East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 08, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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That is what wo have In our store
and we can fit yon right . . .
The stock in our shoe is the best that can be bought
for the money, and we know our prices are low. We
hold our own trade and attract new customers daily
by giving big values. Our patrons are never dissatisfied
ger, Wilsoi k Co:
Good Shoes Cheap.
J. Reed, of "Weston, Is In town.
R. E. Thresher, of Summit, is
W. P. Jennett is in town from
W. H. Casey and family are In town
from Tillamook.
F. E. Finch and J. M. Kemp arc
town from Athena.
Mrs. Butler and children arc In
town from Hllgard.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Simpson are
in town from Baker City.
Ex-Senator W. F. Matlock has gone
to Portland on buslnes?.
William Kupors was In town Fri
day from his ranch north of town.
Henry Ward Beecher Smith, of Ba'
ker City, is in town calling on friends,
Thomas Green and Frank O'Noll are
at the Golden Rule hotel from Walla
Mrs. Clara Lash has gone to Uklah
to remain on her homestead for a few
Mrs. Minnie Gates, of Athena, is in
the Walla Walla hospital, where she
Is being treated.
G. W. Bradley, one of Athena's most
prominent citizens, is a guest of the
Golden Rule hotel.
Misses Blanche Campbell and Lu
lu Williams are guests of Hotel Pen'
dleton, from Weston.
Blaine Halluck, Robert Fletcher
and Mr. Shepherd have gone down
the river duck hunting.
Yoor Doctor's Orders to fee
effective most be sopli
mented by pure drugs
If your prescription is
filled by us it contains
nothing but the best in
gredients that your doctor
prescribes for you. We
never substitute.
Look Here
120 acres of wheat land, 3 miles from Pendleton, $2500
600 acres, 10 miles from station, plenty of water, S6500
160 acres, 10 miles from Pendleton $1500
160 acres, on the river, 7 miles from Pendleton,
35 acres in alfalfa, good house and barn .... 4000
Good house on West Alta street Snoo
Good five-room house, north of river, six blocks
from bridge $ 900
Two five-room cottages on West Webb St., each $ 800
Dutch Henry Feed Yard
Good property in city and country too numerous to mention, any
location that one may desire.
Well cooked meals and a warm house go a good ways in
making a cold dreary winter comfortable and bright. Our
stoves will cook good meals and our heaters will make the
coldest building warm and comfortable.
The Thompson
Phone Main 1181
Misses Effle McWilllams and Kate
James are in town from Athena.
Attorney W. T. Dovell, of Walla
Walla, is at Hotel Pendleton.
Miss Trlnhena Wilson came over
from Walla Walla Friday evening and
is visiting her sister, Miss Sallle Wll
B. H. Dupuls and Moses Kinner,
Weston citizens, aro at Hotel St.
Dr. C. J. Whittaker and W. F. Ken
nedy will spend tomorrow in tho vi
cinlty of Arlington hunting geese.
W. A. Sears, one of the Pilot Rock
country's nrominnnt sliennmpn. was
In town Friday buying his winter sup
plies for his camps.
Mrs. Victor Hunzlker, of Walla
Walla, who has been visiting Mrs.
Ivouls Hunziker, in this city, returned
to her home Friday evening.
C. P. Smith, advance man for "Poor
Relation," which will be put behind
the footlights at the Frazer a week
from tonight, Is in town.
Dr. W. G. Cole and Dr. G. U. Snapp
returned last evening from Walla
Walla, where they operated upon Mrs,
Clarence Moore, of Uklah, who Is In
the hospital.
Dallas O'Hara, Polk Smith and Hud
Kldd returned Friday evening from an
extended trip over different parts of
the Sound. They report things lively
In that country. .
Charles McGinnls has returned
from Walla Walla, where he visited
his wife who is in the hospital. Mrs.
McGinnls recently underwent an oper
atlon and is much Improved.
F. B. Holbdook. of Umatilla, Is in
town today on his return from Taco
ma, where he has been on business.
Mr. Holbrook Is very much interested
In the proposition of irrigation by the
Wanted A boy with some cxperl
ence in store and with norses, to
drive delivery wagon. Call at Rohr
man's grocery.
Largest Guns Afloat.
Tho guns to be placed on the tur
rets of the new battleships Connect!
cut and Jxmlsiana will be the largest
and most powerful in the world, hav
ing the advantage of increased veloci
ty and penetrating power. With such
weapons to defend us we need have
no fear of foreign invasion in times
of war, nor need persons suffering
from stomach, liver or kidney trou
bles have any further fear If they
will only protect themselves with Hos-
tetters Stomach Bitters. No better
medicine for insomnia, nervousness,
indlgestiorJ, heartburn, dyspepsia, liv
er and kidney troubles, or malaria,
fever and ague can be found. It is
therefore deserving of a trial, especi
ally if you wish to recover your health
again. The genuine has our Private
Stamp over the neck of the bottle.
Hardware Co.
Successful Year Drawing to a Close
Prospects for Stockmen and Farm
ers Very Good.
