East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 11, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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j WBf
. Eireett P
The long hip form is the original
long hip corset. It has set the
mode in corset styles. The long hip
gives that deep graceful dip, rounds
off the hips into graceful curves,
takes all strain from the abdomen
and chest and places it upon the hips
and back muscles. Absolutely
hygienic The only corset for the
new style skirts.
Form 989 $U)0.
Form 973 $t:25.
Erect Form 990 $t.00
Erect Form 992 $.50
There are numerous other models of the W B
fforsets of which you will also find at our store.
f,4 complete assortment of styles and sizes.
bAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1902.
Howard, farm loans.
Btz's clam chowder.
i oysters at Castle's.
fhalf soled at Teutsch's.
are Interested In P. I. R.
I are Interested In P. I. R,
lur winter suits at Joerger's.
toe repairing go to Teutsch's.
Benerwurst and saur kraut at
Bind of shoe repairing at
L Eastern and Cove oysters
limburger and Swiss
viclies at Gratz's.
unese cooking at Phillips' res-
Everything tastes good.
jeason for Dutton's fine taffies
De-made chocolate creams.
balls and clubs, footballs,
pg's athletic goods. Nolf's.
ant to buy your butter anil
will pay the highest prices.
ale Lodging house, 12 rooms
Be lots on Main street. Good
A bargain. E. T. Wade.
Bines of fall and winter street
111 be closed out this week at
I reduced prices at Mrs. Camp-
erries, sweet potatoes, chick-
ducks at the Standard Gro-
;ur cash plan saves you
iFriend in Need
Friend Indeed"
a good umbrella is a
Hid yon will need especi
J at this season of the
t Our stock is new and
toins all of the latest
and finishes in
Akj. We Guarantee
Stellas for one year.
, See be swell
f ideas.
Modern Jeweler
Whitaker, the dentist.
Oyster cocktails at Gratz's.
Olympia oysters at Castle's.
People are interested in P. I. R.
Neuman's for cigars and tobacco.
The best, shoe repair work at
Cigars, tobacco and smokers' sup-
plies at Jack Candish's.
! Your suits will be the helghth of
1 fashion If made by Siebert &. Schulz.
Log Cabin maple syrup and H. O.
self-rising buckwheat at Martin's
We have the neatest and largest
ttock of jardiniers at prices so low as
to surprise you. C. Rohrman.
Furnished rooms are offered tor
rent at 502 Water street. See an
nouncement in classified columns.
Wanted A strong, capable girl to
do housework. Wages $4 to ?5 per
week. Call at 725 Johnson street.
Light Brahma and Buff Cochin
chickens for sale at the Standard
Grocery at the lowest market price.
The Daily East Oregonlan is on sale
In Portland at the Rich news stand in
Hotel Perkins, and at the Hotel Port
Lost Irish setter with "Y" on fore
head. Information as to its where
abouts will be appreciated. J. V.
Lost A white German Spitz dog,
answers to name of "Bonnie." Finder
return to Mrs. Henry Scales and re
ceive reward.
Lamp fixtures, all size chimneys,
wicks, burners, brackets, reflectors,
shades, globes In stock at all prices.
C. Rnhrraau.
Over 400 head of sheep have been
slaughtered near Condon, in another
clash' between cattle and sheepmen,
which occurred last week.
Owing to the very muddy condition
o fthe streets several men have been
employed by Street Commissioner
Fee today keeping the crosswalks
cleaned off.
See Withee for sewing machines;
the latest and best on earth; chain
and lock stitch combined. Prices 14
degrees below zero. Call and see
me. It will pay you.
Circuit court was to have conven
ed tomorrow, but owing to the sick
ness of his daughter, Judge Ellis left
last night for Portland ami the court
has been indefinitely postponed.
Why have gray hair. Get walnut
coloring, $1 per bottle, express pre
paid. San Francisco Hair Store, 1401
First avenue. Seattle, manufacturers
of all kinds of hair goods. Send for
The frame for the new Christian
church is completed and the work of
Inclosing the structure is rapidly pro
gressing. When completed, the Chris
tlan denomination will have a place
of worship which will not only be one
that they may be proud or, but one
which will be a credit to the town.
Much Interest Being Taken by Local
Orders For the Prize of a Year's
Free Treatment
The Sisters of SL Frances will
open their fair or bazaar this even
ing In the Armory hall with an elab
orate supper. This fair is to raise
funds for the completion of the new
hospital which !s being built near the
old hospital building in the east end
of town.
