East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 12, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight nnil Thursday fair
continued cool.
t5c A WEEK,
NO. 4588
T" m TTf X T
W Jk cv m
. Rnn5pvp.lt Savs He
. tn Micciccinni n
1Mb ----
i. CoAptemQn
H Nli urnwmu ww,.,sv,w.
a' MtUHe rrt Him at
Where Train Stops Main-
secrecy as xo wujcwmyc i-wiut.
x 1 f ProalHont
UTK. iu www
ti- OKnnlnl train niilrH Vinro
...i -1.a.a J 4 last niinotilont m
friends. Ab the train pull
io occupied the rear platform.
acknowledgement. He main-
secrecy as lo me uojuuuve
ur Lilt ucui uu u v L a uui'cuu-
e 200 miles distant irom Mem-
p savR ne IB come as u. uri
. i i
his entire time on the special
In a Gas Explosion In New York Yes
terday Plumber Held Over.
New York, Nov. 12. All victims of
yesterday's gas explosion are doing
well this morning. The police are
still unable to give a complete list,
as many of those Injured by flying
glass and debris weie conveyed Im
mediately to their homes.
Joseph Schwartz, a plumber, was in
Esses court this morning charged
with having a lighted candle In the
cellar, which caused the explosion,
and was held over to the circuit
A Full-Blooded Hawaiian Elected as
Delegate to Congress In the
Honolulu, via San Francisco, , Nov.
12. The Hawaiian elections resulted
in a republican landslide. Wilcox,
democrat, was defeated for re-election
as delegate to congress by
Prince Cupid Kalananoale, a, full
blooded Hawaiian. The legislature Is
strongly republican.
Delinquent Tax List of Polk.
Indenendence. Nov. 12. The delin
quent tax list of Polk county on the
1901 assessment roll is less tnan
$6000. As a consequence, very little
property will have to be sold to pay
taxes by sheriff 'sale.
Minister to Guatemala.
Washington, Nov. 12. W. Gowdy
Hunter, minister to Guatemala, has
resigned and Leslie Combes, of Lex
ington, Ky.. has been appointed to
succeed him.
fed Will Build a Naval Station
One of the Pacific Islands.
Francisco, Nov. 12. Advices
government Is preparing to
ind of Suwarrow, in anticipa
te construction of the isth-
canai. suwarrow isiano. is iu
)k Islands. The government
islands 729 East Indians as
Industries there, applications
Answer to the Complaint of
itmiuein racial; iu iitt.
was fllpri vpRterriav In the su-
court. It Is a general aeniai
ot Bunco in uraee uawn cem
etery, of Brooklyn.
York, Nov. 12. The body of
W. Mackay arrived this mora
ine uceamc. a larce comnarc-
between decks, has been fitted
a mortuary chapel. Mrs.
&nd daughter, Princess Colo-
tocea in a magnincent maus-
tl HfnrtVltm
"'main in New York and Live
fttwi His Calumny.
1 he will remain in this
I "re down his calumny. The
' attorney's office will rjrobably
! o further attemnt to locate the
P. T,I . . . . ...
-6 me case wun an xne mat-
Mndled In the trial.
Voted for Dead Man.
UUA f . - ...
- ' .num.. inv iv it iiava nnn
Georro ni,. . .
r Jur countv treasurer or
-- "ckk prior to the election.
oumetniDcr like I2nn votes
"'c'"n was a Jeweler or this
mea m Seattle on October
To Prison for Life.
7. . ur ov 1 2. Bert Hea-
tv . u 10 imprisonment
" Penitentlarv hv inH.o w.mii.
IOr thp mnrHoo r.t Ttan.
C5r' taken to Salem yes-
-J auuriH Wlthera nn neniiiv
Find Whisky In the Woods,
'rett. Wa.t, xr . .
acmM' haye dug up In
ood8 soo quarts of whisky, hid-
" his stock, to evade creditors.
.Truesdale Is Particularly Bitter and Denounces the Mineie as Anarch-
archists Who Do Not Hesitate to Sacrifice Life, Liberty and the Sa
cred Rights of Property to Gain Their Vicious and Temporary End.
Washington, Nov. 12. The answer
of the other anthracite operators to
President John Mitchell was made
public by Recorder Wright today. I
They follow the generalities of Baer'sj
statement, made yesterday, although
they are more bitter In denunciation
of the United Mine Workers.
Fowler says the advent of that or
ganization in the anthracite fields
marked the beginning of almost total
demoralization, resulting in a tyran
ny over fellow employes, a decrease
in efficiency and an Increase number
of strikes.
The report of Truesdale was par
ticularly bitter. He lays great stress
on in no wise recognizing the union
Formed a Procession and Marched
Through the Streets Cheered by
the People.
