riff ;- Overcoats and Suits FALL and WINTER 19021903 NOW READY Overcoats $4.45 to $20 Suits $4.90 to $25 I BAER & DALEY ONE PRICE CI OTHIERS, FURNISHERS and HATTERS CENTRAL OREGON HARNEY COUNTY RESIDENT RELATES EXPERIENCES. .MONDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 1902. GENERAL NEWS. ARRIVED IN EUROPE. It has been filially decided that Shanghai is to bo evacuated by the j powers at au early date. in 1SS0 there wore 7C establish ments in the United States that were manufacturing electrical apparatus. Today there are about GOO such estab lishments. Adjutant-General Corbin in his last report, says that the early marriage of the younger officers of the army it greatly to be deplored and should be discouraged. Seven hundred rubber workers em ployed by the Morgan & Wright Co.. of Chicago, went out on a strike Fri day because the company would not recognize their union. Will Visit a Few Days In England, Then Go to Germany. , William Proebstel. a pioneer of I.a Orande, and a brother of ex-State , Senator Proebstel, of Weston, writes that he tins arrived at Queeustown I accompanied by his daughter, Miss .Mollle, en route to the old home In Germany. The voyage was made on the White Star steamer Teutonic. The letter states that a most enjoy able ocean voyage'was had. Neither of them was sick during the six days they were on water, a most remarka ble experience for persons not accus tomed to ocean travel. They will visit a few days in London among the his torlc scenes of that city, when the journey will bo continued to the con tinent, where an extended stay will be made In Germany, among the scenes of Mr. Proebstel's boyhood Miss Proebstel finds many interesting anecdotes along the way, which sho relates in her letter, mailed from Queenstown, also on tire date her father's was written. They expect to At Ynrkton Manitoba, a youni Daukhobor woman dressed herself in. return to Oiegon in May white cotton and proclaimed lierseir . the Virgin Mary Many of the zealous Deafness Cannot Be Cured IiniiMiii aiv hnltoi'a lint crnrv launuuii... . .v ..... ......... by local applications aa Miey cannot reach George H. Stunts;, who first discov- the diseased portion of the car. Tbcre U ered iron in Northern Minnesota, died f "'; oat wajr to cure deafness, and that One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Stage Line to Reach a Thriving Oregon Settlement. Hums, Hartley county. In this state, lias the distinction of being the far thest county peal from n railroad in the United States, according to .1. J. Donegal!, a business lunn of that town who Is now In Portland. He was obliged to take a stage ride of 150 miles to Ontario, on the Oregon Short Line, when he came to this city this week, nnd he considers the trip n very tiresome one, says the Telegram. "It takes two nights nnd one day to ride from Hums to Ontario," lie said last evening, "nnd the passenger s nearly tired to death by the time he reaches the railroad, as It Is impos sible to sleep on the stage, mid the road iu most places is rough enough to keep one busy holding on. There are stopping places every miles or so, where one may obtain a meal and where the hoises are chang ed, but the meal is usually a poor one. although the price is 50 cents. The passengers, however, do not care for the nrtco f they could oUtain something fit to eat. and would be glad to pay a dollar for a decent meal. The rolling stock of tlie stage company consists of buckboards, dead nx wagons or any old thing in mo shape of a vehicle. The fare is $10 which is considered cheap for a loti mile stage ride, as stnge companies usually charge 10 cents a mile. We are quite happy over in minis, however, and only feel our Isolation when we want to take a trip to tne outer world. Our people are mostly stockraisers nnd so are not anxious for a railroad that would settle up the country with farmers and crowd the stock to the wall. livery nouy is do ing well now, and such might not bo the case after population becomes more dense. "The county, however, Is in a very undeveloped state, and there is a large amount of land that might he rendered productive It farmers would take hold of it.