The Pendleton band has voluteered
to furnish music for the entertain
ment of those who visit the hall this
evening and It will be on hand at 7:30
p. m.
The fair is attracting considerable
attention because several valuable
prizes are to be given awav by the
sisters. The one which will create the
most rivalry is the prize of a year's
free room and nursing in the new hos
pital to the most popular lodge in the
town. Several of the strongest orders
in the town have put their shoulders
to the wheel and each is determined
to win this prize.
The Armory hall is very elaborate
ly; decorated. Five booths are built
where all kinds of bric-a-brac and lit
tle articles of finery can be obtained.
There is also a candy booth where
the little folks can get all the candy
they want. Each day lunch will be
served at 12 o'clock and dinner at
six. There will be different kinds of
music for the entertainment of the
visitors and elocutionary selections
will be rendered. The fair will con
tinue until Saturday night when the
winners of the prizes will be an
Investigation Being Made of Old Rus
sian Monuments.
Washington, Nov. 11, Lieutenant
George T. Emmons, United States
navy, retired, has made to the secre
tary of state his report upon the
results of his Investigation of the
Alaskan boundary of certain stories
which have found frequent repetition
in late years to the effect that monu
ments have been discovered marking
the real boundary line between Alas
ka and the British northwest territory
at a point many leagues farther from
the sea than the British have been
willing to admit.
Lieutenant Emmons was selected
for the work of inquiry because he
was- thoroughly familiar with the
country in which the supposed boun-
ary stones exist. He spent much of
the past summer in the region and
now has reached a conclusion. The
state department at this time will
not make the report public.
Lieutenant Emmons declares that
he has not breathed a word of the
nature of his conclusions to any one
except the officials here in Washing
ton. Still, it is regarded as a fair
conjecture that he has not found the
stones repoiu to exist to the mound
ary monuments, else the state de
partment would regard as Incumbent
upon it to take steps to bring that
fact to the attention of the British
government with a view to securing
ratification of the temporary bound
ary. Instead of doing this, the report
has been referred to ex-Secretary
John W. Foster, and Senator Fair
banks for their information. They
are members of the high Joint com
mission, which was charged with the
settlement of the Alaskan boundary
question among many other import
ant matters.
Every Department Represented
So that the Guest as well as the Hostess may contribute to the beauty of the Day
in their personal furnishing; made possible by this Great Sale
Ladies' Neck Wear
Some of the most up-to-date things ever shown
in Pendleton.
Silk Ties 25c to $2
Neck Ruches $1.50 to $10
Collars in endless varities
Thanksgiving Linen Sale
Tomorrow we will place on sale our entire
stock of Table Linens, and at prices that
should be of interest to you
66-inch snow white damask 62c a yd
68-inch snow white damask extra heavy 77c a yd
72-inch snow white satin damask 82c a yd
72-inch snow white satin damcsk. . . .$ 1.38 a yd
Snow white napkins to match J 1.95 to $4.50 doz
Towels, full size 15c to 75c
Lace Curtains
Many odd pairs to
Sweeping Reductions,
close at Ilalf Price.
$2.00 kind t.6o
2.50 kind I95
3 00 kind 2..5
4-50 kind 3.55
6.50 kind 5.20
Black Peau de Soie silk $1.25, sale 97c
Black all wool dress goods $1, sale 68c
Homespun suitings, entirely new $1, sale, 79c
Great Sale of Ladies' Tailor Made
Suits. Some at Almost Half Price.
O. R. & N. Company Will Sell Tickets,
to Portland and Return for $7.
The O. R. & N. Company have an
nounced special rates f 7 for the!
round trip for those wishing to attend J
the irrigation congress opening at!
Portland on the morning of '.he 18th.'
Tickets will be sold on the 17th and
be good returning until the 23rd.
Ere airaln . I . '.L oj
iy , - I'icuaieu 10 serve you wun our nui ouua.
---- ! we uiu lavonies 01 last year ana several new
"ere are a lew of our best sellers:
Clam Bouillon, Beef Tea, Vigoral, Tobaaco Flip,
iornato Boullon, Celery Bouillon, Hot Chocolate,
not Lemon. They aro all
5 cents
&teps From Main St., Toward the Court House
Trust Those Who Have Tried.
