-1 CITY MAIL DELIVERY IT PAYS TQ TRADE AT TttB PEOPLES WAREHOUSE t9&9 $J.OO. ,973 $. 25. bplete assortment of styles and sizes. foVEMBEIl 13. 1902. EVITIES. (arm loans. Lm chowder : at Castle's. led at Teutsch's. lerested In P. I. R. et 6uiU at Joorger's. iiring go to Teutsch's. st and saur kraut at shoe repairing at ern and Cove oysters nburcer and Swiss bes at Gratz's. loking at Phillips' res- Ung tastes good. br Dutton's fine tafflea chocolate creams. kill be the helghth of I by Siebert & Schulz. " and Buff Cochin alp at the Standard lowest market price. dglng house, 12 rooms . Main street. Good nrgain. E. T. Wade. hall and winter street losed out this week at prices at Mrs. Canip- fcweet potatoes, chick- at the Standard uro- Ish plan saves you in Need id Indeed" lood umbrella is a till need especi- lis season of the (Stock is new and of the latest finishes in i Wt guarantee ftotone vear. tins WZIKER l0(fefn Jeweler wc are a tew ol our best sellers: I WE! The long hip form is the original long hip corset. It has set the mode in corset styles. The long hip gives that deep graceful dip, rounds off the hips into graceful curves, takes all strain from the abdomen and chest and places it upon the hips and back ' muscles. Absolutely hygienic The only corset for the new style skirts. Erect Form 990 $.00 Erect Form 992 $1.50 L ire numerous other models of the W B i which vou will also find at our store. Teuntsdii I Whitaker, the dontist. j Oyster cocktails at Gratz's. Olympia oysters at Castle's. I People are interested in P. I. R. Neuman'a for cigars and tobacco. Cigars, tobacco and smokers' sup plies at Jack Candish'8. Wood, coal and hay now on hand, P. P. Collier & Co. Immense ilne of toys, dolls, games, fancy celluloid novelties, and station ery. Nolf's. Wo hnvp tl.p nnxtpfit and larcest stock of JardinierS at prices so low as to surprise you. u. itonrman. Wrirk Is wanted as chambermaid or in pantry by Mrs. Donnelly. See classified column for particulars. Wanted A strong, capable girl to do housework. Wages $4 to $5 per week. Call at 725 Johnson street The Daily East Oregonian is on saie In Tnrf land nt thfi Rich I16WS Stand In Hotel Perkins, and at the Hotel Port land. Thn iwrsnn who lost four flat keys have the same bv calling at this office. See classified columns for par ticulars. Lamn fixtures, all size chlmnetfs, urtftn liiirj.ers. brackets, reflectors. cbades, globes in stock at all prices. C. Rnhrman. WantPil A bov with some experl anna in store and wltn norses. to drive delivery wagon. Call at uour- man's grocery. See Wlthee for sewing machines; th lntpst and best on earth: chain and lock stitch combined. Prices 14 degrees below zero. Call ana see me. It will pay you. The Eastern Cloak, Suit, Skirt and Wast Pnntnrv. Ed Eben. proprietor. continues tc grow and 10 ladies are now employed In order to supply the demand on this Institution. Why have gray hair. Get walnut coloring, $1 per bottle, express pre paid. San Francisco Hair Store, 1401 First avenue, Seattle, manufacturers of all kinds of hair goods. Send for circulars. DonrUntnv, Hhailtep No. 1. ltOyal Arch Masons, will put a team through the Royal Arch degree at uieir niwu-!,.- inmnrrim nleht. November 14. All members urged to be on hand. F. F. Wamsley, secretary. Stock Shipments Continue. Six cars of cattle were shlpied out ever the O. R. & N. line yesterday to the Union Meat Company at Trout ion. flinv were shinned bv C. M. Grimes, who had been here .several weeks representing the company. This is all the cattle now in sight for shipment O'er the O. II. As is., uui cars have been Ordered for the trans l.ortatiou of 2600 head of stock sheep to go to Iduho. They are being bought up in Umatilla county by McDonald & Minger, two of the extensive sheep owners of Idaho. HOT SODA - Pe again prepared to serve vou with our Hot Soda. ve all .1. j , .. , . . l I , - me ota iavontes ot last year anu sevcrni ;kn Bouillon, Beef Tea, Vigoral, Tobasco Flip, -, jjUUUOn( ueiory uotmion, hot, unocomie, lt Lemon Thev are all 5 cents EPPEN'S DRUG STORE Ps From Main St., Toward the Court Hoase