Tho finest rnln of tho season has
fallen In Umatilla county within the
past 24 hours. News from every por
Hon of the county, and. In fact,
throughout Eastern Oregon, bears
testimony to the welcome rainfall that
Is blessing tho ranges, pastures and
fall crops.
A larger acreage of fal grain has
been sown In this and adjacent coun
ties this year than for five years be
fore. Plowing Is in progress in the
fields Just harvested.
In Marlon county the rain has inter
fered slightly in the harvest of the
sugar beet crop, but tho foothills and
pasture lands aro certainly getting a
needed drenching.
Country roads aro in need of sub
stantial repairs. The wet weather of
tho late fall mnkes It necessary to
build new roads each year. In many
Stockmen nrc Jubilant over the fine
prospects for fall range. Stock are
coming out of the high mountains to
the low foothills, which now wear a
fresh June mnntle. Farmers will take
advantage of the rain to wind up the
fallow plowing.
This haB been an Ideal harvest and
very little loss of grain by wet weath
er has been reported. Everyone is
ready for this wet season. Most of
the heavy hauling is done in the
farming districts. Grain is mostly In
the warehouses and wood hauling Is
principally over. Umatilla county
was never In better condition than
now to begin a winter. Feed Is plen
tiful, so far as reported. Flock is in
fair condition and the range promises
to last long Into the freezing weather.
Good prices for grain and livestock
have placed many an Inland Empire
farmer on his feet this fall. A more
general air of prosperity nnd content
went is apparent everywhere, and the
vast designs for future improvement
are backed by undoubted faith in the
financial foundations of Eastern Ore
gon enterprises.
The Hospital Fair.
The hospital fair will opon Tues
day evening nt 0 o'clock at the Armory
hall and continue till Saturday nighL
Dinner and supper will bo served each
day and a very enjoyable time prom
ised to all.
Wednesday night at 9 o'clock the
little girls' contest for the doll will
take place; It will be a closed contest
the money or votes of each little con
testant will be counted and the result
placed on the board. Tho contest
ants for tho doll nre Daphna Swear
engen. Alma Sewell, Thelma Thomp
son, Katie Nelson, Gabriella Moens,
Ida Walters, Frances Martin, Esther
Shea, and Nadyno Blakley.
Wednesday night at 10:30 o'clock
tho contest for the gold necklace will
close. The names of the contestants
for tho gold necklace are Eleanor Vin
cent, Gwendoline Smith. Grace Cole
Hazel Rader, Gertrude Fltz Gerald,
Cecelia Cunningham and Jessie Pear
Thursday night the merchants' and
grocers' contest for gold-headed
canes. The names of the contestants
and number of votes will be placed
on the board at 9 o clock and tho con
test will continue. At 10 o'clock ttw
grocers' contest will closo and at
10:30 the merchants' contest will
close. The contestants for gold-head
ed canes aro R. Alexander, Leon
Cohen and Leo Teutsch, Georgo De
mon. F. S. Younger nnd F. O'Garra.
Friday night tho young ladles' con
test foi the diamond ring will closo.
Tho names of tho contestants and
number of votes will bo placed on the
board at 9 o'clock and the contest will
continue till 10 o'clock. The contest
ants for the diamond ring are Misses
Maude Sheridan, Nelllo Hardmnn and
Mollle Leete.
Saturday night nt 10 o'clock the
lodges' contest for a free room and
one year s nursing will close. The
names of contesting lodges and num
ber of votes will be placed on the
board at 9 o'clock, and the contest
will continue until 10 o'clock.
Tho raffling of tho articles on
chances will take place on Friday and
Saturday night. Every evening at 8
n'clok tho audience will be enter
tained with music, recitations, etc.
The little girls who receive the
second and third highest number of
votes for the doll, will each receive a
prettly doll,
Tho little girls who receive the sec
ond and third highest number of votes
ior iue necaiace, win encn receive a
pretty gold pin.
The Place to Live.
Weston is among tho prettiest home
towns In Oregon and has the only
state educational institution the
Eastern Oregon State Normal' School
In this part of the state Weston
Is abundantly supplied .vlth puro
water and has granted free water for
household purposes for 10 years to
all persons who build houses prior to
April 1, 1903. Vou can obtain a good
building alto on Normal Heights, with
water, sidewalks, grading and shade
trees free, at a low figure. If you aro
seeking a pleasant home at an educa
tional center, ddress the Weston
Improvement Co., Weston, Or, I
Have Arranged Three Games and Are
Practicing Dally.
The Pendleton jicadomy football
team Is now getting Itself In readi
ness to play several games which
have been aranged for. The first
game will bo played In Weston a week
from today with tho Eastern Oregon
State Normal team. On Thanksgiv
ing day a game has been arranged
with tho I.a Grande team and two
weeks later the Goldciulalo and acad
emy teams will compete for honors
with tho pigskin.
The acadumy team has been doing
much practicing and Is getting In
good shape for tho games. While the
boys are all light perhaps the light'
est football team among any of tho
educational Institutions in the state
they know tho game and will go
against nil comers with tho confldonco
of winning,
Game Today.
