East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 11, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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.t.v ret GOOD GOODS at Alexander's. &
i Are You Prepared For the
: is not so far off as it seems these winter davs
so beg'n now that piece of fancy work intended for
v;nd We are showing the very newest in pillow
.nd linen filo, etching, rope and royal silk. Hand-
linen, fine laces, art denim and cushion cord.
Big Handkerchief Values
icio dozen Ladies' fine linen handker
chiefs, plain and fancy borders, each
35c 25c 15c 10c 8c 5c
;ander Dept. Store
ng can be conceivea war win make a more joytui
br youi wife, daughter or mother than a beautiful
: piano. Now is the time to consider buying a piano.
r wareroom and Fee the magnificent pianos we are
You can afford a piano because we arrange the
so easy that it is scarcely noticeable to you. Come
four easy payment plan.
Wareroom on Court Street
I VOU desire to be well dressed, and to
and Bee us. We promise to please yon
and save you money.
Our Business
Is to snpply you with Skirts, Jackets,
Shirt Waists and Tailor Made Suits,
i and we are in a position to do so
and give you entire satisfaction.
We make the wearing apparel to
sit yon
tt Is correct
ED, EBEN, Prop., 645 Main St.
'Omplete satisfaction at money saving prices
tatnief ,mea's and a warm house go a good ways in
ill I , ry winter comfortable and bright. Our
COOk onnA I. j ..7 i. .1..
r,,:i j- mcaib anu our neaiers win mane wie
"dln6 warm and comfortable.
ke Thompson Hardware Co.
Surrounded by Stockralslng, Dairying
and Great Timber Belt Good
School and Prosperous Business In-
t Staff CortTspondcncr.l
Uklah, Ore., Nov. 10. Ukiah was
named for the town of Uklah, Cali
fornia. The grounds occupied by the
town were originally laid out by the
Camas Land Company In 1890, and
the postofflce was established the
same year, with D. C. Whiting as first
postmaster. E. B. Gamble, one of tho
organizers of the company named tho
town and still lives near the place and
Is one of the oldest pioneers of Camas
Uklah's Advantages.
Uklah Is not only the central point
of a wealthy portion .of Camas prairie,
where stockralslng and dairying pre
dominate, but is surrounded by a
large scope of country with undevel
oped resources. The timber belt ah.ne
lying at her door promises a large in-
nme in the future. It is now hclni:
tikea up at a rapid rate and all of tho
Idle lands are being fenced.
UKiah is also the gateway to the
traffic from the John Day country aud
ether rich points in the interior of the
state. It is a popular stopping point
f-r teamsters, stockmen and travel-
ei s. Millions of dollars' worth of cat
tle) aio driven through this placo an
iiH ly, as many as four thousand
head having been driven throned -it
fed at this place within a few days'
tint'. Three hundred head, a??rogal
ing $12,000 In vaHie were fed here re
cently in one night.
Early Mall Service.
The first, mall route was establish-
to Uklah in 1890. Prior to that time
citizens had to go to Alba for their
mall, and old pioneers tell about how
in olden times they used to send
across the Blue mountains for their
mall, the carrier often having to go
on snow shoes. The first four-horse
stage driven between Ukiah and Pen
dleton was driven by J. T. Huston,
pioneer of this place.
A "Dry" Town.
Uklah is one of the oddities among
interior towns in the fact that it is
strictly a prohibition town. There
has never been a drop of liquor sold
in the place. When the company that
organized the town was formed, an
agreement was entered into by which
no property should be sold upon which
the sale of liquors should be permit
ted. The first deed contained this
clause and all subsequent deeds have
contained It and the agreement has
beeen lived up to religiously. The
"drug store racket" will not work
here. The owner of the drug store Is
justice of tho peace and a tee-to&taler
and uder no circumstances will he
break the rule.
Educational Point
The school is one of the features
of Ukiah. This, it is claimed, is' one
of the good results of a prohibition
town. They claim that farmers send
their sons to school here through the
winter months without fear of having
them led astray. They also expect the
place to make a great educational
point. They claim that it Is a healthy
location and that the universal mild
ness of the climate makes it a desir
able place to live.
Uklah is situated In school district
No. 80. Alisses Stella L. and Lulu O.
Marple, of Pendleton, are at present
teaching and have one of the best
schools in the county. There are 74
pupils cmolled and G3 In a.t nulaiice.
Thirty-eight of these are la the prim
ary department and 30 are in the
higher grade. The school Is well
equipped with apparatus, but has
sold its library for tho reason that It
vat not well se)ec':c"l. The di'.t'-'ct
owns property to tho vulue nf about
$1000 and Is about out of deot. The
school board consists of William Mc
Reynolds, (chairman), Frank Hllbert
and Tom Gllllland, W. T. Sellers Is
clerk. The school Is open nn average
or seven mouths a year.