I suffered from catarrh of the worst
Kind and never hoped for cure, but
Ely's Cream Balm seems to do even
that. Oscar Ostrom, 45 Wavren, ave.,
Chicago, 111
I suffered from catarrh; it got so
bad I could not work; I used Ely's
Cream Balm and am entirely well.
A. C. Clarke, 341 Shawmut ave.. Bos-,
ton, Mass.
The Balm does not Irritate or cause
sneezing. Sold by druggists at 50
cents, or mailed by Ely Brothers, 5C
Warren St., New York.
Weston Reminiscences.
H. A. Green, of Weston, is in town
today. Speaking of pioneer days in
Umatilla county he said: "Since com
ing here" in 1802, I have been continu
ously in Union and Umatilla coun
ties. It seems almost Incredible to
believe that this Is the same county
we knew in that early period. When
I first went to Weston, there were
but two buildings there. Ransom
Lieuallen had a blacksmith Shop and
Thomas Lieuallen owned a store. The
first settlers on Pine creek above town
were Taylor Green, Jake Scott, Thos.
Kllgore and William Russel. William
Lieuallen was the first Justice of the
peace, and during his ter;n of office
had but two decisions reversed. Thos.
Lieuallen was the first postmaster and
Scott Clark killed the first man, hav
ing shot William Stark after a long
standing feud."
The YaquI Indians of Mexico, in the
state of Sonora, have taken to the
war path and are beyond control of
the small Mexican force.
Toilet Soap Sale
We purchased an enormous
amount of fine toilet soap just
before the advance in tallow
(60 per cent) and before the
soap makers entered into a
soap trust.
Witch Hazel, 3 bars in a
box, for ioc a box.
Fancy Castiles at 3c, c and
and 5c a bar.
The genuine Curative Skin
soap, here on sale at ioc a bar
Other Soaps at 5c, are
Honey, Elderberry, Turkish
Bath, White Rosett.
We also sell the Regular
Si box soap. Very fine quali
ty at 69c a bar.
One of the prettiest lines that
ever reached the city 65c to $3.95.
Leading Statesmen, Musicians,
Poets, etc. We reserve anyone
yoa may want until the holidays.
Toys, Dolls and Games
The Wheat Counties.
The leading wheat counties of Ore
gon are Umatilla with a yield of 2,-
800.000 bushels; Sherman, 2,000,000
bushels; Morrow, 1.250,000 bushels
and- Union with a yield of 1,000,000
bushels. Of the 16 principal wheat
producing counties of the state, Mor
row stands third. Hep'pner Times.
Decree Granted,
In the circuit court yesterday a de
cree of divorce was granted in the
suit of Eugene T, Nichols vs. Mamie
Nichols, in favor of plaintiff. Peter
West was the attorney who secured
the decree.
For Rent"
What Is known as Jacob's
Enquire of C, B. Wade.
Wanted A boy with some experi
ence in store ana with norses, u
drive delivery wagon. Call at Rohr-
man's grocery.
This was once a great hunting coun
try. Besides the elk there were wear.
mulo deer, comon cier, anieiope ap
many kinds of smaller game.
IT. B. Supreme Court
U. B. Patent Oillce
Trad Marki and Coprlchta
The Delicacies
of the season are always
found at our restaurant.
At present we have
Finest Oysters Frog
Legs Clams Crabs
t nd f Lobsters f
and other salt and fresh
water foods
The Ftench
S T (iT? A G E.
Telephone Main 4.
The Eaet Oregonlan li Eastern Ore.
lion's representative paper. It leads
and the people appreciate It and show
It by their liberal patronage. It la the
TOO nil. at, N. W., WoDhlnKtou. r. t advertlalng medium of this aectlon.
r 606 to 609
The Best Shoe in the Coan- j
try at Its Price. We Chal-
lenge any $5 shoe to equal'
Boston Store
Biggest and Best Bargains
In Furniture, Stoves, Glassware, China ware ever offered
in Pendleton are now offered.
Our Big Clearance Sale
Is now on. We must reduce our stock in order to make
room for others, We want it to go rapidly and in order
to do so we have cut ths prices. Come in and get our
knocked down prices and see what yon can save.
Remember Joe Basler's Clearance Sale
Lota of goods sold at greately reduced prices.
Where Whole Families are Shod,! wAvvvvwwvwwv
1J . .,..,. . V