East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 08, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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    ilYlusicai Instruments
Violins, Gaitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Accor
dians, Concertinas, Zithers, and Autoharps
We handle none but the best makes, and
our prices arc the lowest ....
j3 Brock & NflcCosnas Company w
'feast (feaS)
In I'eiidleton are more than a hund
red old gentlemen, who are living
portraits and whose lives are story
books of wonderful Interest.
Go down the street iimon? ihe
homes In the city, any autumn even
ing, and look at the grey-haired man,
sitting In au easy chair, on the West
ern porch. Perhaps he Is asleep. The
last rays of the sun ar kissing his
brow; the autumn leaves aie falling
at his feet and in his lap. like flakes
of gold. One thin, white lock of hair
is falling1 over his brow. Ills hands
are at rest and he Is at peace wltli
the world. Back across a mingling
drama af triumph and adversity, his
closed 'yes are wandering. It seems
only a step backward to the open gate
of babyhood, anil it Is only a step
forward to that other open gate.'
His sons and daughters are con
tented and happy. His life's work is
a success. The ripened fruit of ex-
perience is ruddy, in the autumn sun
shine of life. He Is waiting for to
morrow, he is- living a monarch,
crowned in achievement and jeweled
with hope- The long story of strug
gle is written and sealed. His land
marks are seen every where about
him, in the industries and enterprises
that he has nourished and builded.
Ills honorary membership In every
social and business circle has long
ago been conferred. No further de
gree of contentment can he added to
his measure. That unfolding charm
of friendship, growing stronger and
deeper, ho loves, to speak of. He is
Just waiting on the broad. Western
piazza. The sunset is beckoning. All
is -well.
cliards the freedom from pestilence
that Is raging in other parts of the
world; a growth In every industry
that Is within our borders; friendship,
within and without; work for the wil
ling and reward for the worker; con
tentment everywhere, and everywhere
the sunshine of progress; prospects
for the future that surpass, if possi-
' ble, the past. Amid such causes for
gratitude, we are truly thankful.
The French arbitration board has
I decided against the coal miners, now
I on a strike in that country. The board
1 declares that present wages are in
i fair proportion to the selling price
of coal and the operators cannot
, mine the coal If compelled to pay
more wages.
Generals Botha and Delary have
' listened to a debate In the house of
commons on the South African ques
' tlon. They were In about as much
danger of bodily harm there as among
the kopjes, according to the way the
Irish flght in parliament and the way
' the English shoot on the veldt.
The traffic that centers In and
passes through Pendleton, dally, Is
a symbol of the multiplicity of West
ern industries. If one should under
take to list the various commodities
which are handled here each day, the
story would be surprising,
John Mitchell and John Morgan
the two biggest men-in the public eye
today. It would be a glorious specta
cle to see these giants of labor and
capital standing under the same um
brella, and to hear them call each
other "Jack."
The school children of a Clilcago
district struck because a teacher was
objectionable to them. The next will
be a strike of the babies, pending an
Investigation to ascertain if the nurs
ing bottle was made by union labor.
Since the confusion of jubilant elec
tion reports has passed over. It is
found that the democrats have not'
lost a victory in a national sense.
Democratic states, in a few instances,
have gone republican; democratic
counties have been lost, and congres
sional districts have changed into the
republican line but from a strictly
political point of view, thero is moro
hope than ever. President Roosevelt
is a reformer. He is a young man
imbued with some of the most pro
gressive Ideas of government that
have ever been advocated from the
presidential chair. He is also head
strong, emphatic, persistent and tin
movable in his belief. His ideas of
tarifT revision, reciprocity, control of
the trusts and the repeated belief he
holds in the rights of the masses
being equal to the rights of the
classes, are leading him and his fol
lowing toward a democratic point of
view. The old-lino republicans will
not follow hlra now. In his oxtremo
views, and in this gradual formation
of a new republican doctrine, uuder
the leadership of the ablest man In
the- party today, there Is a hope for
The reform republicans are laying
plans along democratic lines. Tho
battle has not yet begun. When tho
forces are arrayed against each other
In congress, It will be found, perhaps,
that one republican faction will lovo
progress better than party lash, and
In the final count, will put somo excel'
lent democratic doctrine into laws.