Good Water.
Uklah is a well-watered place. The
water Is cold and pure and travelers
claim that It is a treat, in fact, to get
a drink of water anywhere In Camas
Prairie, and It abounds everywhere.
At only a short depth It may be found
In unlimited quantities.
Besides being a dally stage station,
with express ofllce and postofllce,
Uklah has a telephone line and Is well
equipped with business Institutions.
She has two church organizations and
one church building. The. I.ibeial
branch of the United Brethren have
a building which cost about $1000.
The Methodists are organized, but
have no church building. Neither or
ganization has a pastor at present and
no services have been conducted hero
for some time. Reverend Baldwin, a
Methodist minister recently from
Kansas has been stationed at Pilot
Rock, and will divide his time be
tween Pilot Rock, Alba and Ukiah.
Business Institutions.
Uklah has a weekly newspaper, tho
Sentinel, which Is in Its third volume.
J-red Hewctt Is the editor and proprie
tor. C. A. Despaln runs n general
store. Ho has been connected with
the store a number of years, having
recently bought the interest of his
brother, Jem- Despaln. one of the
best known business men In the coun
ty. He Is fully capable of keeping up
the high standard of tho business.
His stock Is well arranged nnd he sup
plies a largo trade.
S. Kirk also has a go d store, far
above the average In small towns. He
carries an assortment of general mer
chandise, and this means almost
everything. He hns been In business
In Uklah six years and draws a large
trade throughout Camas Prairie.
W. T. Sellers carries niedlelnes and
sundries as well as a large stock of
cigars, tobaccos and confectlonaries.
Dr. G. U. Snapp also has an office at
this store. He has been In the prac
tice of medicine at Uklah for three
E. E. GIbbs has a splendid black
smith shop. He does general black
smithing, horseshoeing, wagon repair
ing and woodwork. Ho is also agent
for the Big Jones mowing machines,
for which A. Ku'nkel & Co., of Pen
dleton, are the agents,
F. W. Boynton has a meat market,
at which he handles a large amount
of fresh meats. He has been In busi
ness four years and his trade extends
as far as Pilot Rock. He puts up his
own ice the first of tho year from
Camas creek and It Is a splendid qual
ity. In February the Ice Is several
Inches In thickness and he has no
trouble In putting up enough to last
from one season to another
Uktah has a saw mill with large
capactly, which Is not In operation at
H. H. McReynolds runs the Uklah
hotel and the livery stable. These
are two of the best Institutions of the
kind In the county. Mr. Huston has
been In the business for four years,
though he has lived In the Camas
Prairie country for more than 20
years, and operated' the stage line
between Pendleton and Uklah for a
number of years. The hotel proper
ty alone cost more than $3500. He Is
able to entertain all travelers that
come this way, as well aB provide
comfortable quarters for teams.
Among the coming towns of the In
land Empire, Ukiah will not be left
behind. She has the country to back
her, and with a splendid corps of live
business men to develop her resources
and keep her well to the front her
growth cannot be otherwise than
rapid, both as to population and
Rubber Goods
Tho most complete lino in tho city. All of tho beat
quality. 1902 stock, and nt calico pricoa. . .
The November Clothing Sale is a Suc
cess and You Ought Not to Mss it
With every purchase of One Dollar or
more of Children's clothing of any kind
$1.50 to $5
see postofTice window
What do you know about them?
BotterBeo them today while they
last, wo have an unbroken still
Kid Fitting Corsets Eft
it on sale today. The new "Crescent Hip" gives
promise of a perfect figure.
Watch for Our Great
Boston Store
Grand Clearance Sale
You can always get tender,
Juicy steak at our market.
It's just what you need to
satisfy yourappetlteaud build
up your strength during the
full and winter months. Any
thing you wont In the meat
line, come to us, we hove It
uud the bent of the kind. Low
prices and satisfaction prevail
Otto Miesckc
C O V H T S T H.Ii H T
Natives Are Indifferent.
rvno Imlioi- Xnritinr recently from
Mlnhlmn urilrt; "Yon Oreironlans aro
strange people. Here you have lived
for years In one of the finest timber
belts in the United States and seem
oblivious of the fact. Many of you
Imvp ni.vnr Imiiuht nn acrt of timber
and not even exercised you home
stead right. People from the de
forested states in the East especially
Michigan. Wisconsin and Minnesota
aro locating the finest of the timber
In Southern Oregon, Tillamook, Grant
and Crook county timber belts. You
seem utterly Ignorant of the value,
and indifferent to the fate of your
lorests. Kxcellent timber exists In
Eastern Oregon. Finer timber than
that In Tillamook county Is not any
where to be found. Your resources
are so numerous it makes you Indlf
lerent to one of your most Important
products your timber. When It Is
largely owned by outside corpora
tions you will begin to wonder why
vou did not preserve It from spoliation."