- A portion of Harney valley Is self-irlgatlng, being moisten ed by tlte melting snows from the ad jacent mountains. This land Is very rich nnd will raise anything. "There is some talk of the Salt Lake & Coos Day railroad being built through Harney county, nnd it would come to Burns, In all probability. Whether this road ever materializes or not, however, is n matter of con jecture with our people. "Portland Dally papers are three days old when they reach Bums and the Boise papers are two nays oiu We deal altogether with Portland howover. and as all our Interests are in Oregon, the Portland papers are the only ones we care to read regn larly." Mr. Douegan is on his way to Kose burg to visit relatives, and he expects to spend a week or two in Western Oregon before returning to Hatney valley. at Diiluth recently in extreme pover ty, although his discovery resulted In -making millionaires out of a score of other men. Statistics show that owing to tho drouth the wheat harvest in New South Wales this year has been very poor. Tho shortage is estimated at ll.0O0.000 bushels. Queensland and other states of the federation will also have poor harvests. A colored portei named Richard Cole, has been arrested for making an assault upon Mrs. Dsnuis, the Washington dressmaker, who was found in her room, beaten into Insen sibility. 10 months ago. Mrs. Dennis npvor recalned consciousness, but lingered for 10 months without being able to elve the slightest clue. She died last week. Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucus lining of the Kustacblan Tube, When this tube Is Inflamed yon have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed, Deafness Is the (suit and unless tne innammatlon can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, bearing will be destroy ed forever: nine cases out ot ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucus sur face. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by Catarrh) that cannot be cured by Halls catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars, tree. I. J. CHENEY' & CO., Toledo, O. Hold by Druggists. 75c. Hall's Family rills are the best. PACIFIC NORTHWE5T NEWS. Charles Lane, of Oakland, Is old .mil rich. Nevertheless, he spends most of his tlme-every summer In Alaska, nnd is niaklni: money at Nome. It Is estimated that of 0000 people, the normal population of Nome, only about 2500 will remain there this win ter. The remainder will return to the .United States for the winter. The labor unions of Oregon will ask the next legislature to create a com missioner of labor. President G. Y. Harry is the choice of tho state Fed eration for the position, it created. n. A. Lewis, of Lowiston, Idaho, thinking the small vote ho received as candidate for county treasurer was nn Avldenee of his unpopularity among the neonlo. resigned from the city council. Thomas J. U. Nicholson, secretary nf th Pacific Coast Elevator Compa nv. has been sued for SiO.Ooo dama- ges for breach of promise by Miss Jildora Devereaux, a stcnognipner ui Portsmouth, Or. Henry Dietrich, rt farmer living near Tacomn. was committed to the insane asylum lust Friday. When ar rested ho was discovered In his barn proving for Wine commands. He had shot his horses and cattle and had throwu away his clothing, stating that he would end his fast In 10 days and the Lord would then show Mm how to reform the world. tot r,n i.r dnv above expenses. The stockmen have each agreed to an assessment of $20 which is con- sldered ample for tne ereemm m nblo corrals between named. ADAMS NEWS. the points Said About Pendleton People In the Advance of November 8. O. Swank, a prominent farmer or tills county, was in Adams today. Mr. fi urn n L- in tho owner of two large farms, one near Pendleton and the other in the neighborhood oi jiniun. Ho sold his crop before lie tnrcsneii rerelvlnir therefor 52 & cents per Utialinl Harry Krebs we call him Winnie, here in Adams was up irum rumm. ton Wednesday. Mr. Krebs was en gaged In business in Uiwton, the little mining town on the edge of the Green horns, for several months but is now located nt Pendleton. His many friends In Adams wis.i him succeas wherever lie may be. Mike Keating, ouo ot tho oldest tuiil best known plumbers in Pendleton is In .Vilnius. Mr. KeiltllK collies to Adams to superintend the laying of water and gasoline pipes In the new !,,,.. f Jnmes Lleualleil. Ho will bo hero for a few days. Mr. Keat ing Is in the employ or Tom Taylor, the hardware ninn, In whose employ Mr. Keating has been for many years. He lias no superior ns n workman in Eastern Oregon. The Glass House. Willi G4 undefended divorce cases on the day's calendar. New York Is in no position to cast slurs on South Da kota. New atK worm. An explorer of the Canadian geo logical survey has lately discovered a iivn.