Chicago, Nov. 12. Four hundred
striking employes of the Ellsworth
cereal food factor', tcday organized
a union and appointed a committee
to induce the 3000 employes of other
cereal food manufacturers to join
them in a general strike. The union,
composed almost entirely of women
and girls, formed a procession and
marched through the Ghetto district,
followed by hundreds of men and
boys cheering them on.
Veteran of China and Philippine Wars
Deserts Woman Said to Be Re
sponsible, Walla Walla, Nov. 12. Sergeant
Charles Merrill, Thirteenth Battery,
Feld Artillery, has been missing from
Fort Walla Walla for several days,
and it is rumored the soldier has de
cDpfari Trt ho rnnntpri' n deserter.
an enlisted man must be absent with
out leave over 10 days, although a
soldier may be arrestsd for desertion
he.fnrp that time if there is sufficient
cause to suspect the man intended
to take summary leave of the army.
Sergeans Merrill is a veteran of
China and the Philippines. It is saw
a woman Is responsible for his ab
sence from his station.
Deputy Sheriff and Policeman Make
Two Arrests Near Fort.
An exciting chaso by Deputy Sher
iff nhnrlps R Painter and Policeman
Mike Davis early last evening re
sulted In the arrest of two colored
troopers, Privates Edward Wright
and William Jphnson. The prisoners
were lodged in the city Jail and will
be tried this afternoon on a charge
of carrying concealed weapons.
It Is alleged the soldiers fired off
a gun at Fifth and Poplar streets and
afterwards tried to overturn a bug
gy driven by Frank TIerney. Police
man Davis and Mr. Painter hurried to
the place and with the use of Tier
ney's buggy overtook the troopers
Just before they reached the garri
son reserve. A revolver was found
In Johnson's possession. Both men
had been drinking. Union.
Northern Securities Company De
clares That Competition Worked a
Hardship to Its Roads.
Washington, Nov. 12. The answers
of the Great Northern ana tne worm
em Securtles Company to the com
ninini nf fhn state, of Washington,
filed today with the eupreme court.
Is a general denial. U claims mm
when competition was kept up rates
were reduced.
They Contend With Baer That the Miners' Demands Are
Unjust and Unreasonable.
organization, and says the federal
courts have declared It Is unlawful.
That It Is seeking to gain enforced
enrollment of all the miners in Amer
ica, That Its principles oppress In
dustrious laborers down to the level
of sluggards. That It has not In the
past, and there is no reason to be
lieve It will In the future, hesitate
to sacrifice life, liberty and property
to gain 1U vicious and temporary
Olyphant objects to a recognition
of the order In much more temperate
language. He sums up by saying
that Its constantly shifting member
ship renders It Incapable of making
a contract binding, effective and lasting.
Minister Quesada Confers With Sec
retary Hay Concerning Commercial
Washington, Nov. 12. Minister
Quesada had a half hour's conference
with Secretary Hay this morning re
garding the proposed commercial
treaty with Cuba, It Is believed that
he also discussed thi situation rela
tive to Cuba's acceptanre of the Piatt
amendment, of which there seems
doubt Secretary Hay immediately
afterward called on Secretary Root,
who sent for Bliss and the three men
held an extensive consultation upon
Cuban affairs.
Were Planning to Kill Leading Rus
sian Statesmen Leader Arrested.
Vienna, Nov. 12. A report says
lin fho T-pmlierir. (lalicia nollce
have unearthed a gigantic anarchist
conspiracy for the assassination of all
the leading Russian stitesmen. one
leader was arrested today and many
papers, secret code and correspond
ence seized.
Police Charge Rioters and One Wo
man Is Killed Twenty Arrested.
Paris, Nov. 12. Tax riots occurred
at Valderras today, The-pollce charg
ed the rioters and one woman was
killed. Two disturbers and two gen
darmes wero injured and 20 arrests
were made.
Telegraph Operators Over the Entire
Union Pacific, Receive Advance of
10 Per Cent.
Omaha, Neb., Nov. 12. The Union
Pacific today Increased the wages of
the telegraph operators over the en
tire system, an average of 10 per
Love to Meet Feltz.
Baltimore, Md.. Nov. 12 Tommy
Feltz, who claims the bantam weight
championship of the world, will de
fend the title tonight against Tommy
iK)ve, the hard-hittlr.g little fighter
of Philadelphia. The mill Is to be for
20 rounds and Is to be brought off
under the auspices of the Eutaw Ath
letic Club. The two fighters appear
in fine fettle and an Interesting bout
Is expected.
Navy In Need cf Officers.
Washington, D, C, Nov, 12. An ex
aralnatlon for admission to the Naval
Academy was held in Washington
today under the supervision of the
civil service commission. This is
rather an unusual time of year for
such examinations, but this step was
taken by the navy department on ac
count of the urgent need of officers
(or the navy. About 30 candidates
appeared to take the examination.
