41 - imss Cards anct Societies AND TRADE8. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. HYSICIANS, ' W S a ifllfe TV1 371 J ODD m. ; tiirK' nr.npir. i7 M.ln H3J. ,rr f)FFICBOV15n TUB C i-a ii.i U. D. IIIIMHUI-A-Xllll. i!t - nlTK I'lIYBIUlAri Anu j.BOOSh. i hnllrflne. Rjif Residence 'pbone, black FRATERNAL ORDERS, uuyal, NEionnona op auekica narrow vamp, no. Z3S5, meets seeo-d ad fourth Tuesday of each month In Odd renowa nan. r. Ida Holeemb. Onrt Nettle Robblna, Recorder. Mr. UMATILLA TENT, NO. 27, K. O. T. M iieeu in (secret society Hall, aecond and fourth Tuesdays In each month. All Tlsltlnc Sir Knl.hts cordlallr Invltod. J. 8. Keea, Record Keeper; B. D. Eatabrook,' vuui maiiuer. nnM 17 A880CIA- main 031; real- -wnntHON. rilTSICIAN r am in ruTuti:B -. VH. OKTEOrATniC Frhrontc and Nerroui Diseases bflCeOOS DIOC- WCTl OI 1-UU" PENDLETON LOME, NO. 82, A. P. AND A. M., meeta Orat and third Mondays of momu. visiting orecnren welcome. i. j. M-weray, w. m. ; Joe li. farkes. See. t'ENDLETON CHAPTER. NO. 28 T. C. Taylor, n. P., P. P. Wamsley, secretary. Meeta first and fourth Friday of each montn in Masonic uau. DAMON LODGE. NO. 4. KNIGHTS OP i-ytmaa. u. w. Held, C. C. ; R. W. Fletcher, K. of R. and 8. Meeta erery Monday In Secret Society Hall. modern Woodmen op America Tntullla Camp. No. 6309. Meeta Orat and third Mondays of each month at Odd Fellows' Hall. Oeorfre A. Hamblln, Con sal ; Q. A. Robblna, Clerk. VZki iKEHI.EII. CHRONIC I V .. . . .1 HIaiM nt Hotel Pendleton. Cor. Water it ..,., Om Thrtti I'pmiirvwii, w.t. . . DENTISTS. FlIAS. DKNTIBT. OKPICK IN Kef. 'inone reu n. "n-KTIRT. OPPICE IN A8- Woct. or Bchmldt's new drug i Ifd 271. Iks and brokers. rmNAIi DANK OF ATHKNA. fripltal, ?V),0f: anrplns and Kl inieiii on ii fir iiciiwiw. t:n niid l)inii"stlo evliRr.se- '"PIT ni'iMuioii ro iienry bresMenf T J. Klrlc, -e-nresl- Harnett, raisnipr, r. . L.e ant ch'Mit WOODMEN OF TOE WORLD REGULAR meetings of Pendleton Camp. No. 41, W. of W. are held In Secret Society Hall erery Saturday evening. Visiting neigh bors are always welcome. J. P. Walker, Clerk: A. J. Owen, C. C. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. F. S. MERRILL, BPOKANE. WASH. Agent New Densmore. Second-hind typewriter, supplies, rellnlng, repairing. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE8. THE OLD BBMPLE TEED TARD, 728 Cottonwood street, Lindsay ft Dot; props. Livery, reed ana sale stable, sad dle horse at all times. Horses for sals. 'Phone Red 41. : V . THE CITY LIVER BOARD AND 8ALE Stable, M. J. Carney, proprietor, for fine turnouts. Stable 118 Alta street COMMERCIAL 8TARLE8. O. W, PROOMB Prop. Livery, Feed and Hoarding. All kinds of tnrnonta. Competent drivers. On- . I . .. n.l.l Tl-.ll....... tm.Ans llaln , , ....... . . t . - rtl, IVnOKAM I iwll" U"ll ISUUICWU. ..wul ub.u . " Pilt." ISiIY nr i,i'.oi.if.,,' Oregon, noes a general -sna 0REOON FEED TARD, W. T. ROYNTON ! Mcnange t"x" " - proo. Sneclal care given to horsea left promptly aiteuneo. to. ii. . .th t ..., whh fPhie resiaeni; ueoruu nr. iron n. m: J, 1!. Kllgore. casmer : ni-1 tA. llartman, M. M. Johus, T. - . D Oraw. J K. Kllgore, ltonert W Irobstel. BOARD AND LODGING. ..e...n' ..v.r- tifu . liii. nun n lAUiuinu nw una, out Uhmvn nAvinua r.ni ir a..i. v.iv ... if r itMrii -. lnAi"'T. nSETSn.?:! aSr room? d od'glgW,room.. kloa-ed on lime deposits. Ex 1 oooa comioriaoie roopui na w... en' anil nui on nil pnncipni " - Ml nltcntion slven to cnl-1 J. FurnMh, president : J. N. president: T J. Morris, cashlei. , (instant cannier. -TinN'AI. HANK OF PKNDLE- Snltal t70.00n : snrnliM. S95.000. senernl banltlng ii.ilness. Ex- HOTEL telesraphlc transfers sold on San Franrlsco. New York ana nts n tue Northwest. Drnfta China. Japan and Europe. Makes i or reaaonaDie terms, i.evi An lldent : W F Mntlnck. vlce-presl-IWade, cashier; II. F. Johnton, a-bler. EMPIRE LODGING HQTJSB, CORNER OP E. Court and Johnson etreett; gooda Krrre. clean rooms with comfortable beds. Rates 25c and DOc a night. Thoa. Bmart, rrop. ALTA, CORNER ALTA AND Mill streeta. Hoard by the day or week. nnnrl table set. Rates 14 and Co per wee- Pendleton Feed Yard In connection. L. Neff, proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS. ITECTS AND BUILDERS. