"5 H Hill iilllLlBiBMWWMWMWBBHMi OAILYEVENINGEDITION VNVVVWVWVVVVWVVVWV daily Eastern Oregon Weatfier Tonight and Tuesday occasional rain, cooler. ..,,,-rtd t your reildence f!Ti?.i-...'hT carrier t ,5c A WEEK. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUXTT, OliEG OK", MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1002. NO. 1580 ACCUSED r n 1 lineux base Becomes lt'mna and Women UVM-- I the Court Room. ITOOK BLACK'S CHARGE VERY COOLY, llick Sums Up the -Case to Pieces the Evidence ly the Prosecution. N'ot. 10. The Mollneux aln sensational. Immense lercame tne pence ana court room. It was neces fee considerable fcrco to tram. there Is a preponderance Attorney Black summed tearing to pieces the evl ed by tho prosecution er things ho said that ho blue paper. Identical to the poisoner In nine cliff- i within a radluB of a mile burt room He said paper made S6.000 sheets be- Irlme was committed, and nns could have wWtten In letter dealing poison. pnlde of mercury had been without trouble In a week an army Before conclud lactically accused Cornish Ider and pointed out that itlves and had fitted him of circumstantial evidence at the trial as the possl- Cornlsh was In the and took Black's charge ers at New Orleans. pans, La., Nov. 10. Every ain today has brought to the twenty-eighth an- litlon of the American soclatlon, which convenes ck tomorrow morning In At the headquarters of cretnry there was a busy' The registers were the pint of a large crowd of 1 visitors from abroad, (wait and take their turn pg and receiving the ofll- als in the form of'a card a neatly engraved silver button to display on the coat. Tomurrow's exer- opened by President My- Bck, of Cleveland, and ad- yelcome will be delivered t Heard, Mayor Capdeville Ifalmsley, president of the Bs clearing house. The parlous reports will .occu- Bnder of the day. I Meeting at Benninns. iQ2s todnv nn thp nfpn- OWnini? nf thn nntiimn ifte Washington Jockey isruunas in spienum r more attractive lears. Alterations m aide durlne the - UOUSmnnn.l 1 V. l..l. r.. "'vu nit; iiaun ("efutest and safest in ' The aVlnr nrnitilinn I'fSS In erfrv lumi Mow lit41 atld Handicaps hq many of the W be revived. The meet- November 20. F' Case Caiiri FO., Kov m rni.. H Ui.ll 1 "c CUSSC " Butler, niiin,, .i . Mi, ""'"""i WWII i kriherr rr.,ue rars.e8 nut r.hT Tir"! milS8 and EhM l , Z 1 scannals re r f ,"5 Loi 'ho trial aci widespread 1 ' Manaan. n.. . va. v.. tthe m "r" lu-what Is Lmn ?ota.bl dlscov- le irmi ,n lDe m menu LUn''e'1 States, is about Ife..? ) a syndl- F -i'iiai sis. It 1r n ib raio of BO ,n Chicago. COLLECTOR REMOVED. President Roosevelt Does Not Ap prove of Action Taken by the Ala bama Republicans. Washington, Nov. 10. Julian Bing ham, collector of tho Alabama inter nal revenue district, has been remov ed and Joseph Thompson appointed to fill the vacancy. He -was removed for connection with ousting negroes from the recent republican state con veniion. 1'ostmaster 1'ayne after a conference this afternoon with Presl dent itooBevelt, stated that action taken by tho republicans of Alabama did not meet Iloosevelts approval and was perversion of the republican principles. Ho says the administra tion would no more approve such an action in Alabama than it would in Ohio or any other Northern state. PANIC STRICKEN i UNION ENGINEER WRECKS MITCHELL WILL NOT ACCEPT. Believes He Can Serve the Miners Better' In His Present Position. Wilkesbarre, Nov. 10. John Mitch ell today says he Is not a candidate to succeed Gompors as president of the American Federation of Labor, and would not accept the place if elected, as he believed he can be of more service to the miners In his present position. BAER'S REPLY. Covers Six Pages Will Be Made Pub lic Tomorrow. Washington, Nov. 10. Recorder Wright today received Baer's reply to President Mitchell's statement. It re quired six printed pages. A copy has been sent to Mitchell. It will be made public when received by him tomorrow. Cuban Children Returned. New York, Nov. 10. The Cuban children intended for the Point Loma colony were deported today and given first-class passage to Santiago. British Ships Go South. Halifax, N. S., Nov. 10. The flag ship Arianne and the other ships of tho British North Atlantic squadron sail for the South today. Pupils' Strike Off. Chicago, Nov. 10. The striking pu pils returned to school thl.3 morning. Lost Control of Engine While Lowering Men in a Cage Down Into the Mine. -r WRECK CAUSES A PANIC IN THE MINES AND WORKMEN CAME STREAMING OUT. Nine Union Men Were Seriously Injured, the Engine House Was Wrecked and the Top Breaker Was Torn Off of the Heldelburg Colliery, at Hlttston The Incompetent Scab Engineer Disappeared. Scranton, Pa., Nov. 10. Nine union, and smashed into the flywheel of the men were seriously Injured, the en-' hoisting room. The steam cylinders gine houso wrecked and the top j burst and tore away tho engine room breaker torn off of the Heldelburg colliery at Hlttston