I. 1 m Overcoats BAER & DALEY ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, FURNISHERS and HATTERS l TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1902. GENERAL NEWS. Cntiolat Uaiitlnrflnn nt Irin"i tine ! announced himself as a candidate for the nomination of governor of that state "in opposition to Cummins. Lord Kitchener, who is in Cairo on his way to India, formally onened the new Gordon College there Sunday in the presence of a number of notable persons. The coal supply o New York is still very short. Dealers are flooded with orders and are forced to adiu.it their inability to supply the coal promised. A. rebellion against taxation to meet the indemnity China is to pay the powers has broken out in the southwestern part of Chi Li province. Troops have been sent to suppress the disorders. The cholera continues to be inter mittent in diiferent parts of the Phil ippine archipelago. The total num ber of cases is 105,000. and the total number of deaths 07,000. It is be lieved the actual number of cases ex ceeded the recorded number by 20 per cent. A crowd Sunday attempted to lynch the motorman and conductor on a' trolley car that had struck a wagon containing 12 persons in St. j)uls. ! Eight were injured. One, a girl, was injured internally and was taken to ' a hospital. The others received se vere bruises, but were able to go to their homes. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. Woiinoo Tilnhn citizens have peti tioned the city council to sweep the. streets during the rainy season. Herbert Leadbetter. of Lind. Wash.. was killed Monday, by the acidontal , discharge of a shotgun, while duck; hunting. j Mrs. .Mary Stackpole has begun) suit against the N. P. in Portland, for $26,000, for Injuries received in a; collision. i W. H. Westcott. of Salem, was ac-, cidentally shot Monday, by a friend who was handling a gun. He Is fa-1 tally injured. A smelter of 100 tons capacity wii be erected at Takilma, on the Ore gon &. Pacific railway, in the Waldo mining district. The Stark Irrigation Company fs taking a canal out of the Malh ur to cover 20,000 acres on Detd Ox Flat, below Payette. A refuse consumer, costing $15,000, has been purchased by the West Slade Lumber Company, of Everett, to prevent fires from burning slab piles. The North Pole Mining Company has purchased the electric road fran chise from notirne to Sumpter and will build and operate this road at an early date. Albert Anderson, a fish scow man of Astoria, . supposed to be drown ed He left Astoria for his home late Sunday night and has not since been seen. Parties aie still searching for the lost superintendent of the Great Northern. Mr. Egan. A reward of $1000 has beon offered for his dls- covery .anu me IspeJ arc-full of searching parties on and Suits FALL and WINTER 19021903 NOW READY Overcoats $4.45 to $20 Suits $4.90 to $25 HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. ' Dollie Pierce. Portland. W. F. .Matlock and wife, city. E. J .Bussey, Omaha. Enill Well, New York. F. C. Harbach. Sab. Lake. AJ Jacobs. New York. J. M. Fauburg, Roosevelt. S. B. Miller. Minton. J. J. Burns, Portland. George Stevens, Spokane. E. H. Burke, Portland. " The Golden Rule. C. A. Shields, Pilot Rock. Charles Stetzifaul, Vinson. Joseph Allen, Dale. Frank Rack, Echo. W. SI. Sheohy, Dale. Ed Wauchsmith. city. Frank Wauchsmith, city. J. G. Meyers, Athena. W. Taylor, Athena. D. W. Munford, city. John Stunrt, Salt Lake. E. M. Stuart. Salt Lake. J. M. Peora, Nampa. L. Cunningham. Portland. B. R. Wolfe, Portland. Estelle Patterson, Portland. A. T. Zumwalt, Harrisburg. I. W .Davis and wife, Milton. G. W. Davis. West Fork. W. J. Moore. Spokane. A. W. Tichner, Spokane. C. H. Wilson, Spokane. A J. Hall, Spokano. J. Allen, Chicago. B. Vaughn, Spokane. Miss F. E. Shields. Pilot Rock. E. M. Shields, Pilot Rock. S. C. Peora, Nam pa. Mrs. J. M .Peora, Nampa. Ida Peora, Nampa. E. L. Leep, Halfway. Ella Andrews, Baker City. W. G. Riddelle and wife, Denver. J. Allen, Chicago. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of tbe ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Datoess Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucus lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you bare a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed. Deafness Is tbe ttsult and unless the Inflammation can be taken nut and this tube restored to Its normal condition, bearing will be destroy ed forever : nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an inflamed condition ot tbe mucus sur face. We will glre One Hundred Dollars for a.. mm nf rtMifnMfl (e&uaed br Catarrh) that cannot be cured by Halt's Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars, free. . . r. J. t;iiG."rii at xuieuu. u. Bold by Druggists. 