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TERMS reasonable, at W2 Water St, Phone Red 1W T N. ITEIXAH. Pr.ARTRHlVO DlVAim. AUCIIITECT AND SU- --mantln- rlllt rlk. nn. lilcnt. makes complete nnd re" la- ,,lt-. Estimates furnished free. Wo r buildings In the cltv or conn- guaranteed. Leave ordera at Badley at IT Judil hnl-ilmg Zahnera cigar atore. Main Bt, P. O. be i roi,F CONTRACTORS AND,104- IIMtruatM furnlshjd in Bhort ' . Sot. work a specialty, Prompt I FOB BALE AT TUB EAST ukbuumah Shop on ltlutt street near Main. . office, large bundles of newspapers, con taining vwr ivu vie p M wap kY. CONTltAf'TOU AND BUILD- ktlmatex furnished on nil kinds y. cement walVa, stone nnl B. etc at i;nar iiregoninn omee. talned for 25 cents a bundle. WANTED ADVERTISERS TO MAKE USE i of these classified columns. If yon have . something: von have no nae for. offer to BTMAN', ARPWITKCT AND Rt'l'KU-. trade It for something that some other Room , OreKfin, IS, Aiiocimlon Dulldlng PHOTOGRAPHERS. OWMAN. LEADING PHOTOUItA- tli c tr Harvest views. In- Rot (or sale. Finishing done for Main 8t , near bridge. Ihone bndv mav have and have no use for, some thing that yon may need In yonr bnalneaa. You may have an extra horse that you may wish to trade for a cow or a vehicle. Some body may have the cow and vehicle and want the horae. A lBc or 25 cent want ad will probably do the buolneaa. UCTRICAL SUPPLIE8. t i bE?.os. rniiitT STT-nrc . i.a' Pk Electricians, dealers In elec-1 If! tlouses, stores, wired fori . wlla or telenhones. Elec- P" ol ill kinds Get our prices. ' i ipeclalty. i i. LAND BUSINESS." K-WFICK COTTONWOOD "i-i. urn. mock; land office ; " miig of claims an Inl-' eclBlty, Jn. it h T.wn rnt. -WIItj made of land CI-; i JnU t i. ""Hume nnii coiieqiiuuo. ! wiiaing, room 10. AND CARRIAGES. Tinp iin.i. ..,. IrlrHn I"."" "lce of the public. .m ana tne back will call tPbcoS' 5P.W'N KBR. PROP. rt..Ll 3,s' 8n' :n front of -tjAND DEALERS. U' 2I? AND SECOND Dlv l.?n.? ,ola- Conrt Bt Call and see him. EOW,B, .IIEALEK IN M new M "nythlng you ..... .cvuiiii n.nn P. mull. " vum Ptlc ri,?.n.1 "ockery, call and SECOND furniture, l.ourt strett. B1-ACK8MITHINO tefllV" WHhXt RACKS. wt In town, 314 Webb Bt. ET AND vHOE n-Dir."ii BftEFV ' ' ' iii li, VJ. WBlC!?- THE" OLD RKMABMt '" 8hopin,e,V!,r?fi''!n with best "Pin rear ol Dlndlnger, WHaon Laatz Bros. FOR Wood, Coal and Building Material 'Delivered Promptly. We are in the transferinK .anc' trucking business and are prp pared to move light or heavy arti cles. OFFICE MAIN ST., Near; Depot, Telephone Main 51. "Awl -otclMr c kf frf I t 't help K -at - e ww M t SUNDAY AT I t THE CHURCHES i M. E. Church, South Sunday serv ices as usual. Sunday school at 10 a. m., I. E. Earl, superintendent. At 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. in., preaching by the pastor. At 6:30 p. m., Epworth League, conducted by Miss Ethel Thompson. Subject, "God's Covenant and Ours." Prayer meeting on Thurs day at 7 p. m. Choir practice on Thursday at 8 p. m. Everybody vited. E. B. Jones, pastor. in- First Presbyterian Church 10 a. m., Sunday school; 11 a. m., sermon to the children; 3 p. m., Junior En deavor; 6:45 p. m., Senior Endeavor; 7:30, a Bible talk, "Returning From Captivity." The parents of all our Sunday school children are Invited, and kindly urged to be present and join with