedford, city.
Frank Nelson, Athena.
Henry Ring, Helix.
Andrew Sarslnger, Helix.
Charles Tallagand, Helix.
C. F. Daniel, citr.
55. Houser, La Grande.
R. DIrkhoff, I-a Grande.
In reply to Inquiries we have pleas
ure in announcing that Ely's Liquid
Cream Balm Is like the solid prepara
tion of that admirable remedy In that
it cleanses and heals membranes af
fected by nasal catarrh. Thero Is no
drying or sneezing. The Liquid Cream
Balm Is adapted to use by patients
who have trouble in Inhaling through
the nose and prefer spraying. The
price. Including spraying tube, Is 7C
cents. Sold by druggists or mallod
by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren street,
New York.
Three Hundred Delegates Present at
the Sixth Annual Meeting of the
Texas Federation of Clubs.
Beaumont, Texas, Nov. 17. The
sixth annual meeting of the Texas
Federation of Women's Clubs was
railed to order shortly after 9 o'clock
this .morning .by Mrs, Percy V., Penny
packer, of Austin, the state president.
II 1
it FOR
Nothing can be conceived that will make a more joyful
present for your wife, daughter or mother than a beautiful
high grade piano Now is the time to consider buying a piano.
Call at our wareroom and Fee the magnificent pianos we are
displaying. You can afford a piano because we arrange the
payments so easy that it is scarcely noticeable to you. Come
and learn our easy payment plan.
Wareroom on Court Street
The auditorium was elaborately dec
orated. More than 300 delegates and
visiting club women were present.
Addresses were delivered on behalf
of the city and the local club women,
and the response was by Mrs. John
C, Coit, of Denton. Reports for the
district presidents were presented as
follows: Mrs. J. D. Osborne, Cleburne,
for tho North Central district: Mrs.
John B. Goodhue, of Beaumont, for
tho Southwestern district; Mrs. E1'
mund Key, of Marshall, for tho North
eastern district; MIbb Cockrell, of
Abilene, for the Northwestorn dis
trict, and Mtb. Milton W Sluims, of
Bryan, for the Southwestern district
Reports of tho various federation
officers and the election of now mem
bers wero the principal features of
business at the afternoon session.
This evening tho delegates aro to
listen to an address by Mrs. D. T. 8.
Denlsoii, of New York City, president
of the General Federation of Women's
The sessions of the convention aro
to continue until next Friday, Tin
promotion of tho educational move
ment Is to bo the principal work of
the present gathering. Tho federa
tion hopes to h able to raise an en
dowment fund for scholarship In tho
state university for poor hut desorV'
lug girls. The movement has aroused
general Interest throughout tho state
and promises to result successfully,
Attention Knights.
Damon Lodge No. 4. K. of P. will
work tonight In the second and third
ranks. All knights are 'requested to
bo present. L. W. HELD, 0. C.
K, of R. and S.
Famous at home for
Generations past ;
Famous now all over
the World.
rot Me bjr
Farmers Custom Mil.
Fred Walters, Proprietor
Capacity If) barrels Any
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour, Mill FckI, (liopjK-d V1, etc
always on IihihI.