- anil miles lone, emptying into Hudson's Hay. A Sermon on Wheat. There has been much inquiry among the uninitiated Into the mystic terms of grain lately, among which was the question as to the reason why blue- stem wheat was selling at a higher rate than other grades of wheat grown In this section of the country. Bluestem Is a very hard wheat and when made into flour produces a much whiter article than other grades. It is the hardest variety of grain to grow and will only produce well in favored localities. Very-few sections In the state of Oregon can produce a good crop of bluestem. For these reasons there Is an ever increasing demand for bluestem flour, the princl. pal calls being at the present time from South America and South Afrl. ca, Oregon Daily Journal. Trust Those Who Have Tried. I suffered from catarrh of the worst kind and never hoped for cure, but Ely's Cream Balm seems to do even that. Oscar Ostrom, 45 Warren, avo., Chicago. Ill I suffered from catarrh; it got so bad I could not' work: I used Ely's Cream Balm and am entirely well, A. C. Clarke, 341 Shawmut ave., Bos ton, Mass. The Balm does not Irritate or cause fiieezlng. Sold by druggists nt 50 cents, or mailed by Ely Brothers. 5G Warren St.. New York. CANNOT GET CARS. Webfoot Stockmen Will Drive to Mar. kcts Surprising Situation on the S. P. Owing to the difficulty In procuring cars, and also what they consider ex cesslve charges, the stockmen have been considering the advisability of building stock corrals every 12 miles abng the route between Kpseuurg and Portland which will bo usee, for tho care of stock, says the Junction Times. It Is the Intention of stockmen to drive their cattle overland. They claim, aside from the freight charges, that there is no telling when cars can be secured and the expenses incurred for their care while waiting for cars cuts deeply into the profits. Only a short time ago A. J. Packard brought fn a bunch of cattle and had to hold them 12 days: It Is claimed cattle can be driven overland nt a good profit. Frank Dinges drove a big herd to Portland In seven days and he net- HHHHHISiWSW The construction of the mines and metallurgy building has begun. This will stand In the southern part of the main group and will ho 525x760 feet, covering nine acres. It will cost $408,000 and the design Is one of tho most beautiful in the group of many splendid exhibit palaces, It's Out Treat We have just received and placed on exhibition the most beatiti.'ul line of Holi day and Popular Books ever shown in the city, and to book lovers a glance through our shelves is a perfect treat. We invite you all to come and HAVE ONE ON US Our window display will give you an idea of what we have inside Select your Books for 'the Holidays NOW FRAZIER'S Book Store. s,ii ti.- hmiU iimrnimlilv. on rctlrinc 111 a hot lather of Cutiouka Suav, the most eirectittuklu inirirylw; snap. as wellas purest ami wete for toilet, bath, ami nursery. Dry.aiiiiint freely with CntctntA Ointment, the great sk.n cure anil pureM of emollients. Wearohl plo m ilutinK uiht. ! or sore hanilj, Itching, tmrnluz Palms ami luinful finger emls, tliH one night Ireatmtnt is wonderfnl. rp2. Kwlou. ' H u hit. IlMut'Ju Illicit." Im a ? Thai EVENING or PARTY Dress Should be made according to the latest fashions, and should be a perfect fit. We make a specialty of making & functions. Art enters into our work. Bear in mind we do all kinds of dressmaking on short notice. Come to Us for Groceries Come to Us and Save Money Come to Us and Get the Best Wc are in position to sell vou urm.:.. .i buy in car load lots and save freight, which is jL- give our customers uic ucncui ot our savin? t. n. nriv! if :i. . si T nrr Pahin mnnle Rtrrim :ttA T-T.n -if . yum iiiutiuu o ..... We want your eggs and butter and pay the highest prices MARTIN'S FAMILY QRQC AND BAKERY R. MARTIN, Propr. TELEPHONE MAIN 441 YOUR HOMES Should be cheerful and so cozily arranged thill home will be looked forward to with pleasure., folk who remain in the house so much oi their t surrounded by attractively and tastily decorated I ceilings and nicely painted woodwork. Ourmisss and paper your homes. You get the highest c most reasonable price when you leave your r r CUT ADD for SHARP ia.m Opera Hoi THE BEST Is none too good for out PATRONS We have the choicest liouors and wines I made. No misrepresentation as to quility.a measurement. We sell at reasonable pneesa believe in living and letting others live Sample room now open i KLEIN & COj LIQUOR STORE, 6f 9 1 I Wood. Coal Pendlelo and Hay Exclusive agent for the celebrated- Gov. Test 122 over Rock Spring and J75mj m&i P. P. COLLIER & CO., BUCCEBriOU TO W. C. M1.NMS THE EASTERN CLOAK, SUIT AND WAIST FACTORY 643 MAIN STREET ED. EBEN, Propr. ; I! The Columbia Lodging House NEWLY FURNISHED BAR IN CONNECTION IN CENTER OK BLOOK BET. ALTA & WEBB BTri A COZY DINING 1 kA T I.ti u.iorir nlflll her 0t . rnr fnrnltiir,. tnflllPQ it a COZV afltl VL graceful tables, buffets, and chairs will to room into a handsome one, BAKER & FOlj Furniture Store near F.X.SCHEMPP.Prop. PERFECTION!? .... flout IP "1 1 1 1 DVVDO' HVST. i ICUU1CU 111 XlXXiXVO JJAJW' ..n,e I The cream of the wheat ?r?P f" bread Flour, which is right for Fancy ds'i PENDLETON ROU W. S. Byers, PW, For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink ::::::: Polydore Moens, Proprietor. i I)