the children in the morning service. Strangers are especially in vlted to all the services. Robert J. Diven, pastor. EASTERN OREGON MINES. The Great Ore. Bearing Section That Lies Bt Our Doors, One of the largest compact precious metal producing areas of the country Is in Eastern Oregon. It is more than 140 miles long, by from 40 to' GO miles wide. Every square mile of that area does not have a gold mine, but there, are two large suhdistricts in it. Each of these smaller divisions has one or more Important and proved mines while clusters of developing proper erties ate about them. Each district has Its test in a big mine and dozens ot prospects, giving equal promise wtlh the producer alongside at the same stagf of development. New Discoveries Made. In some of these districts the Greenhorn, Quartzburg, Prairie City. Cove and Rock Creek, for instance new discoveries are made every sea son. There is not a year but some of these comparatively new properties attain great importance by reason of development and sell from $20,000 to $400,000. What may seem more re markable Is that not a single devil oped mine has failed. Many instances First Bantlat Church Ttemilnr spr. I mismanagement have occurred vices both morning and evening. The ! causing them tei;i:!ianly to suspend subject of the morning sermon will i opeiaiions. be, "The Lord's First Miracle and i Vaiuab'e Mines, Its Lessons." In the evening, "Doubt, I Mines have Iipph Bnl,i m. n Km,n Its Cause and Cure." The strange; j sum nm, regarded as of the' past, hut within our city and those who have ! tliene same monortlPR wiinn mmmix,! no regular place of worship are most I 0y new company, under different uuraiuuy inviieu 10 aiieiiu uie serv methods, yielded fortunes. The Vln- ices of this church. Good music. R. tor broke three or fnnr livr.. W. King, pastor. t iiK into the vauts nf Genre" W. I Grayson more than $1,000,0(10, The The Christian Church Sunday ser vices at the courthouse. The Chris tian church has arranged that Mr. J. B. Lis.er, of Eugene, will supply the pulpit every Sunday until a regular pastor Is called. The order of the services for Sunday, 9th, is: 10 a. m., Sunday school, J. H, Garrett, superin tendent; 11 a. m., sermon, "Breadth of Fellowship"; 7:30 p. m sermon, "The Creed That Will Stand Unchang ed Through the Ages." Congregational Church Sunda) services as follows: Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning worship and preach ing, 11 a. m. Subject, "The Great De liverance." Junior meeting at 3 p m. Evening service at 7:au. suujeci Three Great Questions Answered." A cordial welcome to all. J, Edwards. minister. MEN AND WOMEN. Uae Bis O for unnatural rgea,lulUiamitip-f, irrlUlloQS or uloeratlon- 'i to auleuit. Ol. rr-.TV.7ru.' ... . I FAlnlflfli. UDU BUb Circular at oa ttEwu 11 ft-7 IH. A. --------kw R9 CHICHESTER'S PILLS ,-d-7 rlt;lnnl nnd tlulr fJcnuinp, 1II,UI'I' ImIIIUWUI.I.. Ii-. ?, fif L-lllUIIKWl Kll'n J..1UI.I-H ItKIl jt IJolit woum. lit bluo tlbbuu. 'J'a- n oilier. Ilefu.o Hublllull(iii.ii,1lirilliilloii.. Artymr DruKUt.orMUi14i-4-iiUii - auiji. fof rr tlruluni. Ti-.ll.,:.. ,ul Iluoklel for l.i.dli.. 1 rilui-i l-'iill. S l .b ll lili.au bui..Ki-, rill!V. 1 A. 7irok -N h tood ortP r' lim --terlal naed . doa.. Bhop UT AIU Church of the Redeemer Divine services will bo held tomorrow at hours as follows: Early celebration of the holy communion nt S a. m Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock, and choral evening prayer at 7:30. Methodist Episcopal Church Sim ilar school, 10 a. m., A. J. Owen, sup erintendent; Sermon 11 a, m.; class meeting, 12: 1G p. m.. Rev. G. W. Rig by, leader; Epworth League, fi:30 p. m,; Evangelistic services, 7:30 p, m.; prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. A cordial Invitation to all