BLAMES MORMONS PROMINENT IDAHO DEMOCRAT SAYS CHURCH DID IT. Something good for Christmas Durtne the holiday season, when rood cheer ererrwherepreTalla, there U no thins nicer ' tohTO in the house than a UtUo trood whisker, and besides, your pbralelan will tell you It U excellent In many eases otstekness. nut you must bare tood whiskey, pure whiskey. You don't want to drink poor whiskey yourself, much leas offer It to your friends, while as a medicine, poor whiskey, adulterated whiskey, may do you decided harm. IIAYNER W11ISUEY com to you dlreet from our own distillery, with all It original richness and flaror, and carries a UNITED STATES REGISTERED DISTILLER'S GUARANTEE of PURITY and AOS. When you buy IIAYNER WHISKEY you Bare the enormous profits of the dealers and hsTo our Euarantee that your money will be promptly refunded U you are notpertectly satisfied with the whiskey after trylmr It. That's fafr.lsn'tlt? HAYNER WHISKEY PURE SEVEN-YEAR-OLD RYE 4 FULL $ QUARTS 4 .00 EXPRESS " PREPAID 'We aesd you FOUR TOLL QUART BOTTLES of HAYNER'S SEVEN-YEAR-OLD RYE for M.0O, exprsas o&srxea paid by us. Try It and if you don't find It all risht and as rood as you ctct drank or can buy from anybody else at any price, send It back at niurarr -nui oner is oacaea Dy s company wun a capital or (SDO,oeaoB. paia uin iuii, maa ug prow rcpucauou ox so years ox continuous success, wenaye borer a quarter ot a million satisfied customers, prorloe conelustTely that' i our whiskey la all riant and that we do exactly as we Bay. Shipment made - la a plain sealed case, with no marks or brands to indicate contents. 1t von can MA SO On arts, or eut nl aotnA of fnnr frlandi la fain fcyos. wa will aand yon W Uuaxt far 816. OO, by fralght prepaid, fhrna iniui V4.00. '. FIFF With each four quart order we will send free one sold-tlpped whiskey .. . .. cilms ona corkscrew. If you with to send an order to a friend, as 5 a Christmas present, we will enclose with the shipment an elegant aourenlr card, with both your names neatly printed thereon. Write our nearest office and do It NOW. THE HAYNER DISTILLING COMPANY ST. PAWL, IMN. BAYTON, OHIO ST. LOUIS, MO. 84 DisTiixaBT, Taoy, a Establxsbbo 188S. No Bad Debts Arc contracted by. our system of doing business for we sell for cash and give our custo mers the benefit of our saving from loss. .More fresh, first clasSjgroceries.for your money than any o trier store in Pen ton. Our stock is all fresh. New goods- arriving daily Miller Grocery Co. cash;qrocery and bakery Gome To Us For .your lumber and .building material of all descriptions and you will save money and get first-class stock. We can sup ply you with Doors, Windows, Screen doors and windows,, building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand. We make a specialty of wood gutter"; for barns and dwellings. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta 8t opp. Court House. FOR SALE A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. For Bilious and Nerrous' Disorders; such as Wind and Pain In the Stomach, Sick Head ache, Giddiness, fulness and Swelling after meals, nixiinesa and Drowsiness, Cold Chills Flushings of Heat, Lois of Appetite, Short nets of Breath, Costlveness, Blotches on'tht Skin. Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, &c THE FIRST-DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF, IN TWENTT MINUTES. Thfs ii .no nction. Itrcry sufferer is earnestly inrlted tatty one Box of these Pills, and thor will be ack notviedeea ictWwiTrlOUT A RIVAL. HKKCIJAItl'S PI&LS taken as diree tsd, will quickly restore Females to complete health. They promptly remove any onstr tlon or irregularity cf the system, for Weak Stomachv Impaired Digestion. Disordered Liver, they act like nuirlc a few doses will work wonaers upon lac vital uikkos; Bircngiacn- Ing the muscular System, restoring the long, lost ComDlcxion, brinzinz back the keen edge of appetite, and arousing with the half section of fine wheat land, all in summer-fallow, north of Pendleton. Good improvements. Almost a section of land in one