THE RUSH FOR LAND IT PAYS TO TRADE AT THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE t t A Eirestt FdDriM The long hip form is the original long hip corset'. It has set the mode in corset styles. The long hip gives that deep graceful dip, rounds off the hips into graceful curves, takes all strain from the abdomen and chest and places it upon the hips and back muscles. Absolutely hygienic The only corset for the new style skirts. Form 989 $.00. Form 973 $X.25. Erect Form 990 $.00 Erect Form 992 $. 50 There are numerous other models of the W B Corsets of winch you will also find at our store. complete assortment ot styles and sizes. tsdn IA 1 itl t r.lUUElU 11. iiUn BREVITIES. nwaru. luwu iuuus. oysters nt Castle's. nniT Kfiii'ii in i r.uinnii n . i repairing go to Teutsch's. means Pendteton Indian nil nf slum renalrlnc: al means Pendleton Indian n ljisTprn nnrl cviva ovatnrR limburgcr and Swiss Everything tastes good. nni in iiiiv unnr niumr nn i will pay the highest prices. Grocery. A bargain. E. T. Wade, es or fall and winter street mp nifWDtt tww mm wppit nr. ducks at tue Standard Gro- Friend Indeed" 1 i . ... at this season of the r Hu. i . ; 1 WM a nf Hir lafnct and finishp-: in UffiWIU. t --aa nil uiirr thi. Set the swell ew ideas, HUNZIKER Whttaker, the dentist. Oyster cocktails at Gratz's. Olympla oysters at Castle's. Nouman's for cigars and tobacco. Hot Wienerwurst and saur kraut at Gratz's. P. I. It. means Petdleton Indian Robe. The best shoe lepalr. work at Teutsch s. Cigars, tobacco and smokers' sup plies at Jack Can dish's. Your suits will be the helghth of fashion if made by Slebert & Schulz. Full line office supplies, inks, pen cils, tablets and blank books. Noll's. Log Cabin maple syrup and H. O. self-rising buckwheat at Martin's Grocery. We have the neatest and largest Mock of jardiniere at prices so low as to surprise you. C. Rohrman. Light Brahma and Buff Cochin chickens for Bale at the Standard Grocery at the lowest market price. The Daily East Oregonian is on Bale in Portland at the Rich news stand in Hotel Perkins, and at the Hotel Portland. Lost Irish setter with "Y" on fore head. Information as to its where abouts will be appreciated. J. V. Tallman. Lost A white German Spitz dog. answers to name of "Bonnie." Finder return to Mrs. Henry Scales and re ceive reward. Lamp fixtures, all size- chimneys, wicks, burners, brackets, reflectors, shades, globes in stock at all prices. C. Rnhrman Wanted A boy with some experi ence in store and with horses, to drive delivery wagon. Call at Rohr man's grocery. Over 400 head of sheep have been slaughtered near Condon, in another clash between cattle and sheepmen, which occurred last week. See Withee for sewing machines; the latest and best on earth; chain and lock stitch combined, prices 14 degrees below zero. Call and see me. It will pay you. Why have gray hair. Get walnut coloring, $1 per bottle, express pre paid. San Francisco Hair Store, 1401 First avenue, Seattle, manufacturers of all kinds of hair goode. Send for circulars. MANY HOMESEEKERS BESIEGE LAND OFFICE, Umatilla County Settlers Enter Sixty. Four Hundred Acres Coal Entries, a New Feature. me busiest month for tho Tj urande land office force for some tim nas just closed, w th the Ootohor rush. Extra help has been repeated ly employed to meet the demands made upon the office. Ordinarily the humdrum" life in a land office is equal to the monotony of the countv Jail, but such was not the case during uctoDer. Homeseekers from almost every state in the Union have be sieged the plats and maps. The tim ber cruiser, the coal' expert, the oil fiend and the forest reserve enthusi ast have poured their delicious stories into the ears of the officials and na- tient clerks. One of the new features of October was the coal land entries. That is the opening chapter in a long story for Oregon. Mining claims and timber land entries have monopolized the record. The timber belts in the Blue and Powder River Mountains are staked fro mcenter to circumference. The summer just closed has actually beea a season of exploration in East ern Oregon. Tracts of timber lands have been traversed which have never been thoroughly explored before. Fol lowing Is the official record for Octo ber: Timber and stone applications, 110. Original homestead entries, 131, call ing for 19,886 acres. Final home stead proofs 16, calling for 1475 acres. Desert land entries, 2. Applications for patents for mineral land, 10. Orig inal mineral application, 1. Applica tion for Isolated tracts. 