There ilias not been such a bright
prospect for genuine reform; slnco
republican laws have needed reform
ing. Oregon ' has many causes for
thanksgiving this year. Tho unprece
dented crops, tho full frutlon of or-
This Is a good time for democrats
to sit still and say nothing. The
frictions among republican policies
will result In a democratic trend of
Two thousand fishes in one griddle
cake. Five to ten thousand animals
for a single breakfast.
That is the sort of feast the natives
enjoy on the Islands of the Philip
pines. In Southern Luzon Is a beautiful
mountain lake, called Lake Buhl,
about 1000 feet above the sea. It Is
supposed by the natives to havo no
hottom, and is said to have been
formed by "a volcanic upheaval which
occurred before the Spanish came to
the Archipelago. On that tragic oc
casion, when many human lives were
lost and much property destroyed,
one side of Mount Irlga was blown out
and hills of lava were scattered for
Not long ago Dr. Georgo A. Zeller
found himself In tho neighborhood of
Lake Buhl, and ascertained that there
was in this body of water a queer
kind of fish, only half an Inch long,
which was used by the Filipinos for
eating. Nothing, It appears, Is too
small or Insignificant for tho natives
of those islands to regard as available
for tho table. So Dr. Zeller obtained
some hundreds of the little fishes and
sent them In a bottle to Surgeon Gen
eral Sternberg, at Washington.
Dr. Sternberg forwarded tho bottle
with its contents to tho United States
fish commission, where it was con
sidered a great prize, Inasmuch as
tho fish was declared to be not only
tbo smallest in existence, but tho
most minute vertebrate animal known
to science. It weighs only half a
grain, and half an inch is Its maxi
mum length.
The natives of Luzon call It the
slnarapan, and their raodn of catching
It Is with a net of exceeding fine
mesh hardly moro than a .coarse
cloth, which Is used as a selno. In
this manner great quantities of tho
tiny fishes are .captured, and, being
dried In a mass In tbo sun, without!
any other cooking, nro seasoned and
pressed Into flat, round cakes.
Inasmuch as a single cako con
tains from 2000 to 3000 fishes, tho
smnllncss of the latter will bo renllz
ed. It would bo a nntlvo with
meager appetite who could not ills
pose of 10,000 of the finny creatures
at a meal. Dr. 11. M. Smith of tho
United Stntcs fish commission tins
named the animal Mlstlchthys, from
two Oieek words meaning "smallest
and "fish."
The fish in question is a kind of
goby, and there Is a suspicion that It
is prnctically extinct for several
months in every year, like certain
animal plants. Meanwhile the eggs,
which are so small that 1200 of them
placed In line are required to measure
one Inch, are Incubating for the pro
duction of tho next generation.
When the little fishes have been
newly caught, by dipping a large
sheet of close web under a school of
them, they are put Into tightly woven
baskets to drain. The natives buy
them eagerly, and the fishermen re
turning from tho morning's voyage
are instantly surrounded by a crowd
of waiting children, who offer In ex
change for them potatoes, rice and
copper pennies. Chicago Record-Her
All tho world's a masquerade,
Fiction upon fiction laid;
Best foot forward, everywhere.
That's tho cloak the maskers wear.
Artificial polish worn
O'er a life all stained and torn;
Falsehood laid with splendid art
O'er the semblance of a heart.
Gloss and sheen of bold deceit
In a mimic virtue meet.
Cold duplicity and skill.
Every trusting impulse kill.
'Neath tho velvet feel the claw.
Of a fratricidal law;
'Neath the robe devoid or sin.
See the unclean spots within.
Best foot forward, everywhere,
That's Uie cloak tho maskers wear.
Then, unmasked, the throng Is
Back to human deed and thought;
Maskers throw aside tho art
That concealed the human part;
Strong and bold the features are
In that throbbing rank, afar;
Warm the clasp of brother's hand,'
King and serf together stand;
Down the long, unending line,
Speeds the human hailing sign;
From tho old fraternal fount,
Heavenward, tho rainbows mount;
'Round yon sunkist summits play,
Hints of some resplendent day.
All tho world, unmasked, Is good;
All Its creed Is brotherhood;
All Us faith is, Justice done
Laurels through devotion won.