body, a short dis tance north of town. FHAHK B. CLOPTON &00 MAIN STREET Bosebod of Health the whole Jhy alcal eaergy of the human frame. Thesa are "facts" admitted by thousands, in all dssses of society, and one of the best guar antee to the Nervous and Debilitated is that BHOHAM'8 PILLS haveths Largest Sale of any Patent Medlol nee In the World. Beecham'a Pills havre been befora the public for half a. century, and art) the moat popular family medlclna. No testimonials suro published. MM BMchsm'i Pills RECOMMEND THEMSELVES. Praparad only by Thomas lioecham. St. flelens. HuSt ttd 800 Canal Bt,. Maw York. Sold Terrrhara In boxaa. 10c. and Sfio. Nasal In -l Us itse mere should be clcsiil'Jiesr". Ely's Cream Hal" tleaiiH,;ir.ils the dieael ir.ciubr .v. ItcorecatrrhDtldr in sway a cold in I he Lead quickly. Crenm Ttnlin l pluced Into the nostrils, spread over the membrane aud S sbrorbed. Itellerls lmJ nitdlate'aud a euro follows. It Is not drying does not produce sneezing. Large Size, E0 cents at Drug- riitt or by mail ; Trial Blze, 10 cents by man. ELY BKOTUBHS. M Warren Street. New Tort coZtt We Control Your Spiritual Affairs and Must Control Your Political Affairs, Said Elders S. P, Donnelly of Lakoviow, chair limn of the Idaho democratic Btato central committee, who Is in Spokane on his way home from Boise, attrib utes Hirt. of the democracy's mlsfor tuncH to Uio Influence of tho Mormon church In an Interview last night Mr. Donnelly said: "There Is no doubt that tho alump nnglnat us in tho southeastern part of tho state was directly due to tho influence of the Mormon church. rVrom Salt Lake the orders went forth for the Mormons to vote the republi can ticket, and they voted It, "In tho campaign of 1900 the church contracted with Mark Hanna and the republican national committee to de liver to the republicans the states of Utah, Wyoming and Idaho. Thoy de livered Utah and Wyoming In that election, but were unable to deliver the goods as to Idaho until tills year. Apostles Took a Hand. "This year Apostles John Honry Smith nnd Mnthias Crowley came Into Idabo from Salt Lake and worked strenuously for the election pf the re publican ticket Women, you know. can vote In Idaho, nnd I know of In stances where Crowley in particular said to women: 'I control your spirit ual affairs and I have the right to control your political affairs.' An as sociate of these men is Itoed Smoot, the apostle whom the republicans ot Utah nro going to send to tho United States senate and who had a hand in the deal between tho church and the republican national committee. "They did their work principally In four counties Fremont, Oneida, Bingham and Bannock. In Bannock county tho city of Pocatello gave a democratic majority; hut the country precincts, which are largely Mormon, gave so heavy a republican majority that the county as a whole gave the republicans about 500 majority. Ingratitude to Dubois. "In this work tho apostles have been guilty of the rankest kind of In gratitude to Senator Fred T. Dubois, and they will live to regret It, Sena tor Duliols was mainly Instrumental In having tho test oath removed In Idaho. That oath required that overy cltlzen or Idaho, before ho could vote, must swear that he was not living in polygamy and that he would not per mit tho church to control him in mat tors political. When tho test oath was removed trie church issued a manifesto in which it avowed Its in tentjon not to mix in politics. In the election just hold It has violated tho promise made in that manifesto ab solutely. "Dubois went further. When the fight was on over the admission of Utah, Dubois stood up on the floor of tho United tSates senate and said that the Mormon church had kept Its promises in Idaho, and that Its hands were off politics there. Ho said that from his knowledge and experience with the church, It would keep Its promises in Utah, and it was largely through Mr. Dubois' efforts that Utah was admitted. Mr. Dubois Is the leader of the democratic party In Idaho' and tho church has exhibited its gratitude toward him by helping