10. Cash re ceipts Issued, 150, amounting to 49, 075, calling for 17,710 acres. Applica tions for coal land, 12. Umatilla land sales, 40, amounting to S3696. and calling for C448 acres. UNION PRINTERS OUT. Pendleton Tribune to Make the Office Non-Union Organizer Will Inves tigate. The Pendleton Tribune has payed off the union printers working In that office and an effort is being made to get non-union printers In their places. Trouble arose last week between the printers and their employers when the union foreman was displac ed by a printer who hitherto has not belonged to a union. Another non- union printer was placed In the office at the same time and the secretary of the union was requested to give them permits to work, which he did. At a special meeting of the union yesterday, these permits were revok ed for just and lawful reasons. This morning the proprietors of the Tri bune notified the union printers of that office that they would continue to employ these two printers without permits. At the same .time they paid off all the union printers and are now endeavoring to get scab printers in their places. G. W. Howell, of Portland, district organizer of the International Typo graphical Union, will be here tomor nw and will endeavor to settle the difficulties with the Tribune. Great Thanksgiving Sale Every Department Represented So that the Guest as well as the Hostess may contribute to the beauty of the Day in their personal famishing made possible by this Great Sale Ladies' Neck Wear Some of the most up-to-date things ever shown in Pendleton. Silk Ties 25c to $2 Neck Ruches $1.50 to $10 Collars in endless varities Thanksgiving Linen Sale Tomorrow we will place on sale our entire stock of Table Linens, and at prices that should be cf interest to you 66-inch snow white damask 62c a yd 68 inch snow white damask extra heavy 77c a yd 72-inch snow white satin damask 82c a yd 72-inch snow white satin damcsk . . .$1.38 a yd Snow white napkins to match $1.95 to $4.50 doz Towels, full size 15010750 Lace Curtains Sweeping Reductions, close at Half Price. Many odd pairs to $2.00 kind Hi. 60 2.50 kind 1,95 3 00 kind 2 45 4-5 knd 3-55 6.50 kind 5.20 Black Peau de Soic silk 1.25, sale.,.,.. 97c Black all wool dress goods ti, sale 68c Homespun suitings, entirely new $1, sale. 79c Great Sale of Ladies' Tailor Made Stilts. Some at Almost Half Price. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE PENDLETON, OREGON FOR IRRIGATION C0NGRE8S. Cattle Shipments. Five cars of cattle will be shipped from the V, & C. It. stock yards to morrow evening. They are billed to the Pacific Meat Company, at Tacoma and are shipped by J. C. I.onorgan. When Senator Spooner Is In an ex citing debate his hair seems ,to bristle up a little more than usual and be frequently runs his hands through it catching it in bunches and twisting it Into varied fantastic figures. - HOT SODA - Wo . "(C dtratn t)ran..n.l - T T i C I ,ve nave a n, i :.. 1 1... i i lavuiiLcs ui last vear ami several new w.i. arc a iew oi our best sellers; TlmaBoSU1?.n' Beef Tea Vigoral, Tobaaco Flip, tomato Boullon, Celery Bouillon, Hot Ohooolate, Hot Lemon. They are all 5 cents 1 Ci. 'S DRUG STORE iePs rrom Main St T.a r tj Reform in English Prison System. London, Nov. 8. In England's lour great convict prisons of Dartmoor Portland, Parkhurst and Borstal, young convicts are in future to be treated as a class apart, and every possible means will be employed to keep them from associating with alder criminals. They will be officially known as "juvenile adults, the terra applying to those who at the time of conviction are 21 years of age or un der. The scheme is already In force at Dartmoor, where schoolmasters are employed in leaching the youths. An ex.