MONDAY, NOVE.MllKn 10, 1902. KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL are both brought into use in any PLUMBING work we may be favored "with. Brain and musc'e work to gether for the benefit of our cus tomers. We are neither ex travagant or niggardly in the use of material. Enough is used to make the work perfect and no more. And we charge enough for good work and no more. B. F. BECK, I The Plumber Court St. Opposite Golden Ilule Hotel Cash Grocery We to comeand see us when you need groceries or baking. We have purchased the Rei man Grocery and Bakery at 636 Main street where we will conduct a strictly cash grocery. Our plan will be to give you more for your money than you " can get elsewhere because we will give the cash pat- -rons the benefit of our saving on .bad debts. Miller Grocery Co. CASH GROCERY AND BAKERY Gome To Us For your lumber and building material of all descriptions and you "will "save money'' and get first-class stock." We can sup ply you with . . Doors, Windows, Scre'cn doors and windows, building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand. We make a specialty of wood gutter: for barns and dwellings. Oregon Lumber lard Alta St., opp. Court House. FOR SALE A 'half section of Tine wheat land,1 all -in summer-fallow, north of Pendleton. . Good improvements. Almost a section of land in one body, a short dis tance north of town. FRANK B. CLOPTON '800 MAIN STREET OLD- NBWSPAl'BIlS TO ,VUT DNDEB CArpeta, on intlTM, wall, or for wrap nine purposes. Old newpapr In law bandies of 100 Men at 25 centi a bundle at the EAST OHBQONIAN of, 1'endl tofc-pwpm., FASHION'S PHASES EVENING SLIPPERS MOST ELABORATE THIS SEASON. Footgear a Very Important Part of the Make-up of the Woman of Fash. Ion. ' . - r t- V- NcwSYork. Nov. 10 An amnortnnt pnrt.of the ;,Vnltogother" of the wo man 01 iasnion is nor footgear. This comes I11 a variety ofstyles only equnlcd by the versatility of neck wear. -There Is n new style shoo (or every occasion In the day of fashion's elite nntl acorrcspondlngly novel leather for eacli. style. In fact the materials used In the manufacture of shoes this year runs the entire gamut of leathers from the old-fashioned hide of brass-toe remembrances to the more aesthetic suedes.' The former. ho.wever, Is greatly Improved upon. and renamed, and wo are glad, for the novelty of the thing, to nccept It under the guise ot Colonial kid In a smart shoe for walking or golllng. This shoe invariably has the thick, protruding sole though tho toe may bo either a square, pointed or round ed shape. The effort to eliminate every trace of masculinity Is extend ed even to the province of shoos, with the result that we have Instead the. flat, manlsh heel, a compromise be tween the common sense and pencil heights known ns the military. House boots and sollers de voiture, as the Bmart little carriage shoe Is called, have thinner soles and narrow er toes. They are made of dull finish .and glace kids with a tendency to ward elaborate trimming effected by means of stitching. Never before have ovenlng slip pers -been as elaborate as they are this season. Although suede is the leather most used for them, satin In tho same color as tho gown Is a favorite material. The odds In favor, too, are empha sized because it lends itself so admir ably to profuse embroideries and ap pliques, two Important considerations indeed, when we reflect that rich' gar nitures constitute the chief desldera. turn-in the season's modes. Expensive Shoes. Fifty dollars- Is a small price for many of- the evening slippers or rather a hundred dollars, for $50 only purchases one. -and even Cinderllla re quired a mate to prove her identity to the fairy prince. A few days ago at a Fifth avenue chausseure's your correspondent saw one of last sea son's debutantes run in to be fitted for a pair of slippers ordered for an evening gown. They were of pure white suede, appliqued with Irish point lace. The designs of the lace were outlined with silver threads and where there were tiny little flowers described, these had centers of brll Hants. As the owner gave her ap proval of the slippers she passed to the head of the establishment seven crisp new. $20 notes, and If facial ex Tiression counted tor anything, she fancied herself an adept in the find Ing of bargains. By a few surreptitious Inquiries which It would be a breach of confl dence to explain, your correspondent later learned