I THREE CARRIERS WILL BE GIN WORK DECEMBER FIRST One Substitute Will Alto Be Ap pointed Postmaster Llvermore Ex pects Appointments Soon. Postmaster 1-ot Llvermore received a letter this morning from the post office department at Washington, D. C, saying hat P.endlcton would have three carriers for the free, delivery. Instead of two, as at first announced. The examinations for the civil service was made last spring and also again last month, but the names of the lucky ones have not been returned. It was announced that the recommen dations would be made at once and forwarded by wire so that no further, delay would be experienced. The free delivery is to be started with the first of December and In or der to get everything In working shape the appointments of carriers will liave to be made at once. It will take several days after the car riers have been announced for thorn to acquaint themselves with their re sistive routes. This being the case, Postmaster Uvermore is expecting a wire every day announcing who shall have the appointments. In addition to the three regular carriers, one sub Ltitute will be appointed. This sub stitute Is to take the place of either of the regular carriers In case of sickness or something which will compel them to be off duty for any length of time. WON THE PRIZES. Misses Daphne Swearingen and Cella Cunningham Win First Prizes at the Catholic Fair. The second evening of the Catholic fair proved a greater drawing "card than the first. From the time that the Pendleton bant) began to pl;iy on the sidewalk In front of the entrance to the Armory hall, until 10 o'clock, the hall was thronged with people. both old and young, and the interest In the fair was very marked. The music was kept going during all the time dinner was being serv ed and following this the band music cave way to a recitation by Miss "Dunbar. Several other entertaining features were introduced during the evening, but the most exciting ' time was when the contests were being waged for the prizes. The doll contest was won by little Daphne Swearingen, who received votes amounting to $87.10. The sec ond prize doll was won by .Nadyne Blakely and this netted the Sisters $79.05. Alma gewell won the third prize doll, which brought $22. Two other contestants were In this' race. They were Esther Shay and Katie Nolson. The necklace contest came off last night and held the crowd until late. Cella Cunningham won this prize, the votes she received amounting to $00. Gertrude Fitz Gerald was a close sec ond for the necklace, as she received votes amounting to $57,515. Hazel I3odle and Jennie Pearson were In this contest. The fair will continue the rest of the week, and from present indica tions will grow In ' popularity Trom day to day. TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. Many Prominent Umatilla Educators to Attend Excellent Program As sured. The teachers in the public schools of Pendleton and Umatilla county are preparing to attend the fourth annual convention of the Eastern Division of the Oregon State Teachers' Associa tion, which Is to 'open at La Grande November 21, and last over the 26th. The announcement which have been, sent out contain an elaborate program which has been prepared by the committee in charge. In the eve ning the address of welcome will be delivered by Colonel F. S. Ivanhoe, and this will be responded to by County Superintendent Nowlin, of this city. B. !i. Conklin Is also on the program to talk on "The Aid of Pu pils in School Government," It Is ex pected the city schools will close close down during the whole week, as It Is Thanksgiving week. YOUNG MEN'S CLUB. It Is Believed That the New Building Can and Will Be Erected. Kn definite action was taken last night by the committee of way and means for the new young men's club, The matter of erecting their new rlub house was discussed, but it was de cided to look further into the costs before they made any steps to organ ize further. It was the opinion of those present that the erection and maintenance of their own home would be the only possible way to have ade quate quarters, and It Is also believed that the new building can and will be erected. A New Island. i a German sea captain leports a new volcanic Island arisen irom mv In the vicinity of Tahiti, This pre sents a fine opportunity for an enter prising speculator to equip the islo with the necesiary Insurrection and sell it to Uncle Sam at the usual price. Uoise News. Friday In Seasonable Children's All Wool Ribbed Hose, Regular X5c to 20c, Special iOc pr Ladies' Fancy Lisle Hose, Regular 50c, Special .. ... 