Counsel for the Northern Securities
Company Proves That Such Con
solidations Were Known to Con
gress. New York, Nov. 12.In the hearing
before Special Examluel Ingersoll to
day to test the validity of the merger
of the Northern Securities Company,
Griggs, counsel for the Northern Pa
cific and the Great Northern compa
nies, offered a letter from the Inter
state commerce commiBsIon showing
that prior to 1900 many roads had
been merged and this .fuct was known
to congress when the Sherman anti
trust law was passed.
Kansas City World Declares That the
Republicans Stole the Election in
That State.
Kansas City, Nov. 12. The World
today prints a statement that tho re
publicans stole the election In Kan
sas and backs up the statement with
reports from 50 counties selected at
random in which the rejected ballots
would have elected Graddock if voted
for him. It has an interview with
Graddock In which ho declares that
he will bring a contest suit.
Democrats Tell. What They Will Do
Under Certain Conditions.
Denver, Kov. 12. At a meeting of
the democratic state" senators-elect,
yesterday, resolutions were adopted
that while fraudulent elections would
not be upheld, and revolutionary tac
tics by the republican majority In tho
lower house of the legislature should
be responded to by similar anctlon on
the part of the democratic senate.
The threat to oust 14 democratic
representatives from tbU (Arapahoe)
county, on account of alleged election
frauds, actuated the, meeting.
Confederate Daughters.
New Orleans, La.. Nov. 12. Tho
business of the ninth annual conven
tion of the United Daughter of the
Confederacy .were got under way to
day under auspicious conditions, Tho
attendance Is unusually large, the
delegates coming from Texas, Arkan
sas, Mississippi, Georgia and neigh
boring 'states, while California this
year has also sent a large delegation.
The visitors are being royally enter
tained by the local daughters and af
filiated societies.
Announcement Made That it Will
Soon be In Operation From Victoria
to Cape Breton.
Victoria, B. C, Nov. 12. J. N.
Grecnshlclds, solicitor of the Marconi
Wireless Telegraph Company, now
here, announced yesterday that tho
company Is about (o establish a sys
tem of wireless telegraphy across tho
Dominion of Canada, connecting Vic
toria with Capo Breton. Ho said that
not only would tho company operate
a system of wireless telegraphy
across the ocean, but also a land lino
across the continent from Capo Broton
to Victoria. Stations will bo erected
at many points In tho dominion and
nil tho principal cities and towns of
Canada will be Included In tho sys
tem, principal stations being at Hall
fax, St. John, Quobec, Montreal, Ham
ilton, Kingston, I-ondon. Sanlt Sto.
Marie. Port Arthur, Winnipeg. Itegl
na. Calgary, Rovclstroke, Vancouver,
Knmloops, Vancouver and Victoria.
The saving of tolls will, bo great
when tho new system Is In vogue, for
press messages will bo Bent for one
half the present price, and there will
also be a reduction of fiO per cent on
commercial messages. Mr. Grecn
shlclds says there Ir no longer nny
doubt regarding tho success of tho
Marconi system, and the official an
nouncement to this effect may be ex
pected at any time
Wheat in Chicago,
Chicago, Nov. 11. Wheat 71
Wheat In San Francisco.
San Francisco, Nov. 12. Wheat
$1.3201.32 per cental.
Were Asleep by the Side ot
the Railroad and Were Ta
ken by Surprise.
Burglar Pleaded Guilty,
Aberdeen, Wash., Nov, 12. L. J.
Mayer, who was arrested Saturday
morning for attempting burglary,
pleaded guilty In the Justice court,
and was fined $46 and costs, which
will amount to $100, In default of the
fine he wll go to Jail. The police
say he has a bad record, and lies been
In trouble before.
A Well-to-do Resident of Indianapolis
Arrested Implicated In. the Ghoul
Indianapolis, Nov, 12. William
Mofllt, a well-to-do rosldont of. North
Indianapolis, was arrosted thlsJmorn
ing charged with gravo robbing. Ho
wsa implicated by tho confession of
the negro, Rufus Cantrell. Ho claim
ed that Mollltt had been In the ghoul
business for nearly n quarter of n
nonfllrv nnrl hn (1 amassed his money
by that means. Cantrell was former
ly nominal Janitor of tho Indianapolis
Medical College.
Court Martial at Walla Walla.
Walla Walla, Nov, 12. A general
court martial convened at Fort
Walla Walla Monday. Tho caso of
Sergeant Pumphrey, of tho Ninth cav
alry, charged with disobedience of
orders, Is being tried.
What they Think of the Portland
Fair In the Sunflower State.
