East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 08, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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, tiiree days we will offer at special
. overvthing in the line of Quilts,
tits Spreads, Pillow Cases, and every
jpeitaining to Bed Clothing.
NOVEMBER 8, 1902.
VI 1 itta.
clam thowdor.
soiea at i euisu s.
1 i m 1 c-i
-jinni mill wjoiwiu
tl... . 1 1 Ttirltnn
of ahoe repairing at
llmburger and Swiss
cooking at Phillips' res-
for Dutton's fine tafliea
HP r 1 (i ulh 1 rMj.iuB.
and jellleB at F. fa.
pompadore wavelets ;
1 1 . -A . -4-
11 t ....
T MUPT" A' Itnil'V ri
I n fill ftlllin HI.rH HL. UUUU
bargain. B. T. waac,
. sweet DOlatoes. chick-
at the Standard uro-
(food umhrnlln is a
season of the
of the latest
finishes in
Piinrn n fpp
DK 111.
The cold weather is now fast approaching us
and it is time you were equiping your bed
with more and warmer covers.
7he DONUHUii. yuibia tor warmih,
Jurability, and make up, are the best from
fi to ?4-50. Blankets, the largest and best,
all colors, sf eastern and home manufacture
from 75c to $10.
& m muz. m
Whitaker, the dentist.
Oyster cocktails at Qratz's.
Olympia oysters at Castle's.
Neuman's for cigars and tobacco.
Hot Wienerwurst and saur kraut at
P. I. It. means Pomdleton Indian
The best shoe jepair work at
Professor J. E. Cherry is in town
from Adams.
Cigars, tobacco and smokers' sup
plies nt Jack Candlsh's.
Your suits will be the heighth of
fashion if made by Siebert & Schulz.
Gold Medal, the best pure creamery
butter on the market, at F. S. Young
er & Son's.
For Rent Neatly furnished house
keeping rooms. Inquire at 312 South
Main street.
Dill pickles, Swiss cheese, sauer
kraut and fresh mince meat at F. S.
Younger & Son's.
We have the neatest and largest
stock of jardiniers at prices so low as
to surprise you. C. Rohrman.
Light Brahma and Buff Cochin
rhinknnn for fmlfi nt the Standard
Grocery at the lowest market price.
The Dally East Oregonlan Is on sale
in Portland at the Rich news stand in
Hotel Perkins, and at the Hotel Port
land. Lost A white German Spitz dog.
miawnl-K tn nnmft llf "BolUlie." Finder
return to Mrs. Henry Scales and re
ceive reward.
Lamp fixtures, all size chimneys,
wicks, burners, brackets, reflectors,
shades, globes In stock at all prices.
C. Rohrman.
Dr. Shields, for many years practlc
ing at Pilot Rock, has sold his Inter
ests there and expects to leave with
his family for California to make
their future home.
Clark Wood, editor of the Weston
Leader, Is among the football enthus
iasts who came down tills afternoon
to witness the game between tho
Normal and local teams.
See Withee for sewing machines;
the latest and best on earth; chain
anA wir nrlrrli mmhlned. Prices 14
degrees below zero. Call and see
me. It will pay you.
Wliv lmvo jrav hair. Get walnut
coloring, $1 per bottle, express pre
paid. San Francisco Hair Store, 1401
First avenue, Seattle, manufacturers
of all kinds of hair goods. Send for
Clark K. Nelson, of Weston, was in
Walla Walla yesterday. Mr. Nelson
trna i-pnnntlv nnnolnted chief deputy
assessor of Umatilla county and will
assume his ilutlus in tno omce ai
Pendleton about the first of the year.
Walla Walla Union.
for Rent.
What is known as Jacob's block.
Enquire of C. B. Wade.
IVe inc. . . . . . .
icteived twn nw cipc r-.r- nnri icr sizfis. I liese
n Mill 1 i
tat 1 SnnnPM rivp a irenMe friction. tlloroUCll-
nfln . . I O -D-- O--- 1 V.
"6 UU IllVlPriratirirr Iho knrli, olcn ho-iiifillpQ thf skin.