715c. Hall's Family Pills are the beat The Place to Live. Weston Is among the prettiest home towns In Oregon and has the only state educatlonnl Institution the Eastern Oregon 8tate Normal School thn ntata Weston is abundantly supplied with pure water and has granted tree water tor household purposes for 10 years to lmlld houses mior to April 1, 1903. You can obtain a good building site on Normal Heigniu, wn water, sidewalks, grading and shade trees froe, at a low figure. If you are seeking a pleasant home at an educa tional center, ddress the Weston Imprsvement Co., Weston, Or, t The Old Remedy Best. ! Despite tho excelont theories as to the rearing of children to be advanced nt thn Mothers' Congress, it Is not ! . ,i,-,i,in tiint nnv un-to-date contriv ance will wholly supplant the good ! . . .. 1 ...I.. tn tiivonlln Olu Slipper no an ;" w j-. I reform. New York World. WAS ONCE A SAILOR NOW A PROMINENT STOCKMAN OF UMATILLA. Henry La Zlnka Left the Sea Twenty Years Ago and Became a Sheep-herder--Proud of It. Henry t.n Zlnka, one of the most prominent stockmen of Camas -Prairie, accompanied by his family, Is In town. Mr. La Zlnka's experience In this country Is nnother Illustration of what Industry nnd economy can do here. He had been n sailor for eight years, having visited nearly every port in th,e world. He left a vessel at Seattle 20 years ago and came to Portland and afterwards drifted out Into Morrow county, He first engag ed In sheephortltng and afterwards! owned slice) of Ills own, and Illialiy sold them and bought cattle nnd n home In Camas Prairie. He now owns more than 2000 acres of land and a fine band of cattle and n large number of horses. Mr. Ijx Zlnka tells some Interesting stories about early dnys. He had wonderful experiences at sea and In his early life In Oregon. .He had ambition to become a sea captain, and when be renched the station of sheepherder out in a dry desert coun try, be at first felt humiliated at his fall. However, as time rolled on, he saw his wages accumulating and afterwards his own sheep growing about htm, he became weaned from the sea. He afterwards want to his old home in Germany and mnrried the girl of his boyish love and came to Oregon to stay, and now be is proud of It all. He hns unbounded faith In the future of this country and does not see why any man should not suc seed here who tries. Mr. La Zlnka and family will return to their home tomorrow. WANT GOOD ROADS. Tons of Supplies Hauled From This City Hauled Daily Into the Interior. As he was loading the last box of 4000-pound purchase of provisions onj his wagon in this city today, a Susan-1 ville teamster said to an East Ore gonian repiesontatlve: "What do we want in our section? That is easy to answer; we want first, good wagon roads, all the way. At places It is almost impossible to travel at this time of the year. Most i of our supplies are hauled from this city. Coming in this trip I met one load of potatoes of 250U pounds ;oue load of general merchandise, consist ing of flour, bacon, lard and clothing; one load of mill feed and one load of barbed wire. These commodities are bought in Pendleton and distributed through the interior settlements. The demand for them is increasing and better roads must lie provided to hold the trade, until a railroad is built Into that district." "What new developments 'n mining have been made this fftll?" "One of the latest features in this line is the movement against the working of mines by the old arrastra method. It Is absolutely wasteful. Much of the mineral is left In the dirt. We are going to agitate up-to-date plans of mining that will not spoil ground for future developments. All that is needed is transportation and machinery. The Susanville dis trict will be one of Pendleton's best feeders when It Is given an outlet for Its vast resources." Irrigation at Freewater. The Loundagin Irrigation Company of Freewater has purchased the ditches and land formerly owned br the Farmers' Bank of Weston. They propose to put an extensive system of irtrgatlon in and will be able to fur nish water for Irrigation of a large area of land heretofore arid. Notice. AH persons knowing themselves in debted to me must settle by Octo ber 10th or their accounts and noteB will be placed in the hand of an at torney with instructions to collect, E. L. SMITH. It's Oar Treat We have just received and placed on exhibition the most beautKul line of Holi day and Popular Books ever shown in the city, and to book lovers a glance through our shelves is a perfect treat. We invite you all to come and HAVE ONE ON US Onr window (Hsnlav will dive - 1 o - - o you an idea of what we Have msiae. oeieci your ooous for the Holidays N O W FRAZIER'S Book Store. Noted Indian Chief. . The Yakima Indians