that the gown with which these slippers are to be worn is an exquisite creation of white mousseline de sole. The skirt is close-fitting and embroidered In wreaths of white silk roses with cross bars of velvet In the center. Two full ruffles finish the skirt and these are edged with narrow white velvet and lace. The waist is tucked and cut deco- lette. Roses are embroidered over It in raised .design, supplemented by nie- iiaiiions 01 irisn lace. Accompanying this costume is a coat of cream doeskin. Along the tiniKir nart of the cane ."collar and down the front are stltche'd' bands of white broadtail baby lamb, with applica tions of white Irish 6rochet lace. The lower part of the Irish lace collar is finished by a deep fancy white silk and cord fringe. A Velvet Season. This Is decidedly a velvet season. A new variety, which Is at the same time pretty -and' expensive, has- a ffiie rib running through it and Is called peau de velours de Paris. It Is shot with different' colors, brown and gold grey and blue, green and bluo and Other effective combinations. Certainly there is nothing which forms so elegant a background for the furs .ho much worn as velvet- Either in ;grey, dark blue or black with chin chillas. It Is charming. For admirers of the new shades of green or brown. sable makes n fetching combination. Astrakhan has returned to favor after, twp or three years of .obscurity, but It finds expression in hats rather than in garments. It la effectively combined with ermine In toques for second mourning wear and used with lustreless silk flowers for deop mourning- Flowers in Favor. Leaves and flowers of all kinds find favor In milliner' designs and the ef fort is to make them ns true to nature 11 h possible. White leaves entwined nbont red silk American beauty roses constitute an extremely smart color scheme for a hat. of dark brown or black. Petticoats aro still a question of mo ment in tho world of fashion. It Is the petticoat an'd pot (he, gown that; bears the stress and -wear "of one's movements, the little trippings up that will occur even with the daintiest tread, The muslin skirt In many Instances Is taking the plnco of Its more ele gant rival, in taffeta. Perhaps the reason for this may bo found in tho modish woman's weariness of rustle. It has long ceased to be chic to rustle and, whereas, tho crackling of silk was, once a mark of positive elegance, smart modistes are now, racking their brains to secure Its elimination. As well creak In the .shoes ns rustle In the skirts, Is the sentiment of today. It cannot be claimed that any economy Is practised by the substitu tion of the muslin or linen petticoat for that of silk. On the other-hand, the former is more costly, for It is swarthed in mines of hand-made laces headed with headings of cor responding design whoso cost Is only little short of fabulous. Flounces of Batiste. Some folks of a compromising turn of .mind .are giving .to a satin founda tion flouncings of muslin and "batiste, so that the part soon soiled may be detached ami cleaned. Even In the midst of so ninny luxu ries It is not a breach ot rules fash ionable to mention less expensive pet ticoats of moreen and Imitation silk. Theso can be very artistically gotten up If trimmed with "mules of ribbon or applications of velvet while going It one better In point of durability and can not be excelled when service rnther than beauty Is desired. There Is a joke going the rounds of the comic papers to the effect that a husband of ultra-sanitary Ideas pre vents his wife from wearing trailing skirts by purchasing her a new petti coat every week. He enn well indulge this fancy, for there Is variety enough for all and beauty In plenty to be dis played. The newest petticoats are gored and fitted to tho figure as far as the knees, thus guaranteeing a wrlnkleless dross skirt. The idea is recommended to women of generous avoirdupois, for It lends a slenderness to the figure which otherwise, it would be difficult to obtain. MAUDE GRIFFIN. MRS. HULDA JAKEMAN, Wife of the President of the Elders of the Mormon Church, Salt Lake City, Utah, Recommends Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound for Woman s Periodic Pains. Surely the preat volume of letters wo arc constantly publishing from wo men made strong and well by Lydlu E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound must convince nil women 01 tne value 01 una lamous mcaicine. Does