-army officer trains them In phy sical culture, and "they are Instructed In carpentry to aid them hi earning a living when libenit'iil. Another ad vance step In prison reform has befii made by the abolition of okum pick ing by female prisoners, In Its place needlework has been adopted, and It will In futuru be the task of the women convicts to make their own garments and also those of the male prisoners. O. R. 4 N. Company Will Sell Tickets to Portland and Return for $7. The O. It. & N. Company have an nounced special rates f $7 for the round trip for those wishing to attend the irrigation congress opening at Portland on the morning of "bo I8tb Tickets will be sold on the 17th and be good returning until the 2Jrd. Results of a Temperance Lecture Two maiden sisters of mature years had been to a temperance lecture. To demonstrate the disastrous effect of alcohol upon life, the lecturer had poured a portion of whisky Into a glass which contained water and a mass of lively anlmalculae of different unsightly shapes and sizes. The re sult of the mixture "was that the shoals of the ugl-Iooklng fishes were soon bereft of life and were seen floating helplessly In the water. On the way home, when nearlng a I saloon, one sister remarked to the other: "Mary, will you go in and get some whisky? ' "Some whisky!" astonishingly re marked the other. "Yes, dear, for I really can never again drink water with all those hor rible things floating about. I would rather drink them dead than alive." The fourth annual convention of the Eastern division of the Oregon State Teachers' Association, will be held at La Grande November 4, G and 0. Toilet Soap Sale We purchased an enormous , amount of fine toilet soap just before the advance in tallow 1 (6o per centj and before the I soap makers entered into a soap trust, Witch Hazel, 3 bars in a box, for ioc a box. Fancy Castiles at 3c, 4c and and 5c a bar. The genuine Curative Skin soap, here on sale at 10c a bar Other Soaps' at 5c, are Honey, Elderberry, Turkish Bath, White Rosett. We also sell the Regular $1 box soap. Very fine quali ty at 69c a bar. Statuaries One of the prettiest lines that ever reached the city 65c to $3.95 ieauing statesmen, Musicians, Poets, etc. We reserve anyone you may want until the holidays FREDERICK N0LF Toys, Dolls and Gaines P1NGREE A Correction. I desire to state that the report that V. fcj. Finch stole a calf from me Is a mistake. He had an order for a calf from my place, and the wrong calf was turned over to him by my wife. PETER WEST. Gaston Released. Ed Gaston, charged with assault on Mrs. Jackson last week, was released this morning because of the non-ap pearance of the prosecuting witness. Notice. All persons knowing themselves in debted to me must settle by Octo ber 10th or their accounts and notes wllLbe placed In the band of an at torney with instructions to collect. E. L. SMITH. Fat Veal. Plenty of nice fat veal at Farmers' Meat Market. O. Platzoeder. LADIES' $3.50 SHOE ORLAN CLYDE CULLEN GOUNSELLOIt-AT-LAW U. 8. Bunreme Court KKGIBTEREI) ATTOItNEY U. 8. Patent Ofllce U. S. and FOREIGN PATENT! Trade Mark and Copyright! too 7th. it, N. W.. Waablnirton. I f The Delicacies of the season are always - 1 . lounu at our restaurant, At present we have ! Finest Oysters f Frog Legs Clams Crabs f and Lobsters f and other salt and fresh water foods The French Restaurant S T Olf AG E. CROWNER BROS, Telephone Main 4, Tha Put nrannnliH 1 m P a tl.rn firm ... ' -- . ' nnn'm rfinrnkjift'atltiA nanir I tmmri - -r rw.r - and the people appreciate It and enow ft by their liberal patronage. It la the advertising me lum of Mile eeotlon. The Best Shoe in the Coon try at Its Price. We Chal- lenge any $5 shoe to equal THE PINGREE; For Rent. What . known as Jacob's Enquire of C. B. Wade. Boston Store! block. ASLER'S IG ARGAIN 606 to 609 Main Street Biggest and Best Bargains In Furniture, Stoves, Glassware, China ware ever offered in Pendleton are now offered. Our Big Clearance Sale Is now on. We must reduce our stock in order to make room (or others. We want it to go rapidly and in order to do so we have cut lli'j prices. Come in and fet our knocked down prices and see what you can save, & ; Remember Joe Basler's Clearaace Sale Lots of goods sold at greately reduced prices. Where Whole Families are Shod. a-i n-- rViv rVtiVvvaiiiVvvv 4