The Pendleton High School and
Eastern Oregon State Normal football
Jeams aro competing for honors on
tho Alta street gridiron this nftcr
noon. Tho normal team arrived on a
special train and wore accompanied
by quite a number of enthusiastic
Although tho rain kept a great
mnny away from tho game, a good
crowd Is present, as it is tho first
game of the season In Pendleton.
Public Auction,
On Friday, the 14th day of Novem
ber, 1902, I will be at the ranch known
as the Charles Craig place, about one
mile from Pilot Hock, where I will
soil at private sale or public auction,
all of tho personal property belonging
to the estate of Charles A. Craig, de
ceased, consisting of:
78 head of cattlo (cows, steers,
bulls, yearlings and calves).
11 head of horses (mares, geldings
and colts).
1 Studebakor wagon, nearly new.
1 McCormack mower.
5000 Bhingles.
1 set Concord harness, nearly new
500 cedar posts.
Lot of carpenter's tools.
Lot of chickens.
Also a large number of farm and
household utensils, too numerous to
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock In
the forenoon. At the same time I will
lease the place known as the Craig
ranch, to Juno 1, 1903.
Terms cash.
County Court Adjourned.
Aftoi being in session since Wed
nesday morning the Umatilla county
court has adjourned. There was noth-
Ing before the court of Importance.
Most of the time was taken up in aud
iting and allowing bills against the
county. These were not so heavy as
usual ami the term was cut short.
'I1 H' -t1 t ! ifli ! ! 4
I For Boys
T Out wear any shoe made
Small Boys
a pair
Big Boys
a pair
Try Them
They will save you money
i 8
For Shootius Pistol Cartridges in Hllles
Ptent cowri V S .art Cand,
t.o82Te,f & ITso W '
udlllD. Mtanllcher toiuiw' 3.i8pclal
eddreu. Order iro" ,or ",0"Jr
The S. C. Company, RREKBQU0.
James Bell, Brick Mason, Jumped
Board Bill Sugar Cane Grows to
Perfection on Weston 80II Person
al News.
Weston, Nov. 8. After a few weeks
as a closed town tho city council has
repealed tho closing ordinance and
Weston Is ngnln wldo open. Mayor
Best, It secmB, has exporlonced a
change of heart. He Is said to bo re
sponsible for the closing of the town
on Sunday, but after n trial he con
cluded that an open town would suit
him and all concorned. Now any
thing wanted can bo bought on Sun
day as well as any other day.
"Dad" Hall, tho fireside philosopher,
Is with us ngaln, having returned from
Spray, Wheeler county. Ho feels at
home once more, far removed from
tho scene of conflict between warring
sheep and cattlemen.
F. H. Beatho went to Pendleton 1
yesterday to consult with tho county'
board, nnd says that ho found two of
Its honorablo members in the police
court. Ho did not learn with what
crime or misdemeanor they were
Threo stalks of sugar cane about
nlno feet high have been loft at the
Leader office by J. M. Hicks, and
show tho productive power of Weston
soil. The cane was planted as a nex
perlment from seed furnished by G.
W .Proebstol.
James Bell, and oatenssable brick
mason from Pendleton, "Jumped
his board bill" nt tho Weston Hotel
the other day. He was followed as
far as Athena and gave an order on
Georgo Williams, which the contrac
tor refused to honor, saying that he
owed Bell nothing; that his work In
building a foundation was of tho
rankest character anu had to be done
over again. Bogus mechanics are not
needed at Weston nor anywhere else
for that matter.
m n it ixr -run
9 nut a 1 m
n r 1 ' ... -
sugar uiven Away Absolutely free all day Satnrdsj,
With every 1 Dollar Purchase 2 pounds SdruFi
2 "4 " " '
" 3 " "6
4 " & " " '
5 " " 10 " "
" " 10 " " 20' " " '
" " 20 " " 40 " " '
25 " " 50 ;
" " 50 " " 100 " " '
This applies to all the goods in the store. Groceries tic
jciticiiiin:i 1 iii iHrirmi mth r ni frrwwiu 111 inn imiv in w tri
tss in
uiuic iiuiitauiu an in anv oiner amue ui "s
apparel. Our Millinery has that Chic Finiswf
touch which is so desirable and only obtained bya-
peri trimmers, sucn as we have. lowear a w
hat is to wear a stylish hat. We feel confident fe'
you will find something that will please yoarfc
11 you will call
v H A nnir-m min t ilVltQM
v m 11 nil 1 1 w 111 c .11 iw ,i
I t R
R ; A P.
4- An1
at p(.nii.,,A
"... - "K Dfir
we can sell 1
"Sure!, as w.u
A little oiri ' f'
said. "T a-.u ""
mings so
store." There ;
rnn tvt.ti. it
f 1 T
A fi.
uuu mi
n 1 si 1
I have too much m
T tinvn
ma small, and dot
ucBirea. wneat iuii
On tho rlvai T ...
may want trom ote t,
City Property ;
I have a long ttt
101s, residences, si
houaes. '
I do not list props),
Real! Estate
mm w a ammm mmmr " -