WORTH WHILE. Musical Instruments Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Accor dians, Concertinas, Zithers, and Autoharps VVc handle none but the best makes, and our prices are the lowest .... Brock & RftcComas Company DRUGGISTS SATURDAY, NOVKMBEU 15; t902; A CITy OF BOOKS. How many youug men of Pendleton will set aside ouo day's wages, each month, for one yvar, for tho purpcac of buyiusr books for a free library? How many book lovers are Uiero In Pendleton? What amount :an be spared from the yearly salary to civet a monument to the progress and love of enlightenment of Pendle ton workers? ' Have you evei thouRlit of It? 'You have, a thousand times You are i In favor of It. Certainly, you are, asiyoiijure In Mayor of every other movement looking toward a better life. It is proposed to make. Portland a city of roses. Well and good. 'That is an artistic aim. It furnishes a.- pure and clean theme for discus sion and a noble task to work at. We will make a city of books and will begin today. In the midst of a populous and pros perous community; an educational center, with wider possibilities at hand In. the erection of a new school; a metropolis of the Inland Empire; the home of hundreds of farmers and stockmen whose property lies at a distance from this city, yet who live here to enjoy tthe advantages of this city, we can and must provide enter tainment' for the young men who are building' characters here, and the young women whq-are blossoming in to f.the 'excellence of womanhood, as future advisors, (said in all respect fOT' the mastery of man) and help meets of them. Can you imagine a quicker way to put' a name into effect than to call Pendleton a city of books, and forth-! with buy books to All It? Can you' suggest a method 01 juakmn n better' IK thnn thlrt? ' Can you think of a work that would be$a stronger barrier against preva lent temptations? It Is a suggestion, only. Are you In favof of 'it or can you improve upon it? Are you willing to set aside 'twelve days' wages for avyear, to make Ron dleton thevclty of ibooks? TbJs-is now before you. It seems Impossible to believe that a dozen prominent citizens of Port land, all reasonably well acquainted with Oregon conditions, could te bun coed out of over one hundred dollars each, by a fraudulent timber locator. The very magnitude of tthe proposition condemned IL If there was a body of vacant timber land in the very heart of tho oldest settled nectlon of the state that would accommodate 15 homesteader or timber (claims. Homo roUablo man could havo been found, acquainted with the facts. Governor Goor, In his letter docUn- lng to call an extra session of the legislature. .IayM stress upon tho tact that he is the choice of Jthe people for United States senator. Tho ieoplo havo made many a choice before, and have been thwarted. The politicians have got Governor Geer on one knee and tho people on Uie other, and while they are singing a lullaby to these un Biisnoctlnc innocents, somo fellow, from the neighboring flat, will run J off with the rag doll of the senator-1 ship. I The story of Irrigation Is being written by master hands in Eastern Oregon. It will bo tho greatest chap ter In civilization's .pages. Tho con quering of -tho wilderness, the subju gation of tho savages, the lntroduc- tlon of railways and telegraph, will al be stars of second magnitude. compared Ho the ibrldting of the spring freshets and -their submission to man Tho -conversion of a desert into homes' of thrift and contentment will equal cny.vconque3t'tii history. "Prince Cupid," the native Hinvii' Han elected delegate to congress over Wilcox, will make a picturesque fig' ure in American politics. If he in sists o nwearing his palm leaf suit on state occasions. Joe Hailoy, who de clined to put on the regulation oven lng dress suit, will find vindication for ills stand. The New York World devotes an entire page to the discussion of so clulisru. Is-it possible that the goblin hasJlost its terrors .for the eonsurva tlveand thatlts hideous meln after having been endured so long. Is to Oo embraced? Portland is still shaking her skirts in a vain endeavor to scare tho gambling mouse away. Meantime, the mouse sits nibbling at Its piece of cheese, unterrlfled by the frantic con tortions of the good old dame. CAYU8E AND AUTOMOBILE. An automobile and a pinto cayuse going down the. street-side by side. Yesterday and today the past and present tho picturesque and the com mercial the old and the now. It is needless to say that on tho back of the cayuse was a personage as picturesque as he. And at the rudder of the automobile was a figure as expressive of modern Ideas as the clipping, noiseless machine itself. Strict business and despatch personi fied1. Such gifts as this scarcely call for a second glance. Progress? - Yes, and a