this morning by a panic-stricken non-union engineer. He lost control of 'the engine while lowering men In the cage which drop ped several hundred feet. The carriage in the opposite track, with several men inside at the same time emerged with frightful rapidity from the wrecked hoist, which In stantly stopped the cage which was falling down the shaft. Tho men in the cage were all Injured by the con cussion. Escaping steam and noise of the wreck caused a panic In the mines and the men came streaming out by the other ehaft. The scab en gineer disappeared. DAUKHOBORS RETURNED. t Kov, 10. Wheat 71 IRRIGATION MEETING PORTLAND WILL ENTERTAIN OREGON IRRIGATION CONGRESS Delegates From Umatilla County Named County Court Will Attend in a Body. The Oregon Irrigation Association convention of over 400 delegates will assemble In Portland, Tuesday and Wednesday, November 18 and 10; also the Oregon Bar Association meets there on tho same days, on which oc casions the railroads have made re duced rates, tickets good for six days on all lines from points In Oregon to Portland. Portland proposes to entertain all visitors over the railroads on the oc casion with a ball or concert, free theaters, with visits to wheat ships, public library. Oregon Historical Po clety rooms, the $500,000 city hall and the $1,000,000 federal custom house, a steamboat ride on the Willamette and Columbia rivers, and in other ways as will best show Portland's en terprise, hospitality and desire to be come bettor acquainted with the peo ple of the wholo state anJ they with it. It Is expected several thousand peo ple from all over Oregon will take ad vantage or the cheap excursion rates announced by the O. R. & N., South ern Pacific and Northorn Pacific to visit Portland, Irrigation week, and It is ,the -Intention of the business men of Portland to give these a royal wel come and free entertainment regard less of whether they como as regu larly appointed delegates or simply as visitors. Umatilla County In Line. Governor Geer has named W. J. Furnish and Stephen A. Lowell, to represent Umatilla county at this con vention. Among the other delpf,&tes to attend from this county are two to be appointed by Mayor alley, two by the Pendleton Commercial Associ ation, two by the State Normal, f Weston and two by the county courL So tar, the only delegates appointed by these various parties and organ izations are T, C. Taylor and Jesse Falling by the Commercial Associa tion. Tho county court, consisting of Judge Unrtmann and Commission ers Gllllland and Walker will attend in a body. The appointments of Mayor Halley and President Alexander of tho Normal Board of Ilegents, will be.nn nounced later. They Wanted to Hunt the Messiah Leaders Carried Bodily to the Train Police Driving Them Home. Yorkton. Manitoba. Nov. 10 After one of the most exciting incidents In the history of the Northwest, the Doukhabor fanatics have been forci bly entrained and returned to their homes. A military special of 10 roaches ar rived here yesterday and the mount ed police are driving the Doukhobors to their villages, thus ending the most remarkable pilgrimage In Canadian history. At Mlnnedosa where tho fanatics were put on the train the police were kept busy preventing the Russians from throwing themselves from the car windows. The fanatics were addressea by the' officials and told that they would have to go home. "No," they answered. "We go to seek Jesus." Fifty of the fanatics got out and made an attempt to go east. Sur rounded by the farmers and police, they resisted desperately and the leaders had to be carried bodily to tho train. Some struggled so hard that their clothing was literally torn from their backs. The Doukhobors refused to strike, but struggled blindly for free dom. They have been living on wheat and raw material and many are physi cal wrecks. The Doukhobors say that they want freedom to look for the Messiah. They sing and pray Incessantly, asking di vine assistance to turn the hearts of their captors to release them. SPANISH CABINET RESIGNS. In Consequence of the Violent At tacks Made on the Government Alfonso Surprised. Madrid, Nov. 10. The Spanish cab inet, beaded by President Sagasta, have resigned in consequence of vio lent attacks made on the government In the chambers. King Alfonso was taken by surprise and asked 24 hours notice. The liberals are confident that he will not accept the reslgna tions. RULED.OFF RIDERS' SUITS. Each Jockey Asks for $40,000 Dam ages. Paris, Nov. in. The suits for dam ages brought by John Relff and Mil ton Henry, the American Jockeys. against the Jockey Club, becauso of that body's action In revoking their licenses to ride In races, and thus de priving them of a means of livelihood, came up for hearing today. The sen tence of tho French Jockey Club re voking licenses of John Relff and Mil ton Henry caused a turf sensation when It was announced on October 12. At tho time It was stated that the ac tion wns taken on evidence secured