For the next Sixty Days we will sell Carpets, Rugs, Lace
Curtains, Poitiers, Wall Paper and Sewing Machines at a
Big Reduction. In fact everything in our store will go at a
Great Discount for Cash. This is the chance of a lifetime
to buy goods cheap. Call and get our prices.
Undertakers' goods always
on hand at reduced prices
Phone Main 24
Startling, But True,
"If every ono knew what a grand
medicine. Dr. King's New Life Pills
in." writes- D. H. Turner, Dempsey
town, Pa., "you'd sell all you have lu
a day. Two weeks' use has made a
iiew man of me." Infallible for con
stipation, 3tomach and liver troubles.
IB cento at Tallmann & Co's. drug
The supreme court of the United
States has decldod that any stream
In which logs can be floated Is a nav
igable stream and that therefore no
obstruction, such as log booms, can be
constructed therein without the con
sent of the war department.
The Comedy-Drama, "On the Stroke
of 12," at the Frazer.
The patrons of melodrama in th's
city will have an opportunity of see
ing W. IJ. Lawrence's production of
the sensational comcdy-dramu, "On
the Stroke of 12," the great success
of the past three seasons. The sue
ress of this plcco has proven It a
strong play, abounding In btartllng
scenes aud climaxes and with com
plete new scenic equipment and
greatly strengthened company, It
should be one of tho strongest popu-Ian-priced
attractions on tho road
this year. The play takes Its title
from an attempted escape from pris
on that tho hero makes In tho third
act, and a scene In a counterfeiter's
den Is another novel and exciting In
cident. The scenery Is carried com
plete for the production, and It will
bo among the handsomest shown on
the stage this season. "On the
Stroke of 12" should Insure a packed
house at tho Frazer tonight.
Mr. Horace Lewis In "A Poor Rela
tion." An attraction of an exceptional
high order will bo the appearance of
Mr. Horace Ixswls In the late Sol
Smith Russell's famous comedy, "A
Poor llclatlon," at the Frazer opera
house on Saturday night of this
week. Mr. Lewis has been tho great
favorite of the Castle Square Theater
In Doston for the past flvo years.
It Is said that he gives such a
strong and life-like performance of
Noah Vale that tho audience Immedi
ately enters with complete sympathy
Into the story of his trials, reverses
and success. The Indications are for
a very large audience for this attrac
tion. The seats will be on sale at
Frazler's tomorrow morning, Wednes
day, at 9 o'clock.
Fat Veal.
Plenty of nice fat veal at Farmers'
Moat Market. O. Platzoeder.
General Grant's War Hone.
fleneral Grant took great delight
In exhibiting his horses to his friends
with whom he was intimate, Onco
at his stahlu with a frlond he said:
"Perhaps you would llko to seo the
horse I rode during all tho campaigns
I commanded. Tho animal was or
dered to bo brought out.
Tho gentleman was surprised to
And the horse no larger than n lady's
palfrey small, slender, agll limbed,
black as a coal. Intelligent, mild, an
eye llko a hawk and n lick on tho
man (or all tho world like a boy's
cowlick. It was such an animal as
women and children would make a
family pet.
The gentleman pronounced tho ani
mal a beauty, but expressed a doubt
to Its endurance,
"Kndurance!" said the gnwial.
"This animal exceeds lu endurance
any horse flesh I ever saw. I have
taken hlin out ut daylight, and kept
him In the saddle till dark, and ho
amo In as fresh when I dismounted
aB when wo started in tho morning.
There Isn't enough gold In America
to buy him."
A Neighboring Industry.
Tho La Grande Sugar Factory,
wiiitn twit vt ilnim with this season's
beet ctop has had the most success
ful run It lias or.joyca since us es
tablishment. Up to last night, tho
nmrinnt n r linotH handled was 10.000
tons; tho amount of new sugar made,
23,000 sacks, besides ww sscks 01
brown sugar, from tho syrup left over
from last year. The crop will bo har
vested by the end of next week.
The Michigan bean crop Is short
this year to such an extent that far
mers will lose $1,600,000. Tho price
has Jumped from $1.00 to $2.25 per
hundred this week.
The International Livestock Kxpo
sltlon will be held In Ohlcugo, Nov.
ember 23 to December 0.