25c pr Ladies' Heavy Jersey Ribbed Vests, and Pants, Regular 35c, Special 25c ea Children's Natural Wool Vests, Pants and Drawers, 25c and 40c, Special .i 6c ea 50-inch Grey Wool Cheviot, Regular 75c, Special 46c yd Flannelettes, Nice Dark Colors, Good Patterns, Regular 2c, Special 6Jc yd Our Great Thanksgiving Linen D0INT MISS IT! THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE GOT NO BETTER. Mrs. Carey, Who Came Here From Tillamook for Her Health, uiea , Yesterday. ' Mrs. Cora EX Carey, wife of V. H.I Carey, died Wednesday afternoon at Hotel Pendleton of heart failure. Mrs. Carey was 29 ye.rs of age ana beside leaving a husband she leaves two children, boys of 4 and 6 years. a, anA luir hnuliand rame to Pendle ton just a week ago from Tillamook at the advice of Mrs. uarey s piiyaii; lo.. !...( Iniliml nf her fast failing health getting better, it gradually grew worse until uie enu came in i,o nftOTnimn vesterdav. She bad nniv huen an invalid about four months and her deatii was a great shock to the husband ana menus. Mr. Care)- loft with the houy last ,.t,r), fm- Tillamook, where it will bo interred under the auspices of the Maccabees. FOR IRRIGATION CONGRESS. O. R. & N. Company Will Sell Ticket to Portland and Return for 7. The O". R. & N. Company have nn uounced' special rates f $7 for the round trip for those wishing to attend the Irrigation congress opening at Portland on the morning of '.no 18th. Ticket will be sold on the 17th and be good returning until the 23rd. , for Rent. What .s known as Jacob's Enquire of C. B. Wade. block. PI LADIES' I The Best Shoe in the Cotm-1 I try at Its Price. We Chal-' jlenge any $5 shoe to equal ITHE PINOREE Boston Store Where Whole Families are Shod, NGREE $3.50 SHOE and Saturday Specials PENDLETON, OREGON Toilet Soap Sale We purchased an enormous amount of fine toilet soap just before the advance in tallow (6o per cent) and before the soap makers entered into a soap trust. Witch Hazel, 3 bars in a box, for ioc a box. Fancy Castiles at 3c, 4c and and 5c a bar. The genuine Curative Skin soap, here on sale at ioc a bar Other Soaps at 5c, are Houey, Elderberry, Turkish Bath, White Koset't. We also sell the Regular $1 box soap. Very fine quali ty at 69c a bar. Statuaries One of the prettiest lines that ever reached the city 65c to $3 95. Leading Statesmen, Musicians, Poets, etc. We reserve anyone yoa may want until the holidays. FREDERICK NOLF Toys, Dolls and'Games ORLAN CLYDE CULLEN CO UNBELLOR-AT-L A W U. 8. Supreme Court KEGIBTERKD ATIOUNEY U. 8. Patent Ofllce U. S. and FOREIGN PATENT Trade Murki and Copyright fOO Ub.6t, N. W., WUlnirtu. I. ' lASLER'S JARGAIN Biggest and Best Bargains In Furniture, Stoves, Glassware, China ware ever offered in Pendleton are now olfered. Our Big Clearance Sale Is now on. Wo must reduce our stock in order to make room for others. We want it to go rapidly and in order to do so we have cut ths prices. Come in and getg. our knocked down pricrs and see what you can save. Remember Joe Basler's Clearance Sale Lots of goods sold at greately reduced prices, i ,vwVwAWvAlA . Goods Sale is Now on The Delicacies of the season are always found at our restaurant. At present we have Finest Oysters 'f Frog Legs f Clams f Crabs, and f Lobsters and other salt and fresh water foods The Ft each Restaurant TRANSFER, TJRCJKjfNd, S T O R A G E. CROWN ER BROS, Telephone Main -4. The Eaot Oregonian Is Eastern Ore gon's representative paper? It leads and the people appreciate It and show it by their liberal patronage. It It the advertising medium of this section.. 606 to 609 Main Street 0i