""'"luieiy sanitary and very durable. Come in ana
, " miDDer Knnnim fh two lin, neh1 nf rmr Snnn
"III eVPri. .I-., r r . . . X .. .
j iur six-monms ana see now weu 11 wcats
Ps From Main St., Toward the CoortHottse
A Purse of $160 Made Up for Mrs.
L.-.ura Moorhead, Whose Son Died
A purse of $150 was made up by the
citizens of Pendleton and presented
to Mrs. Laura Moorhead, whoso son
diod Thursday from an Injury receiv
ed at the electric light plant the day
before. Mrs. Moorehead has been In
Pendleton but two weeks, coming
here from the hop fields of Yakima
county. She Is a widow and has one
child living, a daughter 15 years of
age. She came to Pendleton because
of Its good reputation as a school
town, and resided on East Webb
street. The boy and girl were attend
ing school, but Mrs. Moorehead was
not satisfied here and contemplated
going back to The Dalles where she
lived a few months. Now she says
the people have treated her so kind
ly that she Is going to remain here.
While her distress is very great over
thb unfortunate death of her son, her
sorrow Is relieved to a degree by the
splendid generosity shown by the citi
zens of Pendleton, who came to her
aid In her hour of nwd.
A Big Attraction.
Frederick Berger, who managed the
late Sol Smith Russell for many years
will be busy taking care of four large
attractions during the present season.
Mr. Boiger has acquired the "Sign of
the Cross," also Mr. Horace Lewis, a
great Boston favorite, who is starring
In Sol Smith Russell's great play, "A
Poor Relation." Mr. Berger will also
put on Martha Morton's new play,
"The Truth Tellers" In New York this
fall. In Mr. Lewis, it is said, Mr.
Berger has found a second Sol Smith
Russell, but of that our play-goers
will be able to Judge for themselves,
as Mr. Lewis and "A Poor Relation"
are booked for an early engagement
here at the Frazer opera house.
Subject Handled by Prof. Lyman in a
Thorough Manner Prof. Anderson
the Next Lecturer.
The first lecture in the University
Extension course was delivered last
evening to a fair audience at the Con
gregational church, by Professor W.
D. Lyman, of Whitman Colllege.
After pertinent remarks by Judge
Lowell on the origin and development
of the university extension, the high
school quartet gave a selection In
their usual pleasing manner.
The lecturer treated the subject In
an ablo, comprehensive and brilliant
America's greatest orator was delin
eated in a frank and thorough man
ner, showing his great Influence upon
the political life of the country.
The next lecture will be delivered
by Professor Louis F. Anderson, of
Whitman College on next Friday eve
ning. His subject will be "Develop
ment." Professor Anderson, In addition to
being a teacher of Greek literature
for over 20 years, has traveled In
Greece and studied In Athens.
Five Marriage Licenses Granted in
Less Than 24 Hours.
Since Friday afternoon five mar
riage licenses have been granted by
County Clerk W. D. Chamberlain.
This is a record-breaker and shows
that cupid has been working overtime
on the hearts of the young people of
the county.
Three of the young couple are from
Pilot Rock. They are Frank A. Done
and Miss Cora Knotts, George W.
Done and Miss Mabel Thomson.
George E. Carnes and Miss Lillian
The others are Fred C. Morley and
Miss Ifayette Shaw, of Milton;
Frank Simpson and Miss Mabel
Roesch, both of Athena.
Mrs. La Dow Entertained.
Mrs. G. I. La Dow entertained a
number of her friends at her home on
wt nnnrt street. Friday afternoon.
The time was spent in social conver
sation nnd amusements 01 vanuua
Forger Still at Large.
D. R. Stonfi, the forger, who pass
ed a worthless check ou B. M. Lyons,
Monday night. Is still numbered
niTumr tl- "MtnlDK He had several
0ttSuH the start oTttHKafflcers and
tins Imrl amnle time to gfctsaut of
r teach.
Mrs7Jfccn Receives.
Mrs. C. S. Jacta(H,ftlerta!ned her
frlonds at nor home noWt. of the
river Friday afternoon. Qtlt a
crowd of young people were prelipt
In tho evening and all report a pleas
ant time. ,
Lady (engaging a maid) "Was
your last mistress satisfied with you?"