The diver dies without air to
breathe. The consumptive dies
without lungs to breathe the air,
or of lungs rendered incapable of
breathing by disease. The blood
as it Hows in and out of the lungs
indicates the consumptive's pro
gress. As the lungs grow weaker
less oxygen is inhaled and the
blood changes from scarlet to pur
ple. Oxygen is the life of the
blood as the blood is the life of
the body.
The effect of Dr. Pierce's Gold
en Medical Discovery upon weak
lungs is to strengthen them, to en
able the full oxygenation of the
blood, arrest the progress of dis
ease, and heal the inflamed tis
sues. Lung diseases nave neen
and are being cured by "Golden
Medical Discovery," m
cases where deep-seated
cough, frequent hemor
rhage, emaciation, weak
uess, and night -sweats
have all pointed to a fatal
termination ny consumption.
some years aj?o I
was almost a help
less victim of that
.dread disease con
sumption," writes
Mr. Chas. Fross,
I. it., of Sitka
White Co.. Iud. "I
was confined to my room for several months ;
my friends and neighbors had given up all hope
of my recovery, until one day a friend advised
nie to take Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery, and after I had taken the contents of the
second bottle I began to improve. After taking
six bottles I was, I honestly believe, delivered
from the grave and entirely cured. I am now a
strong aud hearty man."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse
the clogged system from accumulated
Ely's Cream Balm
Easy and pleasant to
use. Contains no In
It la quickly absorbed
Gives relief at once
It nnna unci fileaniAa
Arufm'aTon UULU 'N HEAD
Heals aud protect the membrane. Iiettorei
the senses ot Taste- and Siui-11 Largo site, CO
cents at Drugg its or by null; Trial Size, 10
cents, by mall. KI.V UUOTIIEKK.
St Warren Btrcet, New York.
Dally East Oregonlan by carrier,
only 16 cents a weak.
A Venerable Wisconsin Lady Re
stored to Health by Peruna
After Twenty-five Years'
Special news from KTsmsYille, Wis.
cured of catarrh of twenty-five years'
standing was tho occasion of Peruna be
ing Introduced to tho Inhabitants of
Evansvlllo, Wis. Prom thnt time to tht
there has beu a groat demand for Pe
runa lu this vlclulty aud hundred of
canes havo bexu cured.
It Is In thla manner that Peruna
preads from town to town and from
state to statu. No sort of advertising
could havo given Poruna the reputation
It has. The secret of 1U success U that
It makes cures. It cures old cases of
catarrh where' other romedie hare
failed, ThU ought to make any remedy
Mr. 0. It. Harden, of Kvausvlllo, Wis.,
writes tho following letter:
Dear Doctor Hartman "I wlh to
write to certify what Peruna has dona
tor me. I read of Poruna lu the payors,
of what it would do for catarrh, and
sent for a bottle. ThU was the tlrst bot
tle of Peruna that ever came to Evans-
stanulns-. to. i
wrmo to Inquiry. -rJ
donoforu.; I,,..,1
is proof
ii r j 1
1 lend tou a .
I helped build a hZ??
the flrstoflutjoa Isnj
two days, only
day during th, hol.
home in Ssnumi-Jh
another house ont (
fall andamw.UawJ
, -of i
Yille; from myuainfr it all three of tho
drugglsU now keep It.
"It cured my wife of catarrh with
which the had been troubled for more
than twenty-five years, and I had been
troubled with It tor fifteen yean. We
are now both all right.
"My youngest son had la grippe four
years ago, and as he had supposed had
got well, or so far recovered that he went
to work. Ho took a relapse and the
pneumonia set In. Ho had homorrhagos,
and though we tried ererything we
could think of It waa to no purpose until
wo gave him Poruna. Tho hemorrhages
stopped, and ho soon got up and la well
and hard at work. We think there la
nothing like Peruna."
In a recent letter Mr. Harden writes:
"We keep Poruna alwayi In the house,
as it cured us both of oatarrh of long
"I hope to lire twmtjrtal
If Peruna helps me In tliftJ
has In tho put, I don't hot!
can't. The drugguta utJk
of the best selling medietas)!
in took."-C. It, IIARDEJ,
Peruna can bo relied tpl
iignv ooia ana congti uH
tarrnai aumenu witn prompt
m unequaieu by any other tta
If a cold has settled in utn
tho body and prodnoedctttnk,tj
erauy uiougnt oy people tlili
uner on year after jew i
hope of oure. This li not tnu,k
Poruna cures such euei. Tkoa
testimonials that on nets I
attest this faot.