services. Robert Warner, pastor. Bonanza was thought near its end when sold by the Geiser family, yet Its Pittsburg owners made it produce from $30,000 to $60,000 per month. Golconda was sold for a very small sum, after one management had fail ed to make it pay, and today promises riches to every stockholder. The North Pole could have been bought trom a discouraged owner a year ago lor fYbti.uuu, out today cannot be had and is variously estimated at from $5,000,000 to $10,000,000, The E. & E. Is idle. It Is on the North Pole lode, adjoining the famous property on the south, and had splendid shoots when last operated, and although Idle cannot bo bought for $500,000, The Badger had many vicissitudes until purchased recently by the Bunker Hill & Sullivan Company for $400,000, Depths Attained In the few big mines of tills district depth is Just being attained. Only two hoists of good capacity are found there, both having been completed during the past year and a half. They are on the Red Boy, costing $150,000. and on the Bonanza, at the same cost. Nowhere else has real depth been sought, although values attested every foot of sinking In most of the big properties. In tba Columbia the shaft is down 800 feet, and so rich Is the ore there that a 20-stamp mill Is oper ated from the progress of the drifting and blocking out, whilo the owners recently refused an offer of $3,000,000 for their mine. Oregon Dally Jour-nal. REAL ESTATE Tho following have been listed with me: 320 acres, stock or dairy ranch, well fenced; never-failing springs, creek; Umber for lumber and wood; now cuts 125 tons hay, worth $8.50 on place; large hay barn; comfortable house; machinery and 100 tons hay goes with the place; good summer range and good land to tako Joins; 2 miles to postofnee and store. Price $4,000. A half-way house and 200 acres; new $1200 house; largo barn and sheds; running water; fruit; has pasture and hay land. The business paid $240 last month. Price. $3,000. 175 acres, three miles from town; 30 acres bottom now Irrigated; five acres choice garden land; balance In pasture and grain, north slope; spring and creek; a vaulablo property, only $2,350. 360 acres, stock and grain farm. 5 miles from town; 35 acres bottom; 75 acres summer fallo In grain; hay brought $1350. this year; good spring; a fertile farm, with machinery for $4,500. I have sorao desirable town prop erty: House and 7 lots, with nice orchard and garden; shade trees; cellar, barn for horses; rich, moist soil; $2,100. New House, and two lots, good loca tion north of river; six rooms nnd bath; cellar; stone fence; hot and cold water; $2,100. New House and one lot, south part of town; five rooms and bath; lawn; can offer this but a few days at $1,550. These properties havo not been of fered before. N. T. CONKLIN. Office Jii Postoillce. HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pendleton and as Rood as any. TRANSPORTATION LINES. Headquarters for Travollng Men. Commodious Sample Rooms. - 1 ! !l Rates $2 & $2,50 Special rates by week or month. Excellent Culslno. Prompt Dlnlngroom Service. Every Modern Convenience. Bar and billiard room in conneotioa Only Three Blocks from Depot. GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Corner Court sad Johnson Streets reiultctoii, Oregon, Kolly, Proprlotor. OREGON and UNION PACIFIC FIREMEN'S MEETING. in Nominate Officers to Be Voted on December, Protective Engine Company held their business meeting last night and made their nominations of officers for the coming year as follows: W. 11. Withe for department chief; Charles Bean and W. R. Fletcher, for president; Henry Harrison, secretary; Win Sharron, treasurer; Charles Geullch, foreman; Peter Young, first assistant, and Nanc Brink, second as sistant foreman. Tho now officers will be voted on