the republicans carry tho state. "Every little, narrow two by four politician in Idaho Is pecking at DU' bols today; but the fact remains that he is the most popular man In tho state, and hls'prestlgo has not suffer' ed one Iota by tills defeat" Spokes man Review. KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL are both hrouclit into use in any PLUMBING work we may be favored with. Brain and muscle work to gether for the benefit of our cus tomers. We are neither ex travagant or niggardly in the use of material. Enough is used to make the work perfect and no more. And we charge enough for good work and no more. B. F. BECK, The Plumber Court Bt. Opposite Golden Rule Hotel GOT THE DIAMOND RING. Miss Mollie Lets Voted the Most Pop ular Young Lady at the Catholic Fair Last Night The contest for the diamond ring at tho Catholic fair closed last oven ing and Miss Mollie I.cte was voted tho rnpst popular young lady In the town, .she carrying off the prize. Miss Leto won by a good, safo margin, ShaV' ing votes to the amount of $84.85 to the noxt highest, Miss Nellie Hard man's, $t;G.l.r. Tho third highest was Miss Ethel Shafer, who had votes amounting to $41.75. ' This contest was tho warmest of any slnco tho fair opened. It drew a largo crowd of supporters of the young ladies of their choice and dur Ing tho early part of the contest the) contestants ran very close together. The largest crowd to. visit the hall since the fair opened was there last night and today and this evening promises a larger crowd than before. This evening ends tho fair. Dinner will be served from 11:30 a. m, to mid night. The prizes will all bo awarded tonight and tho articles raffled off will be closed out tonight. The greatest drawing card ot the fair Is expected to bo the winding up ot the voting for the prize of a free year's room and nursing at tho now hospital to tho most popular fraternal order. Tho voting in this contest Is expected to bo very spirited and members of tho most influential orders in the city are expected to be present and spend a large amount ot money to secure the prize. The best. Teutsch's. shoe repair work at JferZiieMitiAt IforeSeen Two-thirds'of the inmates of our hospitals are women. They are in most cases either fori or for an oik; ration, made necessary by advanced stages of female troubles which hare resulted u a tumor, or displacement 01 Uio womb. "AN OPERATION NECESSARY." How these words after the examination strike terror to a woman's soul, und with whit r hears them, when she considers that the operation has become necessary through her own refect .i i i. i.i 1 1 ,1 ai... : 1 , . ., i there is no cure. The woman who lets hor trouble nuike headway -nays tho penalty' of a dinnm tion and a lifetime of impaired usefulness at tho best, and the operation often proves fatal lrhali .might have been saved by Lydin E. Plnkhum's Vegetable Compound. When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful mm ation, weakness, leucorrhoea, displacement or ulceration of the vvoal bearing down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating jorl lence), general debility, indigestion and nervous prostration; orartbtm such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassitude, excitability, IrrltablM vousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, and " want-io-be-left-alone "ieelhm the blues, they should remember that there is one tried anfl neverm remedy; Lydia E. Pwkham's Compound at once removes such troubles. READ THE FOLLOWING LETTERS. "Dkau Mns. Pinkham: I cannot tell you how much good you have done me and how thai am to you ior u. and those condition oneration was necessary. "Two months ago a friend suggested that I try Lydia E. Plnkliani's Vegetable Oobjwb one knows what it has done for mo and how thankful I am for it It brought mo the first well oaji had for five years. It did for me what doctors could not do, and I want every suffering wrau about it." Louise Nauru, 761 E. IGOth St., New York City. "Beak Mrs. Pinkiiam: I wish to thank you for what Iiydia E. Plnkham's "Vegetable W has done for me. I had terrible hemorrhages, being lacerated from the birth of my child. Theio me that if I would have an operation I would be woll nnd strong. I submitted tiVhu'f before ; no one knows what I suffered. Finally a friend advised me to try your Vegetable (tapwi so, and commenced to fcol bettor; I continued its use, and it has done for me what doctonMWiW am strong and well. If women with any kind of female troubles would only consult you before m to an operation they spared many hours of pain and suffering. I cannot thank yon emu what you have done for me." Anna KmomioFr, 156 E. 100th St, New York City. ) ' afMVb df FORFEIT we cannot forthwith producs tba original IstUrs and ilsnaluraa o! atwratoUs'' b WISE IS THE WOMAN WHO HAS FAITH IN Aaajgf - m. asa T VVkUKJV assr j- - i'or nve years i nave not ueen tree irom pain ior a day. i nave naa DaciacuB, u wful dragging sensations with loucorrhcea, and when menstruation appeared J5i t could hardly sit up. I doctored all the time, but nothintr helped me, and I was tcHi KING CHRISTIAN CONGRATULATE Though Nearlng His Ninetieth Year He Enjoys Excellent Health Has Ruled 39 Years. Copenhagen, Sweden, Nov. 15. King Christian, was the recipient of congratulatory messages today from 1 nearly all the courts of Europe, the occasion being the 39th anlversary of his accession to the throne. Though ' nearing his ninetieth year the vener able ruler continues to enjoy excel lent health and Is as vigorous men tally and physically, as many men of fiO. At tho recent autumn review King Christian appeared on horseback at the head ot a column of royalty, the white-haired king sitting his horse llko a man ot 30. Only a few weeks ago, whllo out riding Ids horse be-1 came frightened and bolted. After a 1 mod race of nearly a mile tho horse Jumped a stono wall, but through It all King Christian sat as though glued in tho saddle. Through his en-1 tiro life his horses have been his I chief dellcht. Enw, IVtWsIs- rlon tin spends an hour or more at tho riding uw.uciuy lUBirucung nis grandson In the art Of horsem.inatiln At I when the customary family party has a visit to the royal stables before re- avlslt to the muni atnMae - -- ---- --- rauiv re tiring, feeding his favorites with su gar loafs from his own hnnds. in re cent years the king has become more clmplo In his habits, though ho never was inclined t tlm .iior,in.. . u.oimwj ui pump and ceremony usually associated with 4 WUltj a MISS IDA M. Treasurer of the Brooklyn East End ArtlJ SNYP EN'STRUAL irregu larities are gener ally the beginning of a woman's trou bles. With tho vitality at a low ebb, the blood -weakened, the digestion disor dered, she goes about pale faced, hollow-eyed and Lag- r, a piteous contrast to blooming health of her former self. But over I .OOO.OOO.women have found- health again by taking Wine of Cardui. As a regulator of the menstrual periods Wine of Cardui has never bccnJmown to fail. It has seldom failed to restore ICSS. perfect health, .even in the most Tho Ooodnnnirh MnrMnin. n. Company. Elgin general merchants, has Purchased tho flouring mill of the Elgin Milling Company. tent and acoravated case of weak Miss Ida M. Snvder. of No. 685 Ber gen Street, Brooklyn, N. Y Jbaa used Wine of Canlui and she says it helped her into a new life. Health to Mies Snyder is worth a great deal. She is an attractive young woman with intel lectual attainments and she occupies tho position of Treasurer of the Brook lyn East End Art Club. This position marks her as a person of intellect, cul ture and refinement and it speaks hi only of the respect and trust her fellow women have jn her. She writes i "If women would pay more attention . as to W'Mg have m Wgil mothers t5A Ifthyfi' prtsoifJ'; , a.-, i. ford's BUck-DtMl 1 1... res. health, and It only MW"0" , cure me." ., 'You may wou T.V&rt Missfevdex.Uyw-dV i she tOOK ,"' .rnaW Draught is the MBr;t) Wino of Cardoi'i bowel regulator & WINE of CARD VI or . a rnre. medicines wfjll, tA nri cure is 'Waiw ay UK ' asl ahroatarelson werj-1 I .vol ive BroOW-ureTi- W-