35 Musical Instruments Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Accor dians, Concertinas, Zithers, and At toharps We handle none but the best makes, and our prices are the lowest .... Brock & McComas Company DRUGGISTS B TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1902. tied their hands anrt feet anil left thou. Ijini; flat on tlHr backs by the roaiisluY All vt eaii do. as usual, Is to kick and cuss. 1 lu the epidemic of gettinp; lost In All. roads lead to Umatilla county; the mountains. President Itoosevelt but are they good roads? It is hoped the Russian earthquake shook that spell of "blues" off the czar. Was there ever a more suggestive time In which to discuss street pav ing than now? When the New York American set ties the divorce question we will lis ten to General Corbln on early mar riages. Two American jockeys have been ruled off the French race tracks, France is getting even on us for poking fun at Castellane. The legislature must pass a law creating a bureau of labor statistics. We must prepare for that Greater Or egon which Is yet to come. The Spanish cabinet has resigned. The king will have to shake his "ba by rattle..' at them and threaten to "tell mamma," If they don't be good. ,6ome uentrai uregon papers are doing a thriving social business. The name of almost every person In the county appears in every issue In a land notice. SBaker county's assessment shows that the number of hogs in the coun ty is 422 less than last year, but It will be difficult to make Union coun ty1 believe this. n enthusiastic correspondent, writing of the resources of his dis tnct. says the butter from that lo cality is a strong competitor in the markets. We hope not. should be careful on his hunting trip. Still, he has been streaking In public so much lately that his lungs are strong enough for his voice to be heard across the state of Mississippi. The high altitude of Eastern Ore gon must be antagonistic to the spirit of jbyousness. Wheat has been 60 cents per bushel for a week, and we havn't heard of a single farmer advertising that he would throw away 2000 nlckles. gravely. "I mean that literally. It is not on the surface of the map," Btretchlng his hand out over the top of the table, "not on the map level with the rest of the country. It Is sunken. "The miners are inevitably tending toward socialism, and so are other worklngmen. They turn to anything that seems to promlso relief. But the relief they need can be found only in the complete overthrow of the cor rupt and law-defying ring which con trols the dominant politics of our state. Lincoln was right when he said: 'Nothing is settled until It Is set tied right.'" "But it seems incredible, .Mr. Wana niaker than a rich and old community of 7.0t,000 persons, with schools and churches and colleges, and well devel-i oped Industries, Is without power toi have Its organic law enforced?" ' "It seems strange, but the fact is! plain. They buy every vote they want, high or low, singly or by the dozen. This Is the last analysts of every contest. The office holders form a political trust, and politically appointed courts block the way of re dress. "Nothing but a patriotic Mont I'elee cau destroy the power that denes the constitution und circumvents the laws. It must be a tremendous ui-heaval." OREGON'S CARTOONISTS. SPECIAL SALE ON BOYS' CLOTHING If Baer's reply to the coal miners' demands Is In keeping with his other utterances, the arbitration board may want the Incorporation papers of the providential partnership, to exhibit with the other ghoulish findings in the strike situation. The world has come to resemble pretty closely a corral full of steers, The one with the longest pair of horns hooks the next smaller and he another in turn, and so on down, until the smallest fellow in the lot is shivering In a corner, trying to crawl through a crack In the fence, which means suicide. A revenue collector of Alabama has been removed for helping to oust the negro delegates from the republican state convention. Roosevelt Is going to finish that story he began when he Invited the negro, Washington, to dine. The solid negro vote next election will be the last chapter in it. f The Oregon horse ' has -climbed up out of the mire of low prices and is looking from the hilltop of prosperi ty toward the green pastures of a -50 ler cent increase in value. In the quiet and seclusion of a cell in an Iowa jail. Mr. Balllett will have a splendid opportunity to compose a later symposium of mining bonanzas In the West, to spring on Iowa. Chicago trainmen are going to add a strike to the severe blows the bus iness of the country' is just now re ceiving. No wonder the president Is going to Mississippi on a hunt. Irrigation will make an oasis where the prairie dog town now stands; turn tne cactus into a sweet pea vine; change toadstools for sunflow ers, make cabbage of sand burrs, ap ples