during next month. Non-English Speaking Residents. There are nearly a million and a half persons, over the age of 10. resi dent In the United States who cannot speak tiie English language, exclusive of 72,000 Indians. This number is about, two per cent of the total popu lation. The largest number of non English speaking persons Is found In New York, where they number 226,000. Pennsylvania, Illinois and Texas follow, tho latter having a con siderable Spanish speaking popula tion. Tho state which has the small est number of non-English speaking residents is South Carolina, with 05 only, Dsr.ar Time Schtxlulo -kaiTi roa From I'undlctou raoH Chicago- Bait Lake, Poorer, Ft. Portland Worth, Umaha, Kan- Special sal CUT, Bt. Loulf, 8:00 a. 5:30 p. m. Chicago and East. vi.i Hunt ington. Atlantic Bait Lake, Denrer, Ft. Express Worth, Omsba, Kn- :5a. m. Cltj, Bt. Lonls, 11:10 p. b rialluut- Chicago and East. tngton, a, p.i Walla WalU.Levrltton, ?..tMn Bpokauo, Wallace, s.. Pullman, Mlnneapo- S.15 a. m, , H, ,,a'u, nuiufb, P. ". BDokane Milwaukee, Chicago Spokane. nd K.st Ocean and River Schedule. FKOM POUT-LAND. All aatllng dates sub-! 8o P. . ! -- Ball erery & days. j -RUT 1 - SuAV Columbia Hirer j 4a)0p.I 8:00 pm. To Astoria and War Sunday Saturday Landings. I logo p in. 1 Willamette ltlvr. Boats leare Portland dally, except Banday (stage of water permitting) (or Willamette an! Yamhill Hirer points. ""Leare i ' ' j Leare Klparla - Snake Hirer Lawlttos a. m. Klparla to Lewltton 7:00 a. m. Dally I Dally Excpt Mom I Kxcpt Mob P. P. WAMBLEY, Agent, Pendleton. M. F. Q""T ' akl ! fis iH 4BfeflK9&NPfr r"vllHP-rH 1J , . .' i f - i i4lf HEATED BY STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY Ainurluiii ll(ilt, I'tttoH (a I un to )'-'. 00 per iluv. Kiii'opomi I'ln ii. Ado. 7Ac. Hil.lM), mxhIiiI rut i' liy wt-ok n- iniintli. Free 'bus meets all trains Commercial trade solicited Fine sample rooms SjH'dal Attention liivt'ii Country Trade HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS. -; Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for Chicago, Bt. Paul, Ht. Liouls, Kau sua City, Ht. Joe, Uinaua, and All Points East and South Portland and point oa the Sound TLMX OABD. Lear Pendleton, dally except Boudaya al to. nm. Arrlre Pendleton Monday, Wednesday an. irrWmv ll.-i'i Kin. Arrlre Pendleton Tuesday. Thursday an4 Saturday 9 S3 ain. Leare Walla Walla dally, east bound, lisoO pm, Arrlre Wall- Wulla.dally, west bvund, HM am Por Information recardlnr rates and aeconu modatlons, call on or addreu V. AI'AMrJ, Agent, Peudleton. Oregon, B. CALDKRHEAO, O. P. A., Walla Walla, Wash. fiij' ISs m :- GEO. DAtlVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heatea liuropean Plan. Block and a half from depot. Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 50c, 75o, $1.60 THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON American i'l-u. Ii ner tiuv nnd unwaid. Headquarters for tourUU and coiuuicicial trav elers, bpeclsl rates made to families and single gentlemen, The management will ! plcaicd at alt times to nhow room and give pilcet. A modem TurkUU batliestsblUliinent In the bUel, Jl c 1K)Wj;k, Meusger. Babbitt Metal, beat In the world, In bare. Price $1 per bar, at tho Eaat Oreoonlan Office. Pi manhood restored:;. VnUlurtiitul.Hrr, t.xUullMir Jrlu, Turlruvel huiI 4:uiii(lpaiIon. Mi 'jtftnUtl. 1 OfiEuON. 1 and restores srnati WMtf nrinnt. ..Tberfou sufferers are not cured by f)octoralibaueUrirrrtpre Iro" vuriuaxn tne only known rem-iy t, cure Mltuout n ooi ..ion. ou mu.. , . - u wdtua rusranteeKlren and inoiier retnrnwl If loxesdoeui tfluct a lruit cult, ILW-UiJJfor t-tu, bmall. rTend for jrKKK(-frrutraiid tevtlnioQliUa. uur-HV ii - i,, I- ii, Jtox 717" H.n SOLD BY TALLMAN A CO ORUQQI8T8, PENDLETON, .-...ii nilllm;t OI1ICH, D