nnvone sumiosc that the vount wlfo of Presldent-Jakcman. whose portrait wo are permitted to publish, would allow us this great privilege If she naa not neon so ovor-joyea at nor own recovery mai Biie now wants 10 oe of service to her suffering sisters ? No, indeed no money can purchase such testimony, only a grateful henrt full of a desire to help other sufferers could induce a young woman of such high social position to allow her name to be useu in connection wiin any rcmeay, Tlow is it possible for us to make It plnincr that Lydia E. Plnkhnm's Vegetable Compound will positively help all bIcIc women ? All women re constituted alike, rich and poor, high and low, all suffer from tho same organic troubles. Surely, no ono can wish to remain weak and sickly, dis couraged with life ond no hopo for tho future when proof is so'unmistakablo that Lvdla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will euro monthly tullering all womu ana ovarian irouuics ana an mo 111s peculiar 10 -women. If there Is anything In your case about 'which you would like special advice, write freely to Mrs. Plnkham. Sho can surely help you, for no person In America has such a wide experience In trenting female Ills as she has had. Address Is Lynn, Mass. ; her advice is free and always helpful. HOTEL? ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. Art H. Mueller. The Dalles. O. N. RIss'er, Portland. ' J. Mnrtlnflale, Weston. William Maher. Portland. John J. Balleray, city. W. T. Dovell, Walla Walla, A. D. Chase, Portland. , AV. E. Hall, Chicago, ' S. F. Warten and wife. Carroll. B. W. Noyes and wife, Massachu setts. Joe Jacobson, New York. F. M. Cane, San Francisco. George F. Krieger, New York. F. M. Cane, San Francisco. Paul Compton, Walla Walla. Hiss II. Bush, Helix. B. AV. Dennis. Duluth. Sim J. Culley, AVeston. Airs. Ira Kemp. R. M.- Mackenzie, Portland. AV. Dallard, Portland. Ed T. Rice, Denver'. M. H. Patton, Spokane. J. H, Kloeckner. Spokane. W. H. Moore, )loro. M. Huffs, Arlington. R. I. Ewlng. Lancaster. Charles H. Green, San Francisco. T. W. Jackson, Spokane. G. S. Youngman, Spokane. C. J. Rupert, Albany. J. A. Gelseuderfer, The Dalles. R. S. Drake, Portland. AV. H. Garrett, Portland. AV. R. Glendening, Portland. H. A. Thatcher, Genesee. George T. AVIlliams, Walla Walla. J. W. Bird, Louisville. E. Weil, Boise City. John Hudson. J. Davis, San Francisco. J. C. ATan Dusen, Chicago. F. J. Ginger, Spokane. C. M. Grimes, The Dalles. S. S. GUI. Spokane. J. C. Robinson, New York. E. .C. Warner. Portland. , FV D. AVarher. Portland. E, C. Brady, Detroit, t - J. 'D. Hench and family, The Golden flulef f J. C. Dorr; Spokane. "" T. Croft, Salt Lake. Mrs. R. N. Russell.. Gejiessee. f H C Troedt. 'OenneBee j" E. G. Sheldon. Gennessee. Mrs. John Bay, Ajigcles. Mrs. James H. CJark.,tUniojTi Miss Jess Jtoot). city, f . J Mrs. I. Romalne; Portland? W. M noe and wife'Moscov. G. D. Galley, porjlanjl. 1 George AV. Ponc.t'njlqt liocki Miss M. Thompson. Pilot Rock. Frank Done. Pilot Rock. Cora Knotts, Pllot. Roq;. - ' George Carn'qfi.;PJlqT;'Rocir;" Llllle AVestgate; Pilot Rock. William AV. AVlusfon; Pllbt Rock. J. F. Hnyden. St. Louis. Jeqse Cowell. Walla AYalla. Alary AA'clah. AA'nlla AA'alla. J. C. Vrohbroek. Spokane. . F. W, Jolitz. Spokane. D. A. Gilchrist and wlfij. Anaconda. Ella ailchrist, Anaconda. ' - 14 C. M. Gilchrist, Anaconda. I Minnie Gilchrist. Anaconda. Frank AV. Gilchrist. Anaconda. Ed H. OIlchrlfiL Anaconda. AVIIllara,Gllclrlst,3.Anncoida. i. t George L. ailf)hrIst,'Ariaconda. ' George R. Simmons, Cold Springs. Ida Just. Cold Springs. nci. " if s t - I f MRS. IIFXDA JAKEMAN, of Salt Lake City. " Deak Miss. Pinkiiam : Before I knew of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I dreaded the approach of the time for my menstrual period, as it would mean n couple of days in bed with intense pam and suffering. I was under the physicians care for over a year without any relief, when my attention was called to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound by several of our Mormon women -who had been cured tlirough its use. I began its systematic use and improved gradually m health, and after the use of six bottles my health was com pletely restored, and for over two years I have had neither ache or pain. You have 11 truly wonderful remedy for women. Very sincoroly yours, Mrs. IIulda .Takeman, Salt Lake City, Utah." O, my sisters, I do pray you to