East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 10, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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That is what we have In our store
and we can fit yon right . . -.
The stock in our shoe is the best that can be bought
for the money, and we know our prices are low. We
hold our own trade and attract new customers daily
by giving big values. Our patrons are never dissatisfied
ger, wuson k Coiipaiy
Good Shoes Cheap.
Mr. Zuelske, of Helix, Is In town.
E. A. Burns, of Alba, Is In town
Jesse Cowoll ,of "Walla "Walla, Is In
Dennis Nichols, of Butter Creek. Is
In town.
Mrs. James H. Clarke, of Union, Is
In town.
Chris Lcmpke, Is In town from his
farm near Helix.
Dick Powers, of "Weston, Is In the
city on business.
D. A. Gilchrist and family, of Ala
conda, are in town.
"William W. "Winston, of Pilot Rock,
was in town Sunday.
J. Q. Meyers and Ora A. Rhodes are
in town from Athena.
R. M. Powers and Trajan. Tucker,
are in town from "Weston.
C. M. Grimes, the cattle buyer of
The Dalles, is at Hotel Pendleton.
Steve Kerrlck, a business man of
"Walla "Walla, is at Hotel St. George.
- "W. F. Matlock and wife returned
this morning from a trip to Portland.
Carl Marshman and bod, Thomas,
living north of Pendleton, are in town.
Jack H. Collar and wife are In town
from Rltter. They are laying in win
ter supplies .
W. S. Rhodes and wife, of McKay
Creek, were in town Saturday night
and Sunday.
Mrs. M. "W. Keater, of Pomeroy,
"Wash., Is In town visiting relatives
and friends.
Mrs. B. B. Hall returned Sunday
evening from a week's stay with her
parents at "Weston.
Miss Dollie Pierce, representing
Gregg's coffees and teas, is in town
Interviewing her customers.
Grand Guardian Carrie C. Van Ors
dall. of the "Women of "Woodcraft, has
gone to Portland on business.
Anttl Weraaoia. a Russian, tiled his
application with the county clerk this
morning for citizenship papers.
George T. "Williams, a "prominent
business man of "Walla "Walla, is a
guest of the Golden Rule hotel.
H. Connell, of Umatilla division
roadmaater for the O. R. & N., is reg
istered at the Golden Rule hotel.
Mrs. Mary Kester, of Pomeroy, is
Your Doctor's Orders to fee
effective most fee sopli
mented fey pare drags
ill . your prescription is
.filled by us it contains
nothing but the best in
gredients that your doctor
prescribes for you. We
never substitute.
Look Here
120 acres of wheat land, x
600 acres, 10 miles from station, plenty of water, $6500
160 acres, 10 miles from Pendleton $15
160 acres, on the river, 7 miles from Pendleton,
35 acres in alfalfa, good house and barn.... $4000
Good house on West Alta ftreet ?uoo
Good five-room houser north of river, six blocks
- from bridee
Two five room cottages on West Webb St., each ? 800
Dutch Henry Feed Yard - S-
Good property in city and connlry too numerous to mention, any 2
location that one may desire.
Phone Main 1181
in Pendleton visiting relatives and
friends. She will remain here several
A. W. Clapp, traveling correspond
ent for the Railroad Gazette, of Now
York, is in town getting Information
for his publication.
Marvin "Wlthrow .loft Sunday for
Fayettevllle, Ark., where he has been
called on account of the serious Ill
ness of his father.
Rev. E. G. Sheldon and H. C. Twedt
of Genessce, Idaho, wore at the Gold
en Rule hotel Saturday night on their
way to the La Grande land office to
file on lands.
Mrs. J. H. Shoemaker, of Hood
River, spent Sunday in Pendleton,
with her sister, Mrs. N. L. Sturdivant
and brother, "W. T. Boynton. She goes
to Camas Prairie today to visit rela
tives there, and on her return to this
city will spend soveral weeks among
friends In this vicinity.
John J. Balleray and John McCourt,
of the law Arm of Balleray & Mc
Court, have returned from Portland,
where they represented "W. O. Ham
Isch against the "W. & C. R. railroad
in the suit for $50,000 damages for
the injury of little Ella Hamlsch in
the company's turntable here last
summer. They succeeded in getting
a verdict in favor of plaintiff for
Parliamentary Classes Well Attended
Constitution to Be Revised Meet
ing Tomorrow.
In spite of the weather, the parlia
mentary classes were well attended
all last week by the club women and
others Interested.
Through the courtesy cf 'he Com
mercial Association the class met
after Wednesday in the club room.
This was an ideal place aad much
appreciated by the ladies. Through
the parliamentary drill much Interest
was awakened in the study of civil
government, and some of the mem
bers of the Parliamentary Club will
take It up this winter.
It is probable that the club will re-
.vise its constitution, In order to take
up more general work, and to give op-
portunlty for increased memDersnip
and usefulness.
Mrs. Bethel left on this mornings
train for Athena, where she has
classes this week.
The Parliamentary Club will hold
Its regular meeting tomorrow after
noon, at the Commercial Club rooms,
at 2:30. A full and prompt attend
ance is especially desired.