by detectives of the French police de partment, the offense specifically charged that tho Jockeys hnd "pre vented favorites from winning." Tho proofs presented by tho detectives that Henry and Relff had ln-en impli cated in racing frauds were accepted as final by tho Jockey Club, and sen tence wns pronounced in a manner that left no chanco for tho accused riders to appeal from tho decision reached. Under tho International agreement existing between racing of ficials, the action of the Jockey Club also bars Relff and Henry from riding anywhere in Europe the United States Canada and Australia. On this their suits for damages are based, tho jockeys contending that they were punished unjustly They each ask for $40,000 damages. Celebrated Battle of Tippecanoe, Cincinnati, O., Nov. 10. Tho annl crsary of the battln of Tippecanoe was celebrated today at tho tomb of General William Henry Harrison, nt North Bend, near this city. The late President Benjamin Harrison before his death had a now tomb built over the grave of his illustrious grand father. The exercises consisted of historical orations and selections music. of WILL SUE FOR DIVORCE. Four Years Ago Eloped With an Eng llshman, Who Afterwards Killed Himself. Los Angeles, Nov. 10. It is report ed here that Mrs. John Diadbury, wife of the millionaire mine owner, will sue for divorce. Bradbury Is In Oakland. Four years ago Mrs. Brad bury eloped with Warde, an English man, who afterwards Jumped from a train and was killed in Iowa. An Alleged Assault. St. Louis, Nov. 10. The assault by Peter Arlung on Colonel Moses Wet more last night for an alleged Insult to his wife, was complicated today by a special message from Louisville. Campbell Is Dead. Salt Lake, Nov. 10. James Cami bell, the first superintendent of the Salt Lake division of the Central Pa rifle railroad, is dead. Mr. Campbell was superintendent of construction in 3809 of the Central Pacific when rac ing to meet the road building west The last memorable day he establish ed a record of 10 miles track-laying In one day. His residence is at Los Angeles. Castro Given Ovation. Caracas, Nov. 10. General Castro returned yesterday and was given a great ovation. He has again taken nn the presidential duties. The revo lutionary forcps are undoubtedly In flight. Earthquake In Russia. .Vienna, Nov. 10. An earthquake at Lisk in South Russia today, caused which sayR the real Mrs. Arlund is a great loss of life. Fifty persons are there and has no knowledge of the known to be entombed. A large pop other woman. Hon of tho clt yls In ruins. A BIG RAILROAD STRIKE IMMINENT Trainmen and Switchmen of Chicago Co-operate and Demand a 20 Per Cent Increase in Wages. Chicago, Nov. 10. Unless the rail ways make concessions a strike can not be nvolded. They offer a 10 per cent Increase, but the ral'way men say the cost of living has .ncreaseu 40 per cent, hence the 20 per cent in crease asked for, is even less than fair. Tho railway managers will hold n meeting today and nro piopuriutf to face the struggle. Thoy say tney will not grant 20 per cent. The offlc ers of the railway conductors again called into conference tho switchmen today and assurances of co-operation are said to have been pladged The contracts of the trainmen with tho railways explr November 2C and unless an agreement 'a reached the strike will probably be declared on that date. Scab Union Formed The Illinois Central, Chicago & Great Western and the Rock Island roads today entered an agreement with a new labor organization calling Itself the Switchmen's Union of Amer. lea. Members of the Brotherhood of railway Trainmen denounce the new union and say that it is composed of non-union men, fathered by the rail ways to enable them to claim that their roads are being operated by union labor. It Is expected that a strike will begin by members of the brotherhood refusing to handlo cars of the roads named. 'Frisco to Issue Bonds. St, Louis, Mo., Nov. 10 Favorable action Is expected today at the annual meeting of the stockholders of the St. Louis & San Francisco railroad on tho proposal of the directors to Increase the bonded Indebtedness by $18,000, 000. The issue is to bo used for tho construction or acquisition of addi tional lines WANT NEW OFFICERS RECOMMENDS RE-ESTABLISH MENT OF VICE-ADMIRAL. Annual Report of the United State Bureau of Navigation Says That by July, 1906, There Will Be a Short, age of 1005 Officers. Washington, Nov. 10. Tho annual report of the bureau of navigation was Issued today. It IayB great stress on tho needs of more officers to man the existing vessels and others now building. It says by July, 190C, there will be a snortage or iuu& oincers. itoccm mends legislation empowering each senator and representative to appoint two midshipmen annually nnd nn In crease of 30 lieutenant-commanders, CO lieutenants and G50 junto lieuten ants. Also recommends tho ro-estab-llshment of tho giado of vice-admiral. It plans to maintain a group of ves L OD