proiit by Mrs. Jakcman's exper iences; just as surely as she wus cured of the troubles enumer ated in her letter, just so surely will Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound cure every woman in the land who suffers from womb troubles, inflammation of the ovaries, kidney troubles, nervws excitability, and nervous prostration ; remember that it Is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound that is curing women, and aon t allow any driurclst to sell von imvtMnn- i k. j I ? Rflflfl I djUUU mlJlgm '" WORLD'S FAIR NOTES. Perry Martin, Valley. I AA'Illlam Johnson. Valley. I w. m. bcott, bpokane. Twenty-Three Foreign Governments L. S. Cook nnd family, Fall Creek.' Will Exhibit World's Fair Dollars .ra. mnry .Menuennall, Spokane, 1 to be Struck, V.a unoues Ainena. st. Ii0tlSi N S.-Frederlck AV. George, i-oniantl. ! Tnvlor. rhlnf nf , ....... ,,, nn, iiu'ui iiuuiH ui P. E. Hunsupker, Spokane. AVilllnm Tuffs, Juniper. AV. P. A'an Schlock, Arlington. W. D. Wright. Portland. ! Mrs. AV. D. Wright. Portland. .lacic 11. collar. Hitter. Mrs. J. H. Collar, Hitter. Frank L. Collar. RIttor. B. flardsley. Spokane. William Snyder, Spokane. J. A. Sparrow, Hums. R. M. Powers, Weston, Frayon Tucker, AVoston. George McOllvory, Spokane. W. C. McRolierts, Spokano. J. G, .Meyers. Athena. F, J. Gardner, Portland. AV. U Rhodes and wife, MaKny Dennis Nichols, Butter Creek Clyde E. Finch, city. E. A. Bums, Alba. T. L. Gilliam, Eugene. Startling, But True. "If .OVOr.V ono know What n arnn.l medicine. Dr. King's Nnu- r.lfn piii0 t,hs," writes D. H. Tiunei. UemDSHv. town, P.v. "vouv. -n'H nil von i,- i. n day. Tvo wcoks' use has made n now mnn tf n... " i..t-n,in , . .' !" " ' imuiuuio ior con- Eiipatton, stomach and liver trouble. ao ifu ui a; lanmann m Sstorc. 1 agriculture and actim: chief nf hortl culture. Is making a tour of Southern I state fairs and eastern cities in the . Intei est of his departments, which will fiuvo about 30 acres under roof. and large outdoor areas devoted to 1 various methods of farming and fruit ' growing. I It is announced from AVashington ' that the gold dollars to be struck In I commemoration of the Centennial celebration of the Louisiana purchase by a AVorld's Fair at St, Louis in 1904 will be ready in December of this iyear. Two designs will be us&d, on. me in.-iiu 01 aiciuwey. who Issued the : proclamation of the AVorld's Fair.' The I numner will ie limited to 250.000. 1 rhoy will be placed on : safe by tho 1 treasurer of tho World' --Fair,1 thenct 1 of congress which authorized the Is- . suo permitting this to be done underJ tne proper bond. They will be sold m a premium drug Coal Joke 1.324.724 SerU, uu Tho crowded car came to a stop' f Tho conductor turned and said AI11 some one kindly start a livum' Thnirlro nnlnn.1ln 1 Ualtlmove News, A Startling Surprise. A'ery low could bellev In lnnklnir '?! " T- Hontlly. a healthy. . robust uiuunninuii, or Tiden, Ind., .that for ten -years he suffered such tortures from rheumatism ns few could en- luua. and live. But n wonderful f'hange followed his taking Electric Bitters. Two bottles woolly cured me," he writes, "and I have not felt a twinso In over u year." Tnoy regu late the kidnoys, purffy ,th blood and euro rheumatism, neuralgia, "nervous ness, Improve digestion and give per fect health. Try them. Only 50 cents et Tallmunn ,& Co's. drug storo. Let Us W Yout Ha W ... n T nil J . a atin . . mi... t Your lin.. . ... . nr if v. wcs'Ai,aanda " 1 I L1HIII Tin A . fend hn..L. . Horses for salt WILLIAM CONHQUi Successtor to Havn.!. If TTTTVTTtti. HI II M LU V'V IJIII IS- If you have paint lianmnp nr H...-.?' ""' ""oe in nrst-clasi men come to us. I 1 1 1 r nrip.p UUl IOW. .P lie c.. yuu. i m u nn . . . CoartStrtrt. ILlMBE ways narbor Cora. Opp. Wi & C. R. Dsftt n t . others on that lumber I .i i. i . .. . 1 f tt I anu see us. wecanri stock of all kinds of I JIIII IIIIIIV I JS I including shingles, i aows. mou aine. screen HIIII Wl 11(111 W? Kill lALl. L .1 t - - i miner rnnr n: inunn in 1 class lumber yard. Tt. IK J9C0 if. 30 lolmr nnH nroduCfS uat iul'ui clothes- - - - Cash 1 XV T r.i APKEi 11 J w- - uoun nut TOYS rnwNUBIAL .1. ot m i jw- . . to uie buin v , rji L hf at laundry wo. .:" " .!,!, and cow aiv . mi tu Special a,un..on 0- .iiiia i.uuj -n t price.. THE DOMESTIC LA be up Ai ha , F. Robinson, PnP- Custom Fred AVflliersi"-' liand. , w winur exchmii tfliir Mill . alwoyii ou M