The Thursday Afternoon Club will
meet at the home of Mrs. John Halley,
Jr.. this week.
Mrs. C. B. "Wade goes to Athena on
club business Tuesday evening, to be
gone two days.
Went Democratic.
Hickory county, Missouri, Is one of
the few republican counties in that
state, but Judge G. A. Hartman. of
Pendleton, had the pleasure of wiring
his congratulations to his cousin, Joe
S. Hartman, who was elected to the
ofllce of nrobato judge on the demo
cratlc ticket In that county at the
last election."
Fire at Chloride Mine.
The office building, the assaying
and chemical apparatus and the elec
trie light plant of the Chloride mine,
In Baker county, were burned Sat
urday night. The postofflce and tele
phone office were in the new building
which was destroyed, me loss is e
tlmated at $5000.
miles from Pendleton, S2500 g
S 9o 3.
High School Team Plays a Fast Game
and Succeeds In Shutting Out the
It Is not likely that there will be
a prettier game this year than that
between tho Eastern Oregon State
Normal and Pondlcton high school
teams Saturday afternoon.
Although the ground was very
heavy and rain was falling most of
the time during tho game, there wns a
good crowd of enthusiastic rooters
down to cheer their favorites to vic
tory and Pondleton was represented
by a good crowd who lost no oppor
tunity of cheering. Tho Normal team
wns the heavier of the two and had
a little the best of the fray during
the first hnlf of tho game, the honors
being won by a brilliant end run by
"Wirlck who made a touchdown and
McCarty succeeded In kicking a goal
before time was called.
The heaviness of the field gave the
Normal boys a little the advantage
as they were able to work in the mud
better than tho' light high scool team,
but it was evident from the beginning
that tho visitors were not so fast as
the locals who simply won the game
through superior fast playing and end
runB as they could not buck the line
of the heavy Normals.
The First Half.
The game was very close during the
first half. The Normals kicked off
and Pendleton fumbled on the 20
yard line. After three downs, Pen-
dleton lost tho hall, but the Normals
failed in their effort to rush the pig
skin over the goal line. "When time
wns called for the first half the ball
was In Pendleton's possession on a
High School Scores.
The second half was somewhat live
lier than the first. The locals steadily
gained on the Normals from the time
the teams went into the field until tho
end when the touchdown and goal
was made. The locals during the first
half saw that they could not success
fully buck the heavy line of the N r
mals and some pretty engineering
was then resorted to in the way of
end runs. With the ball under his
arm. "Wyrlck easily led Badeley, the
Normal's crack sprinter, around the
end o fthe line which won the honors
for the locals, and the score ended
with 6 to 0.
The Line-up.
Pendleton. Position. Normal.
Scott c Haloway
Cronln rg Case
Cronin Ig Waldeu
Baker -. rt Duputs
Arnsniocer K . . It.wnister
Hawks re Reed
Wyrlck le Snllng
McCarty rhb Nelson
Hartman lhb Badeley
W. Wyrick qb Rupert
Williams fb Pattisou
Referee, .Roy Conklin; umpire, G.
Other Games.
The next game to be played by tho
high school team is with La Grande
on the local gridiron. This Is expect
ed to be a fiercely contested game on
the part of the boys from the land
of sugar beets, but the local team is
in good trim and will give them a
close rub for their money. Much of
the efficiency of tho locals is due to
the excellent coaching given them by
R. S. Bryson and while the team is
light it can play a fast game. No
other game has been arranged for ex
cept the one on Thanksgiving with
Baker City high school, but as there
Is another week vacant It Is expected
that a game will be played with some
team to keep up the practice.
Assaulted Postmaster Smith and His
Wife, of Holdman.
Perry Shaver is In the county jail
serving a sentence of five clays for
assault. TIip complaining witness
was I. N. Smith, postmaster at Hold
man. Some little trouble has been exist
ing In that neighborhood for some
time between some hoodlums and the
postmaster. It Is claimed that a lot
of young fellows have been trying to
make trouble for the postmastor for
some time and Saturday young Sha
ver concluded that ho would take the
matter Into his own hands and start
ed In to clean out the postmaster and
his wife. Complaint was sworn out
against him for assault on Mr. Smith
and wife and Constable Bently went
out Sunday and made the arrest. Mr.
Bently did not arrive at tho home of
the young man any too soon, for he
was just leaving homo in a wagon for
Echo 10 catch the train to leavo the
country', when the officer arrived
Shaver was fined $10 by Justice Fitz
Gerald and in default of not having
the money, was ordered to Jail for
five days.
Clarence Wllklns, of the Agency,
Plays With a 22-Callbre Rifle.
Dr. Smith was called to the agency
Sunday afternoon to see Master Clar
ence Wllklns, who had accidentally
shot himself with a 22-ealitne rifle.
and In some unaccountable manner It
wns dlRcharged, the ball striking him
In the shoulder, near the Joint and
Inflicting an ugly, though not neces
sarily dangerous wound. Dr. T. M.
Henderson went out this mori.'ng and
dressed the wound again and found
the boy resting as easily as c uld be
A Umatilla County Pioneer Passes
Away at Home of His Son.