The Appeal to Renron, n socialist
rn, mihllRhpil nt fl Irani. Kan..
speaking of tho proposed fair In Or
egon, sayB:
"Portland, Or., la try'rK to advertise
Itself by a Lewis and Clark expos!
tlon. Of course It Is a money-making
scheme, as all Htich schemes nrn.
They want the state to appropriate
$500,000 to help them create the
show that will draw the people there
while they skin them, but aro afraid
to have the legislature pass the law
fearing that a referendum of tho
matter will be lemandcd under tho
new law, and the people will vote It
"Hut for that law there would bo
no question but that thi 'business' In
terests of Portland could get tho nee
esHary appropriation to make tho
show and have It put on the people
in taxes, Hut I will venture tho
moginrn lu lloff'Htpfl If It tmSBCB till)
legislature. I-ot those who danco pay
the piper. Tho rorerat.aum is a great
Improvement over tho old method of
having Inws sold to the hlghopl bidder."
No Health Papers.
Collector of Customs Hobo yester
day Imposed his first flno for viola
tion of the United States maritime
regulations. The flno In the nim of
$G00 was Imposed on tho British
ship Riverside, which came from
Hamburg, with a partial cargo of ce
ment. She neglected to tiring a con
sular bill of health, Captain Mc
CuIIey told Collector Robb that he
had left tho matter of his clearance
to his Hamburg agents, and that the
fault rested with them. Ho will place
the question before tho treasury de
partment officials at Washlngto, who
will probably reduce the flno to the
customary $16. Asionan,
Sheriff Taylor and Deputy Turner
Arrest Three Men In Possession of
Money and Goods Taken From
J. Morrlss, William Bennett and
Calvin Jordon aro In the county Jail
charged with blowing open tho safe
of D. B. Richardson, In Helix. Monday
Tho three men were caught last
night by Sheriff Taylor and Deputy
Dines Turner near Illnghnm Station,
on tho lino of tho O. R. & N. As
soon ns the word of tho robbery was
received nt his office, Sheriff Taylor
begnn to run down every possible
clue to tho robbors. No definite
trace was found of them until thoy
wero taken In. From nil Indications
the men left Hullx bound southward
and were thought to bo making for
tho hills, whore they would board a
freight train nnd try to leavo tho
country. Sheriff Taylor and Deputy
Turner loft on tho freight last night
going toward Mcacham and kept a
vlgllnnt outlook for lire along tho lino
as It was thought th"y would have
flro If thoy stopped to camp. When
about throe miles this sldo of Bing
ham station tho cfllccis discovered a
campflro near thet rack on tho loft,
nnd tho freight was slowed down for
tho officers to alight and Investigate.
They walked up to tho (Ire and dis
covered three men lying In tholr blan
kota asleep. Tho sleoiicrs wore
taken completely by surprise and
submitted Jo arrest without a mur
mur. None of tho men were armed.
On thorn wns found some of the
goods and money tnken from Richard
son's store nt Helix nnd the tnon will
bo hold on tho chnrgo of robbery and
safe blowing. No time has boon sot
for their preliminary hearing.
Offers Reward,
Tho sheriff's office Iibb rocelved a
circular letter from Mrs. J, W. Ful
ler offering $C00 for the return of her
husband. Mr. Fuller left his homo In
Portland about two vreks ago and
since that time no word has been
secured from him. It Is thought that
ho Ib mentally unbalanced as no
cause can bo assigned for his disappearance
Stockholders Will Fight
New York, Nov. 12. Tho holding
of a special meeting of the stockhold
ers of tho International Silver Com
pany today at Jorsoy City Ib regarded
by many stockholders as an attempt
on tho part of Now York brokors
holding no mo preferred stock and a
mnlnrllv of the common Stock to K'il
control of tho cmpany and free the
presont management out. Tho dls
nffocteil element propose to mako an
appeal to tho courts and Indications
now point to a determined fight for
Bohemian Violinist Coming.
Now York, Nov. 12. Rudolph Aron
son has received word that Koclan,
the young Bohemian violinist who Is
to tour America this winter, sails
from Liverpool toduy on tho Majestic
On his arrival bore ho Ib to have a
formal welcomo from the several Bo
hemian societies of this city.
Polk County Teachers' Association.
Independonco, Ore, Nov 12,--Th
Polk County Teachers' Association
meets at tho courthouse In Dalian to
day. A numbor of eminent educators
aro to take part In the program,
With Five Companies owning
four miles of ground. Ore bodies
are in sight as follows:
Sonth Pole $ 300,000
North Pole 11,000,000
Columbia 3,000,000
K & 3,000,000
Qolconda 600,000
A large fori of men am now work
Ing on the Boutli Pole nrnl In 6 mnntliH
will put four times um much or In
sight than at present. He maim nnd
photKrphs at oftlc of T, OahfcKn,
Hartmau's alwtmct oflloe. 1