Any one wishing tret liMM
this subject should sddreai Dr. Eel
Columbus, Ohio.
Startling Statements from Kentucky, Illinois and New Hampshire ol
Remarkable Recoveries.
WILLAHD, KY. The now df the
recovery of Mrs. Elizaboth Prater is n
very striking instance of tho wonderful
curative powers of Peruna. This esti
mable lady hud been an invalid from
oatarrh of the stomach and bowels for
twenty years. No wondor her many
friends are enthuslastlo over her recov
ery. Sho writes: "It is through the
morolos of God and your medicine that I
am permitted to write you this letter. I
have been a constant sufferer from
bowel and stomach trouble- for about
twenty-five years, and could novorflud
relief until I beun the use of Peruuu. I
think it is u (iod-aend to poor suffering
humanity."- Mrs. Klly.abnth Prator.
ELGIN, ILL. In a very recent com
munication from this place comes tho
news that Mr. Arthur Ernest Kidd, a
well-known architect of that city, has
made- complete recovery from catarrh of
tho hood from which he had suffered for
nearly a quarter of a century. He writes
the following from 18 Hamilton avo.:
"I am 42 years of ago, and havo had
catarrh of tho head for over half of my
" I read of -Peruna, and dually decided
to try It two months ago. I havo now
taken sovcu bottles, and weigh 172
pounds. Nover felt happier or inorrlor.
Feel tip too." A. E. IUdd.
late advloes, Mlsi Blincle-LBt
has made a complete reootir tf
tarrh of the head which sides
chronlo running from the in
own statement of the cats lid
lows :
"I have suffered for moll
with oatarrh of tint bud. It(
roaohed my ear, and oiniedinl
ear. Having read of Dr. EM
rcmodlos I lmmcdlstelj TOti,s
advised me. To-day I to H 1
health than I have been for ks
I will cladly recommend Pertnl
catarrhal dUeaei."-luis B!ui
For Sale
Heau.iful resldenrn
fv,vsv UU
Court street, two lots and dwelling,
z,ouu.uu. !
Hesideuco lots, well W.ntnri nt
prices ranging from $100.00 to $260.0 I
eacn. I
Boarding houBe
rooms centrally located, $2,E00.00. 1
Uoardluir house.19 rvnm'. 1 Otlrt An
PiJi?1 wlth dwellns and stable,
One lot and house, J500.00. '
Two lots, dwelling C
stable. $900.00. i
rooms, bath and sewerage, three
One lot with dwoiltm.
blocks from Main t.rcet. $2,600.00.
And much other property,
all on easy terms
E. D. BOYD, III Court Street
I have bargained with a
competont Timber Cruiser
to locate
U A 1,1 j ON
127 and 129 East Alta Street
On the Hue o. 3 railroad
now under construction,
This means a big ohanoe
tor flrst-comers, See
Have some good farms for
t . 1
(iP 3tf
All kinds for all purposJ
Sash, Doors and
Planing of all tlescnptiw
to otder.
Building Material nrfJ'
consulted us.
Pendleton Planing
lumber Varfl.
nLJ?ry fa,t cl!P- Wfi te,er o the many
tine thin ma mi ut.QA 3 ... ....1 . a-J-
i . t "vvio t v.- mil uniy iriu
Priced. tllArA'a i,n 11.. .j
m i Vi n-ij A ' "'"u u i" worm vuy
9' 0"f mJHlNIJSS WAG ON M or
vimirvA ma air a . 1
hw w hub climate
... , ,' v., u juol win, t j 011 want
m nfv' h,aT the,.flYUACUHH CIMMjUD
reSnltV SVn fr, lta "Bht draft aaa Bood I
dub cushlori.Vc. 6 "r U8By ,0P8'
.nn'rfe '"B I'rtck 8Uop, Corner Water
nu Cottonwood streets.
WUr 8t, aear UiU, rmdlto. Or.
CO'A' imrloruaveb.fnfi
V everything wW
..ii.. uii Eastern nu.zli
low will tateptqgjgtfitf.W
untl will aflbrd ajP' fa M
from our own b '
and ure a tf&Jfia.
predated must be "eu
. a tjtc lVftJT