progress that sufferslfor lack of sentiment We are leaving ithe old behind, just in projorUon as the noiseless wheels leave thos clatter ing hoofs behind. It is a break neck pace! What Is not, this day and age? Seventy miles and hour by rail and tourists cursing tho engineer for not making time. Six days to uverpooi, and busines men praying for the fly ing machine, to outstrip the fledt- winged vessel. A flash of the electric spark that Is heard .in 20 seconds around the earth tho earth that has only been circumnavigated by man four short centuries and the eager public is shouting for Marconi to take away tho bonds of steel and give us a wave ot'.thought as- certain, and ten fold swifter! Thiw two objects am landmarks on the borders of civilization. They stand for two races of men. They are symbols of two ages. Vivtii ih KU-of nnil llnftririi' mem ories of the one, we turn to the amaz ing records of' tho other. The country is passing under tthe wondrous panoramic vista of change that reaches from one of these ex tremes to the other. Mentality and doctrine are trav eling the same upward path. Faith and politics and economics are going ahead even, as uio automouue .out strip the ,pony express. What. is it we call progress,, in thought? Is It Mo preach and not to practice? Is it to have advanced Ideas and poor results? Or in nmifrfiHR thi lolnlnc together of the thought that moves away from a given .stationary point and tho deed that moves onward toward an Ideal of action? The pony Is out of place In govern ment and politics today. Tho easy limcli nf thn nut nmnlilllRr tho skill and movement that forges ahead of wornout truths is at tho loau. Betterment is tho watchword every where. Nothing Is stationary. Wo either go back or forward; the cayuse is an lm- I packsaddlo; the pneumatic tired bug gy lords it over tne ox-can. In Just such proportion today" nAllnv n 1 tYiMlfllt nTlfl faith flhfllllfl ru .... n w "tJ'-w - , rise nbovo those of yesterday, or oven an hour ago, for principles, like physical growths, are constantly cnangwg. It Isn't worth whllo to worry Tltougli uie tnreaes 01 uie uay ure And wo strive In vain, with the tang led 8K01U. Till lnhor nnd lovi Room lost! It Is easy to fret nnd trouble. And It's hard to sing and smile. Hut the anxious mood does nobody goou, And it really isn't wortli while. It Isn't worth while to worry Though others misunderstand, And the good you do is thrown back at you, And the favored refuse their liand; You ran call men cross nnd stupid, And sneer at their gracoless guile. Hut the cynlc'R part never helps the heart. And It really isn't wortli while. It isn't worth while to worry Though the battle for bread be sore And the want nt home drives you forth to roam xV beggar from door to door; You may not deserve such fortune. Nor others deserve their pile. Hut the reign of right will not come with spite. And It really Isn't worth while. It isn t worth while to worry Hut it 1 wortli while to trust. And to keep one's faith that in life or death The triumph Is of the Just; That infinite love and wisdom Are guidlug us mile by mile. And the stars may fall, but God's over all All! this really Is wortli while. Robert Whltaker. Reno, Nevada. The Spokane Retail Clerks' Asso ciation has appointed a vigilance committee to keep watch on some of the local merchants. The clerks have received reports that some of the mer chants have opened their stores on Sunday, nnd threaten that if any gro cer or merchant Is found violating the law by keeping open on Sunday he will be prosecuted. Students of Whitman college turn ed a false alarm of Are as a college joke lately and now tho president has asked the city officials to detect Uio guilty ones and see that they are heavily fined. A WOMAN'S RSK As a trapeze performer is greater than a man's. She must have a man's courage and a man's muscle to succeed. But she must also work under conditions of which a man knows nothing. Many an accident to women acrobats must be attributed to the sudden weakuess to which all women are subject at cer tain times. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription heals the womanly diseases which cause weak ness. It estab lishes regular ity, dries weakening drains, lieais inflammation and ulceration. and cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. With pleasure I write today In praise of Dr Here and hit wedlcinej," say Mrs. Mary Con way. of Appleton, Lawrence Co.. Tenn. "Was troubled with female dlscaxe ; the back of my bead hurt me to I could not lie In bed and I would have to sit up, and then 1 would hare such pains from my waist down X could scarcely raise up. My feet and hands would feel aliuo&l Ufce ice. Since ukiug Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription I can sleep well all night. Could hardly drag around before 1 took your medi cine, and now can do my housework and help my husband in the field. Words cannot cxpreiK the thanks I owe to Dr. Pierce." Weak and sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, containing more than a thou sand large pages, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the cloth-bound volume, or only 21 stamps for the book in paper covers. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y. JJLsEMaIEH r nelens. Moat., Oct. 4, 1002. Dr.C A Perrin, Helena, Mont 1 with to thank you for my re lief I was offering- agonies from plies and was taking mor phine to relieve me, when, on thn ailvloa ot a friend, I procured a bottle ot your Perrin Pile Spe cific and took a tableipoonlul at nltht and an other Ic the morn ing. At hall past 12, noon, my wile Rave me another tablespoon, ful, when my pain all stopped. In two days I was able to attend my regular boslLsss entirely re. lloved. It was simply wonderful, Truly yours, Julius Meytioeer, Furrier, Helena. Farmers Custom Mil. Fred Walters, Proprietor Capacity 160 barrels a day Flour exchanged for wheat Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc always on band. U SPECIAL SALE ON BOYS' CLOTHING For a short time we will make a special discount on boys' suits and overcoats. Now is the time when your boys will need New Suits and Overcoats and you can save, money by buying of His. Notice some of our Specials quoted 'below-: Boys' three piece suits' late style dark check . . ..ti.25 Boys' dark colored suits, three piece , i.jo Boys' heavy two piece suits, sizes 7 t9,i3-- 2.50 Boys' heavy two piece suits, sizes 7 to 13' . .. 3.50 Boys' fine wool serge dress suits ' . . .?$3.5o$4 and 4.75 Boys' short overcoats, sizes 5 to 8 2.00 Boys' short overcoats, heavy .'and warm, 6 to 14 .. a.75 Boys' long overcoats, 9 to 15 years 3 25 Boys long overcoats, heavy, 9 to 15 years 4.00 young Men's long overcoats, all sizes ..$6.50, $5, 4 00 Special Discount on the above prices for ONE WEEK of ' ' ! T e n per cent off Don't miss this opportunity to outfit your boys THE FAIR Real For Sale ueauuiui resilience property on Court street, two lots and dwelling, TZ,oUU.OO. Residence lots, well located, at prices ranging from $100.00 to 1250.0 each. Boarding house and one lot 14 rooms centrally located, I2.E00.00. Boarding houso.19 roonu.,11,900.00 One lot with dwelling and stable. $700.00. One lot and bouse, $500.00. Two lots, dwelllncr ft stable, $900.00. rooms, bath and sewerage, three One lot with dwelling of seven blocks from MoJn street, $2,500.00. And much other proierty, all on easy terms E. D. BOYD, 111 Court Street I have bargained with a compotont Timber Cruiser to locate Valuable Timber Claims On the line 0. 3 railroad now under construction. N This means a big ohanoe for first-comers. See N.Berkeley HaBVaeie80me gd farm8 for THE P L A CE TO SAVE MONEY Quick Heat Is wlnit you want on crisp' mornings after a sudden change. This is another de mand that will show the ex cellence of Cole's Original Hot Blast Stoves The room heated to 80 de drees lu live minutes; and tills temperature maintained "for three hours in the morning with the fuel put Into the stove the night before, is the record. TAYLOR The Hardware Man Sole Agent For. POULTRY and STOCK SUPPLIES CALL ON Coleswtfrthy -AT Tflfc CHOP MILL 127 and IIS Emit Alta Street THEY'RE COMING. At a jrerj tt3t clip. We refer to the many , , ' w TTums wo will on 17 W iw glad to have you teant your eye upon. NTVIIan tlr.il 1 'maiI,. .a 1-1 - a 1. 1 priced,, there's uo rvwon Iu the world why Vmi Vlllll.4 m uum uui uecume ma prouu pocur wtne?C BUSINESS WAGONS or WINOMA n a nrru ut .11.... T oor petla! order. Tney 'are trong, w Jo bTe the SYRACUSE CHILLED -"i mv.w u. iu iiKui uraii nou rwm resalts. call and examine our buggy topi, duhex, eoahlona. etc. At the Big Urlck Shop, Corner Water and Cottonwood atreeta. m NBAQLH BROTHBR& Water St., near Main, I'm dleton, Ore All kinds !.. 1 Planing of &U to oider. Don't place 1 Building Material consulted Us. ! t Pendleton Plana 1 CONNUBIAL uiu grcauy ennanw .1... -r j .. iu uie auiu ill uum pineis in mis respect be beat at laundry 11 u vuui allium zuc -.j nave a "Dosomirina L1VC VULi I.UU11UIL 1 Ul Special attention to ami cuiis rinesrwi ncr nrirnc iirrirrrrrT . . rF. . H M I.S. Robinson, Prep, They like W; K.vnrv nerson ho . ' ... .... 1... ntir nueiprc na. nrrn There Is a diettaa in oysters w pet rtur sud&it direct from ou bwa rrnr lMrerrt Ifl 1 tural flaVor; Justjlikei by the bed iud opal They are not shlppeJ s country, ftoren iuia Our Eastern and 3 Bay oysters cone to wait. If you ! . oysters come i - . r... taint i. Wood, Coal i-.!l rv n j m rtm i r- n-llvertdP'' We are ip . - j irucKiug . , 0( pared to mo.lM ruLLBrrE'5 cimui Hftiniim" j-ateatM"'!"1 r. Inn M r WSir., I Jl- ndi"n'--iroo