Alvah Jones, aged 80 years, four
months and 24 days, died Sunday nt
the home of his son, Almon Jones, on
McKay Creek.
Mr. Jones was born In Connecticut
and from thero his parents moved to
New York when he was a small boy.
He married Miss Ella Blanchnrd 58
years ago and later removed to Penn
sylvania. Mr. Jones ran a canal boat
on the Erie canal for several years.
Later he went to Iowa and from there
came to Oregon In 1S78, settling near
Milton. Thero he lived until October
of this year, when he wns taken to
the home of his son on McKay Creek,
near Pilot Rock.
Mr. Jones leaves four sons, Tree
mnn, Almnn, Seymour and Shermnn,
and one daughter. Mrs. Mary D. Jess
more, all of this county. Mrs. Jones
died eight years ago.
The remains will he Interred in the
Piloa Rock cemetery, Rev. Ely con
ducting the services.
Mayor Halley and Council Determined
to Stop Games Saloon Licenses
Will Be Endangered.
Seven men were fined $15 each for
gambling, in Judge Fltz Gerald's court
this morning. The parties arrested
were W. H. George, W. A. Krebs,
Jesse Sellers. Lester Swigart, Thos.
Winn. Ed Noble and T. E. De I.nney.
Tho arrests were made as a result
of the avowed intention of the pros
ent city administration to suppress
gambling of all kinds In this city. It
has been known to the officials for
some time that games were running
behind the closed doors, at different
places, but sufficient evidence could
not be obtained to warrant an arrest,
until today. While open gambling has
been practically stopped, the city au
thorities are determined to reach the
games that are run In secret, and have
notified the saloon men that any vio
lation of the law against gambling
will endanger their liquor licenses.
Birthday Party.
William Cameron entertained about
35 of his young friends, Saturday
evening, in honor of his 17th birth
day. The party was given at tho
homo of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Cameron, on South Main
street. Light refreshments were serv
ed, after a mere round of games, and
at miunight tne friends neparted,
wishing their host many hannv re
turns of the occassion.
Reception Postponed.
Owing to the illness of Miss Pot-
wine, at the rectory, the parish recep
tion, which was to have been held by
the Church of the Redeemer, this
evening, has been temporarily post-
For Boys
I Out wear any shoe made
Small Boys
a pair
Big Boys
a pair
Try Them
They will save you money
Steel I
United Sunday Afternoon In the Par
lors of the Golden Rule Hotel.
Four marriages wore solemnized
Sunday afternoon in tho parlors of
tho Golden Rule hotel. Tho first cou
ple to bo Joined In wedlock waB Per
ry Martin and Miss Mlnnlo N.
French, Rev. R. W. King officiating.
Immediately following them came a
triple wedding In -which Gcorgo "W.
Done and Miss Mabel Thompson,
Frank Done and Miss Cora TCnotts,
Gcorgo Cnrncs nnd Miss Lillian Wet
zel wero united by Rev. Sundormnn.
These three couples are prominent
young people of Pilot Rock, where
they will make their future homes.
Saturday afternoon Rev. W. E. Pot
wine, of tho Church of the Redeemer,
united In marriage Frank E. Simpson
and Miss Hnrrletto RubIi. Mr. Simp
son is a prominent young business
man of Athena and Mrs. Simpson was
one of Helix's talented young ladies.
Mr. and Mrs. Simpson left on the eve
ning train for Portland on a short
pleasure trip and after returning will
make their homo In Athena.
The Place to Live.
Weston Is among the prettiest home
towns In Oregon and has the only
state educationnl Institution the
Eastern Oregon Stato Normal School
in this pnrt of tho Btate Weston
is abundantly supplied with pure
water and has granted free wnter for
household purposes for 10 years to
all persons who build houses prior to
April 1, 1903. You can obtain a good
building Bite on Normal Heights, with
water, sidewalks, grading and shade
trees free, at a low figure. If you aro
seeking a pleasant home at an educa
tional center, ddress the Weston
Improvement Co., Weston, Or.
Special sale this week on all
We have too many and must close them out.
Now is the bu ers opportunity.
forts, and Outing Flannels.
Out Clothing Sale is Still On
f 1. mi. i t i . i. Ai-iii-..t..ii.
t. . . .... 1 n..
10 ue seen in attractive mi morv at our nar ors. u
trimmers keep constantly in touch with the fa
centers of the East snH th Intact iripas are always
As the season advances so do out styus.
r- i -
v m w e 1
I A u
. E
rt 1
done it,.
s we can sell
A. Httle eld ,!
sain. !
sen thine, ..
, 1 ... m
me iruih." 5,
wr. ....
c sen t,M.
J uay in Ik,:
sol .A.
I h&Vn tnn Tm,!. .
attempt to nanj
1 nave stock 1
and small, and i
desired. Wheat I
On thft rvar 1 TP
may want iron Osell
I have a loot I
lots, residence,
I do not lltt pit
price is rignt.
E. T.
T3-,f 17-i.i. 1
at A
The boy was playing with the gun.