RUMORS Present Division Points Lo--cated in Early Days-Some Changes Are Necessary, FIVE DIVISIONS BETWEEN POCATELLO AND PORTLAND. By Reducing the Number to Four, $50,000 Per Month Saved In Operat. Ing Expenses. Following closely upon tho hevls of tho surprising news that n Joint oc cupancy of track between Wallula and Portland will ho enjoyed by the Northern Pacific nnd O. II. & N., comes a revival of tho rumors that an entire rearrangement of tho divis ion points on tho Hnrrlman lines to meet now conditions, Is contemplated. A glance at the present situation "will show tho iirKent need of such a chniiKo. Between Pocatello and Portland on tho Harrlmnn lines, are now flvo di vision points Glenn's Ferry. Hunt ington, Orando, Umntllla and Tho Dalles. Theso points wore choson under conditions which prevailed when tho roads were completed, some 18 or 20 years ngo, Every other feat ure of railroad management has been changed, since that time. Economy has suggested' concentration and sum pllflcntlon nt every stop, Tho tend ency Is toward longer divisions, and a reduction of the enormous expanse of maintaining so many officials and departments. Improvements at Nampa. From Pocatello to Nnmpa Is a level stretch of country, over which a giant locomotlvo of todny Is able (o pull 00 to 7fi cars. At Nnmpa vast Improvements nro going on. It Is the Junction point or tho Bolso City brnnch of tho Short Lino. Tho Dew ey, or Thunder .Mountain road reach ing north Into tho great Interior of Idaho, branches out at this point, and tho Sliver City nnd Ontnrln sweeps southward through tho alfalfa fields, stock ranges and mining districts of Southern Idaho. It Is n railroad and trade center and Is dcxtlncd to bo a division point. From Nampa to Baker City Is 125 miles of rolling country, with ono hill to climb, from Durkee to Plenfant Valley. At Baker City tho Sumptei Valley railway reaches out southward Into Central Oiogon. Beyond the John Day. It Is rumored that this Is to become a feeder of tho Hairlmau system and will he extended Into the rich terri tory lying boyond the John Day. This will add to tho possibilities of Baker City. The vast business already hand led there would mako it Important as a division point. From Baker City to Pendleton Is 1 2J miles, a distance uniform with other divisions from Po catello eastward over tho Ifarrlman lines. There being competition here, In tho W. & C. R., It would add to the strength of tho Hnrrlman lines to have headquarters here. From Pen dleton to The Dalles, by way of tho Echo cutoff, which Is surveyed and sels for use In tho different quarters of the Carribean Sea. Tho flagship ready for the giaders, is about 120 uiympia to ue naseu at uuionra, wiiu transports, marines and fivo cruisers The flvo cruisers to bo known as tho Carribean division of tho North At lantic, to bo commanded by rear admiral, Coglan, who is now second In command at tho North Atlantic station. For Single Sattehood. S Oklahoma City, O, T.. Nov. 10. Tho single statehood executive committee met here today to discuss tho advisa bility of calling a third convention and to consider the question of fram ing a state constitution and further demand admission Into the Union of states. The promoters- of tho move ment rcprcfent thoso favoring tho ad mission of Oklahoma and Indian tor- Itories as a single state In opposi tion to thoso who desire to have Okla homa admitted 'alone. Mlnneeotant Will Dine. New York, Nov, 10. Two hundred members of tho Minnesota Society of New York have accepted Invitations to attend tho annual banquet of tho society, which takes place tonight at the Waldorf-Astoria. The speakers will Include Archbishop Ireland, Dr. Albert Shaw, editor of the Review of Rovlews: tho Rv. Dr. I). J. Burre!, Thomas Iwry, Wheolor H. Peckham end President Greatslnger, of tho Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company; A. W, Krech, president of tho society, will act as toastmaster. miles, all river grade, over which ono euglno and crew would handle a third moro tonnage than by way of Maxwell hill, as at present. A Saving of $50,000. This arrangement would cut . out one division point, and would moan a saving of $50,000 per mouth to tho management of this system. Rumors of this change aro rife front ono end of Oiegon to tho other. It ibh given a spirited touch to liialiioss circles and nam of capital aro await ing tho developments with doop In terest. Tho change would mean much lo the railroads and much to Oregon. Phillip Cilap, of Seattle has been accused of ruining his own 17-yuar-old daughter. CRACKER CR0EK FACTS With Five Companies owning four miles of ground. Ore bodies arc in sight as follows; South Pole $ 300,000 North Pole '11,000,000 Columbia 3,000,000 & 3,000,000 Golconda 500,000 A Jarue force iff men are now work ing on the Hon th I'ole and In 0 months will put our times us much ore In night than at preeent. Bee main uml pliotograpns at omce oi i.(uimaii. Harttimu's abstract otllce. 1 US??