Maid "Woll, mum, she said she
was very nleasod when I left."
OVenty-thrce'TOTtlgu aov'ntneiTu,
and 31 states have taken favorable
action upon the subject of making ex
hibits at the World's Fair.
Friday and Saturday Specials
25c Ladies' all wool ribbed hose 50 dozen cambric. handkerchiefs
3 pairs 50c Jc each
50c Ladies' union suits 2i-in. black Pcau de Soie silk, regular $1.25
25c each Special 95c per yard
1 r
25c to 35c Children's vests and pants 54-im Bashet Etamine in grey, regular fi.oo
J8c each Special' 72c per yard
Best calico Mackintoshes at Half Price
Ytd Qne jot Qj L,ai;es and Misses' mackintoshes,
, . . good styles, to close at
Good Canton flannel 0 J
5c per yard Half Price I
For Friday and Saturday Only For Fiiday and Saturday Only
These Prices Good on Day of Sale Only
Fell on Sidewalk and It Is Thought
Her Hip May Be Fractured.
Mrs, Fig Thompson Is suffering
from an Injury received In this city
by falling on a sidewalk. The injury
is to the hip and the attending physi
cian is not sure whether the hip Is
slightly fractured or whether it Is
just a very painful bruise. Mrs.
Thompson, formerly of this city, but
now a resident of Walla Walla, came
over a few days ago to visit her rel
atives. When the accident occurred
she was going from the gate to tho
door pf Thomas Thompson's resi
dence, and while on the walk leading
to the Uoor she slipped and fell, strik
ing full weight on her hip and side.
As Mrs. Thompson Is quite aged the
Injury may prove very serious to ner.
O. R. & N, Company Will Sell Tickets
to Portland and Return for 57.
The O. R. & N. Company have an
nounced special rates f $7 for tho
round trip for those wishing 10 attend
the irrigation congress opening at
Portland on the morning of '.he 18th.
Tickets will be sold on the 17th and
be good returning until the 2Jrd.
All persons knowing themBelvcb in
debted to me must settle by Octo
ber 10th or their accounts and notes
will be placed in the hand of an at
torney with Instructions to collect.
The est Shoe in the Cotm
try atllts Price. We Chal-!
lenge any $5 shoe to equal1
oston Store
Where Whole Families are Shod.
Toilet Soap Sale
We purchased an enormous
amount of fine toilet soap just
before the advance in tallow
(6o per cent) and before the
soap makers entered into a
soap trust.
Witch Hazel, 3 bars in a
box, for ioc a box.
Fancy Castiles at 3c, 4c and
and 5c a bar.
The genuine Curative Skin
soap, here on sale at ioc a bar
Other Soaps at 5c, are
Honey, Elderberry, Turkish
Bath, White Rosett.
We also sell the Regular
I Si box soau. Verv fine finali
ty at 69c a bar.
One of the prettiest lines that
ever reached the city 65c to 3.95.
Leading Statesmen, Musicians,
Poets, etc. We reserve anyone
yoa may want until the holidays,
Toys, Dolls and Games
U. 8. Bupieme Court
U. B. Patent Ofllce
Trade Marki and Copyright!
TOO Ttti.flt. N. W U'Hxhlnirtori. D. r
Biggest and Best Bargains
In Furniture, Stoves, Glassware, China ware ever offered
in Pendleton are now offered.
Our Big Clearance Sale
Is now on. We must reduce our stock in order to make
room for others. We want it to go rapidly and in order
to do so we have cut tlm prices. Come in and get our
knocked down prices and see what you can save.
Remember Joe Basler's Clearance Sale
Lots of goods sold at great el y reduced prices,
The Delicacies
of the season arc always
found at our restaurant.
At present we have
Finest Oysters Frog
Legs f Clams f Crabs
f and f Lobsters f
and other salt and fresh
water foods
The French
Telephone Main 4.
The East Oregonlan It EasUrn Ore
gon' representative paper. It lead,
and the people appreciate It and how
It by their liberal patronage. It It the
dr'll"o mr luw of thle eer.tlon.
606 to 609