from sage brush and convert the croaker who says it is a fake, into a bloated plutocrat with two galluses across his back where but one is stretched now. "If I only had range," remarked a sheepman of this county, "I hav hay enough to keep 5000 head more sheep." "More range" must be one of the strongest planks In Eastern Ore gon platforms hereafter. A Connecticut man is reported to have "caught votes" with an automo bile, by hauling voters to and from the polls. In Colorado, the women' voted so fast that a man In an auto mobile couldn't catch them. The special session will have to hurry or the doors of the regular ses sion will be open and the seats all filled. After all, can't Oregon do her chores, without working overtime? Forty days will be ample time for 40 Jobs. MislortuiiiK never come singly. Be- The country will be surprised to hear that a shortage of one thous and naval officers Is anticipated, by 1906. Perhaps the bureau of naviga tion means officers who can "lead a cotillion," when it says this. Fight ing men are plentiful in the navy, but men with heavenly form and graceful air upon the ball room floor, are perhaps needed to keep up with Newportism. Murray Wade had a cartoon in a Portland paper the past week that ranks high as a forcible exposition of state politics, says the Salem States man. It represents Governor Geer as the farmer politician who has paused to pick a daisy, and pulls off the leaves musing, "loves me, loves me not." A crow sits on one stump, and the democratic donkey is In the back ground braynlg his neigh, neigh, while the fallen petals all cry nit! It Is the best political cartoou since Ed Payne pictured the leading figures in the Furnish campaign for the Capi- j tal Journal. i For a short tims we will make a special discount on boys' suits and overcoats. Now is the time when your boys will need N cw Salts and Overcoats and you can save money by buying of us. Notice some of our Specials quoted below : Boys' three piece suits, late style dark check . . ..$1.25 Boys' dark colored suits, three piece 1.50 Boys' heavy two piece suits, sizes 7 to 13.. ..... .. 2.50" Boys' heavy two piece suits, sizes 7 to 13 3.50 Boys' fine wool serge dress suits . . .$3 50, $4 and 4.75 Boys' short overcoats, sizes 5 to 8 '. .. 2.00 Boys' short overcoats, heavy and warm, 6 to 14 .. 2.75 Boys' long overcoats, 9 to 15 years 3 25 Boys' long overcoats, heavy, 9 .to 15 years 4.00 Young Men's long overcoats, all sizes ..$6.50, $5, 4.00 Special Discount on the above prices for ONE WEEK of Ten per cent off. Don't miss this opportunity to outfit your boys TTT'C TT A TT? THE PLACE TO 1 Lilt f All SAVE MONEY 1 J These young men are a credit to this city and state, and If they adhere to their careers they will score high In the fields of pictorial journalism. Oregon has produced a Davenport, a Hary Murphy and a Warren Gilbert, the latter In rapid development over-) taking the former in general ability, j The last two candidates for fame from the city of Salem have great fu tures. Wide reading of history will, develop them Into great cartoonists. They possess much natural ability in I depicting, and keen political Insight and grasp on public events. There has been considerable home- steading In Oregon during the past year as shown by the returns from the several land districts. In the Burns district 272 original homestead entries were filed, for 3S.9S4 acres; La Grande 153 homesteads of 193,053 acres; 1 l.akeview. 278 homesteads of 41.351, acres; Oregon City, 493 homesteads 1 of 72.60S acres; Roseburg, 928 home steads of 133,990 acres, and The Dalies' 1C74 homesteads of 25C.09C acres. Quick Heat Is what you want on crtep niorningB after a sudden change This h another de mand that will Bh'iw the ex cellence of Cole's Original Hot Blast Stoves The room heated to 80 de drees in live minutes; and this temperature maintained for three hours in the morning with the fuel put into the stove the night before, la the record. TAYLOR The Hardware Man Sole Agent The profits of the hop crop have increased 40 per cent $4itt) on the thousand in the past GO days for growers who had the nerve to hold. As a cent a pound Increase on a 20,uuO-pound crop means $200 to the holder It may be realized that the sell ing of hops Is not a uttle on gambling order. Eugene Guard. the Real Estate. For Sale Pendleton can do a royal thing right now by helping the high school start and maintain a monthly journal, which Is now under way. Just the right kind of a start at the right time will make the Pendleton school publication second to none In the Northwest, We have the field, the talent, the means all that is lack ing is proper encouragement and in terest from the citizens. "A SUNKEN STATE." Hon. John Wannamaker of Phila delphia, formor postmaster general, says Pennsylvania is a "sunken state" and he almost despairs cf Its redemp tion. James Creelman in the