have tho moat noted chief of the Northwest. He Is know as Chief Sencer and Is over 100 vcars old. His name is mentioned in Sheridan's memoirs ns a noted Chi nook scout. The old chief rides his ponv to Topponlsh nnd tnkes part In all the councils of the tribe. He op posed the selling of their lands for 25 cents an acre nnd has always beon a snfe man ns leader. At one time ho received a pension of $500 a year from the government, ns n chief. He nnd Moses, the warrior, could not agree, and Spencer was removed from bis position. In enrly dnys his fami ly was killed by some Indians. His wife nnd children were found with ropes around their necks. When he Investigated and satisfied himself that Indians had committed the deed he became an earnest friend of the whites. He is one of the old-ltmers. u'lmon vnr-nnl ilnrlui? the Indian wars Lliows him nlwnys on the side of the white man and peace. Taroma ."sews. Deschutes Ditch. Work on the Swulley Irrigation ca nal, which takes water from the Des chutes . River about a mile below Bend. Is being pushed rapidly and It Is expected that the ditch will be completed inside of n few weeks. Construction work has been finished to a point some distance below Long Butte and the course of the main ca nal will now he headed towardB the canyon which enters the river near Pickett Island. The surplus water will be turned Into the river at this point. Deschutes Echo. The Indian government has refus ed the Standard OH Company permis sion to prospect in the oil fields of Burmnh. Guatemala produced 600,000 bags of coffee this year. The total output for the world was 13,000,000 bags. Torturing Disfiguring Humors Itching, burning, and Scaly Eruptions of the Skin and Scalp with loss of Hair Complete External and Inter nal Treatment by Cuticura The Set $1.25 Consl5tlnRofCUTicui:ASoArCiic.),toclc.-iiise the akin uf crut :uul rcult.-d and soften the tlilckeneil eutlrle, C'rririnu Oliument(.Vk:.), to Instantly all.iy It.-liliij;, Irritation, and In. Ilamnjatlon, ami tmitlie ami ln-.il, and L'CTI. emu I:eolvkt (lv ;, to cool anil t-lcuua the Wood. A single set S often auflklent to cure the most torturhu,'. ill-illt;urliijr kln, Ecalp.nnil htooil humor-, r.i!ie.-,lt'hln;rs,and Irritation, ultli lo-x of li.itr, trliuu Uie beat Uhyslci.nn ami M other remedied fall. PatTll Itm-n iiDCHl'i Cir.. Prop... Button. T"" Hmrtrtl'urrhr.rT skinaml tllnod Uamor,frc CUTICURA PUREST OF BABY SOAPS ffGifr5iffliw. GiaitsiatsaiRG! That EVENING or PARTY Dress Should be made according to the latest fashions, and should be a perfect fit. We make a specialty of making nobby dresses for swell social functions. Art enters into our work. Bear in mind we do all kinds of dressmaking on short notice. i I S THE EASTERN CLOAK, SUIT AND WAIST FACTORY 65 MAIN STREET ( ED. EBEN, Propr. ; i The Columbia Lodging House NEWLY FURNISHED BAR IN CONNECTION IN CENTER OF BLOCK BET. AXiTA 4 WEBB STB F.X.SCHEMPP.Prop. For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink ::::::: Murphy & Langever, Proprs Come to Us for Grocer. ; Come to Us and Save Monev wuiuc iu uu auu uei tne best me hi j.uD.wuu iu sun you groceries rU buy in car load lots and save frcitrht. whirl,- .P give our oustomers the benefit of our savinr you buy your groceries, if you wish to economi,. ' T.nrr PnbJn mnntfi cvrnn nnA Zl r t, . . 0 ,...r seiiraisme vnnr mnrninf s meal. We want vour eppQ arA and pay the highest prices MARTIN'S FAMILY QRQ( AINU BAKERY R. MARTIN, Propr. TELEPHONE MAIN THIS WEEK WE WILL SELL WINES Such Wines as never before have been i Pendleton at any price. Some of themttS held for ten years. We will sell them froa $i per quart bottle. Our high flavored br .t. : t : . KLEIN & COMH LIQUOR STORE, 619 YOUR HOMES Should be cheerful and so cozily arranged that j home will be looked forward to with pleasure. Tai folk who remain in the house so much of their tirsta surrounded by attractively and tastily decerned nl ceilincs and nicely painted woodwork. Our misn'oaia and oaDer vour homes. You get the highest diss i most reasonable price, when you leave your orders i n n CU A t for SHARP Nj V Kj kjllXXlV Opera Howe! S333SSSS3iSSS3SiSS!3S83388SSS33S!S:SSS2 Wood. Coal Pendleton and Hav Orel Exclusive agent for the celebrated KBMMERE3R OOJ Gov. Test 122 over Rock Spring and 278 over! Tri P. P. COLLIER & CO. SUCCESSOR TO AV. C. MISNI8 A COZY DINING M r . 1 1 1 n( the Sl' is appreciated Dy every mcuiuci - Our furniture makes it a cozy and handso grauciui lauies, uuueis, auu ,iiaii room into a handsome one, BAKER & FOLSOS Furniture Store near PoJtoflW PERFECTION IN Fjj Is reached in BIERS' BEST. Better flour e 1 lie treuiu ui uie wucai wf . Flour, which is right for bread anu Fancy uaKing. PENDLETON ROLLER W. S. Byers, PtoftttV' j H snow shoes.