New York World thus writes of an Inter view with Mr. Wannamaker: "The coal striko? It was inevitable. fore the country has recovered from It came because the reasonable do- mnn p i.nninil nl InnlalaMnti wore Ponl Castellane had " " . ' ,,,, ,, the news that , Ignored. The legislature and all been thrown out of the French cham ' otner instrumentalities of public serv ber of-deputies, word Is received that Ice wore literally owned and used Hickory county. Missouri, has gone whenever wanted by the great corpor MicKory tumu,. ate comblnatlos which furnish the rqpiiuiican. i money by which the Quay gang do- . . ' feats every effort to raise this com The Westmi republicans just took numweaitn out 0f the abyss If shame the democrats by the collar, tripped nto which It has fallen, them up and Jumped on them and "This is a sunken state," he said Fantastic stones have been written of magic mirrors in which the future was revealed. If such a thine were possible many a bright - faced bride would shrink from the revelation of her self, stripped of all her loveliuess. If there is one thing which would make a woman shrink from marriage it is to see the rapid physical deterioration which comes to so many wives. The cause is generally due to womanly diseases. Lost health and lost comeliness are restored by the use of Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription. It cures irregular ity and dries weakening drains. It heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. Beau.iful residence property on ' Court street, two lots and dwelling,! $2,500.00. , Residence lots, well located, at! prices ranging from $100.00 to $250.0 each. I 1 Boarding house and one lot 14 rooms centrally located, $2,E00.00. Boarding house.19 room-,$l,900.00 One lot with dwelling and stable. $700.00. One lot and house, $500.00. Two lots, dwelling C rooms and stable, $900.00. rooms, bath and sewerage, three One lot with dwelling of seven blocks from Ma'n t'.rcet, $2,600,00. And much other property, an nil eatsy lenilS E. D. BOYD, III Court Street It is with the greatest pleasure that I tell aromc rerv1 hi writes Mrs. Emma L. Danka, of 1951 North 7th you what Dr. Pierce's Faror r?nMen Medlcnl Dticove PreKTiotion and have doue for me," Street. Harrttburjr. Pa. "They have done me a world of good. I had female weakness for six years; sometimes wouia leel so uuuly I aid not know what to do, but I found relief at last, thanks to Dr. Pierce for hU kind advice. I have this medicine still in my house and will almiys keep it." If you are led to the purchase of "Favorite Prescription'' because of its remarkable cures of other women, do not accept a substitute which has none of these cures to its credit. free. Drt Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, paper covers, is sent free on receipt of it one-cent stampa to pay expense of mailing only. Or for cloth-bouud volume send 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, lluualo, N. Y. For POULTRY and STOCK SUPPLIES -CALL ON- Colesworthy -AT THi CHOP MILL 127 and 129 East AJta Street BVrVWVvVWv I have bargained with a competent limber CruiBer to locate Valuable Timber Claims On the line o. a railroad now under construction. This means a big ohanoe for first-comers, See N.Berkeley Have some good farms for THEY'RE COMINQ. At a very fast clip. We refer to the many nne thine on whsnia - ,-,u ni R n,i '?, to bare yon feast yonr eyes upon. Stylish, well made, durable and reasonably priced, there's no r-iison lu tbe wnrld why ypu should cot become the proud possessor of one of our BUSINESS WAQONU or uinu.NA BACKS, made for this climate ' .. ur Pvcii ordtr. They are wrong, well made, neat, and iust what joa want J:.?.!40 haTe "e syitAcusB cniixuD l'LOW, noted for Its light draft and Rood results. Call and examine our buggy tops, dashes, cushions, etc. At the Blc Brick Shop. Corner Water und Cottonwood streets, v N EAGLE BROTHERS Water St., near Slain, . Pendleton, Ore j Ltimbet, AH kinds lorjj Sas Doers Planing of ail; to older. i-uusuuea us. Pendleton ft Lute RflRFPT mam. luvjin W MM I ' -'"-My U I offer two of 1 most desirable street These 1 with mnddM. snatie trees. A cotton- of Plastered; nice Ism - ua nair tne price. 470-arre a(rwv . . lug orchard and 1 well; -100 acres hushels of whet i BOOn nt n dafttA. ICO acres, 3i acres Irrigated ud s falfa orchard; po farm hiiHillnpe. tn, , .1 , 1 ui iui luer mi office In the postoSct IV B B I I Office in m K a re 1 M B - I Tfl B aVI , OYSTER GOLDEN Rl BLOCK t . eOZY parlors havela avarrthlnr ifll h i!itv Htvlc. hastem Jay oyswre win a and an you lite tm. lorn will be kept c to eulov a la other entertainment Liun'ai rTr iia sirF rma front our own btdjn and are a delkacT predated must Us a WACHS PR OPRIE LaatzSi Wool j 'OeNvei iredM ... the tri trucking busing pared to W sles. ,..Vnsl III It ciiPPLEMEO" ForBhootinK l-swntco'4" ,t! at In n . andMOi.f,7.(nlB